Stiftung vs. Vermögensverwaltung - Abbildung von Zielen in Governance-Strukturen (German Edition)

Kalonymos 10,1 , 4—8. Walter Homolka, Die Polygamie im Judentum. Nach Sitte und Recht, in: Cheschbon 3,4 , 25— In diesem Fall machte die Zustimmung bzw. Sie darf daher keine Ehe eingehen. Ben-Zion Schereschewsky, Marriage, in: Diejenigen Verwandten, auf die sich diese Erweiterungen beziehen, werden schenijjot genannt. Das Verbot wird jedoch daraus abgeleitet, dass die Enkelin verboten ist. Incest ; Joseph H. Hertz, Pentateuch und Haftaroth, Bd. Ihr Schwager soll ihr beiwohnen, sie zur Frau nehmen und die Bruderehe vollziehen. Der erste Sohn, den sie gebiert, soll den Namen des verstorbenen Bruders beibehalten, damit dessen Name nicht in Jisrael untergehe.

Der Text, auf den man sich dabei beruft, ist Jes Dann war ein anderer Sohn verpflichtet, die Braut des Verstorbenen zu ehelichen. Er will mich nicht zur Bruderehe. Wenn er dann auftritt und spricht: Die sefardischen Juden des Mittelalters praktizierten dagegen generell die Leviratsehe, die im Orient auch heute noch vorkommt. In Europa und Amerika wird sie als Verpflichtung jedoch entschieden abgelehnt.

Was genau aber ist ein mamser? Es bleibt unklar, was der Terminus in biblischer Zeit bedeutete. Das Kind eines mamser bzw.

Es gilt nicht als mamser und kann durch Konversion zum Judentum den Status eines Proselyten annehmen. Dass der Vater ein mamser ist, spielt in diesem Fall also keine Rolle. Wen darf nun ein mamser oder eine mamseret heiraten, wenn legitime Juden als Ehepartner nicht infrage kommen? Was aber ist, wenn ein Zweifel besteht, ob jemand ein mamser ist oder nicht? Andererseits darf er auch keine mamseret heiraten, weil er ja ein Dtn Die Mischehe wurde als Bedrohung des Judentums betrachtet. Den Mizri sollst du nicht scheuen, denn du bist ein Fremdling in seinem Land gewesen.

Durfte ein Jude nun eine Konvertitin heiraten? Die Ehe zwischen der Moabiterin Ruth und Boas warf deswegen eine besondere Schwierigkeit auf, weil das biblische Verbot der Mischehe mit Ammonitern und Moabitern besonders streng war. Freehof, Recent Reform Responsa, Cincinnati , 68— Entsprechend beschloss die Braunschweiger Rabbinerversammlung im Jahre Das konservative Judentum erkennt nur die Ehe zwischen zwei Juden als kidduschin an.

Liberale Juden erkennen allerdings an, dass in einer offenen Gesellschaft solche Ehen vorkommen. Aber die Konferenz als solche hat sich wiederholt gegen eine derartige Praxis ausgesprochen. Hier besteht das einzige Problem darin, was geschieht, wenn ein Jude dem Judentum entsagt und eine andere Religion annimmt. Das liberale Judentum vertritt hingegen den Standpunkt, dass ein Apostat durchaus als Nichtjude Mielziner 47; Philipson Freehof, Reform Jewish Practice, Bd. Zweitens kann der Status als Jude dadurch erworben werden, dass ein Elternteil Jude ist.

In biblischer Zeit scheint dabei der Vater der bestimmende Faktor gewesen zu sein. Und vielleicht spielte auch die schwerer zu bestimmende Vaterschaft eine Rolle. Jedenfalls setzte sich die Auffassung durch, dass das Kind einer Mischehe nach der Mutter geht. Heute jedoch schafft dieser Grundsatz nicht selten eine sonderbare Situation. Davon abweichend hat sich die Central Conference of American Rabbis am So sagt Boas zu Ruth einfach: Ihre Opfer, sagt er, werden angenommen, denn: Rabbi Eliezer — Proselyten willkommen: Es umfasste drei Riten: Das Judentum verlor damit viel von seinem einstigen missionarischen Impetus.

Im Gegensatz dazu vertreten das liberale und das konservative Judentum die Meinung, dass die Konversion zum Judentum erleichtert werden sollte. Washofsky, Jewish Living, — So lesen wir im Buch Levitikus: Die Scheidung ist zwingend. Die Nachkommen aus einer solchen Ehe werden als chalal bzw. Die Frage, ob er die Tochter aus einer Mischehe ehelichen darf, wird seit der Antike diskutiert und ist eigentlich niemals wirklich entschieden worden. Freehof, Recent Reform Responsa, — Die Unterscheidung zwischen kohanim und anderen Israeliten ist bedeutungslos, sobald einmal die alte Hoffnung auf die Wiedererrichtung des Tempels und die Wiedereinsetzung des Opferkults aufgegeben worden ist, wie dies bei allen nichtorthodoxen Juden und faktisch auch bei vielen orthodoxen Juden der Fall ist.

Mit schidduchin bezeichnen wir also den formellen Akt der Verlobung. Zacharias Frankel, Grundlinien des mosaisch-talmudischen Eherechts, in: Die Begriffe schidduchin, kidduschin, erussin, nissuin sind eigentlich Pluralformen, die aber im Deutschen in der Regel in der Singularform benutzt werden. Man hielt sie nun einheitlich in einer schriftlichen Urkunde fest schetar schidduchin, d.

Beim schidduchin werden auch die Familien beider Parteien mit einbezogen. Daher stellt sich die Frage, ob bzw. Er muss ihn wiedergeben. Er darf ihn nicht wiedergeben. Als Kriterium wird hier die Verwendung bestimmter Formeln in der Vereinbarung herangezogen. Jahrhundert, deren Absicht es war, die in der Halacha auch nach der Kodifizierung z. Durch diese Rechtslage wird dem schidduchin bei schriftlichem Vertragsabschluss eine besondere Festigkeit verliehen.

Die Verpflichtungen der Parteien, auch die Verpflichtung zum Schadensersatz im Falle eines Vertragsbruchs, bestehen ungeachtet der schriftlichen Fixierung. Wohl aber setzt die Verpflichtung zur Zahlung von Schmerzensgeld u. In diesem Fall besteht keine Verpflichtung, der anderen Seite Schadenersatz zu leisten. Es ist im Gegenteil denkbar, dass dann die Gegenpartei mit Erfolg verklagt werden kann.

Er geht einher mit einem konkreten Akt, dem erussin1, in dem wie schon in 3. Auch kidduschin und nissuin haben sich im Laufe der Geschichte gewandelt. Diese Praxis hat sich erst seit dem Jahrhundert allgemeiner Brauch geworden. Im zeremoniellen Ablauf getrennt werden die beiden den Trauungsvorgang bestimmenden Rechtsinstitute kidduschin und nissuin durch das Verlesen der ketubba, des Ehevertrags.

Beispielsweise breitete man einen Schleier bzw. Da man am Schabbat nichts erwerben darf, wird nur wochentags und an erlaubten Feiertagen geheiratet. Der Schulchan Aruch macht ihn in der Folge zum Regelfall. A Minyan at a Wedding Ceremony. Es ist mit Bezug auf Gen Dazu sagt Max Eschelbacher: Hier liegt ein wesentlicher Unterschied etwa zum kanonischen Recht der katholischen Kirche und zum Begriff der Ehe als Sakrament.

Ost und West, 11,11 , —; 11,12 , —; 12,1 , 69— Der Morgen 6,5 , — Die drei Formen sollen daher jetzt kurz vorgestellt und diskutiert werden. Auch dadurch unterscheidet sich die Antrauung von der Scheidung: Im folgenden Abschnitt sollen die Bedingungen und Regelungen dargestellt werden, ohne deren Einhaltung der Akt der Antrauung keine Rechtswirksamkeit erlangt. Mittwoch deshalb, damit der Mann, wenn er feststellen sollte, dass sie keine Jungfrau mehr ist, am darauffolgenden Tage Klage am Gerichtshof der montags und donnerstags zu tagen pflegte gegen sie einreichen kann vgl.

Civil procedure The body of law that governs the practices, procedures, and methods used in civil litigation within a particular court system. We would point out that no resolution of the CCAR has expressed its approval of officiation. Cracking or scaling A paint defect where the surface splits or curls back, usually caused by buildup of too many coats on a surface or by paint applied too thickly. Thus, while we without any doubt acknowledge that numerous sexual relations remain forbidden, our primary concern is that the union between spouses be one that expresses our deepest moral conceptions of marriage, that it be one of exclusive sexual commitment. Von der mittelalterlichen Kabbala zum Hasidismus, Frankfurt am Main , Cash-accounting method A method which measures cash flow computed by taking any cash-income received, less cash-expense paid.

Die meisten orthodoxen Gemeinden ignorieren jedoch dieses Verbot heute normalerweise. Und daher pflegt man an diesem Tage nicht zu trauern. Aber zum terminus a quo dieser Zeit gehen die Meinungen auseinander. Nach Karo beginnt sie am 1. Aw,45 nach Isserles am Er gilt als einer der wichtigsten Kommentare zu Orach Chajim.

Aw verboten, sondern auch an den anderen Fasttagen im Jahr, also am 3. Tewet und dem An kleineren Festen gilt der Ortsbrauch. Eine Ausnahme bildet auch Tischa be-Aw. Heute gilt, dass die Bedeutung einer Heirat die unerfreulichen historischen Erinnerungen an Ereignisse des 1. Schauss, The Lifetime of a Jew, und Jahrhunderts die Hochzeitszeremonie wieder in die Synagoge verlegten. In talmudischer Zeit stellte sich die Frage nicht, wer die Hochzeitszeremonie leiten sollte: Darauf folgten ein Festmahl und der Hochzeitssegen, der vom Gastgeber oder einem Freund des Brautpaars gesprochen wurde.

Er beginnt mit den Worten: Dienet Gott mit Freuden. Tretet vor ihn mit Gesang. Lewittes, Jewish Marriage, Gaster, The Holy and the Profane, — Sulamith 7,2 , — Sulamith 7,1 , — In diesem Fall handelt es sich um ede kijum. Dadurch erweitert sich der Kreis der Personen, die als Zeugen ungeeignet sind, ganz erheblich. Diese strikte Haltung hat sich, wie andere Regelungen auch, erst im Laufe der Geschichte herausgebildet: Aus den Papyri von Elephantine ergibt sich, dass dort damals auch Nichtjuden als vollwertige Zeugen anerkannt wurden. So erscheint beispielsweise auch die traditionelle Regel, dass Frauen als Zeugen nicht infrage kommen, aus der Sicht des liberalen Judentums als antiquiert und inakzeptabel; die Frau soll vielmehr im Hinblick auf ihren Status nicht vom Mann unterschieden werden.

