What Will Be The Sign Of His Coming? Book 1

The Wailing Wall where Jews pray today was not part of the temple, but a retaining wall around the mount. The disciples were stunned at what Jesus said, and apparently remained silent until Jesus sat down to rest at the top of the Mount of Olives overlooking the Temple Mark Remember that these were Jewish men that were looking for the Messiah to come and fulfill the O. They had certain expectations.

What does the Bible say about Jesus' second coming?

First, they understood the O. They were still under the oppressive hand of Rome. They also understood that an Elijah-like forerunner would come to herald the Messiahs coming, and Jesus had already said that had occurred in John the Baptist. The next event they expected was for the Messiah to appear to set up His kingdom.

They thought the next event would be the alliance of the nations to fight against the Messiah with the result that those nations would be destroyed. It is in that context that these disciples now ask Jesus these questions. Jesus does not deal with the question of when until verse 36, where He tells them that only the heavenly Father knows.

The second question has led some people astray because they read too much New Testament theology into a question asked from an Old Testament perspective. They were not asking when Jesus would return, as some have postulated, because they did not know He was leaving. They only expected one coming.

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What is the sign of the consummation of the age. As already pointed out, Jesus does not answer the first question until verse He begins to answer the second and third together, because they really have the same answer. When Jesus comes as Messiah and King of Kings it brings to an end the present age.

By that I mean that what Jesus describes is not something that the disciples themselves would experience. Jesus is speaking to the disciples the same way the Old Testament prophets frequently spoke to the people of their time, but whose message was really for those not yet born. Some examples of this are Isaiah What evidence is there for this understanding of the text?

There are several things that indicate this, let me give you the most salient. First, the gospel will be preached to all the world vs 14 and that did not happen during the time of the Apostles. Third, verse 21 speaks of a time of tribulation that will be unparalleled in either past or future time. That has not occurred yet. Fourth, Verse 29 says that the sun will be darkened, the moon will not give its light, and the starts will fall from the sky.

That has not happened yet.

And fifth, verse 34 says that the generation that sees the beginning of this will not pass away until all the events take place. Jesus answer is not concerning the destruction of the Temple in 70 A. This is not an escape from persecution, for Jesus said that in this world we will have tribulation and unbelievers will persecute us. The doctrine of a pre-tribulational rapture is not a means of escape from persecution because we, along with Peter 1 Pet. We believe this doctrine because the weight of Scriptures indicates it.

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It was the source of comfort to the Thessalonians 4: As noted, the church is exempt from the wrath of God. The church is absent from Rev. There are no instructions to the church about how to endure and conduct itself during the tribulation. Jesus told us He was preparing a place for us to dwell in with Him in heaven John It allows for a non-glorified human population on earth during the Millennium. It means that the next eschatological event we expect is the rapture, all the other signs occur after.

What are these other signs. And you will be hearing of wars and rumors of wars; see that you are not frightened, for those things must take place, but that is not yet the end. For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom, and various places there will be famines and earth-quakes. But all these things are merely the begin-ning of birth pangs.

Then they will deliver you to tribulation, and will kill you, and you will be hated by all nations on account of My name. And at that time many will fall away and will deliver up one another and hate one another. And many false prophets will arise, and will mislead many. But the one who endures to the end, he shall be saved.

The Signs of His Coming – Matthew 24:1-14

And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in the whole world for a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come. These are not events that precede the Rapture, but occur after it. All but the last of these are very general events that have always been around, but they will increase just before the end. There have always been those who falsely claimed to be Christ. It was true in the first century, it is true now. Moon still thinks himself to be the Messiah.

But during the tribulation this will become more intense as the restraining influence of the Holy Spirit is removed 2 Thess. The first horseman of Rev. Exactly what the anti-Christ will do as he begins his rise to power. There have always been wars. Someone has tallied over wars in the last three centuries in Europe alone. But as the tribulation period begins it gets worse. But these two do not bring the end. Famine and earthquakes are also common.

Second coming signs

Both being recorded throughout history. The third is famine and fourth is death through various means.

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  4. BibleGateway.
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The breaking of the sixth seal brings on a great earthquake and all through the rest of Revelation there are horrible earthquakes that make anything recorded in our times insignificant. But all these are just the beginning of birth pangs Birth pangs start off slow and build in frequency and intensity. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself; that where I am, there you may be also. Signs of Jesus' second coming.

It's in the Bible, Luke When they are already budding, you see and know for yourselves that summer is now near. So you also, when you see these things happening, know that the kingdom of God is near. What are some signs? It's in the Bible, Matthew Are we living in the last days? When is Jesus' coming back? Where is heaven and what is it like? Men posing as Jesus will try to deceive people in the last days. It's in the Bible , Matthew For false Christ's and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and miracles to deceive even the elect—if that were possible.

Are we living in the last days?

The Signs of His Coming – Matthew | Grace Bible Church. (If you would like to receive Pastor Harris' weekly sermons via e-mail, Click here) Alfred Edersheim in his book, The Life and Times of Jesus the Messiah. Signs of Christ's Return - Jesus came out from the temple and was going away when His disciples Bible Book List .. saying, “Tell us, when will these things happen, and what will be the sign of Your coming, and of theend of the age? . Matthew Lit and; Matthew Or consummation; Matthew I.e. the Messiah.

There will be wars, though they may seem overwhelming, it is not the end. Such things must happen, but the end is still to come. Earthquakes and famines, and all the signs are only the contractions of what's coming.

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All these are the beginning of birth pains. Non-Christians will find it hard to believe we are living in the last days of earth's history. It's in the Bible , II Peter 3: This will be their line of argument: Then where is He? Why, as far back as anyone can remember everything has remained exactly as it was since the first day of creation. The coming of the Antichrist is a sign of the end.