The Twilight Saga: The Official Illustrated Guide

I still want Midnight Sun. View all 20 comments. When I received a copy of this in the mail, I have to admit that I was very excited! I read the Twilight Saga a few years ago Okay, maybe I totally consumed the four books, because I got so swept away by the characters, world, and story. The first thing I need to mention about this Guide is how beautiful it is.

It's in hardback and the cover matches the other books. I do like the symbolism in each one of the Saga's installments, and this one is very fitting. The last few pieces of the puzzl When I received a copy of this in the mail, I have to admit that I was very excited! The last few pieces of the puzzle. Then, I went back and actually started reading. The very long interview between Shannon Hale and Stephenie Meyer is filled with authorly insights, which I really enjoyed.

There are so many things to read, I know this isn't the type of book where you read it once and file it away. It's the type of reference book you want to look at several times, to refresh your memory, find inspiration, or just re-read certain passages. I love just how much information there is--about the races, covens, tribes, different characters, a timeline, plot points, playlists, and even cars! The Official Illustrated Guide is a stunning addition to any Twilight fan's bookshelf.

It's visually beautiful, packed full of info, and is very well made. A lot of care went into putting this Guide together, and it shows. It reminds us why we fell in love with the story in the first place, and why these books and characters have become a part of so many people's lives. I loved it, and will continue to love it. This is a keeper! View all 11 comments. Sep 26, Sarah marked it as to-read. I am extremely upset about this book. I have pre-ordered it months ago from Barnes and Noble online and was surprised to see that it wasn't in my mailbox on Dec.

The worst part is that I have already paid for it. This is becoming a theme with Stephenie Meyer it seemsthe indefinite postponing of her work. View all 10 comments. Porque solo le doy 3 estrellas? Jul 19, Ashley Mackler-Paternostro rated it really liked it Shelves: So, naturally, this book was was highly anticipated--not just by me, but by fans all over the globe. I couldn't wait to sink my teeth into a bit more Twilight. But, after having read it, I can honestly say There was light shed on some other key elements that in the context of the books were subtle and that makes you think and makes you feel like "oh, I missed that!

Worth it if you're a die hard, for sure. I don't regret buying it or reading it, it's essential if your a Twi-hard, but it's not really "new new" if that makes sense. Silly, but that's the way it is. I am evenly split between happiness and disappointment. There were so many wonderful bits of information in the Guide, things I never thought to wonder about and answers to numerous niggling questions.

However, so many things were left out - things that I'm sure Stephanie knows and are really essential pieces of information for any Twilight lover. On the bright side, the paucity of information means there's lots left to the imagination. Readers and writers of Twilight fan-fiction will not lack for story options. I also wonder if the major holes in various characters' biographies specifically Alice and Jasper, as well as Renesmee and Jacob were done in purpose to leave room for future books.

I already know that she won't answer certain questions about Nessie and Jacob in case she explores it later, but there was so much left out of Alice and Jasper's early lives that perhaps Stephenie envisions another story I doubt it though. I'll go over the good and bad points.

I am making an effort not to put any spoilers in my review e. If you're as picky about spoilers as I am, you might want to be careful. Also, given the level of my emotional investment in Twilight, my criticisms will likely not be as diplomatic as I normally try to make them. I learned almost everything I wanted to know about the physical qualities of vampires. I already knew much of the information, but there was just enough new to keep me happy.

You told me everything I wanted to know and so much more. Alice's human life was fascinating from beginning to end, although not in a good way. In some ways, it's better that Alice doesn't remember any of it. One of the highlights of the Guide. Not entirely complete, but I loved learning more about Edward's relationship with his parents, particularly his father.

I already knew that his father was an attorney and they were fairly wealthy, but I loved filling in the gaps in Edward's story. It was also fabulous to learn what degrees Edward has received over the years. I was happy to get a little more information about Edward's years as a traditional vampire: While I was largely disappointed with the new information, or lack thereof, in the Cullen's stories, I was beyond impressed with the biographies of the Volturi, the Denalis, the Romanians, the Egyptians, the Amazons, and the Nomads.

There was tons of information here, all new. We get detailed biographies of each major character's human and vampire life.

The Twilight Saga: The Official Illustrated Guide

The Guide was worth buying for these stories alone. They were the highlight of the entire book.

