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Ich habe meine Daten verloren! Dieter Friedrich, Neuhof, Dr. Michael Landau, Hamburg; Dr. Halit Ziya Zum Svens, Pa- Treue Mitglieder Rheinbach. Hans Grybek, An St. Albertus Magnus 5, Es- am Dietrich Wolff 31 , Mexico, D.

Geburtstag 34 am 5. Siegfried Kampfrad 46 Lieglstr. Dietmar Kopp, Sand- Dr. Werner Toma- w Prof. Heinz Hoberg 19 am Christoph Kippen- am 7. Hartmut Gil- 3, Goslar, am Dezember im berger 28 johann, Feldstr. Klaus Mager 37 rath; Dipl. Roland Stelzig, Am Zucker- Dr. Harald Kliebhan 38 am 9. Walter berg 35, Brahmenau, am 6. Meixner 47 Halbach, Sodenstr. Walther Schiebel 49 Neue Mitglieder Zum Wolfgang Simon am Andreas Anzinger 17 Dr. Ralf Urbach 50 Dipl. Christian Hellberg 53 Dipl. Guido Grund 55 Dipl. Charlotte Springer 78 Dipl. Enrique Lueg 35 Dr. Rainier Arndt 60 Dipl.

Lothar Greiner 83 Dipl. Ludger Gluns 39 Dipl. Werner Berwald 65 Dipl. Johannes Schneider 48 Dipl.

World of Mining - Teaser 1/2012

Petersburg geehrt Peter Halbach studierte von bis war Fahrt- und Projektleiter von 15 worden. Er forschte und lehrte als und Wladimir I. Hotel Der Achtermann, Goslar Beginn: Als Autoren haben sie unsere Vereins- Dr. Als Menschen waren sie Dr. Bemerkenswert ist auch Dr. European Me- sind verstorben: Der Ausblick auf das Sassmannshausen te. September in Goslar. Professor Jacobi nimmt die Abs. Dezember Arbeit in den letzten Jahren. Die ser Statistik erst zum Bei- sentlichen auf die sehr erfolgreiche er und Herrn Prof. Lotzien die Bochum, den Mai in Anwesenheit des Ge- gez.

Prophezeiungen und Warnungen für Europa

Daneben dienten lastung erfolgt einstimmig bei Enthal- me von 1,28 Mio. Die Abrechnungsbelege wur- Dipl. Beier und licht worden ist. Professor Jaco- nen sind bereits angelaufen. Ziel muss sich Dipl. Die Preisver- erfolgt ohne Gegenstimmen bei drei derpreises bekannt. Stefanie Marie Schultze er- Metallurgischen Seminars nachgeholt. Sie te erneuert. Fox verweist schaftliche Untersuchungen, die u.

Wolfgang Thum im Rahmen der Jahresversammlung mann Dr. Manfred Professor Jacobi bittet Dipl. Keller bedankt sich chemische Industrie Ass. Ali Naghi Beyzavi Dr. Ingo Fischer Mitglieder Dipl. Leo Fettweis und Kultur im Bergbau e. Professor Jacobi fragt nach weiteren Dipl. Michael Versammlung um Andreas Thielmann den Hans Jacobi, die Stimme er- gliederversamm- hebt Abbildung 1.

Ulrich Waschki sondern auch in die Zukunft schauen. Jeder Vorschlag ist willkom- men und darf gerne bei der Arbeits- Abb. Radwitz den daille verliehen, die dieses Jahr an Dr. Ulrich Waschki gesprochen Abbildung 6. September schlossen wurde. Tagung des Geschichtsaus- tung Ehrenbreitstein statt. Anschaulich schilderte er, ber in Koblenz statt. Der Vorsitzende des leisten musste, um den Zuschlag zu er- gefunden hat, der wenig bekannt ist. Sollte die Seilbahn nicht rd. Seilbahn zur Festung Ehrenbreitstein X.

Jahrhundert nur geringe Er- ihn zu den Besucherzahlen.

Die Stadt folge gebracht. Am Tag nahmen im Jahrhundert zur Fluss- zuvor wurde bekannt, dass der zwei- regulierung ist die Mittelrheinstrecke Abb. Buchert, Koblenz, referierte Lahnstein, unterrichtete die Teilneh- Europas gemacht. Vom Oberrhein wurden durch bis ins Die ist die Lebensader der Region. Unmittelbar am Rhein wohnern des Mittelrheins Gewerbe fahren mussten. Ganz wichtig war der wurde der Werlauer Gangzug abge- und Brot verschafften.

