Les 100 mots de la Provence: « Que sais-je ? » n° 3882 (French Edition)

Nous ne pouvons pas toujours nous montrer d'accord avec elle: Ainsi, dans le cas d'une forme Segnor p. Ne multiplions pas les exemples. Une grande partie de l'ouvrage p. Quel de ce type peuvent poser chasteu: Pour ma part, j'aurais tendance qu'il ne s'agit jamais que de la rubrique initiale du de P. Mutation de Fortune ainsi que, dans une moindre mesure, dans YEpistre d'Othea p. L'ouvrage comporte aussi des annexes bien utiles, comme l'analyse du ras. P et qui constituent une marque de fabrique de Wauchier de Denain moralisateur: Di Lorenzo Maria Teresa.

Fonti Musicali Italiane, 5, , p. Le lecteur trouvera en appendice p. Voir nos 38, The Greek script in the 15th and 16th centuries. La dimostrazione dell'assunto sta nei fatto che le premesse immediate a questa simbiosi decora- tiva, evidenziata paradigmaticamente nei famoso Evangeliario greco Baltimora, Walters Art Gallery, W. XV e XVI da un lato, codici greci dal s.

Athos, Karakala 11 s.

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X ; Paris, BNF, gr. A Porretanean on Aristotle's Categories. F enluminure tardive d Saint-Gall Le Rayonnement de Saint-Gall Dauid in similitudine Christi dicit. Un sommet de cette est atteint, selon M. Les sept figures noir et blanc, malheureusement sont sans plus lisibles.

Il s'agit surtout de glossaires de termes grecs et de glossaires de la materia medica. On en retrouve des traces dans les dictionnaires du IXe s. The Analysis of the Letter. A New Palaeographical Method. The English Medieval Book. Studies in of Jeremy Griffiths. Edwards, Vincent Gillespie and Ralph Hanna. London, The British Library, Abgerundet wird das Panorama kodikologi- scher Studien von K.

Kodikologische und literarhistorische Aspekte kombinieren S. Mit Caxtons zweiter Ausgabe der Canterbury. Tales steht im Beitrag von N. Evangeliorum quattuor codex Petropolita- nus Lat. B Paris, BNF, fr. Un bref chapitre p. Les sources du livre paraissent plus diffuses et composites.

A constitue l'essentiel de l'introduction p. Biaulz nep- veulz p. Kleine Apologie der Lauber-Handschriften. Zeitschrift fur deutsches Altertum und deutsche Literatur, , , S. Er regt an, dafi nach der kunstgeschichtlichen Erfor- schung auch die Textwissenschaft weniger die Pro- duktionsweise als die Produkte selbst in den Blick nehmen sollte. Paul Getty Museum, Stammheim Missal. Fasti Ecclesiae Gallicanae Plusieurs mss au XIXe s.

Fragmenten van de Roman van Heinric en Margriete van Limborch. Antwerpse Studies over Nederlandse Literatuur-geschiedenis, 6. Uit- gegeven volgens het Brusselse handschrift, Amster- dam-Antwerpen, Description codicologique des fragments p. Paul im Lavanttal fols. Codices Selecti Phototypice Impressi. Aosta, Biblioteca del Seminario Maggiore, Cod. Trinitarian and Philosophical Issues: Comme il est dit dans l'avant-propos: In precedenza le edizioni del anonima e del a cura di P. Themelis , indipendenti una dall'altra, erano semplici trascrizioni diplomatiche. L'analisi lettera- ria e stilistica porta all'attribuzione del testo diretta- mente a Teodoro ii Laskaris.

Altri codici citati a documentazione marginale: Athos, Lavra Q 59, I 67, Xenophont. All Roads Lead to Rus: A Journal of and Renaissance Studies, 31, , p. According to the a. Indeed, it should cause no surprise that the commercial and dynastic relations between Kievan Rus and Catholic Europe would result in the eastward transference of artistic influences as well.

In order to prove her point, the a. At the conclusion of the article are included several black and white photos of images from these three mss though their direct source is published books: Christ in Majesty, St. Luke by some initials and St. Eine Rede auf das Akatistos-Fest und Theodoros ii. Jahrbuch der Os- terreichischen Byzantinistik, 51, , p. Prima edizione critica di un'orazione per la festa dell'Acatisto, sulla base dei codici Athine, E. BC costituiscono un sottogruppo con-. Gli incunaboli e le cinquecentine delta Bi- blioteca comunale di Ala.

Catalogo di Anna Gonzo. Prefazione di Eduardo Barbieri. Patrimonio storico e artistico del Trenti- no, Ce catalogue recense tous les incunables et les du XVIe s. Gli Studi Agiografici sul Medioevo in Eu- ropa A cura di Emore Paoli. Lapidge ; Allemagne F. Prinz ; Italie P. Golinelli ; Belgique R. Godding et Pays- Bas A.

Es bestehen Verbindungen zu dem lateinischen Spezial- lunar der Zentralb.

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Im einzel- nen sind dies A. Necker, Montmor, H. Seasons, ; Works, ; essay on, Thomson, John: Am Ende solcher Ketten glossierter Handschriften erscheinen gelegentlich auch Glossare, in denen die Glossen aus einem oder mehreren Texten zu alpha- betischen Listen zusammengefasst wurden. Cicero, 74; Tacitus, 80; note on, V, no. Histoire de la Conqueste du Mexique par Fernand Cortez, ; Historia de la Conquista de Mexico, Solitude consideree relativement a l'Esprit et au Coeur, Solorzano Pereira, Juan de, Disputationem de Indiarum Iure, Some Candid Suggestions towards accomodation of differences with America, Some considerations humbly offer'd upon the Bill now depending in the House of Lords relating to the trade between the Northern Colonies and the Sugar Islands, Some considerations on the national debts, Some familiar Letters between Mr Locke and several of his Friends, Some General Considerations concerning the alteration and improvement of publick revenues, Some Observations on the Constitution, Some observations upon a paper, intituled The List, Some passages taken out of the History of Florence, Some Remarks and extracts in reply to Mr Pickering's Letter on the Embargo, Somers, John, Baron Somers:

Dans ce volume sont reprises une quinzaine de contributions que l'a. Elles ont paru dans diverses revues: Depuis plus de vingt ans, A. Women's Healthcare in the Medieval West. Depuis la publication dans Scriptorium , p. Et que font alors dans cet Appendix les mss de Trotula: Van heymeliken me- dicinen in vrouwen ms. Trota et Trotula la mention de trois mss latins?

D'autre part, dans l'inventaire des textes de ps. Remarques sur l'utilisation de la geste chez Mousket et Aubri de Trois-Fontaines. Wem schrieb Theodoros Pro- dromos epp. Edizione critica con traduzione in tedesco e commento di due lettere di Teodoro Prodromo dai codici Oxford, BL, Barocci gr. Ve- nezia, BN Marciana, gr. Studi bizantini e neogreci, 4 , carmina i-ii. Queste due epistole metriche, ignote. Wallraf-Richartz-Jahrbuch, 61, , p. Jahr- hunderts publiziert worden, die sich in vier Gruppen zusammenfassen lassen: Ferner das Xantener-M issale Xanten, Stiftsarchiv und -biblio- thek, H , das mit einem ganzseitigen Kanonbild ausgestallet ist und wohl fiir den Xantener Dom be- stimmt war.

