This is a story about heroism and courage.

Hamilton: the musical (Animatic version)

Not so True Hugh. How to write a great review. The review must be at least 50 characters long. The title should be at least 4 characters long. Your display name should be at least 2 characters long. At Kobo, we try to ensure that published reviews do not contain rude or profane language, spoilers, or any of our reviewer's personal information. You submitted the following rating and review.

We'll publish them on our site once we've reviewed them. Item s unavailable for purchase. I really enjoyed Clay's part in the story and his drawings and especially how it lead up to the big confrontation. I also loved all Nastya's family even though some parts were really sad! This is definitely an emotional and heart wrenching story!!

Both Josh and Nastya have gone through some horrible things and we get to see things through both their POV's which I love. There is a slow build up of their romance and while there is sex, it isn't steamy. I don't think Josh did anything wrong, I just wish it hadn't happened. This story is about second chances and I was really intrigued by the twist on dying and coming back.

I knew when Josh's grandpa told his story that what Nastya had 'seen' would make a big impact and I loved how KM ended the book with it! I LOVE the book trailer If I was allowed. View all 35 comments. I'm just going with my gut and give this about 3. It's almost easier to tell you what ratings I wouldn't give this book. It's definitely not a 5-star read for me because there were one too many problems in its progression for me to necessarily overlook or have a suspension of disbelief over them. Yet, this book isn't anywhere near 1 or 2 stars for me because the leve Initial reaction: Yet, this book isn't anywhere near 1 or 2 stars for me because the level of the writing and the intimacy taken to the characters makes this miles better than most novels I've perused in this genre, and I dare to say it's probably the best of the mainstream NA novels I've come across.

It says quite a bit, but not nearly as much as I'd hope it would've been.

Books by Sherry Jacobs

I will say one definitive thing, this will not be the last novel I read from Katja Millay. I really hope to read more from her. Normally I would give myself time to meditate over expounding my thoughts on a read like "The Sea of Tranquility", but I think I have a balance of reactions to be able to reflect on it so soon after reading it. A brief tangent first - I couldn't help but think of Emilie Autumn's song "Swallow" several times in the duration that I read this book.

It's really weird because it matches the voice of the leading female character and some coloring of her experiences almost to a tee. I mean, she's "not a faerie", obviously, but death, resurrection and something akin to a series of spells drowning color Nastya's experiences. They color Josh's world too, but probably not as closely as Nastya. Having said that, this is probably one of those books that honestly - you're not going to know how you react to it unless you try it or you have an understanding of what it entails and can decide whether it works for you.

I didn't go in with very high expectations more like my expectations were nearly scraping the bottom of the barrel. My luck with New Adult in the past year has been one miss after the next - most of you who've followed my reviews probably know that more intimately than others who are just coming across this reflection for the first time. That's not to say that "Sea of Tranquility" is a novel that completely sheds the coat of stigma associated with New Adult. It has cheese, it has slut shaming rampant if you will, which drove me up the wall.

It has two protagonists who are very notably damaged by their past and present experiences. Eventually they have a coming of terms with each other and it seems that they lean on each other "to heal". They can be very difficult to watch in their actions, reactions, and mental voices in spurts. The drama goes from faster than it can process, and the whole cascade of events can "drown" you fast, for better and worse.

I feel like the middle woman able to see why people love this to bits or hate it for its derivations. Yet, I think "Sea of Tranquility" deserves more credit than the string of carbon copy stories that I've seen in New Adult or even in the contemporary scope of what it's closer to in narrative - YA. The level of character intimacy here, from voice to attention to internal struggle, is impeccably well done. Nastya and Josh are both teens with palpable internal struggles and you see where their minds are in a given moment for the experiences they have.

I only wish more NA authors had that same apt narrative eye, because it's the kind of eye and focal point to character that I love. This is also a notably character driven story. Nastya and Josh reveal enough to tell you why they're in the present situations and problems they're in, but not enough to completely tell you why they do the things they do. They sound like elder teens, and notably there's a level of similarity to their snark and approaches to life, but I don't think that's so much a flaw in voice as it is a commonality they share, and something that ultimately lends to how they connect with each other.