Goar und 2 km Breite zu verfolgen ist. Auf Weinbau, und Oberwesel umgeschlagen wurde. Bergbau, des Mittelrheins eine nicht unbedeu- Goar. Insbesondere der Dach- schieferbergbau auf beiden Seiten des in denen der Betrieb mehrmals ruhte. Die gebiet mit Dachschiefer. Auf der rechten die im Flussbett quer verlaufenden telalter bekannten und betriebenen Rheinseite befanden sich noch abbau- Quarzrippen des Rheinischen Schie- Blei-Zinkerzgruben bei St.

Jahr- baufelder, der Hauptschacht befand hunderts Manganerz entdeckt und von sich auf der linken Seite des Rheins, der Grube Dr. Geier bis in die 60er- wo auch die Aufbereitung stand. Der Jahre des Weltkrieg nach dem Friedensvertrag von Versail- 1,5 Mio. Die gruben, wie z. Alle vier Gruben wurden bis Mittelrheins Rheins bis heute. Die bedeutendste war derts in Betrieb. Jahrhunderts ent- Periode kam die Mehrzahl der Gru- hereingewonnenen Schieferbrocken deckt wurden. Da die Pachtzeit in der Regel nur ein bis zwei Jahre betrug, konnte Prof. Heinz Walter Wild be- sich z.

It only shows some html tags in red. Maybe it boils down to the same problem? Could you have a look, pretty please with sugar on top? Thanks for your time! Thank you very much!


This image is my own creation Downtown Columbus, Ohio. Cheers, Eddaido talk Bildungseinrichtungen profitieren vom Preisplan Threema Education. These are my photo and I am the copy right holder of that. Leistungswerten bei niedrigerem Ver- Bis zu einer Tiefe von fast m soll der April. I think this one was forgotten when deleting similar files. Liebe Gruesse -- Alnilam talk

There still seems to be a problem with arwiki and the template assessments. Is your bot tagging files from arwiki on commons? Hi Hedwig in Washington, hope you're well! I've got a new version of Up! I'm curious to see if that bug you experienced with v0. Let me know what you think! Wikimedia Commons is happy to announce that the Picture of the Year competition is now open. We're interested in your opinion as to which images qualify to be the Picture of the Year for Voting is open to established Wikimedia users who meet the following criteria:.

Hundreds of images that have been rated Featured Pictures by the international Wikimedia Commons community in the past year are all entered in this competition. From professional animal and plant shots to breathtaking panoramas and skylines, restorations of historically relevant images, images portraying the world's best architecture, maps, emblems, diagrams created with the most modern technology, and impressive human portraits, Commons features pictures of all flavors. For your convenience, we have sorted the images into topic categories. Two rounds of voting will be held: In the first round, you can vote for as many images as you like.

The first round category winners and the top ten overall will then make it to the final. In the final round, when a limited number of images are left, you must decide on the one image that you want to become the Picture of the Year. Wikimedia Commons celebrates our featured images of with this contest. Your votes decide the Picture of the Year, so remember to vote in the first round by January 30, Delivered by Orbot1 talk at I am suffering from a surfeit of deletions! Almost certainly this means I am doing something wrong but I'm not sure what.

Many of the photos I have uploaded have been deleted including:. Mirkwood - The original line up, 2. All of these photos were either taken by me or for me by friends - they are all my property as far as I am aware. I'm sure you're a busy man but I really would appreciate your advice as to what to do. It can't be right for so many genuine, unique and original photos to be rendered unavailable presumably simply because of a technicality I haven't got my head around.

As far as I can see the only thing you didn't do is providing a source for your images. I'd use the upload wizard again, same file name and add the source there is an option for that within the wizard! Please describe what's the image is all about and if you can, add the appropriate categories. Bitte nimm obige Richtlinie zur Kenntnis.

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  • User talk:Hedwig in Washington/Archive 1 - Wikimedia Commons?
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The images uploaded by user: I will categorize these pictures located in Buenos Aires. Best regards, Alpertron talk J Kadavoor J e e Just finished another cup: Hello i really apreaciate your help. So your last action was a mistake 2. In File history we can see 4 version of the same file, all of them should be in english. But someone me upload a new version in spanish that is wrong. My mistake should be have dissapeared.