Selbst Verwandte werden normalerweise nicht von der Zeugenschaft ausgeschlossen. Die unterschiedliche Handhabung dieser Frage stellt jedoch einen religionsgesetzlichen Reibungspunkt zwischen orthodoxer Minderheit und nichtorthodoxer Mehrheit im Judentum dar, der auch unter emotionalem Aspekt eine nicht geringe Tragweite hat. Orthodox Aspersions Against Reform Marriages.

Nachher begibt sich die Musik in das Haus der Braut, um diese abzuholen. Diese symbolische Handlung wird vom Eheversprechen begleitet.

Freehof, Reform Responsa, — Freehof in einem Responsum nachgezeichnet. Die Auseinandersetzung mit dem biblisch-talmudischen Eherecht hat noch Anfang des Der die Trauung Leitende spricht: Es ist jedoch nicht unbedingt notwendig, dass diese Formel in ihrem genauen Wortlaut gesprochen wird. Jahrhundert durchgesetzt zu haben. Eine weitere traditionelle Meinung verlangt, dass der Hochzeitsring einfach und glatt, also nicht mit kostbaren Steinen verziert sein soll, weil der Wert von Edelsteinen schwer zu ermitteln ist.

Der Talmud rechtfertigt dies damit, dass es in der Natur des Mannes liege, die Initiative zu ergreifen, und weist darauf hin, dass es in Deuteronomium Dieser Brauch geht bereits auf das Die ketubba wird hier im Kontext des kidduschin besprochen, da sie aus rechtlicher Sicht eher diesem zugeordnet werden kann.

Er entsprach im Allgemeinen dem Wert der Mitgift der Braut nedunia. Schauss, The Lifetime of a Jew, Das Folgende ist ein Beispieltext in der traditionellen aschkenasischen Form: Also sprach Herr N. So hat Herr N. So empfahl Joseph Hermann Hertz — , der Oberrabbiner des British Empire, lediglich den ersten Teil der ketubba zu verlesen, den finanziellen Teil dagegen auszulassen. Sulamith 3,1 , 90— Aber auch damals galt: Dieser Brauch ist ab dem Bis auf den Grund darin!

Breaking a Glass at Weddings. Groom Not Seeing Bride. Der jichud bezeichnet im kabbalistischen Sinne auch die Vereinigung als Erkenntnisvorgang. Um unseres Judentums, um der Ethik willen: Von der mittelalterlichen Kabbala zum Hasidismus, Frankfurt am Main , A Contemporary Comment on His Position, in: Die Allgemeine Zeitung des Judentums schrieb dazu: So kann auch der Akt des Beischlafs auf zwei Weisen interpretiert werden: Dann ist im Zweifel anzunehmen, dass der Beischlaf in Verehelichungsabsicht vollzogen wurde.

Die Partner werden also weiterhin als ledig betrachtet. Er war rechtlich verpflichtet, ein Festmahl zu geben, das seinem eigenen gesellschaftlichen Rang und dem der Braut zu entsprechen hatte. Leite uns auf dem Weg der Gerechtigkeit. Beachte den Segen der Kinder Zions. Freude ist in Gottes Wohnung; von Gottes Vgl. Diese Regelung aus dem Talmud wird im Schulchan Aruch nochmals wiederholt, allerdings mit einer leichten Modifikation: Sie ist nicht nur ein Rechtsakt, und ihre Bestimmung ist auch nicht lediglich die Fortpflanzung, sondern sie ist auch und nicht zuletzt ein Grund zur Freude.

Diese Pflichten sind sowohl ethischer wie rechtlicher Natur. Diese allgemeinen Prinzipien sind in der Tradition immer wieder betont worden. Im Einzelnen unterscheidet man: Diese drei Pflichten werden aus der Tora abgeleitet: Der Schriftvers ist Hi 5: Der Ehefrau stehen beispielsweise mindestens zwei Mahlzeiten pro Tag zu, am Schabbat drei. Die Mischna nennt in diesem Zusammenhang im Einzelnen: Er darf es aber nur zum Vorteil seines Haushaltes verwenden und es nicht ohne Zustimmung seiner Frau verkaufen.

Verluste braucht er nicht zu ersetzen. Wenn die Frau dagegen zuerst stirbt, ist ihr Ehemann ihr gesetzlicher Erbe. Er war Talmudist, Kabbalist und Bibelkommentator. Diese Regeln, die sich bereits in der Mischna finden, werden in der Gemara und den Kodizes wiederholt und ausgearbeitet.

Mischna und Talmud widmen ihm einen ganzen Traktat. Am Ende dieser sieben Tage muss M Ket 5: Vertreter des orthodoxen Judentums haben diese Gesetze mit hygienischen und psychologischen Argumenten vehement verteidigt. Deshalb werden die Reinheitsvorschriften zur Menstruation im liberalen und konservativen Judentum nicht mehr beachtet. Sie interpretieren dieses Gebot als eine Pflicht, die dem Mann obliegt, nicht der Frau. Die zweite Anschauung hat sich letztend Roland B.

Die Debatte konzentrierte sich auf zwei Fragen: Soll der Staat die gleichgeschlechtliche Ehe legalisieren und damit homosexuellen Paaren die gleichen gesetzlichen Rahmenbedingungen bieten, die heterosexuelle Ehepaare haben? Wir betrachten die Gen 1: Daher sind wir dazu gezwungen, gegen die beabsichtigte Neudefinition der Ehe im Staat New York zu protestieren. Diese Aussicht ist erschreckend und sollte unannehmbar sein.

Eine davon ist die Ehe. Dabei geht es im Grunde nicht um Rechte, sondern um Pflichten. We approach this issue through the prism of the Jewish religious tradition, which forbids homosexual acts, and sanctions only the union of a man and a woman in matrimony. The institution of marriage is central to the formation of a healthy society and the raising of children.

It is our sincere conviction that discarding the historical definition of marriage would pose a severe danger to society in a variety of ways. Thus, we are compelled to protest the proposed redefinition of marriage for the State of New York. Moreover, we are deeply concerned that, should any such redefinition occur, citizens of New York who are members of traditional communities like ours will incur moral opprobrium and may risk legal sanction if they refuse to transgress their beliefs.

That prospect is chilling, and should be unacceptable. Its sanctity must be recognized and its integrity preserved. In Wirklichkeit ist sie genau das Gegenteil. Seit Ende der sechziger Jahre des The religious rites of kiddushin can only be enacted between two Jews, one male and the other female.

While the rejection of homosexual relations is still normative in most Orthodox communities, halachists are beginning to include in their deliberations the -testimony of gay people who wish to remain faithful to the tradition. It is fundamentally not about rights, but about duties. Central to Orthodox Jewish teaching is the importance of family. The rejection of gay coupling is hardly an expression of family values. Indeed, it is just the opposite. It is surely in the interest of families to support such unions that glue us all together by the force of our loving commitments to each other.

While it is true that procreation is one of the intents of marriage in our society, same-sex marriages would not prevent such endeavors any more than heterosexual marriages require them. Under Jewish law such couples might not be fulfilling the duty to reproduce, but that would have no bearing upon the legitimacy of their marriage. Moreover, adoption and surrogacy offer to gay couples the same potential as they do to heterosexual couples unable to reproduce. Generalversammlung der Union of American Hebrew Congregations We who were Marranos in Madrid, who clung to the closet of assimilation and conversion in order to live without molestation, we cannot deny the demand for gay and lesbian visibility!

November in New Orleans. Dana Evan Kaplan Hrsg. Conflicting Visions, London , —, hier Schwule und lesbische Paare sollten ebenso wie heterosexuelle Paare das gesetzliche Recht haben, solche dauerhaften Partnerschaften einzugehen. Gay and lesbian couples should have the legal right, as heterosexual couples do, to form such lasting partnerships.

Diese Verpartnerung sei aber heterosexuellen Paaren zu verweigern; vgl. Bei der Diskussion der Resolution wurde im Plenum die Frage gestellt, wie man denn diese Verpartnerungen nennen solle. Dezember verabschiedete das CJLS mit 13 von 25 Stimmen ein opinions within our ranks on this issue. We support the decision of those who choose to officiate at rituals of union for same-sex couples, and we support the decision of those who do not.

It does not compel any rabbi to officiate at such a ritual, and indeed supports the right of a rabbi not to officiate. It does not specify what ritual is appropriate for such a ceremony. Nonetheless, the historical and religious significance of this resolution is indisputable. For the first time in history, a major rabbinical body has affirmed the Jewish validity of committed, same gender relationships. Es ist angemessen, dass eine solche Partnerschaft festlich begangen wird. Nonetheless, we consider stable, committed, Jewish relationships to be as necessary and beneficial for homosexuals and their families as they are for heterosexuals.

Promiscuity is not acceptable for either homosexual or heterosexual relationships. A Rabbinic Letter on Human Intimacy. The celebration of such a union is appropriate. Einerseits traten vier Mitglieder des Komitees aus: Dagegen vertrat der israelische konservative Rabbiner David Lazar bereits folgende Meinung: Wenn man es mit neuen Gegebenheiten zu tun hat, so dachte ich mir, braucht man dazu neue Rituale, die der Situation angemessen sind. Sie selbst sprechen von Kidduschin. Dort setzt meist ein Gericht der Ehe ein Ende. Durch eine solche Entscheidung ist die Scheidung jedoch noch nicht vollzogen.

Solange die den Parteien vorbehaltenen Handlungen nicht vorgenommen worden sind, besteht also die Ehe weiter. Die Scheidung ist ein Rechtsakt freier Willensentscheidung zwischen den beiden Parteien. Besonders beachtenswert ist in diesem Zusammenhang Vers In einem Kommentar zum eben zitierten Satz aus dem Propheten Maleachi sagen sie: Die Scheidung bricht eine geheiligte Verbindung. Dennoch erkennt das Judentum an, dass Scheidung ein notwendiger Ausweg sein kann.

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  • Das Judische Eherecht;
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Diese Aussage wird exegetisch erreicht, indem Mal 2: Zur Ehescheidung insgesamt vgl. Allein ihm stand es zu, seine Frau zu entlassen, und zwar indem er ihr einen Scheidebrief get ausstellte. Er soll bei Strafe des Bannes als Grundregel festgesetzt haben, dass ein Mann sich nicht mehr ohne die Zustimmung seiner Frau von ihr scheiden lassen konnte. Jahrhunderts akzeptiert war, bezweifelt aber die Zuschreibung an Rabbi Gerschom. Deshalb entwickelten die Rabbinen aus ihr die gesamte Struktur des rabbinischen Scheidungsrechts.

