De rebus scholaribus

De Rebus Scholaribus

This volume introduces readers to thoughts, insights, and critiques of independent schools as they adapt to the twenty-first century. Read on your iOS and Android devices Get more info.

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Are new teaching methodologies and new technologies considered "fads"? This volume introduces readers to thoughts, insights, and critiques of independent schools as they adapt to the twenty-first century. So, is what we're experiencing a "fad"? Read on your iOS and Android devices Get more info. Content protection This content is DRM free. You can download Apple Books from the App Store.

Capabilities Text to speech. About the author Kevin J. Ruth has devoted his professional life to independent schools, serving in roles from teacher to trustee. He lives in southern Chester County, Pennsylvania, with his wife and two children.

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Additional information Publisher Xlibris US. Content protection This content is DRM free. Additional terms Terms of transaction. Ratings and reviews No one's rated or reviewed this product yet. Do we still believe that learning cannot occur with technology?

Introduction - Rebus Stories - Lily's easy to read

And why do we use the terminology of "plain and simple"? It makes me think of Little House on the Prairie, with students in their early-industrial-era rows, perhaps Shaker in style, staring at a teacher and a chalkboard, with a coal-fired stove heating the room.

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When it comes to it, I think that, in most cases, folks are so overwhelmed by the advances in technology that they're scared to welcome it into their classrooms. That's not a comfortable place to be for many people. Education has come face-to-face with just how disruptive technology has become, and this disruption is about to create the next stage of evolution in how students learn So, is what we're experiencing a "fad"?

To comment on Kevin's post, click here. As a result of our recent experience with " Normal Heights ", AKA Project Shelldrake , many people have asked me how this project came to be and how I came about sharing Robin Sloan 's stories with the seventh grade.

Well, let me tell you the story with several asides as I remember it. This story starts with one of my primary forms of professional development. I spend a lot of time online, perhaps too much time, but valuable time nonetheless.

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De rebus scholaribus [Kevin J. Ruth] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Independent schools are semi-sacred spaces of intrigue, action, and. De rebus scholaribus [Kevin J Ruth] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers.

There are many that say the web is killing serendipity but I disagree. For me, the internet has allowed me the equivalent of dropping into the library at any hour of the day, something I could have only dreamed about prior to getting online back in the early s. And now with a judicious use of Delicious , Twitter and Google Reader , which I purposely populate with blogs and feeds from a variety of disciplines , I find that with even less effort than before, I am able to draw inspiration and ideas from fields other than my own, and serendipity is preserved.

There are many ways that I stumble upon the blogs that I follow: Likewise, there are many reasons why I continue following a blog: I'm not fully certain, but it was probably Jason Kottke's blog that turned me on to Snarkmarket , a three-man production with Robin Sloan, Matt Thompson, and Tim Carmody as contributors.

It might have been one reference or a series of references that made me decode that it was worth following everything posted on Snarkmarket, that the signal-to-noise ratio was high enough to add it to my feed reader. Nonetheless, here I am reading after all this while, and it's not just the content that keeps me coming back-it's also the community. You must continue reading this. Monthly Newsletter November, Just when you think your school has finally caught up with the latest technology, Steve Jobs releases yet another innovativ e piece of hardware, promising to change the future of education.

And if it isn't hardware these days, there is bound to be a new social media tool that will revolutionize the wa y you communicate with your entire school community. What's a school leader to do? This month the SFLC has devoted the i ssue to technology and the ever uphill climb to reach technological Nirvana.

We've consulted with Technology Directors and teachers to provide you with some possible answers to questions: What is a systematic approach to technology innovation in schools? Are new teaching methodologies and new technologies just "fads"? What does a technologically proficient 21st Century teacher really look like? We hope you will respond to these provocative articles and share how your school is leading or aspiring to lead through technology. Thirty school leaders from Hawaii, California, Tennessee, New York, Chicago, Idaho, Colorado who serve schools as heads, division heads, program directors, deans, presidents and lead teachers will assemble at La Fonda Hotel in Santa Fe for four days of reflection, renewal and recommitting to excellence in leadership.

We are particularly enthusiastic about our guest faculty and keynote speaker, Rick Ackerly.

De rebus scholaribus

If you couldn't attend the November Seminar, but anticipate a much needed professional development opportunity, please join us March for our next session. This time, we will be joined by guest faculty Peter Cheney. Peter was also a longstanding member of the administration at St. Paul's School in Concord, NH where he still serves as a trustee. We anticipate this seminar will sell out, so register early to guarantee your spot. As always, we look forward to hearing from you and welcome your comments and feedback and your leadership innovations at our website www.

See you soon in Santa Fe! Fondly, Gary Gruber Timothy R. Register Now for the Spring Leadership Seminar At the heart of each school leader is the desire to positively impact community and to contribute to institutions in meaningful ways. The bustling and often hectic nature of schools can leave school leaders without time to reflect on the practice of leadership and feeling ineffective and unfocused.