Billy Graham: His Life and Influence

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Billy Graham: His Life and Influence Audiobook by David Aikman

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Write a customer review. Read reviews that mention billy graham graham his life david aikman life and influence thomas nelson united states america pastor time magazine influence by david wife ruth recommend this book accordance with the federal disclosing this in accordance endorsements and testimonials federal trade testimonials in advertising trade commission guides concerning use of endorsements george bush. Showing of 44 reviews. Top Reviews Most recent Top Reviews. There was a problem filtering reviews right now.

Please try again later. But disturbed to find out ecumenical changes Kindle Edition Verified Purchase. But disturbed to find out ecumenical changes Billy Graham made to buddy up with other people's religious doctrines. Plan to read it again to make sure I was reading it correctly.

Although Billy Graham says he believes Jesus is the only way to heaven for him and not by your good works, I do not think he made that clear to all the people he associated with. At least that is how Mr. It seemed to be an honest a protrayal of the man and his life. Especially enjoyed reading about his relationships with past presidents. I also found of interest how his views of Christianity changed somewhat over the years but the man, himself, never fluctuated in what he did.

I did learn a bit more about Billy Graham's background and travels, but this wasn't as readable and personal as previous books I've read about the Graham family. As I said, quite scholarly and many end notes. It is a well written biography of Billy Graham. If you like history and biographies, you will like this book. This book does a good job of documenting the issues facing America and the world during Graham's life. A fascinating account if a fascinating man. I feel the author emphasized Graham's "desire to be liked" a little too strongly- I think the real factor was his putting evangelism above all secondary issues- but that seems a product of the authors marked desire to avoid hagiography.

This book is historically and spiritually very interesting and inspiring to anyone interested in religion and spirituality in the modern world. I really enjoyed this book. Aikman tells us about Billy without sentiment and with an even hand. It's clear that he admires Billy who doesn't? Billy's low point was his confounding relationship with Richard Nixon whom he defended until Dick's death.

Aikman also tells us about Billy's kids and what happened to them.

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Preview — Billy Graham by David Aikman. His Life and Influence by David Aikman. If there were such a job as the nation's pastor, Billy Graham would be the prime candidate.

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Ben rated it liked it Jun 19, Not Enabled Word Wise: This book is historically and spiritually very interesting and inspiring to anyone interested in religion and spirituality in the modern world. Thomas Nelson May 31, Publication Date: Withoutabox Submit to Film Festivals.

Having known more American presidents, foreign leaders, and famous people than any other American living or dead, he has been uniquely able to speak to the heart of the average person and bring peace and clarity to a nation in trying times. Graham's ministry flourished during a chall If there were such a job as the nation's pastor, Billy Graham would be the prime candidate. Graham's ministry flourished during a challenging period in the American experience, when the nation was coming to terms with its unexpected new strength in the world and grappling with the most serious racial and social upheavals since the Civil War.

Now acclaimed author and former Time magazine senior correspondent David Aikman sheds new and deserved light on that influence, probing critical episodes of Graham's life that help explain his profound impact, both on the public life of America and other nations and the private lives of their cultural and political leaders.

Hardcover , pages. Published October 9th by Thomas Nelson Publishers. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. To ask other readers questions about Billy Graham , please sign up. Lists with This Book. This book is not yet featured on Listopia. This isn't your traditional biography. Aikman in a good example of fair and balanced reporting writes of the challenges, failures, and successes of Billy Graham with special interest in Billy's response to current events, current issues, and politics of his lifetime.

I found it refreshing and honest in detail without being condemning nor condoning. People say he wasn't political but there was a time when he was very political but he learned from his mistakes and adjusted appropriately. Some disl This isn't your traditional biography.

Some disliked him for leaving his fundamentalist roots but Aikman questions that. Billy didn't abandon his principles but he broadened his definition and understanding of who his audience should be and how to win them. I think he comes a lot closer to Christ's model than his critics did or ever will. The event where Jesus is invited to the tax collector's home is just one case in hand.

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The Pharisees condemned Jesus for abandoning his Jewish roots and spending time with sinners and publicans. But Jesus was vindicated by the fruit of his actions. And so was Billy. I thought I knew who Billy Graham is, but this gave me an in-depth, objective presentation of his humble life.

Billy Graham: His Life and Influence

In spite of his desire to please people and want to see the best in everyone - especially world leaders - he remains true to the Gospel. I found the world historical overview helpful. Narrator's voice was suitable. Mar 04, Aloysius rated it liked it. A biography of Billy Graham's life and ministry, conveniently divided into such chapters as his early life, relationship with other evangelicals and "modernists", anti-Communism, relationship to civil rights, relationship with the presidents, family life, and international outlook. Scholarly dissertation I did learn a bit more about Billy Graham's background and travels, but this wasn't as readable and personal as previous books I've read about the Graham family.

As I said, quite scholarly and many end notes. Solid bio Still new to biography reading, I found this book orderly, thorough, interesting, but not riveting. Maybe that's the nature of the beast. Jun 10, Stephen Escalera rated it really liked it. Growing up in a fundamental, Baptist family, I heard comparatively little about Billy Graham and the little I did hear wasn't positive. When Thomas Nelson offered David Aikman's biography of the man for review, I was curious to see who exactly this man was and whether or not he really was the false prophet of the antichrist.