Die beteiligten Buchmalerinnen arbeiteten wohl etwas vor Loppa vom Spiegel, zu Beginn des Dix-huit mss sont connus, dont une douzaine au Moyen Age. Paris, Arsenal, voir aussi planche 7 et A voir pi. Dans du stemma codicum du Memoriale, l'a. Jean de Saint-Victor occupe. Augustinianum 41, II, , p. Struktu- rale Bewegungsanalyse an einer mittelalterlichen Handschrift.

Methoden der Schriftbeschreib- ung Middeleeuwse Verzamelhandschriften uit de Nederlanden, V. Ange- lo Polizianos Transcription in the Statius Commentary Menander Rhetor, edited with translation and commentary, Oxford, Obert ne mentionne pas en outre tous les mss. Finalement, dans le ms. Le lieu d'origine du ms.

Detmold, Lippische Lan- desbibliothek , 70 anno ? Finalement, au XVIIe s. Fassung des Nibelungenliedes, Wien, , in wieweit das ms. Dans les domaines connexes de l'astrologie et de l'astronomie, citons les Libros del saber de astrologia Madrid, Bibl. D'autre part, il semblerait que le vers du ms. Outre le fait qu'il s'agisse du seul ms. The Cartographie of Thomas Elmhan. Cambridge, Trinity Hall, 1 autographe. Van f et M. Histoire de la Reine Berthe et du Roy Mise en prose d'une chanson de geste. Cette longue analyse ne remet pas en cause les conclusions par A.

Beschrieben von Regina Hausmann. Scrittura di copista, scrittura personate: Zurich, Staatsarchiv, 19 n. Beschrieben von Joachim Vennebusch. Die und hagiographischen Handschriften, 2. Bibliotheca Scriptorum Graecorum et Romanorum Teubne- riana. Les Legendae livre I: Les Carmina historica livre III: BSB, Clm olim St. Klagen- furt, UB, Perg. Hl et Hanovre, Nieders. Leibnitz et son J. Strecker Leipzig, , Nous lirions Nec-prohibere quin uisitem de M2 en 1,1, Maria, v. Population et espace urbain. Parmi les sources que l'a.

Lexiques grec-syriaque et philosophie Lexiques bilingues Fonti, me- todologie, interdisciplinaritd, prospettive. Torino, Archivio di Sta- to, settembre Pubblicazioni degli Archivi di Sta- to, Saggi Relevons les articles suivants: The Index of Middle English Prose. Kari Anne , Schmidt Rand.

Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge, was founded in , the year of the pestilence, by Edmund Gonville. The library of Gonville and Caius was from that of other colleges in that it of two separate ones: This division is still visible in the first complete catalogue by Thomas James, in The library was well stocked right. When one goes through the list of items as in the Summary List of Contents it soon clear that M.

The length of the text may vary from a single line written in the margin of a Latin manuscript e. Paston is a good felaw seyth norwych ye gentelman in ms. Hec cas- trimargia anglice a wodcoke in ms. Per manuscript the following information is provided: Finally, after the last item, some general comment on the ms. Since many of the items are fairly short and printed in their entirety, even a mere glance at some of them leads to interesting observations.

The former uses a vocabulary that is still in many ways Anglo- Saxon, with words like scheppare for Latin creator, or ifere-radene for communio sanctorum. In spite of this and a few other minor flaws, Handlist XVII provides as indispensable a basis for research as its precursors. Georg Franz Muller , ein Weltrei- sender des Aus den Hand- schriften Nr. Gallen, Verlag am Kloster- hof St. A cura di Isabella Ceccopieri e Laura Giallombardo. Le second tome p. In een verwonderen van al deser rijcheyt.

Antwerpse studies over Nederlandse Literatuurgeschiedenis, 7. Bulletin du Bibliophile, , I, p. Vorldufer — Redak- tionen — Rezeption. Detmold, Lippische Landesbiblio- thek, ms. Schoon- heim et W. Nouvelles recherches sur le plan de Saint-Gall. Mais les examens approfondis de N.

Note sur les Synony- ma Rasis. Dalla tesi di laurea su Euripide Univ. Nel cqnsueto stile di Hunger anche questo del JOB si articola in due sezioni distinte, en- trambe ricche di contributi scientifici: Di storia trattano Eustratios N. Komnenos e Andrew F. Stone Eustathian as a Historical Source. Gli studi a soggetto codico- logico sono recensiti singolarmente nel Bulletin codi- cologique: Nella sezione riservata ai rendiconti, oltre aile edi- zioni dei testi sono di interesse codicologico le recen- sioni critiche a: Liudprandi Cremonensis antapodo- sis Die Aus- zeichnungsschriften in mittelalterlichen Codices.

Jean Lemaire de Belges. Epistre d'Hector au roy. Britnell ici, avec la collaboration d'A. On y a joint Y Epistre d'Hector de Troye [ Collection des auteurs belges. La description du ms. Stecher, Louvain, , tome 4, p. Der Miniaturist des des Jost von Silenen. Cahiers de Vallesia, 6. Editiones Hei- delbergenses Begrundet von Walther Bulst. Ce premier fascicule du volume 5 des mss de la HB de Darmstadt publie la description de mss du XVe s. Le fonds contient encore 70 mss du XVIe s. Zum Stand der Forschung.

In dem Beitrag wird der Forschungsstand zur ot- tonischen Emailkunst referiert. Unter den behandelten Werken befinden sich folgen- de Buchdeckel oder Buchkasten bzw. Teile von ih- nen: Katalog der deutschsprachigen illustrierten Handschriften des Mittalalters. Ott zusammen mit Ulrike Bode- mann.

Kinderen van de minne? Bastaarden in het vijftiende-eeuwse Vlaanderen. Handschriften- funde zur Literatur des Mittelalters, Klein recherche les sources de V Apologia et de la Cronosgraphia et confronte des mss qui en des extraits: Il en fait la description co- dicologique et en dresse le stemma. Beschrieben von Armin Schlechter und Gerhard Stamm. Coping with Christian Pictorial Sources: Der Codex Hambur- gensis 31 in scrinio Fragm.

Iam- bische Synaxarverse des Nikephoros Kallistos Xanthopoulos. Una minuziosa indagine codicologi- ca, paleografica e storica consente alla Kolovou di ricostruire brillantemente l'originaria appartenenza del frammanto amburgese all'attuale Firenze, BML, Conv. Altri mss presi in esame: Kontraste im Alltag des Mittelalters. Kongress Krems an der Donau Mit 62 Ab- bildungen.

Diskussio- nen und Materialen, 5. Kwakkel Eric , Mulder Herman. Mystiek proza van de Fer- guut-kopiist Brussel, Koninklijke Bibliotheek, hs. Tijdschrift voor Nederlandse Taal-en Letterkunde, , , p. Ils proviennent du Roman de Limbourg, de l'Histoire de Troie, de la Geste d'Alexandre, d'une adaptation du Voeu du Paon et de deux Bibles historiales, l'une sur deux colonnes, l'autre sur trois colonnes. Derolez , a reconnu en deux du ms. Ces cahiers contiennent sept textes en prose: Die lateinischen und deutschen Handschrif- ten der Universitdts-Bibliothek Leipzig.

Die theologischen Handschriften, I Ms Beschrieben von Peter Burkhart. Trois mss — , et — contiennent quelques miniatures et initiales cf. Signaturen Me bis Me sowie die lateinischen bis aus den Signaturgruppen Mh, Mk und aus dem Druckschriftenbestand. Handschriftenkataloge der U Tubingen.

