William Ellery Leonard: The Professor and the Locomotive-God

Leonard, William Ellery

Biography of William Ellery Leonard

Editorial Reviews. Review. William Ellery Leonard was an eccentric poet and professor and critic who produced poems based on his life experiences and whose. William Ellery Leonard was an eccentric poet and professor and critic who produced poems based on his life experiences and whose translations of Lucretius.

The Young Professor II. Marriage and Tragedy III. Choosing a Career V.

Leonard, William Ellery,

Nielsen Book Data Change Your Life Publishing. He befriended graduate student Leonard Bloomfield , with whom he would maintain a lifelong friendship. In his psychological autobiography, The Locomotive-God, he probed his agoraphobia. But, like Lovecraft, Leonard wrote antiquated classic poetry, and had a number of bizarre phobias and psychological ailments.

The Wound and the Bow VI. The Lives of Two Lives X. Professor and Patient XI.

  1. Neale Reinitz (Preface of I Thought of Daisy)!
  2. Prophet Muhammad - The Life of the Prophet Muhammad?
  3. Reawakening (Summer in the Hamptons Book 9).
  4. Boek van Overvloed: Geld Kracht Liefde (Dutch Edition).
  5. Leonard, William Ellery,.

A Quiet, Peaceful Life Epilogue: Nielsen Book Data Publisher's Summary William Ellery Leonard was an eccentric poet, professor, and critic whose romantic ideals were set against a world whose aesthetics were fast turning away from his own. He lived a life marked by both success and dramatic failure, both personally and professionally. His first wife's suicide would haunt him and mark one of his greatest poems, the sonnet sequence Two Lives; his translations of Lucretius and Beowulf stood as hallmarks of the craft for decades after they were published; and his political satires written in response to the University sphere he lived and worked in remain as effective today as they once were.

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  • The Old Abandoned House;
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Nielsen Book Data He wrote eloquently about the town of Bolton in his major psychological autobiography The Locomotive-God written summer of , published Could Lovecraft and Leonard have corresponded before ? There is no evidence that they did.

Lovecraft and Bolton, Mass.

But, like Lovecraft, Leonard wrote antiquated classic poetry, and had a number of bizarre phobias and psychological ailments. A history of this reservoir is to be found in: Eamon McCarthy Earls, Wachusett: But then, why not use Clinton itself?

Roberts, Famous Wisconsin Authors. Having been in Bolton many, many times I can tell you that it is a very rural community with rolling hills and orchards and little to no industry to speak of.

  • Biography – Fairleigh Dickinson University Press | Page 6?
  • Leonard, William Ellery | Article about Leonard, William Ellery by The Free Dictionary.
  • ~ News and scholarship on H.P. Lovecraft (1890–1937) and his works.
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