How To Stay Motivated: Unlock The Secrets To Change Your Life

7 Motivation Principles to Help You Change Your Life

Can you live with the consequences? Is there any way to not do this thing? Then, if you still conclude that this thing absolutely has to get done, focus on simply getting past it. If you need an ongoing kick in the pants to focus your energy on building a business or becoming a successful freelancer, we have a brand new podcast just for you called The Fizzle Show. In the comments below, share your other favorite motivation hacks and tell me what this post helped you achieve. Every week we talk with entrepreneurs. We talk about successes and failures. We spend time with complete newbies, seasoned veterans, and everything in between.

One topic that comes up over and over again with both groups is mistakes made in starting businesses. Newbies love to learn about mistakes so they can avoid them. Veterans love to talk about what they wish they had known when starting out. These conversations have been fascinating , so we compiled a list of the 10 mistakes we hear most often into a nifty lil' guide. Give it a share:. Thanks for helping pave a way to a better path for many people. No time for a long, drawn out comment. Your final part particularly attracts my attention as I am personally passionate about deeging really deep to uncover ALL the roots of obstacles holding me back and then work dilligently on removing them…… for ever: I would block the time in my diary that I will need to finish the task at least a week in advance.

This way I would prepare myself psychologically for it e. This somehow manages to take the edge of my dislike and turns the activity into a humorous one. And things get done: In addition to the above, I sit down, remember and write down examples of a few similar times when I completed things I disliked and was satisfied with the result. This I look at daily during the week of psyching myself up for the task.

This second method also serves another purpose: And last but not least, I also use many NLP techniques working with my submodalities to reduce the effects my demotivating states have on me — and they work a charm! Stop crying and create what you want!! I will be sharing this post with others. The hardest part is just starting. If the weather is poor, then simply blasting some pumping music and jumping around the room for a few minutes does wonders.

Damn, as always, just what I needed to hear at the right time as I put off getting things done yet another day. As usual, you are reading my mind and millions of others! Thanks for the virtual kick in the ass! Great stuff Corbett, it definitely grabs you by the lapels and moves you forward. But I had to let you know how powerful this was and thank you! Thanks Nathalie, I hope you get hundreds of awesome things done today.

Good of done without the swearing but the rest was over the top. I did have to give myself a pep talk this morning. The video got my juices flowing too and I just hope everyone that whines can take a look at this and think about it before doing it again. Watching him on video is insane- he is one jacked up man. Either way, I love him and you rock for posting this. Everyone should read it. Exactly what I needed today.

It does get easier, and it is all worth it, BUT you will question whether you should keep going dozens of times before you make it. Corbett dude, I seriously appreciate every single fucking post you have put up here. All I can say is thanks for being awesome and a serious fucking motivator. Thanks for the kick in the pants. You used almost as much profanity as all my favorite workout songs. I use the same playlist that got me from being a couch potato to a half-marathon runner to get my juices flowing for a work project.

Hmm I have to respectfully disagree — if you want to procrastinate complete steps , if you want to actually get shit done skip to step Consider it shared, after I have done my work and logged back into my social network sites ;. Gary Vee is the man motivating me the most lately. He is the BOMB and has made hustle the word of the year for us!! Awesome kick in the butt. Gonna cut and paste this above my desk! Glad you got in 6. God bless you, man, for this unbelievable post. WOW, I feel so fuc…ing motivated!

I was already feeling ultra-motivated, but I read this anyway just because I like getting punched in the face with awesomeness: I read the post, watched the video, knocked out a chapter of your Start a Blog that Matters course, and came back again for another motivational kickstart! To start doing something is the hardest part of the task. This reminds me of how my high school soccer coach used to pump us up to crush the competition!

You were just a lot more eloquent…. I drink water from a bottle I leave in my room while reading some instructions for the day in my mirror http: Then I read my goals that I have in my chalk board: At night I take 30 min to disconnect with everything and I meditate to remember the things that I have to do the next day, but most importantly, the attitude that I have to keep during the day and when doing the challenges, how do I have to react when feeling weak and what do I have to do in difficult moments much like shadow boxing.

Corbett I really need this right now. Thank you so much. I have been boxing with problems and worries lately. This is definitely a good article to push me back to the working phase. I did most of the activity you listed. Matter of fact, I am listening to my favorite playlist right now. Thanks for the words of inspiration. I have been planning for a while to stand up while working and I will try this today, even if I have some back problems, but I will see how it goes.

I like your style ;. Standing whilst working is my favourite tip! This absolutely frickin rocked dude. This is totally the way to get pumped up and get productively. Keep on keeping it real!! Oh my fu en god!! This post is amazing.. I am contemplating a new venture and this is all the motivation I need.. One of these posts you want to write on a piece of paper and do a copy for all people you care about.

Thank you so much Corbett. This is Melody from China. I wanna say thank you for posting this. Love the Lost bomb. It is so easy to get distracted and fall into living mediocrely because it takes less effort. Thanks for this very encouraging blog post. I needed to read this today.