Unter welchen Bedingungen konnte ein Mann seinerzeit seine Frau wegschicken? Diese Sicht wurde von der Schule Schammais vertreten. Dieses Verbot wird in der Scheidungsurkunde notiert. Sollte es allerdings den Ehebrechern gelingen zu heiraten, so sind sie zur Scheidung nicht gezwungen. Dabei geht es um eine Frau, die die Moralgesetze nicht achtet. Sie ist aber auch berechtigt, anstelle der Scheidung Unterhalt zu verlangen, insbesondere wenn der Fall gegeben ist, dass der Ehemann sie zwingen will, sich scheiden zu lassen.

In der Praxis sind die Rabbinergerichte bei Scheidungsverfahren aus diesem Grund sehr vorsichtig. Deshalb wird eine Frau mit ihrer Scheidungsklage keinen Erfolg haben, wenn sie zur gleichen Zeit auch ihre ketubba beansprucht. Erst nach diesen zehn Jahren wird angenommen, dass sie von ihrem Ehemann keine Kinder mehr bekommen wird. Es ist aber normalerweise anzunehmen, dass die Rabbinergerichte keinen get kefia erlassen werden. Da sie keinen freien Willen hat, kann sie nicht geschieden werden. Allerdings darf der Mann dann mit der Erlaubnis von hundert Rabbinern eine zweite Frau heiraten.

Trotzdem bleibt seine erste Frau mit ihm verheiratet, und er ist ihr zum Unterhalt, nicht aber zum ehelichen Verkehr verpflichtet. Divorce of Insane Husband. Mielziner ; Gulak, Bd. Das Gericht kann einen get kefia erlassen. Ist dieser nicht durchzusetzen, kann der Ehemann eine zweite Frau heiraten. Diese oben genannten Regeln gelten jedoch nicht, wenn die Frau vergewaltigt wurde, d. Eine vergewaltigte Frau darf nur dann nicht mehr mit ihrem Mann zusammenleben, wenn dieser ein kohen62 ist. So wie der Ehemann den get freiwillig geben muss, so soll die Frau ihn auch freiwillig entgegennehmen.

Das Verbot, der Frau den get aufzuzwingen, besteht jedoch nur so lange, wie sie nicht von Gesetzes wegen den get erhalten muss. Die erste Frau dagegen bleibt verheiratet und kann nicht wieder heiraten. Der wesentliche Satz lautete: Morgen oder an einem anderen Tag wird As-Hor in der Gemeinde aufstehen und sagen: Maimonides69 gibt den folgenden Wortlaut wieder: Damit steht es dem anderen frei, wieder zu heiraten. Es sei daran erinnert, dass die Ehe einer verheirateten Frau mit einem zweiten Mann durch das biblische Gesetz verboten ist. Ferner wird auch ein Beweis aus zweiter Hand anerkannt, und unter bestimmten Voraussetzungen wird sogar der schriftliche Nachweis zugelassen.

Wer immer der Zeuge sei — der Inhalt der Zeugenaussage muss sein, dass eine oder mehrere Personen dem Sterben oder der Beerdigung beigewohnt oder aber den Leichnam identifiziert haben. Eine allgemeine Todesvermutung ohne Beweise reicht jedenfalls nicht aus. In verschiedenen Staaten der Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika, z. Seine Ausstellung wird z. Zur Diskussion halachischer Alternativen vgl. Ben-Zion Schereschewsky, Agunah, in: Zum Thema Eheannullierung vgl. Epstein, Marriage Annulment, in: Es wurde also die Verpflichtung des Bruders aufgehoben.

So kann ein Zivilgericht das Inkrafttreten der zivilen Scheidung z. Der Talmud akzeptiert z. Es gibt eine zivile Scheidung, der Ehemann heiratet erneut oder behandelt seine Frau in unmoralischer Weise. All dies muss vor einem Rabbinergericht bewiesen sein so Rabbi Eliezer Berkowitz Es gibt Beispiele in der orthodoxen Rechtsliteratur seit dem Hier handelt es sich nicht um rabbinisches Recht, sondern um eine aus der Tora abgeleitete Regelung. Jahrhundert , Rabbi Yitzchak Elchanan Spector Jahrhundert und Rabbi Moshe Feinstein.

Tradition 31,1 , 90— Dieser Ansatz kann also nur als verwerflich bezeichnet werden. Zwar stehen sich beide dann insofern gleich, als keiner von beiden erneut in einer orthodoxen Synagoge heiraten kann. Wenn beide jedoch zivilrechtlich erneut heiraten, sind die Kinder der Frau aus der zweiten Ehe nach rabbinischem Recht mamserim, die Kinder des Mannes dagegen sind koscher.

Wenn zwei Menschen sich im Leben verbinden, so meinte er, sei es die Aufgabe der Religion, diesen Bund zu segnen. It is to be recognized, therefore, as an act emanating altogether from the judicial authorities of the state. The so-called ritual Get is in all cases declared null and void. Zum Beispiel haben Jakob J. Washofsky vertritt die Meinung, dass das Prinzip, wonach allein das Landesrecht den Ausschlag gebe, bei der Scheidung nicht ohne Weiteres anwendbar sei: Sie solle gleich im Anschluss an die Mielziner Reform Jewish Practice, und Jacob Hrsg.

The Conservative movement has now adopted our practice in this regard, though with certain cautions. Stieftochter nicht heiraten, wohl aber die Schwester seiner Frau. Sie darf auch keinen kohen heiraten. Damit bleibt noch eine Frage: Dieses Verbot gilt auch dann, wenn dieser zweite Mann inzwischen gestorben ist oder sich seinerseits von ihr geschieden hat.

Allerdings galten die Kinder aus einer solchen verbotenen Ehe nicht als mamserim. Journal of Jewish Studies 17 , 1— This Rabbinic interpretation is reinforced by a verse in Ezekiel that limits a ivf to marry a woman mizarah beit Yisrael. Again and again the Talmud stresses that the proselyte is equal in every respect to an Israelite from birth. The case of a ivf is practically the only exception. While the Rabbinic interpretation of vbuz is deemed to create a Biblical prohibition, the reality today is that a Gentile woman is not ipso facto a vbuz.

In fact to embrace this position can lead to a oav kukhj, demeaning the Torah not only in the eyes of the Gentiles, but in the eyes of Jews who view the Gentile world differently than did our Talmudic ancestors and subsequent generations until this era. Given the large number of Gentiles who have become Jews-by-choice, any ruling that even alludes to a non-Jewish woman as being a vbuz would also make a mockery of the efforts of our colleagues to bring converts into our midst and to commit them to a life of vumn.

It would also convey a negative message to thousands upon thousands of the children of converts and their families. The Torah does not explicitly prohibit a ivf from marrying a ,ruhd. The high incidence of Jewish men and women living together prior to marriage concerns us, but this merely 6 7 8 9 10 Ibid. The view that a rd is to be wholeheartedly embraced as reflected in Maimonides.

Therefore you shall pray, Our God and God of our fathers, because Abraham, peace be unto him, is your father. Solemnizing a Marriage Between a Kohen and a Convert. Approved by the CJLS in Goodman This paper was adopted on March 12, by a vote of twelve in favor, four opposed, and two abstentions. Rabbi Aaron Blumenthal, in a concurring opinion, differed with Rabbi Bokser, and argued that such marriages be treated no differently than any other.

I return to this responsum not because I disagree with Rabbi Bokser, but because his paper fails to offer a satisfactory rationale for overturning a clear Biblical prohibition. Not surprisingly issues focusing on the status of the ivf have come before the CJLS. This system allows any congregant who may normally be granted an vhkg at that service to be honored with any of the ,uhkg during the service.

His paper was also overwhelmingly approved. Had his research concluded that it was t,hhrutsn, his conclusion may have been otherwise. The prohibitions of a ivf marrying a divorcee is clearly t,hhrutsn. The text in Leviticus clearly forbids a marriage with a divorcee. It is Biblically forbidden.

Talmud Bavli, Kiddushin 67a. This point can certainly be argued. Divorce is viewed differently today. It is often an opportunity for a second chance, and our continued embrace of the Biblical prohibition of the marriage between a ivf and a vaurd could reinforce the ancient prejudice against a divorced woman. The authority to overturn a Biblical prohibition is debated by Rabbi Hisda and Rabbah in a famous sugya in Yevamot. There are instances where the Rabbis ruled that a mitzvah not be performed. Specific examples of this principle are not blowing shofar on Shabbat or blessing lulav and etrog on Shabbat out of concern that the Shabbat ban on carrying in public be violated.

When there is vga ,truv, the demands of the moment, it is permitted to violate a specific prohibition, in order to prevent erosions from commitment to the Tradition. The example cited is Elijah offering a sacrifice on Mt. Carmel in order to turn the people back from idolatry. The principle of repv ihs ,hc repv — gives a ihs ,hc the right to declare money or articles ownerless. The Talmud in Nazir 43a permits a ivf, in clear violation of Biblical law, to involve himself in the burial of his minor wife whose father was dead.

In a famous tosfot, Rabbi Yitzhak explains that by Biblical law, she is not a vumn ,n because she has other family. Yet since her relatives and family may have abandoned her, the Rabbis regarded her as a vumn ,n, and even though a ihs ,hc does not have the au- 10 Ibid. Where you cannot fulfill the words of both, you negate their words and fulfill the words of the Torah. There was often the need for an escape hatch, and the right of Rabbinic authorities to do so was articulated by the Rashba as follows: In an instance when two Jews express their desire to marry one another, are we not beholden to remove barriers to their relationship?

The high divorce rate is a reality. All too often second marriages of a divorcee are to a non-Jew, and these women are often single mothers with minor children. Exposing them to a home with a non-Jewish stepfather who introduces into their lives a host of non-Jewish relatives is not in the best interests of the Jewish people. When a vaurd is prepared to marry a Jew, albeit a ivf, is it appropriate for us, in this day and age, to refuse to solemnize the marriage? Even a strategy of seeking to counsel the couple against marriage because of their respective statuses and agreeing to officiate scghsc casts aspersions upon their relationship.

A ringing endorsement of their intended union will affirm the importance our Movement attaches to endogamous marriages. We also regard divorce differently than did our Biblical and Rabbinic forbearers. To exclude a Jewish woman who is divorced from marrying the man with whom she is in love, affirms the negative status of the divorcee. This is inconsistent with our view of divorce or of our assessment of the character of a woman who happens to be a vaurd.