The narrative doesn't feel like it's forcing its hand to bring these two together, rather they kind of fall into terms with being in the same environment and connecting in the odd measures in which they learn about each other. Nastya's known as the girl "who can't talk" - she's selectively mute, not by physical injury or disability, but rather more along the lines of what I recall Hannah Harrington's leading character in "Speechless" did - she takes a selective vow of silence.

Only in this work, you're not exactly sure why Nastya takes this silence. The only thing you can likely guess correctly is that something happened. She keeps making this point quite a bit in the narrative it makes sense later and comes full circle in a more symbolic way than I thought it would do. In the meantime, Josh is a damaged teen who keeps experiencing loss in his family without knowing repercussions, which lends him to be reckless in more ways than one.

I think I had a rougher time getting into the narrative not because of anything the protagonists do in this narrative to start, but rather how it sometimes overexpounds in the character voices in points. The actual prose is beautifully intimate in some places, but at the same time, it hampers the flow of the work.

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I think it could've been just as potent if it'd been streamlined better. I actually enjoyed watching Nastya and Josh get to know each other, alongside some of the larger cast that colors the novel. I think as opposed to most narratives I've come across, there's reasons for the conflict presented for the most part I would argue this isn't so much the case in the last part of the novel where it tries to rush events and some of them come one after the other without that much expansion.

I stated in one of my status updates that reading "Sea of Tranquility" was like running a marathon - having a rough beginning, finding a smooth transition once the flow's found, getting to the runner's high when you're far enough in to watch the events and find the interactions valuable, and then all of a sudden hit the darned wall. It's meaningful, but not rounded as well as it could've been. But it wasn't without flaws. Some of it is cheese i. Josh calling Nastya "Sunshine" , some of it is formulaic tragic past lovers, anyone?

I didn't like how some of the overarching thematics had the same texture of the formula that colors romances in this age group i. That said, in light of its virtues being what they were and considering its vices constructively - I would recommend this, and I definitely valued the experience on an overall note.

I'm hoping to read more from Millay in the future. View all 12 comments. DO THIS This is what this book did for me - and it wasn't until the very end, the last page, the last freaking sentence , that I was reduced to a puddle of happy mush mush. The Sea of Tranquility exudes all things feel-goody and I am so glad that it was recommended to me! Almost three years after publication but hey, I ain't complaining.

Nastya Kashnikov is seventeen and a former piano prodigy - the Brighton Piano Girl, and the main girl of this story. She is an enigma dressed in black; from the smoldering dark eyes to the tight dresses and the black stilettos. Her thoughts are dark and unwholesome but she is fascinating, flawed and her sense of humour is so ridiculously sarcastic that I can't help but develop an instant attraction to her personality.

Last night's dinner, the charred remains of my dignity, and apparently, now, my undergarments, too. What else did I leave on [his] bathroom floor? Josh Bennett is the boy. You know, that boy. I don't know whether it's his nonchalance towards his situation, or his loneliness, or his talent that makes him so appealing, but he is.

Like Nastya, he is dark and messed up, and to be perfectly honest, I really like those whole unconventional romance type stories, so this relationship ticks all the boxes. I also really appreciate the way Millay is able to convey the idea of grief. There are plenty of instances in the book, but this is one I particularly liked: I had a hard time grasping that I could come home one night and find that the person who was laughing and hugging me that morning just stopped existing. I didn't believe it was possible.

I didn't want to believe it was possible The characters have a realness about them that I adore; they're awkward, sexual and honest, and Nastya and Josh had undeniable chemistry which was portrayed really neatly through their evening garage sessions and mute conversations.

I just really liked it! Alice, you get ALL the internet hugs! View all 16 comments. Me ha atrapado la complicada vida de Nastya Kashnikov tanto como la de Josh Bennett. Se apoyan y se entienden incluso en el silencio. I really liked this book. However, I am somewhat disappointed with the resolution of the story.

I can't say I liked the las 40 minutes or so. Nevertheless, is a good book and I enjoyed it. When novels have been hyped up, much like this one has, I always have to face the fear that it will disappoint me; that it won't be as good as I want it to be. With The Sea of Tranquility, however, I needn't have worried.