Looking forward to reading more of your stuff. Putting this sucker in my favs to pull up whenever I need a good, old-fashioned kick in the ass. I personally use the Pomodoro technique and it helps me get started. I also find automation helps get rid of the procrastination a fair bit. Being so true to yourself and your vision has clearly allowed others to shine as well. I got to about point 7 and am waiting for the espresso machine to warm up for my shot. I gues down weeks are not the best time to give up the one coffee a day habit.

I love coffee smell and the luxury of the little ritual. I had barely opened your page. But today is one of those days and your opening line somehow got me. In case you wonder. If you have internal or external voices telling you that you cannot do something, the best way to shut them up it to just fucking do it!!

That guy is an energy bomb and he always gets to motivate me. All in one day! I feel a huge weight lifted off my shoulders. From the bottom of my heart, thank you for yelling and swearing at me. It was exactly what I needed! It made me smile and actually wanna do something. Funny cz it represents pure reality. Damn it hit me! I am lazy and need motivation. And so I stumble in to this page at the break point of the term, when the stress and tiredness and the almost impossible urge to whine is floating in the air of my studio.

Hey, high school student here. Thanks for the help: Thank you and I am going to share it on our FB page. This was absolutely tremendous and I loved it.

I feel like my work and life has been all over the place, but after reading your post and listening to Gary it is so clear…focus on what you love and work your ass off. It is straight to the point……….. I like to play music when I work too. It motivates me and gets me in the mood to get more done. Hey, I must say that this is something really motivating. I am myself a blogger who writes on making yourself for better and happy life. I have never read a post with such enthusiasm. Although I would suggest you to create a podcast or an audio file on this topic.

It made me to write another post on motivation and developing interest in ourselves. Language is rough, but I guess that is essence of this post. I wrote to developing positive attitude if you may wanna check at http: Loving this post so much that after reading it quite a few times myself, I decided I just needed to share the looooove!

Good Monday morning kick up the… for me. I do the exact same thing when I need motivation, I turn off everything and put on my favorite playlist. It is a great way to get some work done. Do the hard stuff first!

Make smart progress and avoid the worst pitfalls.

It is best to take a break when you know what to do next, not every time you get frustrated. I was scouting around for a one liner or two, printable, to go up on my cupboard to motivate the kids….. And instead you motivated ME!! Maybe my music will rival that of my teen-kids!! Hilarious because it is so true! This totally cracked me up and also put a foot in it…my behind that is…Thanks, Corbett!

I have no idea how to thank you! Fuck to the yeah! Late night dicking around on Stumble Upon is made of win! Thanks for this post man. I just gotta turn off my internet while doing something that has to be done. I think this post helps push people out of that warm bed. After a few days it will be programmed into your brains. So I looked here. Motivation should come from our vision and goals in life. Great encouragement really to just do it and not procrastinate.

Thank you so much for the passion and energy you put into this post. It has changed my life, not exaggerating at all. I give this link to my friends when they start whining about how tired and unmotivated they are. This is just what I needed. Found your post when searching questions about FB ads and this post title caught my eye. Thanks for the lift! I so needed this — after doing nothing productive all day, i found this and suddenly my chewing gum became less interesting!

Thank you for honest words and shove in the right direction. Now for the doing …. Thanks to this site, I had a productive sprint that brought me nearly to the end of a software contract that has dragged on far too long with so many damn contradictory changes in the product specification that I was almost ready to throw in the towel and lose money. Look at everything from above. Thank you so much! I sometimes slip due to PTSD stress from marine corps combat and even the smallest of tasks can sometimes be overwhelming.

Today was one of those days… I motivated myself up enough to look on the web for motivation and cans across your post..

Tony Robbins: Habits That Will Change Your Life ( Tony Robbins Motivation )

By the way the cursing did not in any way affect the positivity in your post. This is a very, very intelligent guy. He also has more energy if he worked 15 hr days for 7 yrs!!! Im sorry to say, most of us cannot replicate what he did. Thats the problem-There are soooo many reasons. What if his passion was fruit loops instead of wine? Would he ever in yrs be offered a tv show for it. Yet this guy is worth listening to.

As far as building brand equity, some of us arent creative enough to think of a name for a slice of Pizza let alone a whole company model. And what about shy people? Are they just f-cked from the beginning or should they just do another Anthony Robbins firewalk? Im just playing devils advocate here guys. I have a great wife, family and friends. My income is probably slightly below the wage of an average person. School never meant much to me. I never aimed for A grades; I was happy with C grades. My employed life has been the same. But up until recently, something has changed.

And it makes me want much more than what I have right now. In my new-found quest to succeed, I need constant reminders of where I want to be. Thank you for the words of motivation. I will be somebody. It may not be tomorrow. It may not be in my current profession. Today is your someday, Jason! Obstacles are what you see when you take your eyes off your goal. So stay focused and strong. Sending you positive vibes. This is by far the best motivational article I have ever read in my entire life. I got so much done yesterday just because of this article. LMAO very very funny. This is the first article on motivation that I was motivated in reading all the way through.

