Trouble on His Wings (Historical Fiction Short Stories Collection)

Writers of the Future Typewriter in the Sky. Writers of the Future Volume Writers of the Future, Vol A Very Strange Trip. Red Death Over China. A Matter of Matter. The Carnival of Death. Under the Diehard Brand. The Baron of Coyote River. Sabotage in the Sky. Cattle King for a Day. Danger in the Dark.

  • A.S. Byatt (Contemporary British Novelists).
  • Crisis Pastoral Care: A Police Chaplains Perspective.
  • Die Frauen der Diktatoren (German Edition)!
  • Trouble on His Wings!
  • .
  • Invention No. 1 C - Piano!
  • Werkstoffkunde für Ingenieure: Grundlagen, Anwendung, Prüfung (Springer-Lehrbuch) (German Edition).

The Professor Was a Thief. Shadows from Boot Hill. Loot of the Shanung. If I Were You. Black Towers to Danger. The Lieutenant Takes the Sky. The Bold Dare All.

The Trail of the Red Diamonds. King of the Gunmen. Historical Fiction Short Stories Collection.

200,57 RUB

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Or, get it for Kobo Super Points! In this series View all. Ratings and Reviews 0 0 star ratings 0 reviews. Overall rating No ratings yet 0. How to write a great review Do Say what you liked best and least Describe the author's style Explain the rating you gave Don't Use rude and profane language Include any personal information Mention spoilers or the book's price Recap the plot. Trouble is, no matter how hard he tries or how good the story, Johnny can't seem to get good shots. Reviews "The prolific Hubbard was a staple in pulp magazines of the ss.

He churned stories out in every genre--detective, Westerns, adventure, sf--he did it all. His tales were simple: Fans of pulp writing will eat these up.

379,76 RUB

When he's with her, his films get ruined, his planes crash or get shot out of the sky, he loses his job, or he gets taken prisoner by the Japanese. And yet, despite all this, love blossoms. This is one of Hubbard's more breathless, audacious adventure tales.

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A Game of Thrones Set: Fast paced, silly at times, and a surprise ending to a short story tale. He loves to fly into the mouth of danger and get the story first, shoot it and send the film back fast so it can be turned into newsreels for theaters across America. The title should be at least 4 characters long. This multi-cast audio performance was fantastic for the daily commute to my children's school and work.

It begins with hero Johnny Brice parachuting out of a plane and into the ocean to get picked up by a passing ship-and moves from one specatacular, life-threatening episode to the next. Hubbard propels us through the story, never letting it slow down long enough for us to ponder the sheer improbability of it. It's a movie serial between two covers, a rollicking adventure that promises big thrills and delivers them. A must for fans of campy, Indiana Jonesstyle adventures. Homebody by Joanna Gaines , Hardcover 2. Song of Ice and Fire: A Game of Thrones Set: Martin Paperback, A Novel by John Grisham , Hardcover The Crimes of Grindelwald by J.

Rowling , Hardcover 5. Elevation by Stephen King , Hardcover Rowling , Hardcover ,58 RUB. The President Is Missing: