DARE TO BE DIFFERENT!: A challenge to “stand out” rather than “blend in”

No King except King Jesus.

Conforming to the world. Making Disciples for Christ is not conforming to the world, it is standing out from the world. And we are called not to fit into the world but to stand out, to stand out for Jesus. Today we have the all TV, movies, internet, email, instagram, facebook, twitter and those things can be used to keep us in the world. October 2, By Lauren Outcalt. We receive the Holy Spirit Power- Jesus wants us to stand out not to fit in.

And we are called not to fit into the world but to stand out, to stand out for Jesus. We are called not conform to the worldly ways of life, but to stand out from them. You may think that I am off on this scripture, but It is too sad that this is the version of the bible people use in their lives and that most Christians live by.

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I believe that if we had a out pouring of the Holy Spirit today like what happened to the Disciples at Pentecost, I think that most people, most Christians in Churches would dismiss it, Some people would run for the hills, but many, they would not believe it, they would dismiss it and that fact is they just wouldn't accept it. Some would call it being charismatic, while others would leave the church they are in because of it.

The truth is we have the power of the Holy Spirit, the same Holy Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead, the same Holy Spirit that affected the disciples where they could speak in all the different languages on the day of Pentecost. And in order for us to stand out we must have the Holy Spirit.

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The first example of others not fitting, but standing out are the disciples, they stood out. They dared to be different than the world.

Why fit in when you can stand out

The bible shares their lives with us. They were plain ordinary people; until the one day Jesus said come follow me. In Matthew Chapter 4 it shows Peter and Andrew casting their nets into the sea, then later Jesus sees James and John in the boat mending their nets.

These guys were just fishermen. They only knew how to fish, their fathers were fishermen, they were fishermen, they were fishermen all their lives, they lived at the Sea of Galilee, they were professional fishermen, and one day Jesus said come follow me and He made them fishers of men Matt: They could have stayed fishermen, they could have fit in with the culture, and they could have taken over the family business. But Jesus took them and made them stand out. Their lives became changed because of Jesus. Because of Jesus they did not fit in but they stood out, though the Holy Spirit in their lives the physical church began with over people in one day, they stood up against the very people who crucified Jesus.

You see in the Old Testament at the Tower of Babel that is where God confused the people with making them speak in different languages to split them apart. Now we find The Holy Spirit in the lives and leadership of the disciples uses the power of the languages to unite the church in the book of ACTS. When we become saved- we become followers of the Christ. We receive the Holy Spirit Power- Jesus wants us to stand out not to fit in.

Acts chapter 8 describes Saul before changing his name to Paul and how he terrorized the Christian community. The Bible tells us that he approved the execution of the disciple Stephen, that he brought persecution in Jerusalem- the Christians scattered from fear, thought the region of Judea and Samaria. He was going to persecute more Christians, to persecute the church, but he had a Jesus experience.. Jesus Confronts Paul and Paul believed in Jesus, he was blinded. Immediately the Apostle Paul no longer fit in with the rest of society he stood out.

Immediately he stood out.

Standing Out Or Blending In?

Why because he had the power and leadership of the Holy Spirit. Where have you stood out in your life for Jesus? When you were first saved were you like the Apostle Paul, no one could shut you up? Did you go to the places where you did not follow Jesus and proclaim His name? Christ calls us to stand out with the power and leadership of the Holy Spirit.

Dare to be Different!: A Challenge to Stand Out rather than Blend In [Idongesit Okpombor] on www.farmersmarketmusic.com *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. ABOUT THE. A Challenge to Stand Out Rather Than Blend in: Idongesit Okpombor: Dare to Be Different! and over one million other books are available for Amazon Kindle.

They will no longer fit in with society, but rather they will stand out. The company announced that as they move towards becoming more of a health care provider, that it would stop selling cigarettes and other tobacco products by October.

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The Company estimates it will lose 2 billion dollars in sales from customers who buy tobacco products and other things like gum. The Store Hobby Lobby, has dared to be different recently winning the opportunity for the law suit to be heard at the supreme court level, against Obama care which demands that Christian agencies to pay for birth control and abortion causing drugs for their employees.

Making Disciples for Christ is not conforming to the world, it is standing out from the world. And this sparked a huge controversy by liberals.


They are afraid to stand out in their Jobs, in their families, at the grocery store, at the gas station; there is a fear that they will lose friends, their Job, their spouse, even their children. To make disciples we have to stand out. Jesus stood out, the Disciples stood out, the Apostle Paul stood out. I have several of them. To make disciples of Jesus — to be a witness of Jesus the Bible clearly shows us that it requires the leadership and the Power of the Holy Spirit. The Apostle Paul received the Holy Spirit and immediately began preaching. This tells us how to stand out from the world and how to make disciples of Jesus.

Let love be genuine this means real love, like Jesus teaches us without reservation or without being hypocritical. Out do one another in showing honor. It is for those who want to stand out and not blend in. It is taken by those who know that they are called to make a difference in whatever field they are currently in. The fuel for this journey is passion; a burning desire, that consumes your every fear and uncertainty.

Great innovators that history boasts of today were men and women of passion, these people were not afraid to be different. They faced criticism and some were ostracized from society. This did not deter them. If anything, their rejection was their determination. The joy that was set before them was greater than the persecution they faced. They chose the road less travelled and left an indelible mark because of their tenacity.

I challenge you today to follow your passion and take the lead. Do not settle for the comfort zone and neither should you blend in. There is a whole world out there waiting to be discovered and explored. At Kyusa, we empower a passion driven generation that will be change agents wherever they go.