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From the books and the Twilight Lexicon, we already knew a little background about the Volturi, but the Guide tells us so much more. Detailed histories of Aro, Marcus, and Caius which give us insight not only to specific events of their lives, but also to their personalities and motivations. I was so happy to learn about Alec and Jane's histories. Chelsea's biography was much more interesting than I expected it to be. The way the Volturi's motivations for ruling and claiming themselves as keeper of the law was skewed; I think Stephenie would root for a vampire coux.

I'm combining these categories, because they are both ancient covens. I loved learning about how millennia of ambition and warfare built these covens and tore them apart.

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This must-have guide is the definitive encyclopedic reference to the Twilight Saga and provides readers with everything they need to further explore the. The Twilight Saga: The Official Illustrated Guide is a book written by Stephenie Meyer that was released on April 12, in Canada and the USA. The original .

Amun's story was particularly interesting, especially how he has interacted or hidden from the Volturi over the years. There wasn't a huge amount of new information here, but the sisters' stories were fleshed out. I was very happy to get a better idea of when the Cullens' first met the Denali's. I don't like either character any better after knowing their backgrounds if anything, I like James even less , but I definitely understand them better. Victoria's human life and then how her talent for escape worked as a vampire was really interesting. Perhaps the most fascinating story of all.

I really wanted to know more about Alistair and Stephenie did not disappoint. It would be hard to top the betrayal and horror of Alistair's transformation into a vampire. I was also happy to learn how Carlisle and Alistair became acquainted. It could have been fleshed out a little better, but I was still happy. We also get excellent insight into Charlotte's character and feelings for Jasper and Alice.

Through Peter and Charlotte's stories, we learn a lot of new information about Jasper. I would have liked a better explanation of why Peter and Jasper got along so well as well as information about Peter and Charlotte's human lives, but the amount of new information made up for what was lacking.

Tons of information about Joham. His motivations, his relationship with his children, his selfishness and cruelty.

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I also enjoyed getting to know a little about his children. I've made it pretty clear that I'm not nearly as interested in the Wolfpack as I am in vampires. Still, I found a lot of the information about the wolves fascinating. I loved learning more about "real" werewolves versus the Quileute shape-shifters. There was also good information about the physical attributes of the Wolfpack.

I got a better understanding of their appearance and supernatural capabilities both in wolf and human form. I loved learning more about Billy. We learn about his knowledge of vampires and werewolf legends, his thoughts on being a missed wolf generation, and his feelings toward the Cullens. Now this is drama. From the books, we know the basics of how Sam dropped Leah when he imprinted on Emily. Here we learn exactly what happened - Leah's bitterness, Sam's regret, Emily's surprise.

We learn just how Emily received her scars. Leah's story definitely makes me sympathize with her more. On a side note, we learn what triggered Harry's heart attack. Very interesting, although I think I like how the New Moon movie portrayed it better. The lack of new information about the Cullens' in their bios was the biggest disappointment for me in the Guide. There were little tidbits I didn't know, but on the whole, their bios were just paraphrased from the books. I already know the biographical information in the books.

What I want to know is what wasn't in the books. If the information didn't come from the books, it likely came from Stephenie's website or from the Lexicon interviews. I keep reading the same pages over and over in the hope that the letters on the page will magically rearrange themselves into new sentences. A huge, huge disappointment. As I said, I loved the story about Alice's human life.

But there was virtually nothing about her life as a vampire prior to joining the Cullens. It's not like she found Jasper and the Cullens within the first couple of weeks of her new life. It took thirty years! A lot of things surely happened during that time period. What did she name her baby? Why, oh why wasn't this included? Such a simple piece of information that so many people want to know or at least I do. Otherwise her story was fine. Nothing I didn't know from the Lexicon interviews, but interesting nonetheless. I wanted to learn more about his human life.

What was his family like? Was he in school prior to joining the army? Absolutely nothing about his vampire life that we don't know from Eclipse. His relationship with Maria was not adequately fleshed out. Nor do we learn much about his early years with Alice and the Cullens. Also, there is nothing about the scope of his power to manipulate emotions. Three of the things I most wanted to know. It was a rehash of what we already know from the books - practically word for word of what Edward and Carlisle told Bella in Twilight and New Moon. There were some interesting tidbits spread throughout the Guide, but not nearly enough.

