How new words come into the language

How Words Enter the Language

According to Wilton there are basically two types of coining: The distinction is that in motivated root creation there is some discernible logic behind the new word; in ex nihilo root creation there is not. One fairly common form of motivated root creation is echoic or onomatopoetic words; words are invented which to native speakers at least sound like the sound they name or the entity that produces the sound.

Ex nihilo root creation has no logic behind it. Examples are grok , invented by Robert Heinlein in his novel Stranger in a Strange Land, or googol , which was invented on request by a mathematician's nine-year-old nephew. One of the most common sources of new words in English is the process called Borrowing: It may be adapted to the borrowing language's phonological system to varying degrees.

Giving Life to Language: How New Words Are Created

According to Wilton there are three reasons for borrowing and each display its own patterns and "rules":. The best example is the Norman domination of England. Norman French became the language of the courts and the aristocracy. This can be seen in the American West with adoption of Spanish words, through the use of pidgins and other trading languages, and in the adoption of words from India and other areas of the British Empire.

Often a foreign word expresses an idea or a nuance better than existing words. Nouns are frequently adopted for this reason, but not all such words are nouns.

Words and phrases such as lassez-faire express ideas that couldn't be easily expressed without adopting the words into English. Related to my own context, Indonesian language also adopts some loan language from foreign languages. The Dutch colonization left an imprint on the language that can be seen in words such as polisi police , kualitas quality , telepon telephone , bis bus , kopi coffee , rokok cigarette or universitas university. There are also some words derived from Portuguese sabun , soap, jendela , window or gereja , church , Chinese pisau , knife or dagger; loteng , [upper] floor , Hindi meja , table; kaca , mirror and from Arabic khusus , special; maaf , sorry; selamat Compounding or composition is the use of two or more roots to form a word; for instance, Bookcase is the composition of book and case.

One particular type of compounding is the phrasal verb. It is a type of composition where several words combine to form a verb, but instead of combining into a single word they combine into a phrase. Examples are get up , turn about , and take down. Over time, the spaces between the words in the phrase are often lost, forming a single word.

There are three common types of compounding process in different language proposed by Wikipedia ; compound nouns, verb-noun compound and compound ad positions. Most natural languages have compound nouns and sometimes compound adjectives.

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The position of the head within a compound often depends on the branching tendency of the language, i. While Germanic languages, for example, are left-branching when it comes to noun phrases the modifiers come before the head , the Romance languages are usually right-branching. In French, compound nouns are often formed by left-hand heads with prepositional components inserted before the modifier, as in chemin-de-fer "railway", lit. English Language and Literature Studies - Literature.

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How Do Words Get Added To the Dictionary?

Register or log in. During the process of "reading and marking", editors note where they read the new word and who wrote it. We bet you'll enjoy this Wonder that focuses on one word that was coined by one man: Look out for my new word "verbing" the act of utilizing thoughts, feelings, actions, and experiences in a poetic format, while maintaining the art style of "rap" without music. Rythmic expressions, which evoke feeling.

The History of English - How New Words Are Created

The prose tell a story, or provide info about a subject or a word. The refrences are streamed together with irony and quick wit. People who don't necessarily like rap music could appreciate it. WOW, we like your style, Mary!

How new words are born

Your word, verbing, sounds awesome! Thanks for telling us more about it! We'll be looking for it in future dictionaries!

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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Compounding or composition is the use of two or more roots to form a word; for instance, Bookcase is the composition of book and case. Sometimes the tortuous route and degrees of filtering through other languages can modify words so much that their original derivations are all but indiscernible e. Did you get it? I think this is great!

We think that would be a great way to decide! However, we bet you'll learn how it's done-- it might surprise you! Thanks for sharing your comment with us! We bet that different colleges offer different curriculum choices, but we know that students who study English read an Old English novel or two. It's a great history lesson! It's very interesting, we certainly agree, Michael! Phew, that was a tongue-twister! Before you submit your comment, please remember:. Comments are subject to approval and may not be published if they are not appropriate for the Wonder discussion.

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We sent you SMS, for complete subscription please reply. Follow Twitter Instagram Facebook. How do words get added to the dictionary? Who decides what words or phrases get added to the dictionary each year? What factors determine whether new words or phrases get added to the dictionary? See All Tags bibliographic , citation , context , dictionary , editor , phrase , publication , source.

Try It Out The dictionary adds a handful of new words and phrases each year, but there are thousands of words in the dictionary that may be new to you. Did you get it? Wonder Words dictionary newbie jockey phrase factor carbon footprint webisode staycation editor publication citation context bibliographic contestant guarantee source significant Take the Wonder Word Challenge. Wonderopolis Sep 12, We think that re-reading this Wonder may help you find that answer!

Sharon Jan 20, Wonderopolis Jan 21, Bethanie Jan 6, Wonderopolis Jan 7, Wonderopolis Oct 27, Wonderopolis Aug 1, Wonderopolis Jan 30, Wonderopolis Jan 24, Landon Jan 8, Learning Old English is part of college English degrees, right? Wonderopolis Jan 8, Michael Jan 7,