One could defend the decision permitting such marriages by arguing that every ivf is a epx, but such an approach creates its own problems. Would we then be honest in our attempts to reintroduce duhaning into our Services and to repopu12 13 14 15 16 Talmud Bavli, Nazir 43b, Tosfot, vumn ,n htvu.

Talmud Bavli, Shabbat b. Chidushai Rashba, Nedarim, p. To be sure, we can argue that the vause of the ivf should lead to restrictions and regard marriage with a vaurd or a ,ruhd as being the price paid for special status. Those to whom the vbuvf is a privilege may well accept this and other limitations. The vast majority of ohbvuf an our Congregations do not perceive themselves as enjoying a unique status nor will they accept any limitations on their behavior because of their vbuvf.

Hence most ohbvuf do not ijus, they will visit cemeteries and have probably never affiliated at a icv iuhsp. There are those who contend that a ivf in our day has lesser holiness because there is no longer a asenv ,hc where ohbvuf offered ,ubcre. Are we prepared to say that even if the Temple were to be rebuilt and sacrifices restored that we would still wish to regard a vaurd as an inappropriate bride for a ivf?

While but a rhetorical question at this juncture of history, it touches upon our willingness to reinterpret the status of the vaurd. The hard fact confronting us is that the Torah is clear that a ivf is not to marry a divorcee. Nothing in that verse speaks of the level of the vause of the ivf. Even after Temple times, u,aseu was interpreted to vest the ivf with certain prerogatives in terms of the Synagogue Service and the icv iuhsp. The contention in this paper is that despite the vause of the ivf, he may marry a divorcee for the two reasons cited above.

The large number of divorcees make it highly probable that a ivf will find his intended among the divorced women an our community. This high divorce rate together with the high intermarriage rate mandate that we do not place a barrier to such a marriage. This is a vga ,truv justifying uprooting the Biblical prohibition of Leviticus Our willingness to do this is further supported by our view that a divorcee is not of a lesser status than her non-divorced sister.

Should the current rate of intermarriage be reversed, a future Law Committee may well decide to review this issue. At this time, however, we face a crisis of such proportion that we dare not, in good conscience, stand between the marriage of two Jews whose union as forbidden by virtue of his being a ivf and she a divorcee. Our steadfast refusal to solemnize their marriage, or even to agree to do this only after seeking to dissuade them, may well lead the couple to be married either in a civil ceremony or in a ceremony without full vpuj and ihause.

The couple, knowing of our disapproval of their relationship, will find little comfort within our Movement and its Synagogues. Arguing for vrheg of Leviticus While the Talmud, accepting the reality of such marriages in its day, ruled ihxpu, ihause, the children were ohkkj and denied all privileges of vbuvf, while their father sacrificed his special status only as long as he continued in the marriage. Our decision to negate the prohibitions reaffirms the status of both father and child. Congregations which reserve the first vhkg for ohbvuf, which have duhaning and which encourage icv iuhsp, are to regard such fathers and sons as acceptable ohbvuf.

New times bring new issues and concerns, and affirming the argument of the Rashba, it is the Biblically ordained right and duty of the judges or leaders to rule in the best interests of the people and the Torah. For the Conservative Movement, the CJLS is the body vested with the judicial and legislative authority to adapt halakhah in light of contemporary reality and modern concerns. Rashba reminds us that halakhic authorities have been granted the power, either through outright legislation or through midrashic interpretation, to abandon even a Biblical prohibition.

It is the characteristic that guarantees, to the extent anything can, that what motivates halakhic authorities in their commitment to the integrity of the system they govern. We are challenged not to be timid in advocating changes which we, in good conscience, believe are demanded by the shifting circumstances in which we now find ourselves.

The reality is that very few ohbvuf who turn to us for marriage are concerned about their status as ohbvuf. Our refusal to solemnize their marriage would only lead them to be married either in a civil ceremony or in a ceremony without full vpuj and ihause. We also no longer perceive a divorcee as a woman who has been discarded by her former husband and hence not suitable as a spouse for a ivf.

We also note the high rate of intermarriage of divorced women who are often single mothers with minor children. Our goal continues to be to assured that such celebrations be raf. Solemnizing the Marriage Between a Kohen and Divorcee. Sie versprechen sich zugleich Folgendes gegenseitig: Konsistorium der Israeliten Berlin. They wish for their relationship to be validated in the eyes of our faith and also in the eyes of their family.

Should such a ceremony be conducted? In this responsum, we wish to deal as well with the question of whether a Jewish wedding should be provided for a couple who, though eligible to marry under Jewish law and tradition, do not wish to obtain a marriage license from the government. We begin with the second question because it affords us a basis from which to analyze the first. It is in such countries that the principle dina demalkhuta dina has force. According to Jewish law, the presence of a rabbi or other communal official is not a requirement for a valid marriage.

Still, since medieval times it has been the universal Jewish custom to prohibit weddings unless they have been approved in advance by the local rabbi, most often with the rabbi or a designated representative serving as mesader kidushin. For one example, see Resp. Mosad Harav Kook, This practice has usually been justified on the grounds that the legal and halakhic issues surrounding marriage are sufficiently complicated to warrant the supervision of a recognized expert in Jewish law.

The usual citation is B. The Talmudic context of this statement does not mention the issue of rabbinic supervision of or participation in the wedding. On the other hand, R. The principle, attributed to the amora Shmuel, is found in B. Gitin 10b and parallels. For a comprehensive analysis of the nature and limits of this legal principle, see Shmuel Shilo, Dina demalkhuta dina Jerusalem: Defus Akademi Yerushalim, With these words, Rabbi Freehof concedes the weakness of one of the major theories that Reform Jews have traditionally advanced in favor of the abandonment of Jewish divorce procedures gitin and gerushin and the acceptance of civil divorce as sufficient for remarriage.

That theory, advanced during the nineteenth century by R. Samuel Holdheim in Germany and by R. David Einhorn in the United States, holds that divorce is a matter of monetary law dinei mamonot falling legitimately under the purview of civil authority according to the principle of dina demalkhuta dina. For example, the civil government may not tell rabbis that they must officiate at a mixed marriage or at a marriage between two non-Jews.

Similarly, the state may not determine the structure and content of a Jewish wedding service. Therefore, the state may legitimately require a couple to register their marriage with the proper authorities, and we rabbis would be expected under Jewish law to honor this requirement. Indeed, as citizens of the state in which we reside, we are the malkhut, the state itself; its laws are our laws, which we as citizens have enacted by taking part in its democratic processes and which we have stipulated in advance to accept as valid and binding.

Since we have participated in the establishment of Social Security legislation as well as the rules that enable the state to regulate the monetary aspects of marriage, it would be hypocritical for us to aid individuals or couples in the contravention of these laws. Against this conclusion, it might be argued that when we rabbis officiate at weddings we do so primarily as representatives of the Jewish tradition and not as agents of the state.

CCAR, , Bava Batra 54b, s. The verb used by Rashbam R. A similar verb is used by Rambam Yad, Gezeilah 5: Since the state, which would not recognize this union as a marriage, requires no license for it, no evasion of the law is involved. Our answer is that the two situations are not analogous. Same-gender couples do not enjoy the legal right to marry in virtually any of the communities in which we live. Rabbis who perform commitment ceremonies urge the couples to take all legal steps available to them to demonstrate and enact their mutual social and legal obligations.

In other words, these ceremonies are the closest possible existing equivalent to legal marriage for same-gender couples in most jurisdictions. Among all other human relationships, marriage is unique in that, through the wedding ceremony, a couple sanctify their bond by declaring it to be an exclusive and inviolable one, not open to other partners. It is for this reason that the ceremony of marriage is termed kidushin, a word that denotes holiness and consecration, separateness and exclusivity.

While we have yielded to the state the power to regulate and to enforce these obligations, we are not neutral towards them. There is no such thing as a Jewish marriage without concurrent monetary rights and duties. We support the decision of those who choose to officiate at rituals of union for same-gender couples, and we support the decision of those who do not. Biblical Hebrew, as the Talmud notes B. Kidushin 2b , does not use that term. Through the ceremony of marriage, the couple commit themselves to one another, legally and financially as well as spiritually and emotionally, pledging to maintain the household they form in the face of all but the most insurmountable difficulties.

We presume that the couple in question wish to define their own relationship in these terms. They see themselves, in other words, as husband and wife, as a couple in the fullest, most permanent sense of that word. Yet while Judaism offers marriage as the means of establishing such a relationship, the couple have chosen to reject that option for themselves.

We are not insensitive to the reason they cite for their decision. As we have written, financial duress ought not to prevent couples from fulfilling the mitzvah of marriage, and Judaism calls upon us, as individuals and as an organized community, to help remove the monetary obstacles in their path. As Jews have always done, we can offer financial assistance to couples in need.

For this reason, their device is in substance an attempt to evade the law. The rabbi should not arrange a commitment ceremony for them. That which is holy or sacred — kadosh — is separate and distinct from all others. See, for example, Leviticus Providing financial assistance to couples wishing to marry is referred to by our tradition as the mitzvah of hakhnasat kalah. As discussed there, Jewish law once recognized—but has long since rejected — the institution of concubinage the pilegesh as a form of non-marital, long-term conjugal relationship.

Does such a union qualify as kiddushin from a Reform perspective? In our opinion, a Reform rabbi should not officiate at a ceremony of marriage between two persons of the same gender, whether or not this ceremony is called by the name kiddushin. This is, for us, an uncommonly long responsum. It is long because our discussion of this issue brought forth among us a number of profound disagreements, not only over the specific question of homosexual marriage but also over the nature of Reform Jewish religious discourse, at least as it is practiced among those of us committed to the responsa process and to the literature of liberal halakhah.

In trying to talk to each other about this question, we discovered that we as a Committee had ceased to share the most elemental kinds of assumptions necessary for a common religious conversation. We were speaking different languages, languages that used similar words and terminology but which defined them in starkly and irreconcilably different ways. Hence, we discovered that we were no longer talking to or even arguing with each other; rather, we were conducting a series of parallel monologues in place of the dialogue of text and tradition that has served us so well in the past.

We know that we are not alone in this experience, for we have noticed the same difficulties of communication in virtually all other discussions that have taken place within the Conference on this explosive subject. We hope instead that through the very process of explanation we can describe with some adequacy the width and the depth of the chasm that divides us.

We hope, too, that the thorough enunciation of our reasoning might help us to begin the recovery of that common language of discussion and argument which has deserted us and whose existence is the necessary precondition to our existence as a religious community. And finally, we hope that alongside the deep disagreements which no majority opinion can put to rest, our words might serve to remind us and our colleagues of those values and goals upon which we do agree and to whose attainment we stand committed.