Die lateinischen Handschriften, Teil 1, , p. Sofia, Centre Ivan Dujcev, gr. The Legacy of M. Papers from the Cambridge Symposium edited by. Der Handschriftenforscher Montague Rhodes ist heute im englischsprachigen Raum vor allem als Verfasser einer Sammlung von Geistergeschichten beriihmt und somit durchaus mit dem Anglisten J. Die Verdienste dieses ebenso eigenwilligen wie liebens- werten Gelehrten liegen im Bereich der Handschrif- tenkatalogisierung, der Geschichte der neutesta- mentlichen Apokryphen, der Ausstellung von Hand- schriften sowie der Kodikologie.

Ein Teil der Studien dieser Publikation ist wissen- schaftshistorisch ausgerichtet: Ein weiterer Beitrag iiber die Geschichte der Handschriftenkatalogisierung ist A. Im einzel- nen sind dies A. MS , the M. Merganser [] , ferner run- den eine Bibliographie von M. James, einen all- gemeinen und einen Handschriftenindex, sowie 44 SchwarzweiCabbildungen die anregende Publikation ab.

Jacob van Maerlants Der Naturen Bloeme L'Engle Susan and Gibbs Robert. Legal Manuscripts in Collections. Unter den 22 Katalognum- mern — ms. Miniaturen aus anderem Textzusammenhang sind aus stilistischen Griinden aufgenommen, so Kat. Cambridge, CCC, 10 Kat. La Vita dei martiri anauniesi BHL Nota di critica testuale. A cura di Emanuele Curzel. Pubblicazioni delflstituto di scienze religiose in Trento, series maior, VI.

Bruxelles, BR, , fol. Inoltre, per alcuni aspetti, sono tenuti presenti an- che Miinchen, Bayer. Sulla base dei sopraddetti manoscritti viene proposto un testo critico della Vi- ta, e si espongono alcune brevi valutazioni conclu- dendo con le possibili relazioni di parentela tra i quattro codici principali, che presentano una tradi- zione fortemente corrotta, e con l'archetipo, in atte- sa di controlli su altri testimoni non specificamente presentati e ancora da esaminare particolareggiata- mente. Le Sage de La Haye Yves.

Tours, Archives de Touraine, , 2 vol. Dans le volume I, l'a. Lexiques bilingues dans les domaines et scientifique. Comme il est dit dans l'Introduction p. Libellus de arte coquinaria: An Early Cookery Book. Apicius et le XIVe s. Kloster- mann Texte Philosophie. The Liber de porno is a pseudo- Aristotelian Phaedo, wherein we see Aristotle on his death bed talking with his closest friends.

And no ambiguity here on the of the survivability of the soul after death, as Aristotle maintains its immortality. Born in the Arabic-speaking world, De porno was eventually translated into Hebrew ca. It subsequently went on to have a respectable scholarly fortuna into the 16th c, occasionally even appearing in printed versions of Aristotle's opera. There are two modern Latin editions of the work, one that is not easily accessible, another that is not well known: Our book reproduces the former, critical edition accompanied by a German translation on facing pages.

Also included are a introduction that covers the work's genesis, transmission, reception, and contents; explanatory notes; a bibliography; a series of appendices that contain, in order, Manfred's letter to the University of Paris ca. The is a color image from Schaffhausen EisenB. That this publication makes De porno more widely available is most the addition of the introduction and.

Students of medieval philosophy will be especially pleased with this S. Sources, textes et usages. Per l'Italia non possiamo avvalerci di grandi collezioni quali: Il raccoglie gli interventi di: Nebbiai Dalla Guarda, J. Jullien de Pommerol ed A.

Les 100 mots de la Provence

Nebbiai Dalla Guarda p. Suddiviso per regioni, per ciascun inventario sono segnalati data, regesto, fonte, edizione e bibliografia. Altre rassegne regionali sono state proposte da G. Petti Balbi Liguria e D. Frioli area trentina ed alto-atesina , mentre M. Pedralli ha annunciato la raccolta di un corpus di inventari documenti di cui di nuovo reperimento relativi a bibliote- che umanistiche milanesi. Le mentionne qu'au Xe s. Cette partie consiste en un texte complet de commentaires The Lindisfarne Gospels.

Comme nombre de couvents, il disposait aussi d'un Livre du contenant un calendrier liturgique, un et un rituel de profession. Il n'est pas celui de n'importe quelle fondation pieuse. Favier dans son avant-propos: Constitution et des collections livresques dans l'Europe moderne Cahiers d'histoire du livre.

Western Manuscripts and Miniatures: Thursday 6 December Nicolas de Lyre, Postilla super Prophetas, lat. Aristote Pseudo , Secretum secretorum, italienne de Taddeo Alderotti, extr. XCII, et autres textes, italien, latin, 18 fol. Bar- tolomeo di San Concordio, Summa Pisana, lat. Bologne , Italie, prem. Washington, Holy Name College cf. St John ; Major J.

Vie et Passion de N. Boccace, De Claris mulieribus, latin, parch. Abbey , ms. Franconie, second quart du XIIIe s. Ludwig IX 11 du J. Heures, latin, italien, parch. Ar- beiten der Hessischen Historischen Kommission, I Codex Aureus de fol. Montecassino and Benevento in the Middle Ages. Essays in South Italian Church History. Cet ensemble de travaux, sur le but desquels l'a. Bisher war angenom- men worden, dafi von der Hs. Commentaire au Songe de Sci- pion, Livre I. Au sujet du titre, l'a. Au sujet de la tradition manuscrite p.

Barker-Benfield sur la manuscrite de Macrobe: LXIV et dans la bibliographie les travaux parus depuis. Notamment, les articles sur les mss qui contiennent l'extrait du Livre II, 1. Parmi les auteurs du Xe s. Die Musikinstrumente im byzantinischen Heer vom 6. Eine Vorstellung der Quellen. La raffigurazione di strumenti musicali nelle di codici greci medioevali consente di ricos- truirne l'impiego militare nell'esercito bizantino. Les lexiques philosophiques, scientifiques et notamment alchimiques d la Renaissance.

Een monnik met een roi. Willem van Affligem, het Kopenhaagse Le- ven van Lutgart en de fictie van een meerdaagse voorlezing. Suivent de nombreux index. Bearbeitet von Peter Vogel. Klackhoff, den Nachlass von Bibliothekar und hessichem His- toriographen J. Schmincke, historische vom Jenaer Polyhistor C. Sagittarius und vom Theologen J. Die Beschreibungen von insgesamt Handschriften stehen in der Ord- nung nach der, dem Format entsprechenden Signa- turengruppen: Die zeitliche Schichtung reicht vom 9.

Die Mehrheit der neuzeitlichen Handschriften stammt aus dem Histo- risch bedeutend in den neuzeitlichen Handschriften sind u. In einem gemeinsamen, nach dem Katalogteil folgenden Personen-, Orts- und Sachregister wurden die Textarten nur fur die mittelalterlichen Handschriften verzeichnet, ebenso die Initien der lateinischen und griechischen Texte in einem Sonderregister. Beschrieben von Ursula Winter. Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin Preussische Kulturbesitz.

Kataloge der Hand- schriftenabteilung. Retenons encore le nom du chanoine Heinrich Toke f qui, lors de ses missions diplomatiques, acheta aussi des mss. Le lecteur trouvera quelques renseignements dans l'article de U. Le support est presque le papier, sauf les trois mss du XIVe s. La plus grande partie de la provient des scriptoria monastiques de et de Leipzig.