I wanted to know more about his human life and more about his early relationships with Edward both before and after he turned him , Esme, and Rosalie. We didn't get a firm idea of when he started practicing medicine or just how hard it was training to handle blood. No idea where Carlisle learned to fight so well.

I was largely satisfied with Edward's story. There was enough new information to make up for what was lacking. I really wanted more information about how Edward, his mother, and Carlisle became close in the hospital. I wanted more information about Edward's first few years with Carlisle and Esme and whether he was initially resentful that Carlisle turned him. Also, I would have loved an outtake of Edward's prodigal son moment. Rosalie and Emmett's Stories: There was virtually nothing new about Rosalie.

I might as well have just re-read Eclipse. I wanted to know more details about how and when she kills Royce and his cronies. I was especially disappointed that I didn't get a better feeling of Rosalie's relationship with Carlisle. Emmett's bio did have new, interesting information, but not enough. What did he do as a human? Where did he work? It's interesting to know that he slipped often in his early years, but I want to know specific details. We don't really get any new information about Jenks.

I wanted to know specifically how Jasper terrified him so much. I would also love to know whether Bella can convince Jasper to let her handle that relationship post-Breaking Dawn. Unlike the other vampires, we learned nothing about Maria's human life. There was some new information in her bio, but not nearly enough. I wanted to know more about her relationship with Jasper. Also, I was disappointed that we didn't learn more about Maria's visit to the Cullens in Calgary and why they had to leave immediately.

We don't find out who Embry's father is. The Guide starts out with an interview between Stephenie and Shannon Hale. The interview is really interesting. It covers everything from the origins of Twilight, to Stephenie's reaction to the books' success, to Stephenie's writing process. My main problem with this interview is that it was 65 pages long! While it was interesting, it didn't tell me anything groundbreaking. Plus, Shannon Hale inserted a lot of herself into the questions. I am not a big Shannon Hale fan, so I really didn't care about what she had to say.

Those 65 pages could have been used for more back-stories, more outtakes, more things important to the Saga. You could also argue that the extensive cross-references, playlists, fan art, and international covers were wasted space, but I can understand their relevance to the Guide I was extremely irritated with the mistakes in the timeline for Jasper, Peter, and Charlotte's lives. The Guide states that Peter's age ranges from Two pages later, it says Peter was 3 years old when he ran away with Charlotte. If you follow Charlotte's bio which says she was turned in , they left in However, the timeline later in the book says that Jasper left Maria in Even more mixed up, it specifically states in Eclipse, that Peter came back for him five years after he and Charlotte fled.

Clearly someone dropped the ball here. I blame the Twilight Lexicon for this who helped with the Guide. Their timeline wrongly states that Jasper left Maria in the last s. From Eclipse and Midnight Sun, this is obviously incorrect. The screwed up dates carried over to the Guide.

To be fair, the Lexicon is no more to blame than Stephenie and her editors for this large error. A smaller error appears in Angela Weber and Ben Cheney's biographies. In Angela's, it states that they both plan to attend University of Washington. In Ben's, they are suddenly going to Washington State University. Apr 16, Holly Noelle rated it it was ok Shelves: I ordered this book back in I figured we would get numerous details about what happened before and after 'Twilight' and the other details the characters didn't know.

All in all, I was excited for the guide. Then the dates got pushed back. Waiting years for a book should, in theory, mean it's filled to the brim with information. I am throughly disappointed. Honestly, if I didn't pay half-price from pre-ordering it, I would send it back. I could have Oi. I could have written this.

Most of the information was recycled, stale, and uninformative. My first thought was that this is the Twilight Lexicon database copy and pasted. Did Stephenie Meyer contribute to this? Or was this just her publishing house? We already knew most of the details strictly from reading the book. I was excited for Stephenie Meyer's interview and have since learned it was one she gave back in They couldn't even update this by giving a more recent interview with the author?

Furthermore, she sounded bitter and defensive when she gave it, most likely stemming from all the criticizing she took after Breaking Dawn. An interview now probably would have sounded different. The details about the Cullens, wolves, Volturi, and the humans are vague at best. I understand Carlisle may not know his birthday, but we should.

We learned details about other irrelevant characters that they themselves didn't know, but not about the main characters? The book alludes that Embry's father is one of three men, but we still are not told exactly who that is? None of my questions were answered through all of this. This book screams greed to me. They wanted to get every last dime out of the fans that they could. I enjoyed the series and genuinely liked the books, but this leaves a bitter taste in my mouth. The only redeeming factor for the book lies within the pictures.