His Life and Influence, Aikman offers an interesting and well-written account of Graham's life. Recognizing that other, more comprehensive accounts of Graham Growing up in a fundamental, Baptist family, I heard comparatively little about Billy Graham and the little I did hear wasn't positive. Recognizing that other, more comprehensive accounts of Graham's life have already been written, Aikman focuses instead on the worldwide impact Graham had through such avenues as his friendships with various presidents and his worldwide "Crusades.

Especially interesting is the friendship Graham had with Richard Nixon and how Graham had completely misread - or perhaps had been completely mislead by - Nixon's character or lack thereof. While Aikman chronicles Graham's crusades around the world, much of Aikman's emphasis seems to be on the political affects of these Crusades. Although the longer lasting effects of the Crusades in general are mentioned, it is comparatively little with little emphasis being placed on the specific regions. Given my background, I was very interested to read of Graham's "falling out of fellowship" with more conservative evangelicals such as Jerry Falwell and Bob Jones, among many.

Graham was ready and willing to welcome non-evangelical religious groups to join him in his Crusades, stating that even those who denied fundamental doctrines of the faith such as the Virgin Birth of Christ, the Trinity or even the resurrection of Christ were counted as fellow Christians. The only complaint I would have with this particular topic is that Aikman doesn't really go into detail as to how Graham could marry holding to these beliefs which Graham himself never explicitly denied while at the same time claiming Christian fellowship with those who flatly denied them. Throughout the book, there are two main character traits that Aikman returns to, one positive and one negative.

For the latter one, Aikman shows that Graham wanted almost above anything else to be liked and not to offend anyone. This is perhaps what may have lead to his willingness to accept religious affiliations of all shapes and sizes and might explain his friendship with Richard Nixon. More than this, however, Aikman focuses on Graham's humility. Time and again, Graham has been able to diffuse difficult situations or attacks on his character by his pronounced humility.

I especially appreciated this focus since it shed light on a side of Graham I was totally unfamiliar with. Overall, Aikman writes a very readable biography of Graham's life.

If you are looking for an in-depth biography of Graham, this perhaps isn't the best book to read. But if you want an overall glimpse of the various influences Graham has had, especially in the political arena, Aikman's book is a good start. Thanks to Thomas Nelson's BookSneeze book review program for providing a review copy of this book. Jun 13, Barbara Smith rated it it was amazing. From his upbringing in the s through his relationship with and the administrations of the presidents from Eisenhower through G.

This book is chockfull of history and Aikman delivers it in an easy style of reading. Graham saw many changes in his lifetime. He was at the center of man "Billy Graham: He was at the center of many of these changes and was even instrumental in them. Although he had a brief and less-than-satisfactory encounter with Truman, he got close to most presidents beginning with Eisenhower.

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He continued these relationships with each president at varying degrees. Surprisingly, Graham was also able to break the ice around the world. He was able to speak in Russia and China long before any American would have this access. Being careful not to say or do anything that would be insulting or dangerous in the culture where he was a guest yet not saying anything that would upset the American government, Graham had a tight rope to walk.

He was not only successful but helped warm relationships during the years of the Cold War. He was particularly close to Nixon and was surprised as anyone when Watergate came down, and even more so, when the tapes were later revealed. Graham is shown as a man of God but certainly not perfect. He had charisma and a need to be liked by everyone and that sometimes caused mistakes in dealing with other cultures and governments and certainly in reporting back to our government the true situation in other lands. But he was always ready to listen to God and to spread the Gospel far and wide.

Editorial Reviews

Billy Graham: His Life and Influence [David Aikman] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. IF THERE WERE SUCH A JOB AS THE NATION'S. Billy Graham: His Life and Influence [David Aikman] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. If there were such a job as the nation's pastor, Billy .

Throughout the book we also learn about his family from his parents and siblings to his wife Ruth and their children. Ruth was a strong woman and definitely showed it. They had a long and very strong marriage based on love and their beliefs.

Christians will get to know the man and his views by reading this book. Non-Christians will also get a lot out of it, more from the history side of his story. No matter what your religious views are, you will come away with a wealth of historical knowledge after reading this book.

His Life and Influence. May 12, Carrie rated it really liked it. As I was growing up, I was well familiar with the name Billy Graham. I can remember seeing books he had written, hearing grown-ups talk about him, and watching his evangelistic crusades on television. I think you would be hard-pressed to find any adult in America who hasn't heard the name of this famous preacher--"America's pastor," as he has been dubbed. Billy Graham has had an amazing life, and David Aikman has well documented it in the book Billy Graham: Truthfully, I was already fascinated by Graham's life before reading his biography, but now I am even more fascinated and inspired by him.

This man not only has led millions of people to faith in Christ, but he has also had incredible influence in the political world, having had personal relationships with several Presidents and other world leaders. He has also contributed greatly to racial reconciliation in various countries, including the United States. And although Aikman's portrayal of Billy Graham is incredibly positive, he still does not attempt to portray Graham as a perfect man; through both Aikman's and Graham's words, we see that Graham is a man who struggles with sin just as everyone else does.

But his honesty and authenticity are what have made Billy Graham so endearing to people all over the world. Of course, his natural charm helped, too!