Thank you for that. But reading this post again when I hit that snag will definitely be the kick in the arse that I need! Brutally honest and motivating. Thanks for the great read! The problem really is that motivation just stays for that moment or for say an hour…. I need to get shit done right now. How come no one on the internet understands this. I know this feeling.. Only thing that works for me is to break the task into TINY pieces and find something fun that I really want to do, that can also be broken into tiny pieces.

Every tiny goal accomplished in the task add one slide to my talk, write a single paragraph of this document, whatever I get to do a tiny bit of the fun thing 5 moves in this turn based game, one page of what I was reading, etc. I had this feeling to but other people cant help with your problems you have to help yourself practice means better so if you I mean you practice on doing something you have to do then you will be successful in life. I have to grasp for any small glimmer of value to posts like this though because I desperately need to make moves.

I find every excuse not to do it, create fake problems where there are none to lose myself in the solution rather than just biting the bullet. Why should I do all of these things if I could just not do them and still be in about the same position as before! I just feel that internet and reading posts sometimes, keeps one in the loop, instead taking action.

You shift from one post to another, just to look for motivation, and 2 hrs are gone.!! Its important to take action, even when you are not motivated! I think it was pretty good, and pretty entertaining. That part about writing the three points down is pretty motivating. Sweetheart, if you were motivated in the first place, why come here?

After countless failed attempts to take over the world with the help of my assistant Pinky, I was feeling morose but thanks to this post i realised that every failure is a step closer to success and that one day the world will bow down to my genius. Allow me to express my gratitude human. There are a lot of posts on motivation scattered all over the internet, but the way in which this was presented really got me going. Thanks a lot, and keep up the good work! This post helped me feel more assured. Do it and do it and do it. I be back when I make a lot of money. I want to make so much that would make me SICK!

I love you world, Im ready to get out and make shit happen! I wish best of luck to you all. Now, what was I doing, lol. You can listen to the podcast on just about any device, including windows computers and phones. Simply go to this URL and click the play button: I have a hard time being motivated to exercise. Which is a little bit of a paradox since exercise helps motivation. I suffer from depression and right now im having a bad day have done nothing today just sleep and smoke my health is not good and my husband doesent even try to motivate me what should I do.

Awesome, thanks so much for writing and sharing this!! I was doing all the things you mention near the beginning: Thanks so much again for this motivation; I feel like I can do anything now!! This is very useful! It helps pick up my motivation which I have lost for a month! Yeah… It feels so good to get a kick..

Also — great typography. Could almost hear someone shouting at me at some points which was strangely necessary. All the people that are saying crap and other stuff about this page are just people that are wasting every second they got in there life when they could just doing something amazing. I have to admit Jim Carey did make me laugh harder, but your damn funny. Nice article with some great ideas! This is a testimony that I will tell to every one to hear. I have been married four 4years and on the fifth year of my marriage, another woman had a spell to take my lover away from me and my husband left me and the kids and we have suffered for 2years until I met a post where this man DR OLOKUM have helped someone and I decided to give him a try to help me bring my lover back home and believe me I just send my picture to him and that of my husband and after 48hours as he have told me, I saw a car drove into the house and behold it was my husband and he have come to me and the kids and that is why I am happy to make every one of you in similar to met with this man and have your lover back to your self.

Read the first few lines and started laughing because I imagined someone actually shouting that stuff at me… thanks for the boost and reminders!! I wish to share my testimonies with the general public about what this man called DR. I read it twice now i am able to understand upto some points that what r u trying to say thanks a lot. Dear friends online, my name is Ibolo, I have to give this miraculous testimony, which is so unbelievable until now.

I had a problem with my Ex husband 2years ago, which lead to our break up. Before i knew what was happening my husband gave me a call and told me that he was coming back to me in just 2days and was so happy to have him back to me. We have two kids together and we are happy with ourselves. Thanks to Dr Ogbe for saving my relationship and for also saving others own too. If you are going through hard life and you need help in problems such as:. Whoever wrote this… Thanks. I have 30missing assignments to do in 5 days. The only thing this list motivates me to want to do is slap whoever wrote it across the back of their ignorant, plagiarizing, empty fucking head s.

This is just a bunch of poorly written shit that was scavenged from the bowels of the Internet by people who dont know what the fuck theyre talking about, and cobbled together for page clicks. This is an excuse that I come across over and over from readers who come to my website. Are you looking for a jackpot win on either a scratch off ticket or the little lottery contact Dr Okunta today, all your pains will be over okay, Dr Okunta is here to help you out okay?

This spell can be directed at either type of lottery game in your area to produce a one time jackpot win. When you do not have the financial freedom to do as you wish, life can take a toll on you and your family. Money Voodoo spell can help increase finance in many ways. We can help with business spells, lottery spells, getting people to pay you back and gambling spells. Better Odds Gambling Spell. Do you go to the casinos and gamble frequently? This spell will increase the odds of your natural win when you go to gamble. You will frequent win. Are you looking for an increased income? This spell will help you in all aspects of your life financially.