This question, currently one of the most controversial issues on the agenda of the Reform rabbinate, has been an extraordinarily difficult one for our Committee. This is not because we disagree as to its answer. Disagreement is commonplace among us, as it should be. Like the rabbis of old, we sometimes find machloket to be problematic,1 but we accept its inevitability and indeed welcome it as a necessary and indispensable test of our ideas and presumptions.

We do not shrink from argument. The difficulty in this case arises from the fact that argument itself, understood as the joint deliberative attempt to reach common ground through persuasive speech, has broken down and proven impossible. In order for an argument to occur at even the most elementary level, its opposing sides must be able to express themselves in a language which both can speak fluently. That language, the vernacular of the interpretive community, consists of a set of shared intuitions and premises.

These serve as the common starting points for reflection and debate; they are the values by which all participants in the conversation analyze and measure their assertions; they represent the standards of justification to which both sides appeal in their attempt to persuade the other. Although the existence of a common language of argument does not guarantee unanimity or even a predominant consensus among the members of the community, it at least offers the prospect that persuasion can take place.

It is that prospect, and only that prospect, which makes argument meaningful and worthwhile. In the absence of a language common to all members of the community, a language through which each side of a debate might articulate its position in the reasonable hope of convincing the other of the rightness of its point of view, argument no longer makes sense, true conversation can no longer take place, and the continued existence of the community as a community, a collective whose members are united by a shared language with which to imagine and describe their deepest commitments, in imperiled.

We have split into two or more camps, each framing the issue in a language of argument which the other side finds foreign, indecipherable, and obtuse. We comprehend this tradition, to be sure, as Reform rabbis who possess a liberal and liberating textual tradition of our own. And with the insight derived from that particular perspective, we work with the texts of the past, constructing answers which we think speak to our time and our community. We have been unable to reach a consensus as to whether Jewish tradition is at all relevant to our discussion, whether it can serve as a useful framework for our response.

Some of us accord significant persuasive weight to the voice of tradition on the issue of sexual orientation, as we do on every issue. Computer Literacy Knowledge of and ease in using computer terminology, the basic design and general structure of hardware, and software programs.

Computerized Maintenance Management Systems SMMS User-friendly computer software packages used in building operation and maintenance departments to record, store, analyze, and manipulate vast quantities of data to control costs and improve productivity.

Computer-use adoption rates The rates at which manual jobs are automated. Concealment Hiding facts from the insurer. Concentration The buildup of contaminants in boiler or tower water due to evaporation.

Don't be the product, buy the product!

Concentration-dilution cycle A refrigeration cycle that transfers heat by using a lithium bromide or other type solution to alternately absorb heat at a low-temperature level and reject it at a high-temperature level. Concentrator An absorption chiller component that separates refrigerant from a lithium bromide-refrigerant or dilute solution by heating the solution and vaporizing the refrigerant.

Conceptual competition A competitive process that asks each broker or agent to analyze the loss exposures, risk management, and insurance needs of a business and to then propose an appropriate plan of coverages and services. Concrete An artificial stone made by binding together particles of aggregate with a paste made of cement and water. Concrete Blocks Concrete masonry units used in many types of masonry construction, either loadbearing or nonloadbearing, hollow or solid.

Made from stone or other types of aggregate in a portland cement paste. Concrete seal A poured concrete cap usually near the surface of a monitoring well used to secure the placement of the well. Concurrent ownership Ownership of a particular parcel of real property by two or more persons either as joint tenants, tenants in common, or as tenants by the entirety. Concurrent work process Multiple tasks being performed at once.

See also Linear Work Process. Condemnation proceedings must include payment of fair compensation for the property that is converted to public use. See also Dew Point. Condenser A heat exchanger in which hot, pressurized refrigerant is condensed through the transfer of heat to cooler surrounding air, water, or earth. The condenser is the heat rejection component of an air conditioning system. Condition precedent An act or event that must occur before one of the parties to the contract is obliged to perform. Condition subsequent The occurrence of an act or event that can relieve a contract party from an obligation to perform a promise or to compensate the other party for breach of contract.

Conditional contract Contract in which the insured or the insurer are required to do certain things only if and when certain conditions occur. Conditions The section of an insurance policy that lays out the general ground rules of the insurance policy. It describes the rights and obligations of both the insured and the insurer. Condominium interest One in which various owners have a fractional interest in a larger property.

Conductance A measure of the ability of a material to allow electrons to flow. Conductance, abbreviated G, is the reciprocal of resistance. Conduction The transfer of heat through matter due to temperature differences between adjacent objects. Conductor In electrical circuits, the wire that carries current to the appliance that uses the current. Commonly used conductors include copper and aluminum. Conduit An enclosure for wire or cable whose primary purpose is to protect the wires running through it from physical damage and excessive moisture. Metal conduit may also serve as a continuous grounding connection.

Conectivity Accessing and using files in homogeneous and heterogeneous environments. Configuration The process of organizing how program and data files are managed as well as telling a computer what sorts of devices it must work with and how to communicate with them. Confined space A workplace area — large enough and configured so that a person can bodily enter it — having limited or restricted egress, and not designed for continuous occupancy.

Confusion The blending, mixing, intermingling, or merging of goods so that they can no longer be distinguished. Connectors Rivets, welds, bolts, etc. Consent The voluntary agreements to an act or a proposal. Consent may be either express or implied. Consequential damages Damages that, although they are caused by the contract breach, do not result directly from the breach but rather from special circumstances. Consideration That which is bargained for in exchange for a promise or performance.

Conspiracy A crime that requires an agreement between two or more persons, an intent to enter into such agreement, and an intent to accomplish either some criminal or unlawful act, or a lawful act by unlawful means. Constant-Air-Volume CAV Systems A type of air handling system that maintains comfort in buildings by providing a constant flow of air at varying temperatures. Construction administration General management of the construction phase of a project, including review of shop drawings, approval of progress payments and change orders, and interpretation of construction documents.

Construction area That portion of the gross area of a building rendered unusable by the presence of structural elements such as the walls and columns. Construction contract The written legal agreement between a property owner and a construction contractor for provision of construction labor, services, and materials for a specific project.

Construction contract documents Five types of documents used for construction contracts: Construction drawings A complete set of architectural drawings with keyed notes detailing the work required and types of materials to be used in constructing the improvements; synonymous with working drawings. Construction loan A loan for the purpose of financing the construction or substantial renovation of buildings and other improvements. Construction loan agreement A loan document that sets forth the conditions for disbursement of construction loan funds.

A construction manager addresses the requirements of construction, not those of the occupants or the company. See also General Contractor. Construction ratio In the U. General Services Administration, a numeric ratio of the cost to build special space of a given type compared to the cost of building typical office space. Construction standard Standards that apply to building construction but, in facilities management, most often to occupant space, such as typical interior partition assemblies and which walls will be insulated or run slab-to-slab. In commercial leasing, such standards are set during lease negotiations in the work letter.

Construction supervisor The day-to-day manager of the construction process who ensures that a project is built according to the drawings and specifications. Constructive or involuntary bailment A bailment in which the bailee does not desire to take control over the bailed property. Consultants Important members of a property-management team which might include: Consumer Price Index A government statistic used to measure inflation. This monthly report is published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, U. Containment A method of protecting both workers and the environment by controlling exposures to the dust and debris from hazardous materials such as lead created during abatement.

Contamination The presence of hazardous substances in quantities above regulatory limits or at levels representing elevated risk to those who are exposed. Continental seating Auditorium seating characterized by deeper spacing between rows and fewer aisles compared with conventional seating. Contingency An unresolved issue that determines whether a buyer will finalize an offer to purchase. Contingency funds Funds allotted to cover unexpected costs that may be incurred throughout the project. Contingency plan A document that sets out an organized, planned, and coordinated course of action to follow in case an accident, fire, or explosion releases hazardous waste that could threaten human health or the environment.

Contingent interest An equity participation by lenders that allows lenders to participate in the cash flow of a project after specified income objectives are met. Continuous current rating The ampere rating at which a circuit breaker can operate continuously without exceeding its thermal limits. Continuous power Electric power that ensures no interruption in service, even during a power failure. Contract A promise or set of promises that the law will enforce as a duty, or for which, if broken, the law gives a remedy.

Contract documents The combined documents of working drawings, details, and specifications from which a project will be built. See also Working Drawings. Contract of adhesion A contract offered to the insured individual or small business as a standardized document to be accepted or declined by the insured without changes or bargaining. Contract of sale A contract that typically specifies the purchase price and identifies the conditions that must be met in order for each party to complete the transaction. Contract rental rates Rental rates to be paid, specified in a lease or other agreement.

Contract uberrimae fidae Agreement of utmost good faith, in which the insured is required to make known all material and pertinent facts to the insurance company. Contracting officer A person officially authorized to contractually bind a company to a contract. Contractual liability coverage Coverage for liability assumed in a contract or agreement that is an insured contract. Comes into play when property values are depressed, and investors buy up property at depreciated prices, expecting to resell at a higher rate when the economy improves. Contrast ratio A numeric ratio of the light reflectance values of two surfaces.

Contribution A theory that looks at individual portions of the whole property and measures their relative worth. Contributory Negligence 1 The principle of law recognizing that injured persons may have contributed to their own injury; under this theory, a defendant may allege that since the defendant and plaintiff were both negligent, each is in the wrong, and neither should be able to collect from the other.

Control Joints Cracks intentionally formed in concrete at designated intervals to absorb the forces of expansion and contraction in an orderly pattern. Control joints allow a certain amount of tilting and heaving to prevent high stresses from developing and possibly breaking the concrete. Convection The transfer of heat by the circulation of a liquid or gas. Conventional memory The first kilobytes of memory in a PC. See also Extended Memory and Upper Memory. Convergent Organization A type of organization in which related development activities are consolidated and colocated, usually at corporate headquarters e.

See also Divergent Organization. Convertible debt A debt instrument that can be converted into equity or stock in a project or firm. Convertible mortgage A mortgage that enables the lender, at its option, to convert all or part of the mortgage debt into equity in the project. Convertible security A corporate debt instrument that is convertible into either preferred or common stock, or a preferred stock that is convertible into common stock.

Cooling The process in which heat is transferred e. Coordination of construction documents The process of cross-referencing architectural and engineering drawings and specifications for contractual integrity by avoiding dimensional conflicts between systems, inconsistencies between notes on drawings and specifications, and similar problems. COPE Acronym for the four most important property underwriting criteria: Core competency or functio A business function directly related to the corporate mission and to sales generation.