Katja Millay's debut is flawlessly written, hitting the reader right in the gut, making them feel every emotion as if it were theirs. It's the type of contempo Rating: It's the type of contemporary that might as well have been written for me - slow-burn romance, heavily character-driven plot, flawed characters, and two tortured souls. It isn't a perfect novel - very few are, after all - but it is a novel that deserves its hype, its following, and to be read by every reader, no matter their genre preference. The Sea of Tranquility is not an easy novel to read.

While its first half can be excruciatingly slow, developing our two main characters and enriching the plot, it's the second half of this heartbreaking story that, contrary from making me cry, made my entire body shake in fear, disgust, and sadness. It was the type of deep despair that renders your eyes tear-less, but your soul broken anyway.

The Sea of Tranquility alternates between the perspectives of Nastya, the new girl in town, and Josh, the boy who has witnessed his entire family die before his eyes and, as such, the entire town leaves him alone. Nastya is broken, physically and mentally. While she keeps a tough exterior, a past traumatic experience is eating at her from the inside and against her own will, she is drawn to Josh, another kindred broken spirit.

While their initial interactions are far from friendly, slowly the two of them begin to form an unlikely friendship and, most surprisingly, trust. While they seem impenetrable, obscure, and downright strange to the rest of the world, they find solace in one another and creeping manner in which their quirky friendship turns into love is incredible to behold. It's the type of slow-burn that will take your breath away and at the same time, you understand that the feelings these two have for one another run far deeper than simple affection; they are, for lack of a better term, each others family.

In each other they find the redemption and comfort and understanding they don't even realize they're looking for or need to complete themselves. In addition to the romantic element, however, a heavy undertone of mystery remains present throughout the story. We, as the reader, are left in the dark when it comes to Nastya's mysterious past and while we can observe, physically, that she has scars and her left hand doesn't work quite alright, we still don't know what happened to her or the full extent of that mental damage.

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With alternating perspectives, we are witness to the slow changes that Josh and Nastya inflict upon each other, but we are also witness to glimpses of Nastya's past and if those flashes of horror don't frighten you, the eventual truth definitely will. I've mentioned that The Sea of Tranquility isn't a perfect novel - and it isn't. It is a deeply psychological tale of two tortured teens and it is told with a talent that I find breathtaking.

Yet, the beginning of this story is rather slow. It takes awhile to get going, but once it does, you won't be able to put this down. Nevertheless, the most important part of this story, its ending, was strangely lacking. Millay spends chapters upon chapters building up Nastya and Josh into characters we love and she then spends chapters upon chapters creating their love story. Through all this, the reader is immediately sucked in and utterly invested in the tale.

Once the drama begins to creep in, our hearts have been ripped out and when the eventual revelation of Nastya's past comes to light, our hearts are just shards of broken glass. Unfortunately, however, the manner in which Millay pieces them back together and glues them is a little I truly enjoyed this novel and while my initial gut-reaction was to give this 5 Stars, I found, upon reflection, that I couldn't. The Sea of Tranquility is one of the most surprising, original, and heart-wrenching tales I've read - ever - but its ending left me a little unsatisfied.

While I know many readers will disagree with me on this front, as they may have found the ending to be wholly satisfactory, I did think it was a little rushed. We are cheated of the opportunity to see Nastya grow and change and confront her past which she has been hiding from for such a long time. In fact, the monumental impact of Nastya's past is covered rather quickly in one chapter and then another very short epilogue of sorts.

I found myself wishing for both a quick injection of Josh's perspective and perhaps even a more conclusive epilogue that revealed a little of Nastya's conditions after her ordeal. Normally, I would have been satisfied by the nicely wrapped-up ending, but I found that for a novel that spend so much time just introducing us to the characters and later creating their romance, the eventual revelation of their journey to discovering the truth about each other and dealing with it was a little short in comparison and just a tad-bit of a cop-out.

Nevertheless, I cannot recommend this book enough. Truly, it is a story that took my breath away and the depth of emotion I felt for these characters is unparalleled. It's one of those novels that will stick with you for a long time to come, just because it is so different from everything else out there and the basic fact that it inspires so much feeling.

I feel as if I know Nastya and Josh nearly as well as Katja Millay herself probably knows them - that is how well she enables you to understand these characters. Furthermore, the troubles they faced were realistic, were never over-dramatic, and the cast of secondary characters that graced this tale were beyond phenomenal. I cannot adequately express my awe for Millay or my love for this story - one that I will never forget - and I am already eagerly anticipating whatever Millay writes next.