Whether it be getting a salary increase, better luck or more business coming your way, this spell will help get it done right the first time. For all your problems and pains will be solve one time….. For all your problems and pains will be solve one time………………………………………. Astrology is a wonderful thing, is it not? The gifts from the universe that include the planets and the zodiac signs and all of the beautiful qualities and themes of the constellations in the sky are miracles in themselves. But the universe is, well, the universe, and all of the gifts that it has to offer are as big as it gets.

But once in a while we discover an element of the universe that reveals one of those little secrets. This is a secret from the universe that has little to do with star signs or planets and horoscope compatibility because it is an element that is left entirely up to…. And that my friends is the destiny of love compatibility that you created for yourself eons and eons ago. I know it is something many of you wonder about, and I know this because I answer your questions on this very topic every single day.

The topic of soul connections. But I do know some tips that can help you answer your own questions. Questions like, should I stay or should I go, is she my soul connection, and when am I going to meet Him. What do I mean by that? This is the love compatibility test we are going to explore in depth, today. The Definition of a Soul Connection. As I have previously discussed, there are many different words and terms for soul connections. Here is a general stream of consciousness on this very topic on how soul connections are formed, to help you determine the differences between these terms for the purpose of this discussion alone.

I do need to tell you there are MANY streams of consciousness on the origin and meaning of soul connections, and we at Astrology Answers respect them all. This particular one is one that experts such as astrologer and psychic Silvia Browne and psychic Edgar Cayce subscribe to. The origin of soul mates goes back to the beginning of time. At the beginning of time when it was your turn to create your karmic path and your karmic destiny, you chose a Cabinet of people to do so with. That was your first task.

With those people you created the blueprint of your destiny that would basically map out exactly what was going to happen to you from lifetime to lifetime. You find those details written on your birth chart or astrological chart. The people you planned that with were your soul connections. Also included in this Cabinet are the legions of angels you have chosen to take this journey with you. Psychics like Sylvia Brown have been quoted as saying the approximate number of angels around you from lifetime to lifetime varies between 60 and So if you think your same sex best friend is a soul connection that you met 7 lifetimes ago, you are probably right.

But this is a soul connection, someone that is in that wide circle of your initial Cabinet. Every soul in that circle is a soul connection. The next term we define out of that circle are soul mates. These are romantic connections that you preplanned, and romantic connections only. This is where the streams of consciousness begin to diverge and create separate theories, one of them including an entirely separate romantic connection known as the twin flame.

For the purpose of THIS discussion, I am going to stop where the different theories diverge, and use the terms soul mates and twin flame interchangeably. So this answers two more of your questions. Can I have more than one soul connection? Can I have more than one romantic soul mate? The soul mate and twin flame experience occurred at this origin of time, when you were mapping out your destiny.

Your own individual soul split into two, one a masculine energy and one a feminine energy. You may have other soul connections in your life right now if you are very lucky. But you might not. So this is why you hear people saying, he is the yin to my yang, or she completes me.

Meeting a twin flame or soul mate is literally like meeting the male or female half of you. And it is not gender or heterosexual specific, it is about energy patterns. I know a specific twin flame experience where the woman is the masculine energy and the male brings the feminine energy and they are beautiful together. So I know there are often confusions about these terms, I did want to clarify that. So this article can also be called, signs you have a twin flame, signs you have a soul mate, and the like. The wide circle of soul connections is as Oprah would say, a whole other show.

The word twin flame has heat in the term itself. People spend their entire lives being bitter bananas in love, until the universe sends them their twin flame. Her girlfriend laughed and told her to lower her expectations. This instant knowing is not something you can plan or create. Soul mates and twin flames have a very similar unconscious, they are identical in fact but for the exception of the masculine and feminine energies. So when they hurt, you feel it.

This is what stops you from lighting into them when you are angry, because you will literally feel their pain. But when they rejoice you also feel it, and this is what makes the connection so awesome. You know what they are thinking before they say it out loud. This is a bitter sweet one for those that are excited about this one. Everything they feel, you feel, and vice versa. Someone will start appearing in your dreams, to announce their arrival, to indicate their current presence.

This is a very common pathway of communication for twin flames and soul mates. Synchronicities are meaningful coincidences, a term coined by psychologist Carl Jung. The Plato example I mentioned above is a good example of a synchronicity. Other signs are Frequent Breakups or Frequent Distance. Yep, I said it. If you are breaking up and coming back to each other a LOT, it might be a twin flame union.

Or, if you are separated by distance that is the same thing. Look for the patterns, your angels are trying to point you towards the test you need to learn here. Thanks a lot Marie for what you have been doing so far, the world really need people like you. I will just be repeating everyday actions not end goals and will stay focus.

Uh, I so needed to hear this one today. While dreaming and planning is a necessary part of this entrepreneurial journey, I need to focus on the present and the process right now. My goal this week is to focus on the process. Do the work, work on my business, and keep it movin girl! This reminds me of the old Chinese proverb: A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. By far, one of my favorite videos yet!

One thing I do to stay motivated when I am working my buns off is to take a break and do something for me. All work, no play is no fun. Taking a step back allows for more creativity and out of the box epiphanies to come through and out in my work. Such a good idea, Nicole! And then I get more work done after that! That was very helpful! I think I struggle with these things and your post helped me become more aware.