Roma, Istituto storico dei Cappuccini, , p. Est-elle contraignante ou seulement incitative? Au sein du mouvement spirituel, par la suite, on peut observer des nuances: Turnhout, Brepols Publishers —. Ils sont et classifies dans les pages d'introduction. Athos, Batopediou, 38; Moscou, Bibl. Ceresa Gestaldo en Von der handschriftlichen Uberlieferung des Jahrhunderts bis zu den ersten Drucken. Texte und Wissen, Hrsg. Mayer, Christian Na- ser, I. Par analogie avec certaines traductions incorrectes de la Vulgate latine, l'a.

Edited by Wouter Bracke and Herwig Deumens. Preujienland, 39, , S. Die in den dreifliger Jahren des Jahrhunderts entstandene Deutschordenschronik des Peter von Duisburg ist schlecht, d. Jahrhunderts uberliefert bestes ms. The Thief, the Cross and the Wheel. A vast collection of images of the Crucifixion and of various tortures, especially that of the wheel, masterly the atmosphere in which the people of and Renaissance Europe were immersed. As the author reminds us: The book shows undoubtedly a very learned background and a detailed and intelligent analysis.

De l'hagiographie d la chanson d'aventure: F image de sainte Bathilde reine de France. Der Mensch lebt nicht vom Brot allein. Er ist in zwei Teile gegliedert: Sie beschreibt die einzelnen Wirtschaftszweige, wie z. Weinbau, Jagd und Fischerei. Historische Hilfs- wissenschaften, 4. Die Metzgerei oder der Fleischerladen. Les miniatures de ce ms. Le livre de H.

Medieval Texts and Cultures of Northern Europe, 3. En guise d'illustration, elle reproduit des extraits des mss suivants: Biblioteca Liturgica Catalana, 3. De ce missel d'origine catalane, on peut tout admirer la reproduction de six folios avec rubriques en couleur p. Handschriften in Niedersachsen, Kurzka- talog Hrsg. Als Vorbesitzer von einigen Codices sind die kirchlichen Einrichtungen in Hildesheim zu nennen: Martini, das Benedikti- nerkloster St.

Michael, das Benediktinerkloster St. Godehard, das Augustinerkloster Maria Magdalena und das St. Johannisstift, weiter auch das in Lamspringe und das Zisterziensernon- nenkloster Medingen. In der sprachlichen Hinsicht dominiert. Johannes von Anderne Best. Nach dem Katalogteil folgt ein Personen-, Orts- und Sachregister und ein Initienregister, wobei die volksprachige Texte kursiviert sind und ein Sonder- register von den deutschen Gebeten.

Hinsichtlich ihrer Schreibung unterscheidet man Tintenglossen und Griffelglossen, bzw. Es gibt auch rein grammatikalische Glossen. Manche von ihnen transportieren morphologische Information, andere veranschaulichen auf unterschiedlichste Weise syn- taktische Strukturen. SchlieBlich unterscheiden sie sich auch noch in der Wahl der Sprache: Am Ende solcher Ketten glossierter Handschriften erscheinen gelegentlich auch Glossare, in denen die Glossen aus einem oder mehreren Texten zu alpha- betischen Listen zusammengefasst wurden.

Durchweg gilt fur das gesamte Buch, was R. Page in seinem Vortrag zum aktuel- len Stand der Erforschung altenglischer Glossen sag- te: Jeder Beitrag zeigt einen unter- schiedlichen Ansatz, wodurch ein sehr reichhaltiger. Manche von ihnen beziehen sich auf einen Einzelco- dex S. Andere fokussieren ihren Beitrag auf bestimm- te Autoren M. Ein Aufsatz widmet sich der Verwendung tirtoni- scher Noten D. Ganz und in zwei weiteren steht jeweils eine Einzelsprache D. Das Ganze wird abgerundet mit einem Handschriftenverzeichnis von R. Dietz und einer Einleitung von E.

Glossierte Handschriften sind im Bestand der Ko- niglichen Bibliothek zu Briissel eher selten anzutref- fen. Eine wichtige Ausnahme ist Cod. Die Handschrift findet Beachtung in dem Beitrag von P. Hildebrandt in seinem Beitrag Aufmerksam- keit schenkt. Grofie eine der althochdeutschen Glos- sen aus dem Brusseler Cod. En effet, les collections de proviennent de:. S'y ajoute la d'Ulrich Fugger;. Des livres et des mss provenant de ces trois fonds sont mis en caisses par Allacci. Cependant on en trouve aussi dans d'autres collections du Vatican.

On retrouve donc des livres palatins Barberini, Chigi, Sapientia, Casanatense, etc. Certosa del Galluzzo, ottobre Quaderni di Cultura mediolatina, Elle les contributions de G. La contribution de B. The Summa de sacra- mentis of Henry Wodstone, 0min. Archivum Franciscanum Historicum, 94, , p. Plusieurs dont un des mss, accompagnent ce volume d'hommage.

A franco-italian etymological note: Die Memorienregister des Hildesheimer Rates im Mittelalter. Quellen und Dokwnentationen zur Stadtgeschichte Hil- desheims, Cela montre aussi que les membres du conseil avaient conscience de constituer un groupe. Le Hildesheim, Stadtarchiv, Best. D'autre part, pour avoir un ms. Een nog onbekend ge- bedenboek uit het Amersfoortse Sint-Agnescon- vent met excerpten uit geestelijke liederen. Queeste 8, nr 2, , p. Music in Medieval Manuscripts. A I, Cotton Vit. A cura di Letterio Mauro. Les larmes, la le silence. Nebbiai Della Guarda D. Les deux premiers points de l'article s'organisent autour de la double connotation du concept: Comment les compilateurs utilisent-ils le mot pour qualifier leur travail?

Et notandum quod audo- ritates que hic continentur sunt omnino sicut sumpte sunt a libris originalibus. L'emploi deviendra commun chez des auteurs comme Vincent de Beauvais — Aristotilis flosculos precipueque ex libris eiusdem physicis et methaphysi- cis Dans cette partie, je maintiens un doute sur le lien que fait l'a. Studi trentini di scienze storiche, 80, , p.

Si tratta di Trento, Bibl. Zeit- schrift fur deutsches Altertum und deutsche Lite- ratur, , , S. Die Benutzung einer zweiten Hs. Vorau, Chorherrenstift, als bisher unbekanntes Beispiel vorgestellt. Die bisher in der Forschung vertretene Meinung, die Korrektu- ren stammten aus der Erstvorlage, wird anhand der Faksimile-Ausgabe mit einigen Beispielen widerlegt. New Directions in Later Medieval Studies. Essays from the Harvard Conference. Edited by Derek Pearsall. As the title indicates, this collection of essays all in English constitutes the proceedings of the Harvard manuscripts conference organised by Derek Pearsall.

Although the thirteen essays in this are not arranged in any thematic way, some rough division can be made. Doyle's functions as an excellent introduction to the volume in that it outlines some of the most recent advances in palaeography, codicology and related fields from the perspective of recent works in those areas. Three essays discuss the relevance of electronic media to manuscript studies.

Alison Stones, finally, introduces the Lancelot-Graal project that aims to create a database of manuscript pages and images of the Lancelot-Graal manuscript tradition. The essays by J. Gumbert and Linn Mooney are closest in subject matter to traditional studies. Mooney shows what has been made with respect to the of professional scribes and what this can tell us about the late medieval English book trade.