Core factor The number of square feet in a multitenant building devoted to the lobby and hallways and for which each tenant is assessed a certain percentage. Cork The light, thick, elastic outer bark of the cork oak tree, found in southern Europe, made in sheets and tiles. Cork has four surface types: Corporate Charter A formal document that accomplishes the incorporation of a legal entity when filed with the state of incorporation. Corporate mission The purpose or plan of a company to produce a distinctive good or service.

Corporate strategic planning The process of developing strategies, options, scenarios, and contingencies for pursuing corporate business objectives. See also Strategic Facilities Planning. Corporation A body formed and authorized by law to act as a single person, although made up of one or more persons, and legally endowed with multiple rights and duties, including the capacity of succession. Corrected lead concentration An amount calculated by subtracting the substrate-effect lead from the apparent lead concentration.

Corrective maintenance Repair work to restore normal operation in equipment or systems that are deficient or have failed. Corrective maintenance Maintenance activities performed because of equipment or system failure. Activities are directed toward the restoration of an item to a specified level of performance. Corrosion Coupons Metal strips that are inserted into water to get an indication of the corrosion rates of different metals. Cosourcing When a corporation does not want to transfer responsibility for the facility function to a service provider, but desires the results that they have seen through outsourcing done by other companies.

Cost The total dollar expenditure for any improvement, for either replacement or reproduction cost. Cost approach One of the three basic approaches to value computed by determining the value of vacant land, estimating construction costs, and subtracting actual depreciation. When used by appraisers it considers the cost of totally replacing or reconstructing a property, including the purchase of land where the property is located. Cost center A program, project, or organizational unit in which budgetary funding is used to sustain operations. Cost effectiveness Obtaining the best value for the money, not necessarily the lowest-cost solution.

Cost of operation The total costs associated with the day-to-day operation of a facility. It includes all maintenance and repair , administrative costs, labor costs, janitorial, housekeeping, all utility costs, and all costs associated with roadways and grounds. See also Cost-Benefit Analysis. Cost-benefit analysis An analysis of the ratio of the monetary and nonmonetary benefits of an item or proposal to its monetary and nonmonetary costs. Cost-Of-Living Adjustment COLA An optional provision in disability insurance policies to increase the benefits payable over time based on a cost-of-living index.

Coulomb A quantity of electrons flowing through a conductor; 6. Counter electromotive force The Electromotive Force emf that opposes the flow of current. Just as the windings of a generator produce voltage, the rotor in a motor produces voltage that is counter or opposed to the supply voltage. This counter emf creates additional resistance that must be overcome by the supply voltage.

Coupon A means by which interest payments are received by a holder of bearer securities. The coupons are physically removed from the security and presented for payment on or after a specified payment due date. Coupon clipper A term applied to an individual who, rather than working, lives on interest and dividends received from inherited wealth.

Covenants A promise contained in a deed or other document under which one party is bound to the other for the performance or nonperformance of a specified act or a particular set of conditions. It is also a private legal restriction on the use of land. Coventants of title Legal binding warranties or promises made by the seller of real property in the deed regarding the quality of title to the real property. Coverage The surface area in square feet square meters , or squares to be continuously coated by a specific unit of roofing materials, after allowance is made for specified overlap.

Coverage ratio The ratio of the annual net operating income from a property to the annual debt service on a mortgage loan on the property. Also termed the debt coverage ratio. The relationship between net operating income and required debt service payments on a loan. Sometimes termed the loan coverage ratio. CPU Central processing unit.

The basic components of a computer system located on the system board or motherboard inside the case: Crack A tear or break in a membrane, produced by bending or shrinkage, often at a wrinkle. Cracking or scaling A paint defect where the surface splits or curls back, usually caused by buildup of too many coats on a surface or by paint applied too thickly. Cradle to grave The basic premise behind the Resource Conservation and Recovering Act RCRA in defining the liability associated with the management and ownership of hazardous waste.

Hazardous waste must be managed properly from the time it is generated until its ultimate treatment or disposal, and beyond. Crash The failure or malfunction of computer hardware or software that makes programs inoperable or causes data loss. Crawling and creeping A paint defect that develops when paint, varnish, or enamel draws up into beads and does not wet a hard, glossy surface. Creep 1 Permanent elongation or shrinkage of a membrane resulting from thermal or moisture changes. Criminal law Laws that define which actions are prohibited or illegal and provide for the punishment of those acts.

Crisis management The practice of attempting to manage by reacting to events rather than anticipating events and planning an appropriate response. See also Reactive Maintenance. Critical path chart A chart showing the minimum amount of time required to complete a project from beginning to end, and which tasks must be completed before subsequent ones can be started.

It is based on the time required for each task, its timing relative to other tasks, and interrelationships between tasks. Crocidolite A blue type of asbestos mineral that is the least common form found in buildings. Cross training Preparing for and participating in multiple facilities management functions as part of a job.

Cross-claim A claim brought by co-defendants or co-plaintiffs against each other. These parties are on the same side of a main litigation. CSHOs Compliance safety and health officers. Personnel within the ten OSHA regions who are responsible for ensuring compliance with workplace safety and health standards. A baseline index that allows a before-and-after view and ongoing monitoring of contractor performance against an established standard. CTD Cumulative trauma disorder. An injury resulting from repetitive motions or tasks, which place stress on the body and ultimately result in injury.

Cubic feet meters The volumetric unit used for measuring ion exchange materials. Volume is measured on an in-place, backwashed, drained, and settled condition. Curb appeal The appeal of a property from the exterior of the rental unit as perceived by a prospective tenant. Cure period The time necessary for a market to gain an equilibrium in the real estate market.

Current leasing report Itemizes current lease negotiations. Current tracer A device that can be attached to any accessible point in the circuit to physically trace circuit wiring back through the building. Current-interrupting rating The highest current at rated voltage that a fuse or circuit breaker is intended to interrupt without damage under standard operating conditions. Curtain wall An external nonloadbearing wall, which is intended to separate the exterior and interior environments and which is fixed to this external building frame.

Custodial area The sum of floor area used for building protection, care, cleaning, and maintenance. Custodial housekeeping Activities performed to keep a facility clean and tidy. See also Improvements and Maintenance. Custodian A caretaker, generally in an institution, who has general building maintenance duties in addition to cleaning. Customer service agreements Informal minicontracts between the facilities department and its customers for facilities services. Customization The process of modifying a standard-issue software program to meet the needs of a specific user or requirement, usually by altering the source code programming language of the original program.

See also Fine Tuning. Cutback An organic, solvent-thinned, soft or fluid cold-process bituminous roof coating or flashing cement. Cycles of concentration The ratio of the concentration of a chemical or mineral in the recirculating water to its concentration in the makeup water. Also called concentration ratio.

Cyclical maintenance Maintenance that can be predicted and performed on a regular basis cycle. DADO A rectangular groove cut across the grain of a wood blocking member, typically to provide edge canting at the outer edge of the roof. Damages Monetary compensation that may be sought or awarded in court as a remedy for a tort or a breach of contract.

The term is sometimes also used to mean actual harm or loss suffered by a plaintiff as a result of a tort committed by another. Dark shell Unfinished space with no finishes or building utilities. Data conversion Changing information that has been entered using one file format to another file format for import into another application or platform. Data entry The process of entering data usually by typing or electronic transfer from another database into an electronic record. Data field A specific electronic code placed on a certain type of data identified by the user that permits rapid retrieval and sorting of all data of a certain type.

Data intensive he characteristic of certain data, especially automated graphics files, to consume far more disk space and use more computer memory than conventional text files do. Data path See Bandwidth. Database An automated electronic file s in which data is stored; also used to include data stored in any form, automated or not. Database management system Computer software used to manage a database. Day porter services Services provided by facilities departments for miscellaneous needs of occupants, such as moving boxes and setting up meeting spaces.

DC Direct Current circuit A circuit powered by a source of Electromotive Force emf in which the current flows in only one direction. DDC Direct digital control. A method of controlling the operation of HVAC systems by automated processing of signals from digital sensors. DDE Dynamic data exchange. Importing data from one program to another while keeping the two files linked so that a change in the target application file also changes the original file. Dead level Absolutely horizontal, or zero slope. Dead load The weight of walls, columns, partitions, floors, roofs, and all other permanent construction of a building, including plumbing, stacks, air-conditioning units, or other fixed building service equipment supported by the structure.

Deadband A preset temperature range across which conditioned spaces are neither heated nor cooled. In this temperature range, the HVAC system provides ventilation only. Deadband control A control device that monitors and operates the deadband range and, when necessary, activates the buil. MfG Braun Teil 2 Deadband control A control device that monitors and operates the deadband range and, when necessary, activates the building heating system below a predetermined temperature and the building cooling system above a second predetermined temperature.

Deadly force Force that is likely or intended to cause either death or great bodily harm. Debenture A general term applied to all forms of unsecured, long-term indebtedness. Debriefing A meeting held with an unsuccessful bidder or proposer to explain why the winning contractor was selected and what the unsuccessful bidder can do to improve future proposals.

Debris removal clause Provision in property insurance that excludes coverage for the cost to extract pollutants from land or water or to remove, restore, or replace polluted water. Debt An amount of money owed by one party to another through a transaction in which value passes to a debtor. A debt is a pecuniary obligation of the debtor.

Debt coverage ratio The ratio of the projected net income to debt service. Debt financing 1 Raising money through borrowing and the issuing of a mortgage, bond, note, or debenture. Financing a purchase of real estate by taking out a loan. Debt rating service A firm that evaluates and reports on the creditworthiness of firms and governments that issue debt securities. Debt service Periodic payments made under a mortgage loan. Each payment normally includes an amount for interest accrued since the last payment plus a principal amount that ultimately amortizes the loan.

Scheduled payments made to retire principal and interest on a debt. Debt-to-equity ratio The relationship between the total amount owed to the lender and the investment of the owner. Also called the leverage ratio. Decibel A measure of the intensity of a sound in terms of the air-pressure change caused by a sound wave. Deciduous tree A tree that loses its leaves at the end of the growing season — typically in the fall — often showing great color while doing so. Declaration The so-called headline page of an insurance policy that lists such important facts as the policy period, policy premium, policy number, types of coverages provided, and the named insured.

Declaratory Judgment A judgment whereby a judge renders an opinion on the meaning of the disputed contract language or the obligations arising from it. Declaratory Remedies Remedies that permit a party to have a court resolve a contract dispute based on a disagreement concerning contract language.

Dedicated access Private telephone-line facilities installed by a company directly from their location to the local exchange carrier's central office or Point of Presence POP.