In my life overall and in specific areas too. Thanks for this video! It popped up at the exact moment I needed it! Our culture drills the need for goals into us and it makes our society constantly focus on the future instead of the moment. Some things, like trips, have to be planned! But thank you for the reminder, Marie! You just reminded me — all I need to do, next, is write.

This video came at an excellent time for me! Thank you for the reminder on where to keep my focus. I really love what Christine is saying here, so thanks Marie and Christine! Your talk gives a high -level of motivation running our IT business here in Singapore. Thank you for valuable insights that motivates me. Your energy in giving ideas and tips is the highest form of motivation. Keep it up Marie you inspires many like me. This makes so much sense! I just wrapped up a yearlong drawing project where I tried to learn to make drawing fun rather than stressful and the only way to do that was to focus on the process rather than the outcome.

Whenever I got stuck on wanting to make a beautiful drawing I would quit before I even started because the pressure was too high. Over and over again we think we need to be somewhere else, and we must find the truth right here, right now; we must find our joy here, now. How seductive it is, the thought of tomorrow. We must find our understanding here. We must find it here; it is always here; this is where the grass is green. Stephanie, thank you for this!

What a great example of what Marie is trying to illustrate. In fact I am struggling with learning to do some creative things right now and I think this will help me.


Girl, Its amazing the things we instinctively know, yet refuse to acknowledge! I hate that deep down … I am really lazy! Yep … I said it! I continually choose to sulk in the why me syndrome, then make that little switch unless my ass is on the line and back is against the wall to admit … life requires attention to details everyday! I want to be magic!!! Which only goes to prove that … you got to keep at it! Ok, Ok … so you inspired me … and here is what I am going to do … everyday I am writing it on wall I am going to ask myself … which magic spell am I going to focus on today … to ensure that I stay motivated to see the magic come to life!!!

Oh, and I am going to commit to making sure my spell gets shared with someone just like me … a single individual that I can directly put a spell on … inspire! And I think just got to keep coming back to your space here … cause I now see … we need to be friends! You gots what it takes … and I need what it takes … so keep the Magic happening for me and for those I can effect! Here is looking at you kid!!!! Love your post here. Well pre watching the video….

Maaaaannnnn every month I go through this challenge, and have tried everything to unlock the blocks, and today Marie Forleo you have helped shift my mindset again so thankyooooou you are amazing. Love love love your videos. Will focus on the process and work towards making it perfect than worrying about the outcome. I guess if you turn out something good, the outcome cannot be too bad! Where do I start????? I set my timer and stopped everything to watch you on Steve Harvey yesterday! I could have been your momma the way I was bursting with pride!

I find enough stuff to wish someone that might make their day brighter that I can fill a note card. I take that envelope addressed: I do this stealth activity that makes me feel like a pixie, a fairy… a private detective…and before you know it, I am smiling. Beaming from ear to ear. Nancy, thank you for sharing your beautiful tip of the love letter to a stranger. It made me both smile and tear up.

Think I will give it a try! Nancy, that is awesome! The idea brought a smile to my face too. What an exquisite idea Nancy. My soul lifted just reading this. Thank you for being an exceptional human being. What perfect timing Marie!! And then your email appeared. Having goals is great but the process of getting there is even greater! I really needed this today. Thanks for this Marie. But the latter focuses on the process or the progress and sees it all as success, even if the end goal is not achieved. Thank you for affirming it today.

Yes I needed this today! I keep feeling like I should be so much farther along in my business and have been losing motivation and action because of it. First off, you make me smile. Every time I watch your episodes, they motivate me just because they make me smile and laugh. Now to the heart of your episode.

Has to be full force, full body. Creativity lives in your body, not your mind. Thanks so much, Marie! I have been focusing on writing and rewriting my plans, goals, and figuring out what I want, which has become like work! Time to do and enjoy the creative process! Sometimes it takes permission of persuasion. Service is huge for many successful celebs who want to chsnge the world, change the lives of youth like them, or make people laugh and dance!

One act of kindness is all it takes. I love the force of joy you bring!! Reading and listening about this immediately made me think about monks focusing fully on a task at-hand until the bell rings. I think this is exactly what I needed to hear today- to refocus with a micro view and save the macro for planning sessions. Many a times most of the people feel like this.

The reason being the appreciation of hard work is delayed. The advice given by you, to focus on the action is really good one. Also a focus on how to improve the same will yield good results. Thanks for sharing the thought. Love this video Marie, thank you for producing great content as always. I am an author and lately have had one of my competitors stealing all of my work and ideas by repackaging them as his own. Thank you for all that you do!

We have an episode of MarieTV that might help! You can check it out here: You might also want to talk to your lawyer about intellectual property theft. Marie, I love your episodes and this one is right up there with them. Thank you so much. Thanks for such perfect advice and for killing it with that dress!! Yeah, dealing with the daily frustration of starting my own coaching business and working from home. Seem to be working for an absent audience and it is frustrating and hard to keep motivated.

