Changing Ideas

Companies will be judged on the quality, breadth, and ambition of their submitted work. Selected by Fast Company editors. Logo by Eight Hour Day. Projects that harness the power of data, machine learning, or artificial intelligence to understand the world and empower change.

World Changing Ideas | Fast Company

Apps Projects that live primarily in a mobile format, in any discipline. Any creative project—photography, writing, visualization, film—that helps explain and publicize global problems and solutions. Consumer Products Items for your house or office that help you live a more purposeful life, or fundamentally alter outdated business models or supply chains of our current consumer goods.

Developing World Technology Products designed specifically for the developing world, both ones intended for the bottom of the pyramid and those intended to help create leapfrog innovation. Companies or initiatives that help inspire better and more equitable learning. Energy Solar, wind, and any other innovative ideas to create clean power either for personal use or at a large scale or new systems for better electricity distribution.

Will brands without social purpose thrive?

Concepts, prototypes, and just-launched ideas that may not have clear impact but have the potential to change how we think about an issue. Food Projects changing what we eat, how we eat, and how we get our food. Spaces, Places, and Cities New!

  1. The Barber of Damascus: Nouveau Literacy in the Eighteenth-Century Ottoman Levant;
  2. WITCHCRAFT & CHRISTIANITY: The Story of My Salvation!
  3. Nelson Vinod Moses.
  4. La cuisine des révoltés du Bounty (Là-Bas) (French Edition)!
  5. Oxford 7 (German Edition).

Buildings, landscapes, urban designs, and policies that make cities and living in them cleaner, more efficient, more beautiful, and more equitable for their citizens. Projects that help advance the cause of civil rights for marginalized people or groups.


Students Projects in any category, created by undergraduate or graduate students. When we unveil our first-ever World Changing Idea Awards on March 20, you will learn about even more projects from around the world that are helping to lay this same groundwork for positive change.

Angel Durantez - Life Changing Ideas

The ideas are there. After we emerge from what seems to be a low point, we have to work and hope to create the will to implement them. Representative democracy may have run its course. Rather than asking citizens to vote on every issue, what if we gave each person the power to vote or to appoint a delegate to vote for them? Unlike a typical representative, that delegate could be changed at any time depending on the issue.

If you feel like you understand a particular issue, you can choose to vote on related proposals.

  • Event Details:!
  • The Queen in me;
  • Tell us about your world-changing work!.
  • The Taxpayer - July 2012 (The Taxpayer 2012 Book 61);
  • To save agriculture from climate change, we need better weather forecasting.
  • 14 social enterprises with cool, world-changing ideas.

It solves the problem of education; no single person—including representatives in the current government—can be well-versed on everything. By , the number of people over 65 will more than double. Cities, communities, companies—and our entire culture—have some adjusting to do.

If we can, the benefits will be enormous. Giving is easier than ever, but what does it mean when our giving is directed toward the most viral story? Viral campaigns may reach more potential donors, but those givers often respond in an emotional as opposed to rational way: The result has left nonprofits scrambling for new ways to share their own community-minded messages within the medium.

Imagine a world where polluting, resource-intensive cow, pig, and chicken farms are replaced with giant tanks of fast-growing salmon. It might be a strange view of agriculture, but a potential huge shift in how we feed the planet.

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Changing Ideas is a registered UK charity established in We mainly make grants to partners in the UK and are particularly supportive of new ideas. Fast Company's World Changing Ideas awards honor products, concepts, companies, policies, and designs that are pursuing innovation for the good of society.

Instead of being served antibiotic- and hormone-laden portions of pork, beef, or chicken, people would have access to fresh fillets from a process that obviates the need to dose away sickness, or artificially spur growth rates.