A notepad, a pen and time for reflection. (This is all you need.)

It describes your work on the project; not other people's work on the project. There is a weekly individual electronic summary you will be writing about during the project that includes links to all electronic files created. The electronic documentation is expected to be ordered, to be rational, and to push the project forward. Scattered through the notebook in a chaotic fashion are the details to back this up. Working together on a project is dangerous.

Almost always, one person is hanging around doing nothing. The notebook is how the instructor figures out who is doing what. Even when working together, people are doing different things.

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Notepad - Kindle edition by Karol Koniuch. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Notepad. See all 2 customer reviews Amazon Giveaway allows you to run promotional giveaways in order to create buzz, reward your A notepad, a pen and time for reflection. (This is all you need .). Reflection is a natural human activity and by doing it proactively and regularly, you'll Why You Should Make Time for Self-Reflection (Even If You Hate Doing It ), All you need is a quiet space to sit, a pen and a notepad.

For instance, when pair programming, one person is typing and writing in the notebook. The instructor expects two different points of view from the two people. If every word in both notebooks is the same then transparency, respect, and confidence made is lost by the instructor. Chronological integrity means that the dates and times in your notebook display a pattern, discipline and style that can be trusted.

Establish Chronological integrity by:.

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Titles are always at the top of pages. Do not mix up projects on the same page. A page has only one title. Choose what you are going to work on. Give it a name. Professionals like doctors, lawyers and engineers bill for their time. They will not get paid unless this is done. Clients the people who pay you will not trust you without such documentation. Do not mix up who you are working for most engineers work on multiple projects on the same page.

How to do it right

Have confidence in the world around you. This is not true. It describes your work on the project; not other people's work on the project. We get a call or an email suddenly reminding us that a project is due or an important meeting has passed by and we've totally forgotten it. Of course time is spent on other things such as electronic documentation, taking these quizzes, listening to presentations, so not all homework is in the notebook. The same thing is written over and over again to fill up space. The notebook will go with you after the class is over.

Do not include stuff totally unrelated to the project on the same page anywhere. Signout, draw diagonal line, start a new page with a title if you are changing projects. Most people in the introductory engineering course will only be working on one project at a time. However you can include in your notebook physics, math, and software class homework notes as projects. Don't do the homework in the engineering notebook. Write about the homework, turn where you are getting stuck into a problem, propose multiple solutions and test them.

This will give you a chance to switch titles. Write the word SignIn in the left margin. Include date, time and initials. SignIn means you are now spending your time working on an engineering project. Treat this time with respect. Do not record going to the bathroom.

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  3. Household Simplicity: Practical Minimalism at Work for Your Home (Practical Minimalism Book Series 2).
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Do record who you are communicating with and why Minimize all non-project related interruptions. It is expected that you will signin during class when you begin working on a project. It is expected that you will signin at home when you are working on a project. Working on a project means total attention, total focus, tunnel vision.

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It does not mean listening to someone talk. Most introduction to engineering students cheat themselves by not signing in and documenting the time doing the following activities:. Carry your engineering notebook with you at all times. You never know when you might have some free time and the inspiration to work on a project.

Keep it next to your bed at night. The person who invented the sewing machine had a dream that he was being boiled alive in a soup. The people that were going to eat him were poking at him with spears. The spears were unusual in that the pointed tips had holes in them. Do not try and write in the notebook after the fact. Do not estimate the time, sign in at some past date, write something and then sign out.

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Eventually the dates and times will get confused. Recreations after the fact are obvious. The mood is the same so the handwriting is the same. The ink flows through the pen in the same way because the writing was done quickly. The same thing is written over and over again to fill up space.

General Engineering Introduction/Notebooks/Writing Pattern

The handwriting will gradually shift from readable to unreadable. The writing will be structured like an English class outline. There will be fewer mistakes. Problems and the single successful solution will be recorded rather than many solutions and testing failures. There will be no alternative discussions. You will be unable to remember the confusion and thinking that led up to an important breakthrough. The writing will read like an email, a summary or a report.