All i want to do everyday is help someone and change lives. Why is it so hard? Keep your consistency, though, and over time your ideal readers and clients will find you! Great episode today Marie! I find that breaking my BIG goal down into small steps makes it easier to stay focused and motivated. Love your fashion and vlogging style! Marie, I love your videos and omg, I love your dress! The advice about helping someone else is fabulous.

This is the first time I write on your blog. And I think I understand perfectly what is the situation that is Chris. A few years ago, before I went to university, I had the best grade in my class. When I went to university, my grades dropped and I started in the world of blogging to make money. Now, after watching this video, I will try to focus more in the action that in the goal. But after going through several times when I have not felt good mentally, I think this video is just what I needed. Alejandro, thank you for your comment!

So glad you decided to join the conversation and share your story. And hooray for good timing — awesome to hear that this episode came at just the right moment! What a powerful idea, Marie! While I know that staying in the present moment is the way to go, scientifically proving that you achieve more focusing on the now rather than focusing on the endgame is a revelation to me so thank you for that! I totally feel for Chris and can relate to his situation — I have boxes of unsold CDs and books as evidence! But that never worked out before.

How are you you going be successful this time? But what I try to keep in mind are the small wins. Am I making at least some progress? Did I reach or impact one more person over this past month? Did I make a few more dollars than I did last month? I am also going to try to have an adventurous spirit about it all this time around.

Yes, that may not have worked but what about this? Part of the fun is seeing it all coming together and discovering how the pieces fit! Success is relative and I always like to keep two things in mind. Good luck with all your ventures. And remember we are different people than we were 10 years ago: I Marie, love your insight.

I will apply this to my business life, as I try for a year to start and push forward my career as a motivational speaker. Starting off with a blog and writing over articles without seeing yet the big results I want, it could be discouraging. But everything that is worth it, is worth working at. Please shed some light as I am Open to new examples and change of thinking.

Dear Tina, I just heard form a woman in Monterrey, Mexico, who undergoed diets for decades, even surgery, and never became skinny. A whole new loving aproach in which you make peace with your body, and your body becomes grateful rather than resentful… and obedient! Watched this video while on a walk on a gorgeous day. Focusing on creating new information, new programs and new ways of looking onto the world … Especially because I love what I do! Thanks so much Marie! You are so right on… Thank you for the reminder and all of your videos!

Totally agree with this. I make quarterly goals then break down all of the little actions that have to be done that quarter to achieve my goal. I put it all in a spreadsheet with the item and what week of the quarter it needs to be done. At the beginning of the week I map out what needs to be done and on what day. Then each day I break down the schedule by hour around meetings, etc.

2. Read the quotes below. If you have a favorite quote or two you always refer to, read that too.

Thanks for this reminder Marie. Accomplishing a task is an amazing feeling, and can definitely create forward momentum. Thank you for sharing how you get things done! Just when I think your last video was the best yet — you spew out more great content that I really needed! How do you do that? So what you said really resonated with me today — to just focus on the action not the outcome. I am just wondering if you look the end result and break it down at all backwards to be the reminder of process….

I think your advice would be good across all areas of my life; just take that walk vs thinking of end goal of losing so much weight packed on over past years; take a deep breathe looking the sea in the morning vs thinking of how many things are on my to do list; write that blog post vs focusing and agonising of what the perfect blog would look like and so not writing a thing x. It just was, as shared from Love and Being. Definitely resonate with Chris on this. Anything but getting shunoogies done. It can be reeeeeeally uncomfortable with physical reactions, but some days I have to push through.

Get up, move around. Do press ups, something to break the low energy feeling. Practice guitar or something like this. They were settled in there reeeeeeal geeeeerd. Time to retire you old habits, read a book, learn to garden and grow something new. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Is it my phone? To know that everything is rigged in your favor and all your efforts will take you exactly where you best fit it. Thanks for your tips and helping me to continue on my journey. This is exactly what I needed to hear. Thanks so much for the confirmation!

You can increase dopamine with the right foods and supplements, exercise, meditation, creative hobbies, and coffee. I so admire that Marie can be so sexy AND funny. The area of working now is my project. Putting lot of efforts but every thing is moving so slow. Always thinking positive even after the dull experiences and also Hope for the Best all the time.

Marie…I love the way God and the Universe work. After I was finished, I noticed the small amount of engagement once again, and I broke down crying. I just felt exhausted, and discouraged. So I took a step back. And decided to just nurture myself in that moment. I meditated a bit, watched a Tony Robbins video, and took the rest of the day off. I reminded myself to trust the process, and remember that often conflict is just growth trying to happen. My struggle is a good sign. I woke up this morning with new eyes, and some great ideas for my business…and of course, this beautiful video in my inbox perfect timing!

I plan to take the next few days easy, and just work when inspiration flows into me, rather than forcing anything. And now…because of this struggle…I have a blog post topic for next week! If anyone can just remember that, and trust the process…then they will do great work in this world!