She also puts in a welcome plea for setting up an archive of medieval and early modern scribal hands. Such an archive would not only be a great research tool, it would also help avoiding misinterpretations that are unfortunately still not that infrequent. The remaining seven essays are largely concerned with the relationship between manuscripts and their literary contents. Ralph Hanna has another look at that great repository of Middle English verse, the Auchinleck Manuscript, and considers the merits and demerits of regarding it as a regional product.

In the course of the discussion such topics are raised as the make up of the manuscript and its scribes it is argued that the 12 booklets are essentially the work of scribe 1 , the production aspects of the manuscript sequential and the fact that this large manuscript is not a unicum. Unlike previous who tended to see the manuscript as a London product, Hanna argues cogently that it is not the product of just one regional but that it reflects the work of many such communities.

The traditional explanations for the Piers Plowman manuscript mess — with its into A, B, C and, more recently, Z manuscript groups, which in turn are often linked to authorial development — is reviewed with some scepticism by David Benson who shows that a closer study of the four forms of manuscript annotations original notes, later notes, emphasised words and can shed valuable light on the individual to Piers Plowman and its general reception.

  • Perthes Disease, An Issue of Orthopedic Clinics - E-Book (The Clinics: Orthopedics)?
  • Les mots de la Provence by Marc Dumas on Apple Books.
  • La battaglia di Ascalona (Le grandi battaglie del Medioevo Vol. 2) (Italian Edition);
  • ?
  • Balanced On The Edge.
  • ;

Benson's essay gains poignancy in that Kathryn Kerby-Fulton's essay does precisely that and more. Thompson examines the nature of evidence in manuscript research and suggests that an evaluation of the limits we set on admissible forms of evidence may well be a way forward. The fact that anecdotal and textual evidence may well fill some of the gaps in our knowledge, is illustrated by means of two case studies in which the a.

Julia Bof- fey demonstrates that there is still plenty of mileage in the hunt for Middle English poetry, particularly in the surveying of record repositories where one can come across verses of local and topical in particular, although serendipitous survivals.

  1. .
  2. Marys Parrot and Tarmi Learns A Lesson.
  3. Which Lays.
  4. !
  5. Controles e autonomia (Portuguese Edition);

Eckehard Simon, finally, the nature of extant dramatic texts in an to answer such questions as why so many of them are lost when the evidence suggests that plays were performed in most European towns, and why. Simon that the Nuremberg texts have survived they were literary products that were intended to be read and are therefore several steps removed from the play texts on which they are based. The moral of his fascinating review of Carnival plays is that any interpretation of a dramatic text should start with a careful of the surviving manuscripts.

The essays gathered together in this volume not only shed valuable light on a number of English literary texts and the manuscripts in which they survive, they also bring to light the vast progress that has been and is still being made in manuscript studies in general, progress that no critic can afford to ignore. New Offerings, Ancient Treasures. Studies in Medieval Art for George Henderson. Edited by Paul Binski und William Noel. Jahrhunderts, die englische Kunst dieses Zeitraumes und die insu- lare Kunstgeschichte.

Amiatino 1 vor und kommt vor allem bei der Bewertung der Ezra-Darstellung zu iiber- zeugenden neuen Ergebnissen. Jahrhunderts stammende fi- gurale Bemalung auf dem Buchschnitt der Hand- schrift Ms. Unter alien greifbaren, allerdings bis- her schlecht erforschten Schnittbemalungen scheint die des hier untersuchten Codex — er zeigt St. Zur stilistischen und kulturhistorischen Einordnung sowohl der Heiligen- darstellungen auf dem Buchschnitt als auch der or- namentalen Initialen der Handschrift werden wei- terhin vor allem nach Durham lokalisierte des ausgehenden Jahrhunderts ebenso herangezogen Durham, D.

Der Codex Lansdowne Ms. Nero Civ stets im Zentrum der Kunstwissenschaft standen.

About the author

Seit Warner im Jahre den Codex aufgrund des Kalenders mit dem englischen Frauenkloster in Verbindung brachte, wurde diese kaum angezweifelt. Im Zentrum der Untersuchung steht die Entstehungsgeschichte und Provenienz. Edward hutete und diesem geweiht war. Ruth Mellinkoff untersucht, ausgehend vom Huth-Psalter aus dem Jahrhundert London, BL, Add. Bis in das friihe Vorwiegend behandelte Handschriften und Blockbucher: Enge Beziige sieht Schmidt vor allem zu Michelino da Besozzo, der aber ausgeschlossen wird.

Der Kiinstler des Chaucermanuskriptes wird nach Schmidt Italien kurz nach verlassen haben. Das hochinte- ressante Buch zur mittelalterlichen Kunst wird durch ein Inhaltsverzeichnis und ein ausfiihrliches Register erschlossen. Zu Beginn findet sich eine der Publikationen George Hendersons bis Das Nibelungenlied nach der Handschrift n. Tubingen, Max Niemeyer, Hinsichtlich des Strophenbestands zeigt die Hs. Die Vorausset- zungen einer literaturgeschichtlichen Wurdigung der fur die spate Uberlieferung der deutschsprachigen Heldenepik wichtigen Hs. On compte ainsi, pour le XIVe s.

Venise, Marc, Append, gr. Voir nos 41, Letters to the People. Linguet, Link, H. Blessings of America, ; Serious considerations on the election of a President, Linnaeus, Carolus: Aout, , , V, Lit de Justice du 8. Mai, , Lithgow, J.

Manufacturing interests of the U. Address to the People of the United States, ; Answer to Mr Jefferson's justification of his conduct in the case of the New Orleans Batture, ; Examination of the Title of the United States to the Land called the Batture, ; see also the tracts in connection with the Batture Case, , and , Livingston, Robert: Essay on Sheep, Correspondence with Jefferson: Aaron Burr, ; Jefferson's pamphlet against Living- ston, ; agricultural reports and mould- board of least resistance, ; O.

Review of the military opera- tions in North-America, ; supposed author, Observations on government, ; note on, V, Livius, Titus: Elizabeth, Logan, George: Address on the Natural and Social Order of the World, ; Five Letters addressed to the Yeomanry of the United States, ; Fourteen agricultural experiments, ; Letter to the Citizens of Pennsylvania on the necessity of promoting agri- culture, ; Letters addressed to the Yeomanry of the United States.

By a Farmer, , Correspondence with Jefferson: Branagan's Avenia, , ; farming, ; Young's works, ; Jefferson on, ; see also Logan, James, Mingo leader: Valentin de Foronda, , ; English, , Logicae, Logick: Agonie de, ; Declaration portant fixation de la valeur de l'Or, relativement a l'Argent, ; Discours a l'Assemblee Nationale, ; Discours prononce a l'Assemblee Nationale, 4 Fevrier, , ; Edits, Reglements, Ordo- nannces, ; Lettre du Roi pour la con- vocation des Etats-Generaux, ; Proces de, tracts on, Louisiana: Alliot, Paul, Reflexions historiques MS.

Pharsalia , ; , ; English. May , ; English. Doutes proposes aux philosophes economistes, , ; Droit publique de l'Europe, ; Droits et devoirs du citoyen, ; Entretiens de Phocion, ; Etude de l'Histoire, ; Gouvernment et lois de Pologne, ; Legislation ou principes des lois, ; Maniere d'ecrire l'histoire, ; Observations sur le gouvernement et les lois des Etats-Unis, ; Observations sur l'histoire de France, ; Obser- vations sur l'histoire de la Grece, ; Observations sur les Romains, ; Oeuvres posthumes, ; Principes de Morale, ; Principes des negocia- tions, ; Remarks concerning the government and laws of the United States, See also: A Poem, M'Donald, Alexander: Dictionnaire de chimie, ; Elements of the theory and practice of chy- mistry, Macrobius, Ambrosius, Opera, Madison, James: James, Letters from Jefferson: Inquiry into the nature and origin of public wealth, ; recall of, ; corrective note, V, Maittaire, Michel: Jefferson and the mammoth, , , ; Peale, C.