The artwork is absolutely stunning and I'm pleased to see it's prevalent throughout. I also enjoyed learning some of the backstories about the characters that matter - such as Charlie and Renee. The international covers and fan art were also nice surprises. Feb 28, Veronique rated it really liked it Shelves: Obviously, this is aimed at the fans of the series. The interview at the beginning of the book with Stephenie Meyer and fellow author Shannon Hale sheds a lot of light on the life and experience of these two writers.

Naturally the focus is on Meyer, how it all started, how she came up with the idea for the series, her writing routine usi Obviously, this is aimed at the fans of the series.

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Naturally the focus is on Meyer, how it all started, how she came up with the idea for the series, her writing routine using music , etc. O The next section offers a biography for most members of the cast and again this is well done. Apr 25, Tracee rated it liked it. I'm still a little bitter about pre-ordering this book back in or was it ? I'm over my initial excitement for the series. Had this been published right after Breaking Dawn was released, it would have been so much more timely.

The fact that they waited to add movie information completely turned me off. For me, this series is not about the movies; it is about the books. Because, quite frankly, the movies suck. I think it was a huge blunder on their part becau I'm still a little bitter about pre-ordering this book back in or was it ? I think it was a huge blunder on their part because many of their readers have moved on. If they want to appeal to the teenagers who are more into the movies, then wait and come out with a movie guide for all four instead of separating those out by movie.

Sorry, that's just my opinion. Dec 08, Andre rated it did not like it Shelves: This review contains spoilers and the spoilers are not hidden in any way! This book was bad; it was so bad I decided not to hide any spoilers because I quite frankly wanted this review to get over with as soon as possible. The artwork of the characters is usually of decent to good quality but the rest isn't. Actually it's interesting that some of the printed fanart we will get to that in a minute is better than what the paid artists could do, really it sometimes looks like a Note: Actually it's interesting that some of the printed fanart we will get to that in a minute is better than what the paid artists could do, really it sometimes looks like a fourth grader did it and the term "illustrated guide" seems to be used very loosely, since much of the art adds nothing respectively many characters are not even there.

Actually the poor quality is especially evident in the building that houses the Volturi, because as far as I know that one actually exists, so all the artist had to do was just copy it. The fan art is the only one of the non-world building things in this book that I think has a legitimate reason to be in this book. It shows how other people imagined the characters too look like and considered that the characters depicted often look very much alike, respectively like Angela just copied from the graphic novel, I think this is positive.

Now this book contains massive material where I wondered who but raving Twihards would even care about that, I wonder whether even the average fan would care on how the cars of the Culllens look like or the authors incredibly clumsy answers to questions her books raised, which in turn raise even more question. There are also notes, massive notes, on how Twilight came to be and a lot of other stuff that I personally think is only there to make the book longer, just like much of the illustrations. The world building was as contradictory as you would imagine.

The "scientific" explanations presented for the vampires are complete crap, they contradict each other, they make no sense. And there is actually one of the many examples of sexism in this book. Not only is the one male hybrid the only one to be able to create vampires, why not other hybrids is anyone's guess, no, female Quileute werewolves do not become such massive hunks like the males they only grow slightly and their muscles get more defined, yeah great warriors that would make. There is more sexism, but that will come in the passage on the characters.

Actually history and psychology are ransacked, e. Also the Amazons with their longs limbs and all look nothing like typical native woman of the Amazon area, not that the other vampires often fit, I mean an early 19th century Kairo streetboy is named "Benjamin" are you kidding me? There is much more, the whole issue with the Quileute or the fact that the Irish ones do not fit history as well, there is problems with Alistair's backstory etc. I think I got the point across. There is just one thing towards world building that I still want to address: Now in Breaking Dawn there was this issue that the Quileute werewolves were not werewolves but shapeshifters who take on the form of the wolf.

The author tried to explain it in that book by saying that there shifting power is inherited and at the start it could have been any other animal form. Also the full moon doesn't control their shifting and they do not pass on their condition via bite. Which makes no difference because of a few points: The basic trait of a werewolf is shapeshifting, whether temporary or permanently, so a werewolf is per definition a shapeshifter. Sometimes also herbs or the person was cursed or born with the ability. Folklore werewolves often had some unusual features, like human eyes, abnormal size I remember a legend claiming the werewolf to be bigger than the biggest horse , missing tails etc.

