Night, Day & Night Again

Day to night and back again: Earth's ionosphere during the total solar eclipse

The Summer Solstice takes place between June 20th and 22nd in the northern hemisphere and between December 20th and 23rd each year in the southern hemisphere. The Winter Solstice occurs at the same time but in reverse — between Dec. According to NOAA , around the Winter Solstice at the North Pole there will be no sunlight or even twilight beginning in early October, and the darkness lasts until the beginning of dawn in early March.

Earth’s Rotation:

Conversely, around the Summer Solstice, the North Pole stays in full sunlight all day long throughout the entire summer unless there are clouds. After the Summer Solstice, the sun starts to sink towards the horizon. Another common feature in the cycle of day and night is the visibility of the Moon, the stars, and other celestial bodies. On certain days, when the Moon is well-positioned between the Earth and the Sun, it is visible during the daytime. However, the stars and other planets of our Solar System are only visible at night after the Sun has fully set.

Night and Day (song)

The reason for this is because the light of these objects is too faint to be seen during daylight hours. The Sun, being the closest star to us and the most radiant object visible from Earth, naturally obscures them when it is overhead. On an especially clear night, and assuming light pollution is not a major factor, the glowing band of the Milky Way and other clouds of dust and gas may also be visible in the night sky.

These objects are more distant than the stars in our vicinity of the Galaxy, and therefore have less luminosity and are more difficult to see. Another interesting thing about the cycle of day and night is that it is getting slower with time.

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According to atomic clocks around the world, the modern day is about 1. To learn more about solstices here in Universe Today, be sure to check out our articles on the Shortest Day of the Year and the Summer Solstice. Check out this podcast at Astronomy Cast: Born in , Karthik Vengatesan is a graduate of Biotechnology and currently resides at Chennai.

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Karthik began his career in the year as a freelancer in an International Outsourcing Company near his hometown. Few years later he managed to work for a couple of bigger logos and major playing outsourcing firms. Karthik wrote an article questioning the lack of sustainability amongst Indians in best practices that were implemented, which caught the attention of many in the organization he worked for.

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He has also portrayed keen interests in writing short stories and poems most of which are thought provoking and encouraging. Karthik actively participates in conducting sessions on Career Thinking for final year graduates and school students to provoke the young minds to focus on better planning their future.

He believes that service doesn t require a separate wing of function and believes in serving the needy and the close people.

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Nicholas Stevenson (Nick) is a young chap who goes against the odds to secure his life. Nick, being unable to find a promising career path, chooses to work in. Read on and get engrossed in your journey with Night, Day and Night Again as each page reveals you how life works in a 24X7 Offshore Support Desk.

He is of the opinion that education enlightens individuals towards better living, thereby to see a truly emerging nation. The key issues that interests Karthik are global warming and a greener earth. Kindle Edition File Size: Share your thoughts with other customers. Write a product review.

Day to night and back again: Earth's ionosphere during the total solar eclipse

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