Acts passed at the first Session of the 5th Congress, ; Adams, G. Carolina, ; translator, Pothier, R. Collection de Comptes-Rendus, ; Testament de M. Art de la Vigne, ; Eclairissements concernant la vigne, les vins etc. Emigration, De l', ; Letter on the behaviour of the populace on a late occasion, ; Recherches historiques et politiques sur les Etats-Unis, ; Riflessioni su i mali provenienti dalla questua e su i mezzi di evitargli, ; Riflessioni sulla natura della moneta e del Cambio, ; translator, Discorso del Signor Tommaso Jefferson, ; see also , , , , , Correspondence with Jefferson: William Wyndham, Mease, James: This work, ; Notes on Virginia, ; George Washington, Melmoth, William , Melmoth, William , Letters of Sir Thomas Fitzosborne, ; see also Melville, Sir James, Memoires, Memoir concerning the fascinating faculty which has been ascribed to the Rattle snake, Memoir containing an Examination of the British Doctrine which subjects to capture a Neutral Trade, Memoir of the Moheagan Indians, Memoir on a subterranean graphometer, Memoir on the principles and the means of organizing the general staff of the United States Military power, Memoir on the use of the Thermometer in Navigation, Memoire MS.

Francois- Valentin Mulot, Memoire a consulter, et consultation pour les Nego- cians faisant le commerce des Marchandises des Indes, , Memoire a consulter, pour Jean-Charles-Vincent de Bette d'Etienville, , , , Memoire a consulter, sur la Reclamation de la Batture, , Memoire contenant le Precis des faits, pour servir de Reponse aux Observations envoyees par les Ministres d'Angleterre, Memoire de l'Academie des Sciences, Memoire d'un Francois qui sort de l'Esclavage, Memoire des Ministres du Roi, adresse a l'Assemblee Nationale, Memoire des princes presentes au Roi, Memoire du Tiers-Etat a presenter au Roi, Memoire en forme de consultation, Memoire envoye le 18 juin, par M.

Quel seroit le meilleur procede pour conserver le mais ou ble de Turquie, Memoire sur l'Amelioration des races de Betes a laine, Memoire sur l'utilite qu'on peut tirer des marais desseches, Memoire sur la Decouverte d'un Ciment impenetrable a l'Eau, Memoire sur la Naturalisation des Arbres Forestiers de l'Amerique Septentrionale, Memoire sur la Population, Memoire sur le mariage des Protestants, Memoire sur les effets qui doivent resulter de l'Emission de la nouvelle Monnoie de cuivre, Memoire sur les Experiences Aerostatiques faites par M M.

Robert freres, Memoire sur les Noirs de l'Amerique, Memoires agricoles, Memoires concernant les impositions et droits en Europe, Memoires de chymie de M. Abridgment of the Public Acts MS. Laws of, edited by A. Books bought or ordered from: Ainsworth, ; Barton, B. Agricultural tracts, I, ; Ainsworth, n; American Phil. Moderne, Mills, John, translator: Octavius , ; , ; see also Minutes of examination, taken in short notes, Mirabeau, Honore Gabriel Riquetti: Correspondence in relation to the British Treaty of , ; Governor's Letter of the 6th of December , to the Speaker, ; Some Observations on the Constitution, ; View of the Conduct of the Executive, , Correspondence with Jefferson: A Periodical Work, , Monticello, Jefferson's notes on the decorative structures for, ; see also Monticello Library bindings with labels, ; see also Montignot, Felix Christophe, Reponse aux reflexions de M.

Necker, Montmor, H. Hamilton, Correspondence with Jefferson, Moore, J. Entendons-nous, ou le radotage du vieux notaire, ; Memoire con- tenant le Precis des faits, ; see also Moreau, Jean Victor Marie: Discours au tribunal criminel, ; Justification from a charge of conspiracy, ; Lettre au premier Consul, ; Memoire justificatif, ; Jefferson on, Moreau de Beaumont, Jean Louis, Memoires concernant les Impositions et droits en Europe, Moreau de Lislet, Louis Casimir Elisabeth: Aristotle, ; Plato, Morel de Chedeville, Etienne: Memoires relatifs a la discussion du privilege de la nouvelle Compagnie des Indes, ; Projet de reponse a un memoire, ; Prospectus d'un Nouveau Dictionnaire de Com- merce, ; Reflexions sur les avantages de la liberte d'ecrire et d'imprimer, ; Translator Jefferson's Notes on the state of Virginia, , V, Morelly, editor, Lettres de Louis XIV, Moreri, Louis: Address to the landed, trading and funded interests of England, ; Considerations on the Measures carrying on with respect to the British Colonies in N.

Nous soussignes contract con- cerning the importation of tobacco into France , ; Statement of the Accounts of the United States of America, Morris, Robert: Mounier, Mounteney, Richard Mountflorence, J. Busching, ; Maclaurin, C. Par lui-meme, See also: Jefferson on, I, , ; loss of his collection, Newspapers in Virginia, prohibition of publica- tion of, Jefferson on, Newton, Sir Isaac: Two unidentified pam- phlets by, , ; correspondence with Jefferson on agricultural books for the Library of Congress, see index under Agricultural Books; on Ivernois, ; note on, V, Nicholson on baptism, Nicholson, William, Introduction to Natural Phi- losophy, Nicocles, Nicolai, Armand Charles Marie, Nicole, Pierre: Letter to his Excellency William C.

Marie-Magdelaine, penitente, Numa, pseud. Elle est bien nommee Section du Theatre Francois, Ohio: Philip's Church, Charleston, ; Davis, M. Philip's Church, Charleston, S. A Tragedy, Orosius, Paulus: Catalogue raisonne du Museum de Mr C. Peale , ; English, , Palladio, Andrea: Linguarum totius Orbis Vocabularia comparativa, ; Vocabulaires com- pares des langues de toute la Terre in Cyrillic alphabet , ; see also Barton, B.

Apercu des Re- sultats obtenus de la fabrication des Sirops, ; Avis aux bonnes menageres des villes et des cam- pagnes, ; Memoire sur le mais, , ; Methode facile de conserver a peu de frais les grains et les farines, ; Parfait Boulanger, ; Pommes de Terre, ; Recherches sur les Vegetaux nourissans, ; see also Traite theorique et pratique sur la Culture de la Vigne, Parnaso Espanol, Parnell, Thomas, Parr, Samuel, Free Translation of the Preface to Bellendenus, Parraud, J.

Buchanan, Claudius, ; Callet, Tables, ; Emerson's Fluxions, ; Gudin de la Brenellerie, ; Nautical Almanac, ; Jefferson's resignation from the presidency of the American Philosophical Society, ; abbe Rochon, ; Royal Society, ; weights and measures, Catalogue raisonne du Museum, ; Epistle to a Friend on the Means of preserving Health, ; Introduction to a course of lectures on Natural History, ; Scientific and descriptive catalogue of Peale's Museum, Correspondence with Jefferson: One of the Revisors of , Correspondence with Jefferson: Segmenta nobilium signorum e statuaru, ; see also Perrot d'Ablncourt, Nicolas, translator: Caesar, 61; Lucianus, Persian Heroine.