Always, thank you for your beautiful insight. This advise is exactly what I have been looking for the last few days. Great advise, I will put it in practice Thank you so much for your help Maria. Thankfully I am doing something I enjoy, and the joy of doing is what keeps me going strong. Marie, you are amazing! But the difference is not to give up easily. Who tells us that would be easy be sucessfull? Monica, how wonderful that your English teacher introduced you to Marie. This is interesting, but I do have a question.

I run my own portrait business, and I love it! So much so that sometimes I lose sight of my goal and my actions are not focused enough. Can you share more about this nuance of guiding ourselves toward the event goal while focusing on the process?? This builds my confidence back up.

Thank you for the laugh, I almost spit out my coffee watching the flossing bit.

1. Quit bitching about how tired you are.

Well, just wanna say thanks for this. One topic that comes up over and over again with both groups is mistakes made in starting businesses. Seem to be working for an absent audience and it is frustrating and hard to keep motivated. The strategy I learned in your video was awesome,now all I have to do is apply it. Your twin is probably thinking of you, reading some of your messages, or planning something with you.

I have been feeling this way lately, building an organization and trying to start my own products, spending so much time but feeling like no traction is happening. I do spend way to much time focusing on the results and not enjoying the actual work. I got my light boxes in the mail and going to open those up today and figure out how to use them so I can start creating my video content!

Thanks for the pep talk and laugh today Marie! Another great one Marie! I so needed to hear this right now. In my case comparing myself to others is a great recipe for feeling terrible and then losing the motivation. Sometimes a bit of patience is required and then we can enjoy the journey as you say, however long it may take to reach our goals. This is very timely. I am an artist and sometimes get bogged down in the rejections that come with submitting my work for shows and grants etc.

I sometimes forget that I should just keep making work and not worry about the response I get. I get much more joy from the process of making things. My editor was waiting for book number three and I until I realized because I was writing through grief, and that every book is different, I had to slow the whole process down and just go with what needed to happen, to trust everything was happening just as it needed to.

It meant editing a line could take an hour; however, once I started to embrace I would get it done one step at a time, it happened. I emailed it off this month and just sat with the wonderful relaxed, exhausted feeling for a while and received it. And I like to do a new or scary thing each week and it always delights and surprises me when I drown out the thoughts in the doing and witness the wonders we are capable of. I absolutely love this Marie! It makes me think, really all of your videos do! Thanks for making them. To answer your questions, I think all areas of my life would benefit.

Thinking this way will help the rest of my life. I love that you made a video flossing too! I think that my continuing to create, and find info. The fact that the foundations I wish to help would help others was not the main thing I was concentrating on. I was concentrating on my wanting to be a part of helping.

This is hard for me to admit, but in concentrating on that, I was concentrating on me. I have to stop thinking about my health getting better in order to help others, relax, and trust that will happen. To keep me motivated, and engaged, I do a few things. I go through other artists posts and compliment them. Like you said, it makes me feel better. I tend to forget that though, and need reminders. I draw, paint, etc. It helps me to forget about dwelling on what is going on in my life and think of others again. I also LOVE poetry and reading so that often relaxes me as well. Thank you for posting these things Marie!

I need reminders of such things, because I often forget them. You are a blessing to this world. I have been seeing my life in general go for a spin like clay on a potters wheel. The disappointments have not ceased and may not, but this reminder to keep going that the world needs my dream — believe it or not, the tears in my eyes at the moment need no gravity to come way down.

Thank you, I needed this, badly. Service work, hands down, is what saves me. This is so aligned with where we are in our business—again and again. Doubt starts creeping in, especially in these past summer months when business has tended to slooowww waaay dowwwn. Thanks, Chris, for daring to bare your soul and enlighten us all. I wrote about this in my blog when I talked about process vs. When you focus on the product you create…a product, a thing, an inanimate object, an end result.

When you focus on the process, it affects and changes you. You struggle, learn, practice, improve, grow. You come out of it a different person than going in. Thank you for your video, as always is so inspiring!! I want to add that it helps to stay focused on the present if you are in a gratitude mode really looking at what you already have or accomplished an being thankful for it, instead of just putting your attention on what is still missing.

This video was amazing! Especially for us multi-passionates who have a lot of projects on the go. Wow, that video on focusing on the process instead of the goal to maintain motivation was just what I needed to hear for my songwriting. I love this episode! The joy is in the doing.

Thank you for this little pearl of wisdom. A great way to start my Tuesday. Best of luck with your journey Chris. I have been floundering in working my toosh off and not seeing results lately. Thanks for the push in the right direction, as always. By the way, I look forward to the silly clips at the end of your videos almost as much as the videos themselves.

Would love to hear some thoughts on that! Get connected to your heart. Once you do that, shift your attention back into what you can control — which is your moment to moment actions. This tweet-able is so relevant to me at the present moment that I often think Marie is talking to me directly. I am working on my first romance novel and have been for the last year. I always put aside my phone and other distractions when writing. I think when you are passionate about something you must give it your full attention in order to grow in that area.

I also can see how this applies to all areas of life. Being present and fully focused on who and whats in front of you is important. This makes such sense. You are perfectly centered in the present. All your power is in the present moment. My focus has obviously been on my bank account rather than on what really matters to me and what I truly enjoy about the business in the first place. From now on I get to remember why I chose this career, my love and passion for the process of working with people.

