Diabetes Dos & How Tos Small yet powerful steps to take charge, eat right, get fit and stay positive

"Mr. Divabetic" Puts Glitz and Glam Into Diabetes Education

I believed if Luther had talked about his diabetes, he might not have had his stroke.

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Diabetes Do's & How-To's: Small yet powerful steps to take charge, eat right, get fit and stay positive [Riva Greenberg, Gary Feit, Haidee Merritt] on www.farmersmarketmusic.com Editorial Reviews. Review. Greenberg cheerfully gives readers the tools needed to live well Diabetes Do's & How To's Small yet powerful steps to take charge, eat right, get fit and stay positive - Kindle edition by Riva Greenberg, Haidee.

So I thought let's use this idea of "Divabetic" to get people talking about their diabetes. It's several things, but at the core it's a community for women. It's a safe haven for all women living with diabetes to come, get connected, be comforted and be cheered on to stay healthy and upbeat about their care.

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It's also a new approach to learning about diabetes. We use references to pop culture, pamper women and provide learning, all with the sass and sparkle of a theatrical event.

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I am a showman at heart. It's ingenuous, or crazy some would say, to educate women by having them put on a boa, which you do in the chapter support groups. Tell me how this works? Luther felt if he could make this woman feel fabulous she was going to give him a fabulous performance. I saw when the women were in makeup chairs and one on one with the stylist, as they became more beautiful, they became more confident and talked about things they usually wouldn't. Each woman at our event would sit one on one getting a spa treatment while talking with a diabetes educator.

We set it up in progressive education stations; you learn a little and get pampered and then move on. You are comforted, connected and cheered on. The events were big, expensive, flashy shows -- 1, women would come. It was like a rock concert coming into town and we got great response across the country. Unfortunately our sponsor Novo Nordisk had budgetary cut backs so for now the event's been put on hold. We do have men at our events, but I see women as the hub of the family and so the most important person to educate. Have you ever looked back at the career you gave up? It's funny, a few years ago I was given the opportunity of a lifetime -- to go on the road with Madonna.

At the time I was on the road with our Makeover events and chose to stay there. It was too big a deal for me what happened to Luther. The world doesn't need one more person working on rock and roll. We need a rock and roll approach to diabetes. I imagine some people must say to you, "You don't have diabetes" or "You're not an educator" or "How can you expect by putting a boa on a woman she'll take care of her diabetes? A lot of people think you can't be serious if you're having fun.

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They're also confused by my concept. Simply, it's to make a woman more receptive to learning and want to take care of her health by making her feel good about herself. I see these women who are casually dressed maybe in sweats, camouflaging their appearance, not connected to their body and then they transform by having someone give them a mini massage or manicure, a new hairstyle or makeup treatment. They begin to feel better about themselves. People say to me, "Why would you put on fashion shows for plus sized women? They need to all go on a diet! When people feel beautiful and care about themselves they will want to take care of their health.

As for not being an educator, I have top diabetes educators working with us. I know my limitations as a non-credentialed health person and as a man. I also constantly learn from talking with real women with diabetes. Are you where you expected to be when you started this journey? Right now my team members are laughing because I never thought I'd be in social media. As a live performer I love being close to my audience and the applause.

My whole approach has always been carnival and big top, that's where I'm from. At one point the Makeover events got so crowded people told me to go onstage and entertain everyone.

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That was the birth of "Mr. I started taking stage show elements and putting them online.

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Now we do videos, games and a radio show, Diva TalkRadio. I'm particularly proud of one game we play on the radio called "Diabetes Numerology. A lot of women, specifically with type 2 diabetes, are fearful of their blood sugar going too high or low.

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They're worried about it yet they don't have a plan. On "Diabetes Numerology" we give our listeners random situations about blood sugar and ask them what they'd do.

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Congratulations, this is an awesome result. My weight has remained below my weight watchers goal for 2 years now without counting a single thing, how refreshing and healthy. Alternatively, you can screen capture or cut and paste my article then print. Granted, these changes can be frustrating and may seem far from benign when we need to learn new skills or juggle myriad responsibilities. If you have the tools to build emotional strength, the knowledge about diabetes, and the action steps to take, you have a great foundation to live well with diabetes. You will also lose that constant feeling of guilt associated with eating, which is what I had.

There's no shame or blame because it's not their number. In three to five minutes listeners are making a plan for themselves. We know how to fasten our seat belts in case of turbulence, yet women don't know how to handle high and low blood sugar. High glycemic index foods High glycemic index foods tend to be refined carbohydrates most of which also have a lot of fat and salt, like doughnuts, French fries, cold breakfast cereals, white bread, white rice, pasta, bagels, baked potato, parsnips and sugary foods like cake, candy, cookies, soda, fruit juice and syrups.

These foods contain more calories and keep you craving more. High glycemic index foods produce greater fluctuations in blood glucose and require more insulin to ferry the larger load of glucose in your bloodstream to where it's needed. Over time this demand for more insulin tends to compromise insulin-producing beta cells, contributing to insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes. Glycemic Index Food Chart Here's a snapshot of some foods and their glycemic index.

Remember is the highest GI food:.

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Carbs are everywhere, but you don't have to give them up. Just choose them a little more wisely a little more often. Many people now also factor into their diet the glycemic load of a food. Glycemic load is a way to look at carbohydrates' impact on blood sugar that also considers portion size. I'll be writing about that too in the near future.

Tap here to turn on desktop notifications to get the news sent straight to you. Remember is the highest GI food: Follow Riva Greenberg on Twitter: This Blogger's Books and Other Items from Small yet powerful steps to take charge, eat right, get fit and stay positive.