Synopsis Plantarum, ; correspondence concerning, , V, Perspective machine made for Jefferson by W. Jones, Perspective of Architecture, Peru, History of: Cieza de Leon, ; Fer- nandez, Pervis. Constitution of Parliaments, ; erroneous attribution to, Petty, Sir William: Lettres sur l'Etat primitif de l'Homme , ; , ; System sur le soleil et les etoiles fixes, ; letter from Jefferson, , V, Peysonnel, Charles de: Examen du Livre intitule Considerations sur la guerre actuelle des Turcs, par M.

Letter from the Hon. Timothy Pickering, ; Address to the People of the U. Olon, Francois, Estat present de l'Empire de Maroc, Pieces estraites du recueil periodique intitule: Le Republicain, Pieces justificatives pour M. Barton, William, ; Faden's map of S. George, Pinelli sale: Conduct of a Rt. Opera quae extant omnia, ; Philosophi quae exstant, ; Republica Gr. Commercial and political atlas, ; V, ; Statistical Breviary, ; Tableaux d'arithmetique lineaire du commerce, Plea for the poor soldiers, Plea in vindication of the Connecticut title to the con- tested lands, Pleader, The, Pleas of the Crown, Pleasant Notes upon Don Quixot, Pleasants, Samuel, Books bought from: The Book, ; Franklin B.

Epistolae et Panegyricus , ; Lat. Historiarum , 50; , , 51; English, , , 51 Polygraph described by Jefferson in a letter to Volney, p. Iliad of Homer, translated by Alexander Pope, Esq.

Aeschylus, ; Euripides, Pougens, Charles, Books bought or ordered from or offered by: Administration of the Colonies, ; Hydraulic and nautical observations on the currents in the Atlantic Ocean, ; Memorial most humbly addressed to the sovereigns of Europe, ; Translation of the Memorial, Poydras de Lalande, Julien: Adresse au Conseil Legislatif du Territoire d'Orleans, , , ; Defence of the right of the public to the Batture of New Orleans, ; Further Observa- tions in support of the right of the public to the Batture at New Orleans, ; Speech in support or the right of the public to the Batture Feb.

Wheaton , ; Adet, P. Livingston , ; Aikin, C. Pelham , ; Bakewell, R. Cutting , ; Bee, The J. Warden , ; Bexon, S. Thomson trans- lator , ; Birch, T. Hollis , ; Blane, Sir G. Pitt, ; Brackenridge, H. Vaughan , ; Callet, J. Warden , ; Carey, M. Marshall , ; Charts of N. Hamilton Moore , ; Chas, J. Barnet , ; Cheetham, J. Cogdell , ; Chipman, N. Sketches of the principles of government Magoffin , ; Chrestien, J.

Ronaldson , ; Code de Commerce D. Warden , ; Code d'Instruction criminelle D. Warden , ; Colles, C. Vaughan , ; Conover, S. Cutting , ; Coxe, Enquiry J. King , ; Crowninshield, Hortus Siccus Dr. Bent- ley , ; Cutbush, E. Warden , ; Dalzel, A. Erving , Mrs. Vaughan , ; Diderot, D. Chas , ; Dorsey, J. Peale , ; Hall, J. White , ; Ingenhousz, J. Ewell and possibly W. Strickland , ; Komarzewski, J. Williams , ; Krafft, M.

Apple- ton , ; Latude, J. Madison , ; Lettre d'un Anglois a Paris Mme. Madison , ; Longinus G. Wythe , ; Louisiana, Constitution J. Dawson , ; Lowell, J. Cutting , ; McMahon, B. Louis, ; Map of the Environs of N. Miller , ; Monthly Register C. Brown , ; Moreau, J. Gray , ; Morris, G. Lee , ; Morris, M. Robinson, Address to the landed in- terests J. Adams , ; Moultrie, Wm. Nicholas , ; Niles, H. Lang , ; Olmsted, G. Pearce, John, Thoughts on part of the discourse, ; Pelham, Wm.

Warden , ; Porter, J. Maclure , ; Puglia, J. Giles , ; Randolph, J. Warden , ; Resolu- tions of the Republican citizens of Boston Wm. Eustis , ; Ricketson, S. King , ; Rochon, A. Elizabeth, Historia succincta T. Brand Hollis , ; Saint Paul, N. Short , ; Tatham, Wm. Assembly of Mississippi Terri- tory , ; Towers, J. Strickland , ; Turgot, A.

Howell , ; Vater, J. Williams , ; Waldo, J. Part II, ; Watson, E. Franklin , ; Wheaton, H. Additional Observations on the nature and value of civil liberty, ; Evidence for a future period of improvement in the state of man- kind, ; General Introduction to the two tracts on civil liberty, ; Observations on Reversionary Payments, ; Observations on the Importance of the American Revolution, , V, ; Observations on the nature of civil liberty, , ; Review of the principal questions in Morals, ; Sermons on the Christian Doctrine, , V, ; Two Schemes of a Trinity considered, See also Macpherson, James, ; Mira- beau, ; Turgot, Introduced by Jefferson to Joel Barlow, , V, Correspondence with Jefferson: Address to the Protestant dissenters, ; Description of a Chart of Biography , ; , ; Doctrines of Heathen Philosophy, ; Doctrine of Phlogiston established , ; , ; Essay on the first principles of Government, ; Harmony of the Evangelists, ; History of early opinions concerning Jesus Christ, ; History of the Corruption of Christi- anity, ; Institutes of Natural and revealed religion, , V, ; Lectures on History, ; Letter to the Rev.

On his own works, , , , , , ; The Federalist, ; literary style, IV, ; Malthus, ; Morals of Jesus, ; political arithmetic, ; reading Greek authors in the original, , V, 59; Socrates and Jesus compared, ; note on, Priestley, Joseph, Jr. Au nom de la Republique. History of Pennsylvania, ; book from his library, Provencal language, , Provincial Glossary, Provision for the poor, Provok'd Husband, Prudentius Clemens, Aurelius, [Opera] quae exstant, Prudhomme, Louis Marie, Resume general ou extrait des cahiers, Prunaeus, J.

Lexicon physico-medicum, ; Phar- macopoeia officinalis et extemporanea, ; trans- lator, Sanctorius, Quincy, Josiah, Observations on the Act of Parlia- ment commonly called the Boston Port-Bill, Quintilianus, Marcus Fabius: Baron de, Opinion enoncee a la Societe de , sur les loix constitutionelles, Ramsay, Allan: On his works, , ; Annual Register, Ramsay, James: Let- ters of Decius, ; Colvin, J. Book from her library, Letters from Jefferson: Lyttelton, ; map of Maryland, ; Pike's Arithmetic, ; Volney, ; Willes, Sir John, Rapport au nom de la commission des vingt-un, pour l'examen de la conduite des representans du peuple Billaud-Varennes, Rapport de la procedure du Chatelet, Rapport de Louis-Jerome Gohier sur les papiers in- ventories dans les bureaux de la liste civile, Rapport des commissaires de la Societe royale de medicine sur le magnetisme animal, Rapport des Commissaires sur la qualite de l'eau de la Seine, Rapport des Commissaires sur le Magnetisme animal, , V, Rapport du comite de constitution sur l'organisation du Pouvoir Judiciaire, Rapport du Ministre de l'interieur a l'Assemblee Nationale, Rapport et projet de decret.

