Lilith: Healing the Wild

Black Moon Lilith

healing with lilith

Lilith, on the other hand, was made from the same dirt as Adam, the same primal Earth. Here she can communicate with animals, sync with the cycles of raw nature, see in the depths of night like an owl. This was quite unacceptable, a woman on her own in nature, in her own nature. This was the price to pay for denying man, exile to a barren wasteland, bound to the night.

About The Author

Lilith knows the primal urges-sexual urges unbound by childbirth, how to feed herself in the wild, heal herself, exist naked with the other naked beasts. She knows ecstasy and anger. She speaks for herself. She is the darkness, she is the unknown. Connecting with her heals you, heals the generations of women before you, the ones after you. Heals the voices unheard, the screaming thoughts of unwanted forced entry, be it body or soul, the submissions made to men by women, the obligations of womanhood under patriarchal power.

She heals the women who chose life without a man, a partner, life without children, life doing it her own way. I was minimized and stepped on by their god and followers but I have awoken to a new understanding of my role as a strong woman ,capable of rising above. Thank you so much for this post! I am truly inspired by Lilith! Your words are so powerful! I am in the process of creating my own blog about reclaiming the feminine. Could offer any advice on blogging about this content? I am a bit nervous because of the vulnerability of writing for the public.

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Anyway, thank you for this! Here is one fragment:. Also in my oppinion our world is simply hell why do we must suffer the pain and suffering? Like lucifer she has been demonised so we the confused human-animal will never know our true origen nor would we really know our true self the uncreated spirit but Lillith is an important part of it.

Thanks for your comment and love your study! Check out the books at the end of the article — they are some of my faves for Lilith!

I am a senior citizen from a Christian background who has only recently become attracted to Goddess Spirituality. I want to learn all that I can about the Goddess path and this article is very enlightening for me. Thank you and bless you. Thank you for your comment and many blessings on your path!

There is lots of good info on the site. I recently watched a YouTube video about her but put off research until just now.

Then I saw your link and I knew I hit home. Last night for some reason the feeling of anger kept rising til my chest hurt. Then as I was getting ready for work this morning, a strange feeling of clarity, oneness, love and forgiveness to all just consumed me. I was so overwhelmed with joy and gratitude that I texted my brother how much I love and appreciate him. That bliss lasted perhaps two hours then a negative thought slowly revealed a devastating fact that resulted from me, which was completely blown out of proportion and sadly misunderstood the point and lesson behind it.

I was overwhelmed with guilt inside but kept a level appearance on the outside while I work. The old dark feeling of despair came back the reality of hate they have for me brought back that all too familiar chest pain I get. And I silently asked the Universe, please why am I even here? Perhaps an hour later my computer screen was doing something weird which drew my attention to a hospital named Providence Holy Cross. I said ok you got my attention. The guilt and sadness slowly melted away. Then when I got in the car to leave work, I turned on the radio and the station it was set to was playing a commercial for another Providence Hospital!

Thank you for your guidance and reassurance. I hope this is new beginning will allow us to learn new and better ways in working together with our male counterparts on how we can best apply or integrate our gender skills and assets to work harmoniously. I am so glad I found your site and deepest gratitude and appreciation for your work in support of Lilith, even at those times when she was so lost and confused or had given up completely.

Perhaps the energy of the loving support of women like you that helped her rise from the ashes, time and time again.

I hope someday to meet you in person. Perhaps you can show me some of your spiritual rituals! A girls only gathering. Melissa — your kind words made my heart so full! Blessings on your search and may Goddess guide and bless you! I have more understanding now of her and what she means to me. The earliest Lilith was a Sumerian snake or bird goddess, later incorporated into Babylonian and […]. Your email address will not be published.

The Goddess Lilith – Reclaiming Women’s Power & Survival

Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Notify me of new posts by email. Access your creative gifts. Integrate shadows of entitlement and attention seeking behaviors, or it can lead to child-like ego battles. Discipline and devotion should be directed toward spiritual and sacred work.

The mastery of your craft is a divine offering to the world. Your perfectionism and fears of humiliation are a response to being mistreated. Forgiveness and self-love are the remedies to self-criticism. Demand equity in relationships. Restore equilibrium when harm has been done.

Justice can be served in a cosmic and karmic manner. Integrate shadow of people pleasing tendencies that lead to dishonest relationship dynamics. Direct passion in productive ways. Deep investigation leads to psychological breakthroughs, understanding, and growth.

Own your sexual power. Sagittarius- Wisdom of the Wild Step into the unknown. Your intuition is your compass. Wild and expansive energy should not be contained. Listen to yourself, and be cautious not to buy into others belief systems. Learn as much as you can about your spiritual nature.

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Carry the ancient wisdom of the earth. Also, allow the Earth to carry you. Choose wisely which ambitions to pursue. Integrate shadow of control and the belief that accomplishment depends on the recognition of others.