Understanding Stuttering (Understanding Health & Sickness)

Understanding Stuttering (Understanding Health and Sickness)

Family history - many children who have a stutter that persists beyond the developmental stage of language have a close family member who stutters. If a young child has a stutter and also a close family member who stutters, their chances of that speech disorder continuing are much greater. Age when stutter starts - a child who starts stuttering before 3. The earlier the stuttering starts , the less likely it is to continue long-term. Time since stuttering started - about three-quarters of all young children who stutter will stop doing so within 1 or 2 years without speech therapy.

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Stuttering is a common problem, but in most cases, it can be overcome. The person is taught to stretch vowels and consonants. Whether or not you decide to seek treatment, creating a low-stress environment can help reduce stuttering. What are the symptoms of stuttering? What can cause a burning sensation?

The longer the stuttering continues, the more likely it is that the problem will become long-term without professional help and even with professional help. Sex - long-term stuttering is four times more common among boys than girls. Experts believe there may be neurological reasons for this, while others blame the way family members react to little boys' stuttering compared with little girls' stuttering. However, nobody is really sure what the reason is. The Stuttering Foundation of America advises parents whose child has been stuttering for a few weeks not to be alarmed and to wait-and-see.

The Foundation emphasizes that waiting a couple of months does not seem to affect how well the child might respond to treatment later on. A good evaluation diagnosis is vital, as this determines what the best treatment might be. Treatments for people who stutter tend to be aimed at teaching the person skills, strategies, and behaviors that help oral communication. Controlling monitoring speech rate - this might involve practicing smooth, fluent speech at very slow speed, using short sentences and phrases.

The person is taught to stretch vowels and consonants. With practice, the person can speak at higher speed, and with longer sentences and phrases. Breathing control - as the patient practices prolonged speech, they also learn how to regulate breathing. The aim here is to modify the stuttering so that it is easier and requires less effort, rather than eliminating it. This therapy works on the principle that if anxiety makes stuttering worse, reducing the effort needed will alleviate the stuttering. Some patients respond well to this type of treatment, but others do not.

This uses the so-called altered auditory feedback effect. An earpiece echoes the speaker's voice so that they feel they are talking in unison with someone else. In some people, this can relieve the stutter. People who are not used to talking to somebody with a stutter might be unsure about how to respond.

Stuttering: All you need to know

Sometimes, the listener will look away whenever the stutterer stutters, or try and help by completing their missing words or phrases - or simply to try to avoid people who stutter altogether. It is important to remember that a person who stutters is interested in communicating just like everybody else. Focus should be on the theme of the speaker and the information they are trying to get across, rather than how it sounds. A stutterer is very aware of what their speech is like; they know only too well that they can take longer to utter phrases.

In fact, this awareness sometimes makes the stuttering worse. It is important that the listener gives out a feeling of patience, calm, and peace. An impatient listener, or a listener who seems impatient, may make it harder for a stutterer to speak. Attempting to fill in the gaps saying the missing words, for instance is often an attempt to help, but it can be perceived by the stutterer as impatience. Telling the stutterer to relax, or to take a deep breath, may have helpful intentions, but could stress them out even more it may help some, though.

Stuttering is not simple to overcome, and cannot usually be easily sorted out with a few deep breaths. If you are really not sure how to behave, and you are talking to a person who stutters and nobody else is around, it might be helpful to ask them what would be the best way to respond. Article last updated by Tim Newman on Thu 21 December All references are available in the References tab. Stuttering among children exposed to family high expressed emotion families. Annals of medical and health sciences research. Stuttering Foundation of America.

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Register take the tour. Fast facts on stuttering Here are some key points about stuttering. Stuttering affects more boys than girls. In some cases, stuttering completely blocks an individual from producing a sound. For an official diagnosis the individual will meet with a speech-language pathologist.

Most children with a stutter grow out of it. Sometimes, a stutter can be the result of a head injury.

Stuttering: Symptoms, diagnosis, and causes

Stuttering is a common problem, but in most cases, it can be overcome. Stress can make stuttering worse for some individuals.

This content requires JavaScript to be enabled. Please use one of the following formats to cite this article in your essay, paper or report: Listening patiently is important, as is setting aside the time for talking. Electronic devices may be used to treat stuttering.

What is stuttering?

Understanding Stuttering (Understanding Health & Sickness) [Nathan Lavid] on www.farmersmarketmusic.com *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Stuttering is an affliction that . Understanding Stuttering (Understanding Health & Sickness). Book Review. This type of ebook is every little thing and made me looking ahead of time and more.

One type encourages children to speak more slowly by playing back an altered recording of their voice when they speak quickly. There are no medications that have been proven to reduce stuttering episodes. Whether or not you decide to seek treatment, creating a low-stress environment can help reduce stuttering. Support groups for you and your child also are available. Although stuttering or stammering can't be completely cured, there are a few things you can do to improve your speech. Here's how to stop stuttering.

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