How to Make Your Own Herbal Smoke Blends

DIY Herbal Smoking Blend Recipe

Egyptian Chamomile has a very high content of essential oils. Chamomile tea is a favorite of many for a soothing, cleansing and relaxing feeling. It's actually used as a tobacco substitute in the United Kingdom.

Makes for some pretty good tea too. That's the big question going around. It has also been used as an aphrodisiac.

Modern Herbal Smoking Blends

How To Craft Your Own Herbal Smoking Blends | Herbal Academy A fourth category, herbs used for adding body, can make the smoke more. If you are looking to make a smoke blend to give this calming, creative, uplifting effect, I would suggest Damiana as your base. It burns very well.

Damiana can be made into a tea as well. As a matter of fact, the powder keeps going without a bunch of re-lights. This will be a great addition to other loose herbs you are purchasing if you are making your own mixture.

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The powder will help your blends stay lit. Lavender flower has sort of a "blueberry" aroma.

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This beautiful herb is commonly used to help sooth the body and mind. No doubt, Lavender Flower makes a great smoke, especially when blended with other herbs. This herb is a Native American substitute for tobacco and the addictive qualities that come with it. Lobelia's chemical structure is very similar to tobacco, therefore some are finding it helpful as a quit smoking aide.

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Any products mentioned are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Popular flavoring herbs and spices for herbal cigarettes include: The blend of herbs can be customized by combining ingredients such as lobelia and calming herbs, incorporating expectorants and mullein to support the lungs, and eventually transitioning to using mullein only Brounstein, Part of it is visual. It can be helpful to think of herbal smoking blends as three parts: They were also surprised to learn that Marigold is an herb.

You should not use Lobelia in any way during pregnancy. Some grind it into a tea when sick, namely to treat the symptoms of bronchitis. This herb is used for many reasons, including mixing with other herbs to make fantastic herbal smokes! It is used in meditation and is sometimes used as a tonic herb.

Make your own Herbal Smoking Blends

It's fine smoked as is. You can also mix it with other herbs, the most popular being Damiana. Passion Flower Passiflora Incarnate Passifloraceae Passion Flower derives its name from religious symbolism and beliefs.

The way the plant looks is thought to be symbolic of the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. Red Raspberry Leaf has been widely recommended for a long time as a uterine relaxant, and there are no reports in medical literature of any problems with it. However, we recommend you consult your doctor if you are pregnant before using Red Raspberry Leaf. It's simply the safe and right thing to do.

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Lala Lopez | DIY Herbal Smoking Blend Recipe

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The Anatomy of an Herbal Smoking Blend

Blog Herbal Recipes Herbalism. Amber Pixie November 5, 0. Next Things I Love: We will be happy to hear your thoughts.