Mr. Planemakers Diving Machine

Mr. Planemaker's Diving Machine

Primarily, I wanted to entertain but there is also a little rebellion against the standard bisexual stereotype used in fiction.

Mr. Planemaker's Diving Machine Ebook

I have no plans to write a sequel to either of them. I actually design the appearance of my characters using a character tool in a computer game.

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Then, I print them out, glue them into a pocket book and scribble notes around them. When Sophie moves to a country village, all of the young mothers seem very bizarre to her.

My Writing

Aaron only had seconds to save Princess Mara. While the book was written for children, adult readers will also find themselves caught up in its ageless story. Hermann Frech is not yet sixteen years old when he is conscripted for military duty — at an anti-aircraft battery. Forever Friends is a celebration of the power of friendship and human relationships. Mara is drawn to this exceptional man, despite his slave status, and her duty to marry the prince.

I grew up in a village in the country and then moved away, which helps me notice little things about remote places that I may have otherwise missed. It was like dipping a lolly into a bag of pop rocks, I was never sure where the author would take it next. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email.

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Borys Frank Fiore Press Release: Click on cover to buy online. November 21, — shelaghwatkins The sequel to Mr.

Posted in News , Promotions , Writing. Hi Rosen, Please tell everyone a little bit about yourself. When did the writing bug bite, and in what genre s?

Shelagh Watkins

Briefly tell us about your latest book. Is it part of a series or stand-alone? I like to think that the humour will keep readers turning pages.

Publisher info

Mr. Planemaker's Diving Machine - Kindle edition by Shelagh Watkins. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features. Mr. Planemaker'S Diving Machine [Shelagh Watkins] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Dell and Emmelisa Planemaker have just returned .

How do you develop characters and setting? Do you have specific techniques to help you maintain the course of the plot? Search Go More Detail.

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Dell and Emmelisa Planemaker begin their search for the model aeroplane kit that disappeared the day their father died. When they locate the kit, it turns out to be something quite different from After assembly in Hardwareland, the PH1 flying machine takes the two children on an extraordinary journey. Cosmos Arrives is the first book in the Planemaker series, serialised on radio during May-July, 46 daily episodes with a weekly forty minute omnibus on Sundays.

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Life at home changes dramatically as Cosmos becomes an important part of the new family set up. The cat becomes mentor to the two children and helps them to make contact with a strange looking man, Mr. Leon Spaceman, who appears on their father's old computer.

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This collection of short stories is based on Christmas stories that have captivated readers for centuries. These versions turn the plot lines around to give a new, modern slant to traditional tales A thousand words of poetry written between and Ten poems published in various anthologies or online.

Mr. Planemaker's Diving Machine (Ebook)

A collection of wonderful stories about the dynamics of family life with all the ups and downs, trials and tribulations, thoughtful reflections and fond memories. The stories cover every emotion from Written by a group of writers from around the world, these stories will delight and entertain the whole family. Dell and Emmelisa Planemaker are two ordinary children who lead uneventful lives in a small town in Lancashire until they discover a unique computer that takes them on an extraordinary journey.