Engineering will be trivialized. Writing will not be fun and could even be painful. And you will not get credit in this course for what you wrote. Engineers create the first tutorials. The notebook is the starting place of these tutorials. The engineers goal is not to create the worlds most polished, perfect tutorial. The engineers goal is to only find a starting point, record frustrations and then pull out of the notebook chaos a tutorial that can provide a starting point for another engineer. This tutorial might be very usable.

An engineer learns from nature, from the human behavior and the work of others. There is no formal text book. This is the toughest part of engineering. You may spend an entire week learning Google Sketchup a tool in order to make a simple electronic drawing. You will not contribute much to the project.

But you will have found a collection of tutorials, youtube videos and discovered some stuff on your own.

All this is recorded in your notebook. The next step is put all this together in an electronic tutorial. You may spend the entire semester creating tutorials rather than directly contributing to a project. Your weekly project summary will be "these are the tutorials I created. Most of the world doesn't understand this about engineering. They want a list of your certificates and experiences.

General Engineering Introduction/Notebooks/Writing Pattern

When you say you can learn something new faster than anyone else, employers think you are bragging about unchangeable gifts that you claim to be born with. This is not true. Speed reading , gorking detail , leveraging the tension of frustration, are skills that can be learned. Signing out, Analysis, and Testing force one to stop the creative flow. It is similar to choosing to go to bed at night rather than passing out. A person that has played their entire life without boundaries is going to have a hard time stopping.

Have confidence in the world around you. The following is true. You will gain more respect and be given more opportunities by letting go rather than clinging. Before signing out, always write an analysis or testing. The discipline of writing builds the engineering ego, confidence and practicality although it does not seem like it in the moment.

The average is one page per hour. There are approximately 70 pages in the notebook. This typically indicates 70 hours or about half the semester. Of course time is spent on other things such as electronic documentation, taking these quizzes, listening to presentations, so not all homework is in the notebook. Fill up a page and then move on to the next one. If writing under the same title, don't put it at the top of the page.

If more than one line is skipped at the bottom, then use a diagonal line. Typically the instructor will give you a bonus if you fill up an engineering notebook. I discovered the technique purely by mistake. I was getting ready for bed one evening and thinking about my agenda for the next day. I had misplaced my phone and my computer was downstairs, but I did have a notebook sitting on my bedside table. Thinking that I'd simply find my phone in the morning, but not wanting to forget any of the to-do's that were on my mind, I wrote myself a list so I could upload the tasks into my daily calendar before I left for work the next day.

What I discovered shocked me. I remembered every task immediately the next morning, and I never even felt the need to upload them into my phone. It was then and there I decided to keep a hard copy agenda with me everywhere I went, and I've found it's dramatically increased my ability to remember tasks even before the familiar reminder notifications crop up. When I realized how effective the technique was, I decided to do some research. It turns out, there are numerous studies that back up the notion that handwritten notes improve retention over those we type out.

An experiment conducted by researchers Anne Mangen and Jean-Luc Velay at the University of Stavanger in Norway's National Centre for Reading Education and Research showed that writing involves both visual perception and motor function, and that more areas of the brain are activated while handwriting versus typing. In Mangen and Velay's experiment, two groups of adults were tasked with learning a new alphabet of 20 letters.

One group wrote the letters by hand, while the other group used keyboards. After six weeks, the first group scored significantly higher than the second in remembering the letters. And it's not just that handwriting is good for retention.

Notepad Cover and Pen Holder

Turns out, typing on a laptop is actively bad. One series of experiments, conducted by Pam Mueller of Princeton University and Daniel Oppenheimer at UCLA, revealed that using a computer for learning and memory likely impairs users by allowing them to more lazily process information.

Writing notes by hand takes a bit longer and forces the brain to dwell on each word a bit more, rather than the "mindless transcription" promoted by typing. The result is that handwritten notes cause the brain to fully digest information, while typing allows us to gloss over the gist of the meaning. The results of the experiment showed that handwritten notes also improve our ability to fully understand concepts.