Maybe I am not entirely understanding the message, but this seems contrary to all the other personal development advice on this topic! That the individual steps towards your goal can be…well…not fun, and if you focus on how tough that is, and not on your excitement of your bigger goal — then you end up not doing the individual steps. But I do like the idea of not having to get fillings. Thanks for your comment.

I responded above addressing this. It works like a dance. Really enjoy the process. Thanks for the great content with such a fun delivery! This video was sent to my inbox at the perfect time! I, too, was starting to get discouraged by my lack of results. But thanks to your tip, I will regroup and refocus my energy into the process, not the results. Thanks for the very timely video!!! Interesting point of view. However, considerable research also supports a different approach. Focusing on a positive outcome is different. Weighing a certain amount or, better, being in good shape and healthy with specifics is an end goal.

However, one caveat — IF we have a sense of having to have otherwise known as attachment the outcome, we will get in our own way. So, focusing on the desired end result while at the same time being clear about the current reality including our frustration, for example is a very powerful motivator — and not only to keep us interested and having fun — it is an approach more likely to help us reach our goals. You may find the writing of Robert Fritz: Thanks for your always interesting and motivating talks!

Perfect timing for this video today! Thank you Marie for your playful, inspiring and insightful talk! I love how you keep it fun, for I think that being playful with the process is key! Many Blessings to you. This is so true!! I once did a sporting event I thought was beyond my reach — a half ironman. I set this as a goal because I had heard somewhere that focusing on a really big goal that may actually not be achievable was a way of achieving more compared to using SMART goals or more realistic achievable goals.

I just focused on doing the training each week — swimming, running, cycling. And at the end of it all, I did complete the event! It is so true we are always looking to the future and sometimes we forget to focus on the NOW! You know what Marie? I was JUST talking about this very topic last night with my husband. If feels that my whole family is currently stuck in this loop of passionately working on a project and then having a panic attack that there is no point to the whole thing and it will never be successful.

Thanks Marie for somehow getting inside my head and bringing this email in my inbox today. Thank you for answering my question, Marie! They had already helped me, but this episode was a cherry on top of the whole experience! Motivation is still an issue for me. I knew what the answer for improvement was going to be before you even said it, because your team was so phenomenal before. But, it was nice to get a more in-depth answer that served as a self-check for me. Chris, thank YOU for sending in your great question. Thank you for being here with us as you work towards your goals!

Thanks for your Q and for your kind words. I was just thinking yesterday about how that was the one thing that stuck with me when reading her book years again. I just teared up! This tip really nailed it. My passion is writing. I also have a column in our local newspaper and am a contributor to HuffingtonPost. Sadly, I need a day job to pay the bills. My career as a realtor allows me some freedom for my writing, but can also be highly stressful so all I want to do at the end of the day is pass out. That sounds really stressful, Jackie.

Have to say I was taken by surprise with this one. I always thought focussing on the end goal was the key. Oh, and I love the outfit, Marie. Oh my gosh, this is me right now, things worked out for a time, had a son, bought a house, but in I was laid off, you Marie helped me keep my sanity during that time.

I went back to school, and now applying, for jobs, attending interview after interview nothing, even did a boot camp on interviewing skills, the feedback great candidate but no offers, by the way I am 56 yrs old, Trinidadian with a strong Caribbean accent and disability, which has never stopped me in the past.

I am trying to just remain in the now and know that I am fulfilled, but like your last video crickets. Marie I have lost my home, which the blessing is no debt. It is just that I have my moments. Thank you, thank you for sharing this other angle to look at my situation. Trust me I have tried all your suggestions after all you know who I follow, so I guess like you and all the others have said, stay in the moment knowing and feeling you are fulfilled.

I just keep telling myself this will make a great testimony after this part of my journey. Hey, Marie great episode. I wake up every day and I get to do what I love. I always find a way to work through it. Because if I did, I would not be where I am today. I never give up.

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But, when I do get down in the dumps, I just go for a walk with dogs and drink a few cool ones. It reminds me of a quote I heard awhile back: You either win or you learn. This is such great advice: But the message reads loud and clear on this end. I work as a high school teacher, as well as English language tutor. When I have time to myself, I enjoy scrapbooking. Tony Robbins says focus on the outcome.

I like your focus on the process too.

I opened it almost three years ago. When school year begins it is always difficult to find new students. There are three more study centers nearby what makes things more difficult. What do you suggest me to do to arrange more students? Sometimes I feel like giving up. All the best for you. This is such an amazing video, thank you so much! May I throw in a more personal and specific question? That sounds so cool, Amanda! So glad this was helpful, Jaime! Great question and beautiful reminder that all we are and do comes from the present.

Karen Shoshana Wellness Girl. But I thought you should focus in your goal to get things done? Both goals and process are necessary. Goals provide direction, clarity and focus. And, once you have that clear vision, shift your attention to the task at hand. Bravo, Marie, Every your word was true.

Any comment is superfluous. I am in situation similar with that of Cris, but I am not asking myself about results.