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So, I'm glad I didn't actually buy this thing, I just got the opportunity to take an extensive look at it. On September 11, , Meyer announced in a fan junket with the fansite Twifans. There was an error posting your review. And this "unknown" is something that is often there, since the book literally says so that Embry's father is unknown and we have the same with many of the vampires. On the other hand our beloved Cullens are one scary bunch. I love my copy personally, and its a must have for a twilight fan.

But mostly they were normal looking, even if sometimes a bit bigger than usual, wolves. The man-wolf form is at best very rare and not a typical trait of folklore werewolves. I know some people would probably point to old woodcuts and the like showing "man-wolves", especially from the old maps or pictures of Lycaon. These either depict werewolves in their state of mid-transformation or they show beings called Cynocaphali, or Dog-heads, and they have nothing to do with werewolves.

The infectious bite is made up. It does not exist in actual folklore and when it does now it clearly has its origins in the film industry, there were some ways of becoming a werewolf that could be somewhat considered "infectious," like eating its food or drinking the water collected in a werewolf's paw print, but these were rare and nothing like a bite.

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So despite the author and many others claiming that the Quileute werewolves are not werewolves, they are, actually more so than the "true" werewolves called the Children of the Moon. I will not go into too much detail here except for two things: These werewolves are so badly designed that they should have died of starvation a long time ago because their rampages due to their size, speed and strength, as well as total loss of control in wolf form would have caused them to massacre entire populations and so making whole areas devoid of anything edible.

They look so different from the Quileute werewolves that it makes no sense to have Caius in Breaking Dawn confuse the two. The Quileute werewolves are roughly speaking horse-sized wolves while the Children of the Moon seem to look more like the werewolves in the Chinger Snaps trilogy, especially the third film. If you have never seen those films, just think of a gorilla with a wolf's head and you have a good guess how these Children of the Moon have been described in the book.

Now we come to the last passage: It was difficult to know where to begin so let's say it like this: In comparison to the vampires the werewolves seem like nice folks. In comparison, keep that in mind. The whole imprinting issue is even creepier than I already think it was, sure it's not pedophilia but for the imprinted werewolf it is enslavement in every way, the werewolf has no free will anymore.

And in case of the imprintee, it's free will thrown out of the window as well since she is just supposed to accept. And if the werewolf in question imprints on a child the imprintee is always of the opposite sex by the way not only is he enslaved to be whatever person "she needs" but it is also undeniably child grooming and child wedding, since she is supposed to be his mate and all he needs to do is wait until she is old enough to have sex with her.

There is barely any story about the werewolf characters, not even Jacob gets much. Sam and Leah get something but their stories only further illustrate what a horrible person Emily her own entry is no better and how these books celebrate co-dependency on a level that is definitely unhealthy even for romance novel standards. Let's say it like this: Emily in my mind deserves to have Sam shackled to her for the rest of her life, because I can assure you, having someone that absolutely cannot stay away from you it causes him pain actually and does whatever you want will first get boring and then it will be pure torture to have him around you.

But the fact that Emily even asked Leah to be a bridesmaid, thereby rubbing it all in her face completely negates all of Emily's points for her early efforts to get rid of Sam. So that story contradicts the Twilight books. But like I said on average there is next to nothing on the individual werewolf characters, actually we still do not know who Embry's father is.

And this "unknown" is something that is often there, since the book literally says so that Embry's father is unknown and we have the same with many of the vampires. It would be ok if this book would be written in the way of a journal like e. Savage and Macabre does, but it is not. It is clearly written from the author's "God perspective" and so this "unknown" means she basically did not care or wasn't able to come up with anything. And so we get to the vampires.

I tell you, massive inconsistencies in the stories, e. Aro is told to be transformed in his early 40s at first and on the same page as being transformed in his mid-twenties. There is of course the suspicious feature that most of the "evil" more in a second Volturi have an olive cast to their skin and most of the "good" vampires are totally pale.

I could probably go on and on about the many racism, colorism, sexism and possibly homophobia in this book, but I better not or otherwise I will hit the character limit and it's already hard enough not to say more about this. The stories sometimes contradict each other and the other books, e. Furthermore often we get to know no more than what we already knew, especially with the Cullens, and some stuff no one cares to know. Birth and Transformation dates are vague.