2018 Jahrbuch Yearbook

See also Switched Access. Dedicated heat pump A heat pump devoted to a single task such as providing service water heating. Deductible The amount or portion of a loss that must be paid by the policyholder before the insurance company is required to pay. Deductible Health Insurance The agreed-upon amount of medical expenses paid by the insured before benefit payments begin.

The deductible usually applies annually to each covered member of the family. It is sometimes waived if medical expenses result from accident. Deductions Eligible operating expenses that may be used to reduce the annual gross income subject to taxation. Deed A written instrument that is signed by the owner of real property and conforms to certain formalities specified by state law in order to convey the real property to another person. Deed of trust A legal instrument, similar to a mortgage, that grants a lien on real property to secure the performance of an obligation, usually the payment of debt.

Unlike a mortgage, a deed of trust involves a third party trustee who acts for the benefit of the lender. Deep Rot A problem associated with fungal attack on wood in cooling towers. Defamation A statement that harms the reputation of a person so much as to lower such person in the estimation of the community or to deter third persons from associating or dealing with him or her.

Default An act or omission that constitutes the failure to meet a promise, discharge an obligation, or perform under an agreement with other parties. Deferred maintenance A formal or informal listing of unaccomplished maintenance tasks. Such situations arise because of shortages of funds, personnel, or specific management practices. Deficiency judgment A term that provides that if loan documents do not contain an exculpatory clause and the lender still has not recovered its losses, it has the right to sue the borrower personally for any remaining unpaid debt after foreclosure.

Defined benefit plans Retirement plans that are basically the opposite of defined contribution plans in that the benefit is fixed, but the necessary funds needed to pay for those fixed benefits at retirement are not specified in amount. Defined contribution plans Retirement plans that specify what the periodic contribution to the plan is, but not the retirement benefits the plan will provide. Those benefits are determined by the investment success of the funds set aside. Defragmentation The process of rearranging files on a hard disk so that all portions of a file are located together in one or more adjacent sectors on the disk.

Degree days are roughly proportional to the weather loading on a structure. Delamination The separation of felt plies in a built-up roofing membrane, sometimes resulting in wrinkling and cracking. Deleader Any person, corporation, or other entity that tests, removes, reduces, covers, contains, and disposes of any material containing dangerous levels of lead. Delta-connected transformer A transformer with the internal taps configured so that the positive end of each phase winding is connected to the negative end of a subsequent phase winding.

Demand The desire and ability to purchase or lease goods or services. The amount of a type of real estate desired for purchase or lease by buyers or tenants in the marketplace. Demand charge A utility company charge based on the highest average or peak power consumed during a given time interval generally 15 or 30 minutes. It is designed to help a utility recover the fixed costs of generating, transmitting, and distributing a certain amount of electricity at one time. Demand control device A monitor that is connected to a current transformer in order to track electricity consumption.

When the device's logic indicates that a preset demand limit will be exceeded during a demand interval, the secondary loads are dropped to reduce demand and cost. The load is restored when the demand interval is over. Demand deposits Money in checking accounts; called demand deposits because you can get the money on demand, through checks or withdrawals. Demising book Sometimes referred to as a stacking plan. It lists floor plans, tenants and their lease expirations, square footage, and delineated expansion rights.

Demographics The study of the statistics of populations, such as births, marriages, and population movements and concentrations. Demolition insurance Coverage to pay for the cost of demolishing undamaged portions of buildings that are required by ordinance or law to be demolished following major damage to the insured building. Demountable partition A prefabricated modular wall assembly that can be installed, removed, and reinstalled. Demountable walls Full-height, prefabricated panels manufactured as a system, with specific methods of being attached to ceilings, floors, and each other.

Density air The actual weight of air in pounds per cubic foot kilograms per cubic meter. Deposit premium An estimated policy premium based on an exposure basis such as sales or payroll, which is subject to variation. Deposition 1 The recorded, out-of-court, oral testimony of a witness under oath. Depreciation In the economic sense, depreciation is the physical wearing out or obsolescence of an asset. The loss in value of a capital asset over its economic life. Depreciation schedules Tables showing the rate at which a capital asset will lose fancial value, as well as the amount of the loss, over the useful life of the asset.

Descent Legal means by which real property of an intestate is distributed. Desiccant A substance that absorbs water vapor from the environment in which it is placed. Design storm The expected return frequency of a storm event. Determined by the design engineer and used to lay out a stormwater system. Design-build A development approach in which the developer hires design professionals as well as all construction trades. Design-intent drawings Drawings that show the intent of the approved design — where everything is supposed to go and how it will look.

They also show the location of all construction elements but do not include engineering calculations or construction details. Desk audit A process in which an employee's work is monitored over several days to verify that the actual work warrants a requested upgrade. Desktop publishing A type of software designed to accomplish the tasks associated with producing text and graphics for newsletters, flyers, reports, and papers with integrated graphic design.

Desuperheater A device that recovers waste heat from hot refrigerant vapor in the condenser of an air conditioner or heat pump for use in service water heating. Detail books Bound collections of details, usually for building standard conditions and typical construction, such as interior wall connections to suspended ceilings and the connection of door frames to walls. Details In the context of construction, enlarged sections indicating the precise assembly of building components.

Detention ponds Manmade ponds designed to collect excess stormwater runoff and discharge it at a controlled rate to prevent flooding and erosion. Also called retention ponds. Device drivers Files containing instructions on how the computer must configure itself to accommodate various peripheral devices such as a mouse, monitor, printers, tape backup drives, and scanners. Devise The transfer of real property by will. Dew point The temperature at which air with a given amount of moisture is fully saturated, so that condensation occurs.

Diagnostic Control A management technique that focuses on measurement against predetermined targets and does not encompass the scope of management competencies. DIC Difference-In-Conditions policy A special form property policy that supplements a specified peril property policy and usually includes flood and earthquake insurance. DID Direct inward dialing. Offered only by a local exchange carrier, this process allows someone to dial each extension in a company directly from the outside without an operator transferring the call.

Dielectric The material placed between the two plates of a capacitor.

offene Ablage: nothing to hide

Diffuse or general lighting system A system in which light is distributed equally to both the upper and lower areas of a room—50 percent upward and 50 percent downward. Digital meter An electric meter that converts analog electrical measurements into a digital medium. Digital signal A control signal that is either on of off e. Digitizer An input device consisting of a pen and tablet that detects the position of the pointing device on the tablet surface and converts it into x,y coordinates within a fixed space.

Dimension string A line on a drawing showing the length of an object. Diminimus rule When low-dollar items may qualify for capitalization and can be expensed to eliminate the additional record keeping. Dimmers Devices that reduce the output of light from lamps, either with or without reductions in the energy supplied to the light fixtures. Direct contribution The ability of an organizational unit to generate corporate sales and income.

  1. Story of the investment to begin in Singapore (Japanese Edition)!
  2. Save Taxpayers Tens of Billions of Dollars: End Government Sector Collective Bargaining.
  3. Die 100 größten Werbefehler ...und was Sie dagegen tun können. (German Edition)!
  4. Awaken from the Dream?
  5. The Silent Guardian.
  6. Full text of "Der Internationale Frauen-Kongress in Berlin [Microform]".
  7. Gli strumenti del Lean & Digitize. Come migliorare ed automatizzare i processi: Come migliorare ed automatizzare i processi (Azienda moderna) (Italian Edition).

See also Indirect Contribution. Direct current DC generators Devices that convert mechanical energy into DC electricity through electromagnetic induction. Direct digital control System control performed by electronic microprocessor-based controllers that use digital signals for monitoring analog sensor inputs and controlling analog actuator outputs.

Direct glue-down The use of glue to apply carpet tile directly to concrete floor slabs. Direct lighting system A system in which 90 percent to percent of the light from a luminaire shines down toward the working surface. Direct sales comparison approach Compares characteristics of a subject property with those of sold properties that have closed within the last days.

Direct selling method A method of selling through advertising without personal contact between the policyholder and a sales representative of the insurance company. Direct writing method A sales system in which the insurance companies use employed salespersons to make direct personal contact with prospective policyholders. The insurance company owns the business produced by the salesperson.

Direct-billed premium Insurance premium billed by the insurance company. Direct-expansion refrigerator A refrigeration machine that uses mechanical energy to generate cool air. Directory A group of computer files found in one location with a common name. Direct-read XRF analyzer An instrument that provides the operator with a direct readout of the lead concentration in paint.

Dirt Any filthy or soiling substance, such as dust, soil, grime or mud. Discount Something purchased or sold for less than the face value or stated price. Discounting is the calculation of the reduction of future payments to present worth. Discount rate 1 An income rate used to discount future cash flows back to a present value.

Discount rates are generally higher than cap rates because they include a factor for inflation as well as a risk factor. The discount rate is sometimes referred to as the "rediscount rate. Discounted cash flow DCF A technique that gives the present value of an investment, and is used for calculating comparable evaluators for investments with future cash flows. Discovery 1 Pretrial information-gathering by both sides engaged in a lawsuit. Discretionary account An account for which the portfolio manager has complete control to approve budgets, and buy, sell, lease, and improve properties.

Disinfectant An agent that inhibits, neutralizes or destroys potentially harmful bacteria. May contain synthetic phenols, quaternary ammonium chemicals quats , sodium hypochlorite bleach , or iodine. Disk compression A special software program that enables more data to be stored on a disk than is otherwise possible. Dissolved solids Any minerals that may be present in the water supply as a result of the water's ability to dissolve almost any substance.

Distribution Legal means by which personal property of an intestate is distributed. Distribution circuits The way in which electric power moves through an electrical system to the end-use loads. Distributors Devices located at the top or bottom of a water softener to distribute or collect the water and to retain the cation exchange material in the units. Diurnal temperature variations Temperature changes that occur on a daily, cyclical basis. Divergent organization A type of organization in which support functions and related facilities are located away from company headquarters and regional offices, closer to the customers, the market, and the competition.

Dividends Profits from corporations that are distributed to the stockholders in accordance with their proportional shares of the corporation's stock. Doctrine of merger Under the legal doctrine of merger, all covenants as to title in the sale contract, including the implied covenant of marketable title, are merged into the deed so that, from that time forward, the buyer's rights are dictated solely by the covenants and warranties expressed or implied in the deed, if any. Documents In software programs, collections of information; objects created for presentation, such as word processing textual documents, spreadsheet and business graphics, Computer-Aided Design CAD files, and voice mail messages.