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The Miracle of the People of the Sea: El Milagro De La Gente Del Mar [Sherry Jacobs] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. There is something. - Buy The Miracle of the People of the Sea: El Milagro de La Gente del Mar book online at best prices in India on Read The Miracle of the.

Truly, this is one novel you will regret missing out on. If it doesn't make you think or change your life just a little bit, then you're reading the wrong story. Thank you to NetGalley and Atria Books for providing me with a copy of this book in exchange for a honest review.

You can read this review and more on my blog, Ivy Book Bindings. Everyone and their mother, daughter, and grandmother have read and rated this and I'm late to the party so I'll keep this short. I really liked the story. Full of YA angst.

Una historia de amor y de vida. He disfrutado de las situaciones cotidianas que acaban describiendo un amor que nace poco a poco. He adorado a Josh. La he admirado a ella. Possible mini review to come. View all 8 comments. It's definitely a YA and romance book,at the same time it's not really about romance. It's about bad things that happen all the time to young people, consequences and how badly someone is hurt and needs some exit door getting away from those loving her,meeting new people who accept her as she is now and gradually starting a new life.

This books is raw and not always beautiful and I liked it, YA books shouldn't be always light romance or on the other hand erotic, they could have more depth inside It's definitely a YA and romance book,at the same time it's not really about romance. This books is raw and not always beautiful and I liked it, YA books shouldn't be always light romance or on the other hand erotic, they could have more depth inside and still make you feel young again.

En The Sea of Tranquility nos encontramos con una historia desgarradora,triste pero con esperanza. La historia comienza algo lenta al principio,pero a medida que se desarrolla es imposible que la dejes a un lado. Como es normal, la gente lee la sinopsis antes de lanzarse a leerlo pero yo no lo hice.

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Even I felt redeemed. What else did I leave on [his] bathroom floor? El Tiempo in Spanish. Quotes from El mar de la tran You can read this item using any of the following Kobo apps and devices: Complejo Cultural de la Antigua Aduana.

La historia es hermosa, dos personas igualmente rotas,solas y con muchos secretos guardados que juntos, en su "campo de fuerza", encuentran "normalidad". Son dos personajes diferentes pero similares,Nastya corre de sus problemas y Josh se esconde de los suyos. Estoy bien con mentiras y rumores. A pesar de que ellos sean los principales hay otro personaje que, sin dudas, se roba mucho protagonismo en la historia y es Drew.

Es, y lo creo sin dudas ,el nexo que ayuda a Josh y Nastya se unan. La historia es desarrollada lentamente y lo mismo pasa con el romance. Este romance se desarrolla lento, casi pareciera que se odiaban o no se aguantaban al estar cerca Tenemos un acuerdo silencioso. Lo dejo mirarme, me deja mirarlo. Es un regalo que nos dimos mutuamente. Somos como un misterio el uno para el otro. Alguien que me explique. And the people who have been through shit think that you're supposed to deal with it the exact same way you did. The cover alone just gave me chills and I wasn't sure that my little heart could handle a story like this.

But for some strange reason, I had a chan "People who have never been through any sort of shit always assume that they know how you should react to having your life destroyed. But for some strange reason, I had a change of heart and decided to pick this book up. Even those this was a painful read, I'm really happy that I gave this book a chance. The Sea of Tranquility follows the story of Nastya Kashnikov and Josh Bennett, two people who both know what it's like to have the most important things taken from them.

Josh has lost everyone he has ever loved, while Nastya's life was forever changed by the hands of a cruel stranger. This commonality brings them together and a strange friendship begins to blossom. Overtime, friendship turns into something more, but it's not too long until Nastya finds herself face to face with her past, which leads her to having to make a decision that will ultimately change everything she and Josh have together.

The Sea of Tranquility starts of slow But I think a slow pacing was necessary since this book deals with a number of heavy themes. Millay does not cut corners and you could literally FEEL the emotions that our two characters are feeling, which is why this book was a painful read. It's raw, emotional, this book bares its soul. This section needs expansion. You can help by adding to it. Archived from the original on 7 July Retrieved 31 August Retrieved 25 November Trends and perspectives ".

El Tiempo in Spanish.

El mar de la tranquilidad

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