Metabolic Cart and Respiratory Quotient

Respiratory quotient

The theoretical bases of indirect calorimetry: Assessment of energy expenditure and fuel utilization in man. New methods for calculating metabolic rate with special reference to protein metabolism. Energy requirements of adults.

A practical guide for clinicians. J Am Diet Assoc.

Endocrinol Metab Clin North Am. Indirect calorimetry and nutritional problems in clinical practice. Evidence Analysis Working Group. Best practice methods to apply to measurement of resting metabolic rate in adults: Rev Assoc Med Bras.

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Achievement of steady state optimizes results when performing indirect calorimetry. Reducing the time period of steady state does not affect the accuracy of energy expenditure measurements by indirect calorimetry. Journal of Applied Physiology. Metabolically active components of fat free mass and resting energy expenditure in nonobese adults. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab. Resting metabolic rate is lower in women than in men. Bedside measurement of resting energy expenditure and respiratory quotient via indirect calorimetry. Determinants of resting energy expenditure in young children.

Determinants of resting energy expenditure in obese non-diabetic Caucasian women. Biochemistry, cellular and molecular biology, and physiological roles of the iodothyronine selenodeiodinases. Insulin dissociates hepatic glucose cycling and glucagon-induced thermogenesis in man. Prescription of diabetic diets in the s.

Indirect Calorimetry: From Bench to Bedside

The Harris-Benedict studies of human basal metabolism: Systematic organization and critique of prediction methods. A biometric study of human basal metabolism. Prediction of the resting metabolic rate in obese patients. Am J Clin Nutr.

Organ and tissue contribution to metabolic rate. Tissue Determinants and Cellular Corollaries. Overestimation by widely used prediction equation. Should we still use the Harris and Benedict equations? Resting energy expenditure in the obese: A cross-validation and comparison of prediction equations. Resting energy expenditure in moderate obesity. Predicting velocity of weight loss.

Dietary aspects of obesity. A comparison of predictive equations of energy expenditure and measured energy expenditure in critically ill patients. Accuracy of prediction equations for calculating resting energy expenditure in morbidly obese patients. Ann R Coll Surg Engl. Accuracy of predictive equations for resting energy expenditure REE in non-obese and obese Korean children and adolescents.

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Assessement of resting energy expenditure of obese patients: Comparison of indirect calorimetry with formulae. Effect of diet and PPARgamma2 and beta2-adrenergic receptor genes on energy metabolism and body composition in obese women. Differential oxidation of individual dietary fatty acids in humans. Influence of dietary fat polyunsaturated to saturated ratio on energy substrate utilization in obesity.

The influence of the type of dietary fat on postprandial fat oxidation rates: Monounsaturated olive oil vs.

Acute effects of three high-fat meals with different fat saturations on energy expenditure, substrate oxidation and satiety. Insulin sensitivity is increased and fat oxidation after a high-fat meal is reduced in normal-weight healthy men with strong familial predisposition to overweight.

Meal-induced thermogenesis and macronutrient oxidation in lean and obese women after consumption of carbohydrate-rich and fat-rich meals. Effects of peanut oil load on energy expenditure, body composition, lipid profile, and appetite in lean and overweight adults. Effect on h energy expenditure of a moderate-fat diet high in monounsaturated fatty acids compared with that of a low-fat, carbohydrate-rich diet: A 6-mo controlled dietary intervention trial. Medium-chain triglycerides increase energy expenditure and decrease adiposity in overweight men.

Dietary npolyunsaturated fatty acids and energy balance in overweight or moderately obese men and women: A randomized controlled trial. Nutr Metab Lond ; 6: Differences in basal energy expenditure and obesity. Obesity Silver Spring ; Test patient at rest in quiet, controlled environment. Measurements should fall with in the range of V02 1. Use of the metabolic cart can prevent over-feeding, and under-feeding by accurately measuring energy requirements. Overfeeding critically ill patients results in hyperglycemia, hepatic steatosis, R.

Under-feeding patients can lead to the complications of malnutrition. Original Article Quick Review: Citation T Fujii, B Phillips. Abstract This article gives a brief review of the metabolic cart.

Measurement of the amount of heat energy produced by a subject by determination of the amount of oxygen consumed and the quantity of carbon dioxide eliminated The metabolic cart essentially measures the oxygen consumed and the carbon dioxide produced by the patient and then calculates using the modified Weir equation the energy expenditure for the patient Weir equation: Insulin, which increases lipid storage and decreases fat oxidation, is positively associated with increases in the respiratory quotient.

Practical applications of the respiratory quotient can be found in severe cases of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease , in which patients spend a significant amount of energy on respiratory effort. By increasing the proportion of fats in the diet, the respiratory quotient is driven down, causing a relative decrease in the amount of CO 2 produced. This reduces the respiratory burden to eliminate CO 2 , thereby reducing the amount of energy spent on respirations. Respiratory Quotient can be used as an indicator of over or underfeeding. Underfeeding, which forces the body to utilize fat stores, will lower the respiratory quotient, while overfeeding, which causes lipogenesis , will increase it.

This is particularly important in patients with compromised respiratory systems, as an increased respiratory quotient significantly corresponds to increased respiratory rate and decreased tidal volume , placing compromised patients at a significant risk.

The respiratory quotient is a dimensionless number used in calculations of basal metabolic rate (BMR) when estimated from carbon dioxide production. The metabolic cart essentially measures the oxygen consumed and the carbon A measure of substrate utilization as reflected in the respiratory quotient (RQ).

Because of its role in metabolism, respiratory quotient can be used in analysis of liver function and diagnosis of liver disease. In patients suffering from liver cirrhosis , non-protein respiratory quotient npRQ values act as good indicators in the prediction of overall survival rate. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Ratio of carbon dioxide produced by the body to oxygen consumed by the body.

Underwater diving portal Metabolism portal. The Mechanisms of Body Function. Obesity Silver Spring, Md. Wesley; Jung, Laura Y. Journal of parenteral and enteral nutrition.