Essai sur l'administration de St. Rei accipit rariae scriptores, ; Thou, Jacques Auguste de, Right, Duty and Importance, of Free Inquiry in Matters of Religion, Right of British Subjects to petition and apply to their representatives, Right to the tonnage on all exported tobacco, Rights of Great Britain asserted against the claims of America, Rights of Man. Eulogium by Benjamin Rush, ; memoirs of his life by William Barton, ; see also Correspondence with Jefferson: Louvet, , ; see also , Robin, Claude C.

First book printed by order of, ; Philosophical Transactions, abridged ; Philosophical Transactions, Vol. Barnabas, Saint Domingo: Elizabeth, Historia succincta, Saint-Evremond, C.

Bulletin codicologique - Persée

Denys, Oeuvres meslees, Saint Germain, J. Gregory of Nazianzus, Opera, St. Col- lection of Political Tracts, ; Craftsman, ; Craftsman extraordinary , ; Craftsman extraordinary. Memoirs, ; Trial of Capt. Manilius, ; Orpheus, ; Seneca, Scamozzi, Vicenzo: Lexicon Graeco-Latinum novum, ; Scapulae lexicon, Scarronides: A Tragedy, Sierra Leone Company: Editor, Instruction donnee par S.

Essai sur les moyens de perfectionner les arts economiques, ; Rapport sur les Travaux de la Societe d'Agriculture du Departe- ment de la Seine, Correspondence with Jefferson: Discours, ; Brissot de Warville, Lettre a M. Bedin- ger, Daniel, ; letter from Jefferson, Smith, S. Histoire de la Conqueste du Mexique par Fernand Cortez, ; Historia de la Conquista de Mexico, Solitude consideree relativement a l'Esprit et au Coeur, Solorzano Pereira, Juan de, Disputationem de Indiarum Iure, Some Candid Suggestions towards accomodation of differences with America, Some considerations humbly offer'd upon the Bill now depending in the House of Lords relating to the trade between the Northern Colonies and the Sugar Islands, Some considerations on the national debts, Some familiar Letters between Mr Locke and several of his Friends, Some General Considerations concerning the alteration and improvement of publick revenues, Some Observations on the Constitution, Some observations upon a paper, intituled The List, Some passages taken out of the History of Florence, Some Remarks and extracts in reply to Mr Pickering's Letter on the Embargo, Somers, John, Baron Somers: On his works, , ; Blackstone, ; Jefferson's life in Public Characters, ; the potato, whether indigenous to the U.

Dissertazioni di Fisica Animale, ; Lettera apologetica in riposta alle osservazioni sulla digestione del Sig. Henry Clay on the bill for raising an additional military force, Speech delivered in Essex County in support of a Memorial on the subject of the Alien and Sedition Acts, by James Ogilvie, Speech intended to have been spoken on the Bill for Altering the Charters of the Colony of Massachusett's Bay, Speech of Albert Gallatin on the important question touching the validity of the elections, Speech of Albert Gallatin upon the Foreign Intercourse Bill, Speech of E.

Bulletin codicologique

Au sud, il y a le rivage de la mer des civilisations, au nord, les grandes Alpes, symbole universel de l'alpinisme. Il y a aussi l'univers des montagnes «sèches. You have trouble finding books Les mots de la Provence: «Que sais-je? n ° PDF Online in PDF format, Kindle, Ebook, ePub, and mobi. This version includes 48 laws and its short. Catalogo · Billet d'Opéra · Couleur Affichee · L' histoire du droit en France: Nouvelles tendances, nouveaux territoires · Fables.

Patrum, Spinning and weaving, Spinoza, Benedict de: Locke's Letter, Stirling, John: History of the First Discovery and Settlement of Virginia, ; see also , Stockdale, John, Books bought from, and cor- respondence of: Abercrombie, ; Adair, , ; Adams, J. Tarleton's History of the Cam- paigns of and , Strictures on the new political tenets of the Rt.

Opera, ; Whole Works, Sydney, Algernon. Defence of the Examination of Mr. Warburton's account, ; Examination of Mr. Warburton's account of the conduct of the antient legislators, Sylberg, Frideric, editor: Opera quae exstant, 90; Opera supplementis, 81; Works trans. Address to the Shareholders and others interested in the Canals of Virginia, ; Report of a case Kamper v.

By Curtius, ; Enquiry into the principles and tendency of certain public measures, ; letter from Jefferson, Taylor, Silas: Jefferson, Testament de M. Fortune Ricard, ; see also Testament politique d'Angleterre, Testu, publisher, Texte et nouvelle traduction des lettres et notes anglaises trouvees dans un porte-fueille anglais, Thaarup, Frederik, Veiledning til det Danske monarkies statistik, Thacher, Stephen, Oration pronounced at Kenne- bunk, , Theatre d'Agriculture et Mesnage des Champs, Theatre de l'Univers, Theatrum Botanicum, Theatrum Machinarum Universale, Theatrum Orbis Terrarum, Theocritus: Graecarum affectionum curatio, ; Historia Ecclesiastica, Theophilus, Antecessoris Institutionum, Theophrastus: Essai sur le caractere, les moeurs et l'esprit des femmes , ; Eng.

Holy Bible, ; see also Correspondence with Jefferson: Brissot de Warville, ; Notes on Virginia, ; translation of the Septuagint, ; White- hurst, Jefferson's opinion of, Thomson, James: Seasons, ; Works, ; essay on, Thomson, John: De Bello Peloponnesiaco Gr. Act for repealing duties on, ; Answer to the consideration, ; Appeal to the Land- holders, ; Biscoe, R. Preparative to Pleading, ; editor, Huxley, G. Essay on the advantages and dis- advantages which respectively attend France and Great Britain with regard to trade, ; Humble Address and Earnest Appeal, ; Series of Answers to certain Popular Objections against separating from the rebellious colonies, ; True Interest of Britain set forth in regard to the Colonies, ; see also Thoughts upon a Bill for regulating the export and import of corn, Tucker, St.

Telegraph, Ulfilas, , Ulloa, Antonio de: Coup d'Oeil su la culture de quel- ques Vegetaux exotiques, ; Notice biographique sur le Docteur Jenner, ; Resultats de l'inocula- tion de la vaccine, ; Traite de la Fievre jaune d'Amerique, ; correspondence, , ; see also Mitchill, S. Plays, ; Provok'd Hus- band, ; Relapse: Franklin's political works, ; Rural Socrates, Correspondence: Roi de Prusse, Vie de Jeanne de St. Act for establishing Religious Freedom, , ; Debates and other Proceedings of the Convention of Virginia, ; Debates in the House of Delegates of Virginia on the Alien and Sedition Laws, ; Draughts of bills prepared by the Committee of Revisors, ; earliest map in which the name "Virginia" appears, ; flora of, ; Histoire de la Virginie, ; History of Virginia, ; Journal of the House of Burgesses , Laws in manuscript: Bullock, ; Johnson, Virginia impartially examined, Virginia: Volney's works, , , , ; Cabanis, ; Denon, ; Lewis and Clark, ; mould board of least resistance, V, Criticism by Jefferson, ; note on, Voltaire, Francois Marie Arouet de: Letter from a Member of Parliament, ; Some general considerations con- cerning public revenues, Walsh, Robert, Letters from Jefferson: See Brissot de Warville Wash, R.

Comyns, ; Manley, T. Memoirs of the most material transactions in England, ; editor, Lucanus, ; Rowe, Welser, M. Oration delivered before the Tammany Society, Correspondence: Junius reputed author ; Papers relative to the rupture with Spain, Wilkins, David: