The Incredible Adventures of Captain Cameron MacDuddyfunk in Cuggermuggerland

Therefore, intensive periods of involvement with our loved ones are relatively short. Yet, we still strive at every opportunity, to keep in touch with them.

Author's Video

A Canadian Book! The Incredible Adventures of Captain Cameron MacDuddyfunk in Cuggermuggerland has been written for children of all ages. Allison, Editorial Reviews. Review. READER PRAISE. "The images this work portrays can be said to be bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading The Incredible Adventures of Captain Cameron MacDuddyfunk in Cuggermuggerland .

The stories, written by Alan L. Simons and illustrated by Ellen van Boggelen-Heutink, are a fun, humorous and an expressive way in which grandparents can interact and stimulate communication between the generations, as well as develop a whole series of creative questions and answers.

La Bicyclette Bleue Tome 8 pdf

Sweaty Cats has its own website. Click on the image.

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The story takes place many, many years ago in and around a beautiful scenic community in Europe. They begin a relationship lasting throughout their lives.

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The story weaves around the lives of the children, together with enchanted characters who live with disabilities. Never judge a book by its cover. The primary focus of the story is to show children that in our day-to-day lives there are positive lessons to be learned from people with disabilities. The wisdom here is to demonstrate that we are all equal, irrespective of our physical appearances.

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About Alan Simons

Written by Alan L. During their adventures the children meet the Quidnuncs, a happy, peace loving people, who love to gossip and the Shilpits, a people who always scream and shout at each other. Captain Cameron MacDuddyfunk escorts the two children through a series of exciting adventures, culminating in Allison and Richard showing the Quidnuncs and the Shilpits that two diverse communities can indeed come together to live in harmony.

Click on the above image to watch the video. MacDuddyfunk also has its own website. Click on the image below. No one knows for sure how this village acquired its name, or where its Welsh inhabitants, plus cats, dogs, goldfish, one horse, a local restaurant called Welcome and a pub called the Duke of Wellington came from. It seems as if, it just happened. For grandparents of all ages and young children.

Fred P. - Soul Life Connection

A treat for grandparents of all ages! Sweaty Cats and Baby Pigeons contains a series of short stories written for the inquiring mind of a young child, with the view that grandparents play an important role in the development of their little loved ones. As grandparents, many of us have to accept that our grandchildren do not live around the corner from us.

Therefore, intensive periods of involvement with our loved ones are relatively short. Yet, we still strive at every opportunity, to keep in touch with them. The stories, written by Alan L. Simons and illustrated by Ellen van Boggelen-Heutink, are a fun, humorous and an expressive way in which grandparents can interact and stimulate communication between the generations, as well as develop a whole series of creative questions and answers.

Sweaty Cats has its own website. Click on the image. The story takes place many, many years ago in and around a beautiful scenic community in Europe. They begin a relationship lasting throughout their lives.

is a totally awesome idea still being worked on.

The story weaves around the lives of the children, together with enchanted characters who live with disabilities.