Domestic insurer An insurer organized under the laws of the state in which it is domiciled. Domestic water system The building water system that provides drinking water and sanitary water supplies. A computer operating system originally designed to manage the basic functions of IBM-based personal computers. Dose An amount of a substance received over a specific time period. Double glazed or dual glazed Two panes separated by a dead air space to provide a thermal barrier. Each pane is independently movable in a system with two sashes that is, one prime and one storm window. A double-glazed system within a single sash is commonly referred to as "insulating glass.

Glass panels are usually of different thickness for increased sound attenuation.

Double-net lease A lease where rent payments cover triple net plus building insurance premiums. The tenant pays for everything except taxes. Dower rights The part of or interest in the real estate of a deceased spouse given by law to the surviving spouse during the deceased's life. Downflow A term applied to designate the direction down in which water flows through the ion exchange during any phase of the operating cycle of a household water softener. Downside leverage Reduction of cash flow that occurs when debt service payments are greater than the return from an investment.

Downsizing A reduction in the workforce. Downtime The length of time that a system is not operating and thus impairs the work process. Draft authority The delegation of authority to the agent to make payment on small claims. Drafting systems Computer-Aided Design CAD systems that create and measure drawing constructions using standard drafting conventions.

Drafting systems assign mathematical values to the points that define all lines and geometrical shapes, enabling the computer software to electronically calculate and measure lengths and areas. See also Modeling Systems. Drain A line used to carry backwash water, spent regenerant, and rinse water to the household water system. Drainage basin A small stormwater drainage area. Also known as a watershed. Drive A device that holds and spins hard or floppy disks; retrieves and alters data by electromagnetically changing the configuration of the iron oxide coating on the disk s.

See also Floppy Disk and Hard Disk. Drive-other-car DOC coverage Personal auto insurance for those persons who do not have a personal auto policy and depend on a commercial auto policy for their auto insurance coverage. Drop inlet See Catch Basin. Drop-down menu A detailed list of choices that appears below a main topic; usually located on a graphic bar at the top of the software application screen.

Dry closing A mortgage loan closing that takes place prior to the funding of the loan. Dry sprinkler system A sprinkler system in which pipes are filled with water only when a fire emergency develops. See also Wet Sprinkler System. Dry-Bulb DB temperature The temperature of air as measured by an ordinary thermometer. Dry-foam shampooer A machine that sets up a lather from a liquid detergent solution and brushes it into the pile. Removed with a vacuum cleaner.

Dual agency An agency relationship in which an agent acts for two different principals. Dual-duct system A type of air circulatory system that conditions the air in a central air handling unit and then distributes the air through two ducts. One duct carries cold air and the other carries hot air. A mixing box in the space to be conditioned then mixes cold and hot air to maintain predetermined space temperatures. Due Diligence 1 A type of facilities survey taken before a major acquisition is initiated. Such surveys may include investigation of building condition, environmental hazards, regulatory compliance, financial value, and other factors.

Due on encumbrance A loan document clause which provides that the entire mortgage debt becomes due upon further encumbrance of the mortgaged property by the borrower. Due on sale A loan document clause which provides that the entire mortgage debt becomes due upon sale of the property by the borrower.

Dumb terminal A terminal with no computer processing capabilities that is connected to a mainframe system. Durability An investment's vulnerability to inflationary pressures and the fluctuation of interest rates, as well as its potential physical or economic obsolescence. Duress A legal defense used when an otherwise criminal act is committed under threat of imminent death or serious bodily harm to the defendant or to his or her immediate family. Dust-mop treatment Substances applied to the yarn of dust mops so that they will pick up and hold dry soils more easily.

Duty cycling Shutting down HVAC fans and pumps for short periods each hour during the day to reduce consumption and demand. Dynamic link libraries Software routines that permit more than one application to use a file e. Earned premiums Those premiums that have been used up either through the passage of time during the policy period or by the amount of payroll, sales, or other auditable premium basis that has been generated during the policy period.

Earnest money Funds committed to the seller by the buyer to purchase real property. The funds are at-risk and nonrefundable if the buyer successfully completes and complies with issues relative to the purchase of the property prior to closing. Earnest money deposit A sum of money deposited by the purchaser of real estate with the seller or broker, in accordance with the contract of sale, in order to show the intent and ability of the purchaser to complete the transaction.

Easement 1 A nonpossessory land interest held by another. An easement places a burden or cloud upon the property interest. A right of one party to use the land of another for a special purpose. Easement appurtenant An easement that benefits one property and burdens an adjoining property. Easement in gross An easement that burdens one or more properties but does not necessarily benefit any particular property.

Economic profit Excess revenues above the opportunity costs of resources expended. Economic rent Surpluses received by owners of property or resources in excess of the minimum necessary to supply the property or resource. At such a time, cooler outdoor air is then brought into the system and used to reduce indoor temperatures.

Edison-based fuse An older-type fuse, often referred to as a plug fuse, in which the thread size is the same as on a standard, or Edison-based, lightbulb and socket. Effect lighting Also known as accent lighting or highlighting; can be used to achieve a certain design effect. Effective rental rates Rental rates that include landlord concessions to a tenant to induce the signing of a lease. These concessions include free rent, paid moving expenses, and similar costs paid by the landlord. Efflorescence A saltlike deposit on a surface, usually caused by moisture in masonry.

Effluent The water or solution that emerges from a water softener during any phase of the operating cycle. Egress The act of going out of a building. EL electronic ballasts Ballasts that operate arc discharge lamps using high-frequency electronic components; more efficient than Electromagnetic EM ballasts. Elasticity The ability of a material to return to its initial state after being deformed or stressed by an outside force. Elastomeric Having elastic properties, capable of expanding or contracting with the surfaces to which the subject material is applied without rupturing.

Elbow or ell A 90 degree bend used when a conduit run must make a right angle. Electric boiler A boiler that heats water or steam using electric resistance heating coils. Electric distribution system The equipment and conductors that carry electricity from the electric utility's main power source to the individual panelboards within a building. Electrical Circuit Consists of at least three components--a source, a load, and a complete path.

Also normally includes some type of control device, such as a switch. Electrical cover sheet A construction drawing of all electrical specifications, notes, and electrical panel schedules. It also specifies supplemental electrical panels, if required. Electrical drawings or blueprints Drawings in which the architectural plans for a structure are used to show the physical location, wiring connections, and types of electrical devices to be installed.

Electrical energy Energy associated with the flow of negatively charged electrons. Electrical schematics or ladder diagrams Drawings that show all components in a circuit and how they are connected. Electrical service The connection of a building to the power supplied by a local utility company. Electrical Symbols A type of shorthand used to identify particular components of a circuit and to show how they are connected. Each type of drawing and its related symbols is selected on the basis of its intended purpose.

Electricity The flow of electrons through a conducting medium a solid, liquid, or gas. Electrochemical reaction The transfer of electrons between two areas along a metal surface in contact with water capable of carrying an electric current. Electrolyte 1 A substance that transfers the ions being emitted during corrosion from the anode to the cathode. When referring to underground storage tank corrosion, the substance is typically moist soil.

When connected to an electrical circuit, the chemicals in the electrolyte react to produce an excess of electrons at the negative terminal and a deficiency of electrons at the positive terminal. Electrolytic solution Water capable of carrying an electric current. Electromagnetic forces Magnetic forces created by the electric charges of the protons and electrons.

Electromagnetic spectrum An orderly arrangement of radiant energy by wavelength or frequency including all kinds of electric and magnetic radiation, from gamma rays and X-rays to long waves and the visible spectrum light. In the visible spectrum, the eye is sensitive to radiant energy between nanometers violet and nanometers red. Electromagnetism The most common source of electricity. Mechanical energy is used to move a coil through a magnetic field to create electricity by the process of electromagnetic induction. Electromygraphy The study of muscle response to electrical stimulation.

Particularly useful in quantifying ergonomic stresses associated with mechanical forces. Electron Shells The layers in which electrons orbit the nucleus of an atom. The specific radius of each electron shell is determined by the energy level of the electrons in that shell. Electrons A component of an atom that is substantially smaller and has far less mass than either protons or neutrons. Electrostatic The use of electrical energy to magnetically charge and thus attract dust particles to a filter.

Elevators Enclosed compartments that transport people and goods between floors within a building. EM electromagnetic ballasts A traditional ballast for arc discharge lighting that uses the principles of the electromagnet. E-mail Electronic Mail An online communication tool that enables a person to send and receive text messages via the Internet. Emergency power Electric power dedicated to operating the equipment needed to protect life and ensure safety during an emergency; not necessarily continuous.

Emergency response A response effort by employees from outside the immediate release area or by other designated responders to an occurrence that results, or is likely to result, in an uncontrolled release of a hazardous substance. The force required to move electrons through a conducting medium, EMF determines the quantity of electrons or current flowing through a specific conductor or device. Also known as voltage V or potential. Fields of magnetic flux density or lines of force per unit area found wherever electricity is used and resulting from electric current passing through wires or other conductors.

Eminent Domain The right of a government or properly authorized entity to take private property for public use. Eminent Domain The power of a government to take private property for public uses without the owner's consent. Employee A person who works for and is subject to the control of the employer. Employee benefit liability Coverage for claims involving administration of employee benefit plans. Employee representative Anyone designated by the employee to be able to access the employer's log of occupational injuries and illnesses.

Employee right-to-know Hazard Communication Standard. Mandates that a written chemical hazard communication program be developed and implemented in the workplace. Employer A person who employs another to perform a service and who has the right to control the physical conduct of the other in performing the service. Employers' liability insurance The liability coverage provided under workers' compensation insurance to protect the employer from employees' employment-related liability claims involving bodily injury or disease.

Employment practices liability insurance Coverage for claims involving allegations of sexual harassment and wrongful termination and discrimination in terms of race, age, sex, and disability. One of the most important reasons that ERISA was enacted was to set certain standards for employee pension plans nationwide and to prevent employer abuse in arbitrarily or capriciously withholding or restricting pension benefits to employees EMS Energy management system.

An automated HVAC control system that regulates the flow and conditioning of air to a space to optimize the use of energy. EMT Electrical metallic tubing. A very popular metal conduit for nonwatertight applications. Also known as thin wall. Emulsion 1 A dispersion of minute droplets of some material such as wax in water.

See also Latex-type Paint. Encapsulant A material that will form a durable coating or covering when applied to surfaces and components that contain hazardous substances such as asbestos or lead. Enclosure The construction of airtight walls and ceilings around hazardous materials to reduce the chance that the materials will be released. Enclosure classification The National Electrical Manufacturers Association NEMA has approved over twenty motor classifications based on the type of cooling and physical protection the motor enclosure offers.

Encroachment A physical intrusion, overlap, or trespass upon another's property.