The Twilight Saga: The Official Illustrated Guide - Wikipedia

The stories are clumsily written and I don't know whether the author did that on purpose or not, but the way these characters are written makes it look as though all of them are the scariest people there. Actually it makes the guys that are supposed to be bad and not to be related, e. Alistair and the Volturi, the good guys and all the guys allegedly being the good guys scary as hell. Alistair had an extremely traumatic backstory so no wonder he became paranoid, and for all the claiming of Aro wanting power and allegedly being against his mate and all, there is a damn good reason at least for him to want her safe but also the Volturi don't really do anything evil.

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Actually we never got any more motivation for Aro than "wants power" and the other two Volturi masters aren't any better. They basically just sit around in their home, sometimes pick up special vampires and enforce their law of secrecy, which actually makes a lot of sense. The way average vampires are described here makes violence the only thing they understand and as such Aro's power and dominance keeps them in line, forces them to behave themselves and brings order and prevents chaos. On the other hand our beloved Cullens are one scary bunch.

Rosalie is actually the most likeable because she is tortured by her past and this is where Carlisle is especially scary: When he found her, beaten and raped, he wanted her for Edward and nothing else this is one of the countless examples where I wondered whether the author realized what she wrote there , and by transforming her into a vampire he basically condemned her to live in a state of permanent post-traumatic stress disorder caused by rape. Yeah that is great. The others aren't any better, especially Jasper comes along as a killing machine, doing everything he is told.

He murders people left and right, he never seemed to question his earlier lifestyle and the fact that this book speaks so casually about how he killed Newborn vampires makes me wonder whether the author sanitized this world so much in her mind that she no longer knows what she is talking about. An Eclipse Novella Twilight Saga. Customers who bought this item also bought. See all free Kindle reading apps. Start reading The Twilight Saga: The Official Illustrated Guide on your Kindle in under a minute.

Don't have a Kindle? Review Praise for The Twilight Saga: See all Product description. What other items do customers buy after viewing this item? Share your thoughts with other customers. Write a customer review. Read reviews that mention twilight saga twilight fan stephenie meyer stephanie meyer twilight fans main characters official illustrated must have for twilight breaking dawn illustrated guide read the books highly recommend saga official christmas present character profiles really good asked questions fan art everything you need well worth.

Showing of 92 reviews. Top Reviews Most recent Top Reviews. There was a problem filtering reviews right now. Please try again later. Kindle Edition Verified Purchase. I love the Twilight Series - and I'm eighty-five years of age. A second childhood experience for me, which I have now read from beginning to end five times. I found the contents of this guide provided a much appreciated insight into the characters and their motives, as well as fleshing out their backgrounds. I also found the portraits of each character exactly as I imagined them, so that was also appreciated.

Thank you Stephanie Meyers for a great quartet - I wish you would write another book concerning them all. I am a thirty something Twilight Fan and have been looking forward to the release of this book. I was surprised by the fact that it was a hardcover and like a proper book, expected a larger area with soft cover, and seeing as I will reading it cover to cover a hardback is brilliant also fits with the books in the series.

You have to remember that the information in here is based on how Stephenie Meyer see's her characters and not the movie versions so say her description of Laurent is completely different to the film character. All in all I am very pleased with this purchase and would reccomend this to any fan of the series. I absolutely love this book, it really does serve its purpose and is nothing like The Twilight Saga: The Complete Film Archive which focus on the movie, this book is pure unadulterated bliss, i'm telling you it is really that good, you will not believe how informative it is, any possible question you want to know i can ganenty this book will have an answer for you, and there is also a running interview with Stephenie Meyer throughout the book.

Like i said the amount of detail in here is just astounding, alice is my favourite character and to find out all the things i did about her back ground before she was a vampire the stuff alice her self doesnt remember! But be warned this isn't a book that you will read through all at once, it should be looked at as more of a reference book a really really good reference book, all this information is coming from stephenie meyer her self Or what the book covers actully mean!

If you are confused about the whole "Twilight haters Vs. I honestly bought this book to see the illustrations of the main characters, and to get some unanswered questions answered as well. But when I skimmed it and went back and forth between an interview and random facts I felt my inner Twilight fan rise. I highly recommend this book! Interesting guide but it does go on a bit, I know it answers all of the questions fans might have, but I think it could have been presented a bit better.