Sharing Sharon

Diversifying Perspectives and Sharing Power at a Family Foundation

He has said that the blood is on their hands , not mine!

Original versions of I Ain't Sharin' Sharon written by Doc Pomus, Mort Shuman | SecondHandSongs

In closing ,let me ask you , "is there blood on your hands? Or if you are bearing a false sense of guilt and shame , this same Jesus is waiting for you too! He wants to enfold you in His love and declare you"not guilty! Posted by Sharon at 8: Wednesday, October 25, Surprised by Loss. Life on planet earth can be hard at times. Very , very hard.

Treasures from the Archives

And if we live long enough we will experience some form of loss. It may be a job loss. Or perhaps the loss of a marriage through divorce. And then there is the worst form of loss that comes through death. Death of a loved beloved pet or family member or friend. And it may be the hardest of all the losses we may endure for it is so final. Set in stone so to speak.

It is a great equalizer for it comes to us all no matter our"lot"in life. We may be rich or we may be poor. Death is a part of living. And when it comes , our natural , God given response is to weep.

Sharon Horgan is one of the people sharing words of encouragement for female directors on Twitter

Or we become numb. Or we simply go through the motions of living all the while feeling like we're dying inside. And depending on how close we were to the deceased , whether pet or person , our depths of feelings of loss will vary from person to person. We will all handle it differently.

A grassroots movement among female directors has quickly taken hold

Posted by Sharon at 9: This person is no longer on. Domio , a company focused on upscale urban and vacation rentals, manages and rents luxury properties in seven U. There are a relatively limited number of potential drivers for Uber, empty apartments for Airbnb and unused clothes for Ebay, for instance. How the 'Walking School Bus' promotes a safe and healthy commute for kids.

I share these things from experience for in the last year and a half my husband Steven and I have had several losses in our family. And the loss has been palpable. As if it were a "thing" we could reach out and grab hold of. For they are gone and we are still here. And we feel the loss so deeply for that is how God made us. He made us human and humans feel things very deeply at times.

And we get angry when we have to adjust to this new normal. I know my husband and I dealt with those types of feelings from time to time. It's as if that grim reaper was just counting down the moments until it was our time to depart. And yet , in the midst of all this loss something quite surprising has made it's presence known.

And it's presence has changed everything. It's name is joy. And when it arrived it was a surprise for it was completely unexpected. But it came , with it's hope and optimism that shouted"This too shall pass. To passionately and fully cast ourselves and our broken hearts upon our Savior and determine to live for Him fully and completely.

And to pursue with our whole hearts that desire which He Himself has placed within us. Posted by Sharon at 9: Friday, September 15, Why I Write. I titled this post "Why I Write. I was speaking to God in it about my frustrations with writing as well as my desire to gain a college degree in creative writing. And then I began to share ,with God , what I wanted to accomplish with said degree should I ever obtain it. And a natural progression of thought from there was why do I write?

Why do I put thoughts to paper or musings to a blog post? And here are just a few reasons why I write:. I write to express the myriad thoughts that crowd my head. Self expression was not encouraged in the home I grew up in. Thus , I never had a place to reveal the inner workings of my heart and mind.

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My soul and spirit remained silent and overstuffed until I began to write. I write because it's therapeutic for me. I have endured many traumas in the 55 years I have lived on this earth. Writing these down in the pages of a journal help to get them out of my body and onto the pages of a private place where I can explore their impact in a safe and healthy manner.

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I write because God has made me a writer. I was in the first or second grade when a teacher noted on my report card"Sharon has a creative writing style. Sadly it was not nurtured by the only parent I knew. But that's another story for another day. At 55 I now know that God has placed writing within me regardless of the fact that it was not nurtured and encouraged when I was 6.

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I write because I truly enjoy it. I love the feeling of putting pen to paper and expressing the inner workings of my heart and soul and mind and spirit. I have a journal , pen and paper addiction that will not be satiated any time soon. There was strong agreement among the family to intentionally seek out diverse perspectives and expand our network for board candidates, and we hired search firms to get results.

Our board has since included women, people of color, Native Americans, people who identify as LGBTQ, and other under-represented perspectives in philanthropic boardrooms. These individuals offer deep knowledge of and experience with the communities and issues we focus on. Sharing power with those who understand, experience, and fight inequality is necessary to effectively achieve our mission.

Like many other foundations across the United States, how to best support social movement organizations and individuals in these extraordinary times is an essential question in our boardroom. These trustees have influenced these discussions.

In the last few years, for example, we decided to increase payout from 5. She outlined the potential for greater impact by continuing to give more during the upsurge of women and people-of-color-led activism in the United States. In addition to independent trustees, we seek advisors to help push the boundaries of our work.

A few years ago, for example, it was clear that members of the board and investment committee were not all on the same page about how we could make a more significant commitment to impact investing, or if we should do it at all. We started with a wide variety of views on the market. James Cummings, a third-generation trustee and grandson of Nathan Cummings, had been actively spurring foundation interest in impact investments.

Sharon Horgan is one of the people sharing words of encouragement for female directors on Twitter Comments.


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This is me with Ethan Hawke on the set of Maudie rehearsing his final scene in the film.

Diversifying to Better Serve Mission

Sharing Sharon [Rick Kelley, Shari Marcus] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Sharing Sharon loves to share everything with her friends at. I was in the first or second grade when a teacher noted on my report card"Sharon has a creative writing style." I was so young and yet an.

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