If you can do it, i could upload the image using upload file wizzard. I am learning how to use wikimedia commons, i was tired last night, sorry about that. If you do not understand my explanation, please ask me, i will try to comunicate the idea. I really believe in this project wikimedia and wikipedia too, thanks to believe in the project and help new users like me.

World of Mining - Teaser 1/ Pages 1 - 34 - Text Version | FlipHTML5

I think we have no problems with the file. I upload a new version, and i think it's ok. Now text look nice. Also i followed your directions putting GNU license similar to the other file. Du hast jetzt die Rechte eines Administrators auf Commons. Nimm dir bitte einen Moment Zeit, um dir die Seite Commons: Administratoren und die in Verbindung mit der Beobachtungsliste stehenden Seiten durchzulesen insbesondere Commons: Administrators' noticeboard und Commons: Wir laden dich herzlich ein, mit uns auf IRC Kontakt aufzunehmen: Du findest zudem in dem Commons: Hi Hedwig in Washington!

In the meantime, this file marked by me with copyvio might be already deleted. You reverted my mark considering a CC-license available of one of the original sources indicated by me. Anyway, thanks for the eyes on that file as I apparently forgot to specify this non-compatible license on my copyvio-mark.

I corrected my mark. The image has a source , that is the gallery of images that I linked. Another image of Silo, uploaded by the same user, has no source, and I think is a copyvio too. No I didn't put a reason of because I want to get rid of the photo, but I will tag it for speedydeletion and put a reason -- Luca Aless talk Hi i am trying to upload a image in this page http: I have find out several image here http: The same deleted files were all uploaded again. We've finally received authorization for the image at File: Dareysteel picture on his radio interview in Amsterdam holland.

Can you please restore the image in accordance with ? Please feel free to contact me if you have questions. Best regards, Cindamuse talk You recently tagged File: I switched it to a deletion debate, and added some info. If you have any input, the discussion is at Commons: All the best, — Quadell talk Please also delete File: I would like to learn more about how to upload this logotype for the sports organization LiU AIF with the right licenses being used. I know that the picture has no copyrights since I know the creator and he sees it as a public picture, but please inform me in this, general, matter.

Hello, i would appreciate if you can see if the license is correct in this file, i founded here http: To make sure, I transfer the question to the Com: Hello, can you please answer me on my talk page? I did answered you a week ago. I see you've deleted this file. The author of this file added lots of copyrighted photos here. I don't think that is a common response and you may identify any known vandal or something. Seems like gaming the system. I would appreciate if you can take a look into this. I am not very familiar with Commons laws and customs. Hi, dear Hedwig in Washington.

Generally, the owner of the IP-address may eventually be change. Maybe even at the conscientious user. Regards, — Stas talk Hallo Hedwig in Washington. Ich hatte zuerst, aus Versehen, die falsche Datei hochgeladen. Most of the files uploaded by Arman were pictures copied from non free websites. I could find the origin of most of them and I guess the remaining photographs are also copyvios probably he modified the original pictures in such way that it is impossible for Google Image to find back the original photographs.

However, for tables and even maps, I would give him the benefit of the doubt, since there is no clue that Arman did not actually create these images by himself. So, I think we could remove the "no source" tag. What do you think about that? Best regards, BrightRaven talk Hope all is well. I contacted the attorney of Lin Evola an she gave me guidance with respect to the copy right issue. I also have the author and the source but I can not upload the photo and use my new information because you deleted it.

Do you know how I can upload the image with my new information? Thank you for you time and guidance. Further to talk re Corrections - I have got permission from holder to use my extract from their original given as an OK by email. Would it be advantage to have a standard form of arranging 'permission for copyright' applicable to all such situations? With permission being agreed by email? Does something similar now exist? Thanks for the attention. The correct category is Category: Could you explain which "Template" should I use by these kind of editions - replacing the categories, and deleting those with wrong names?

I have objection to the conclusion that you were judged by " Commons: FlickreviewR confirmed the cc-by Hi, I received some sort of warning on my talk page from you and I have no idea why I received it. Can you please explain what I did wrong? I just observed that my following files are been deleted by you and the message is been put on my talk page.

I am a photographer I am quite aware about the copyright rules. Hello, This is all my own work.

User talk:Hedwig in Washington/Archive 1

The Smokey Mountain and Appalachian Mountain photos are the same and one could be deleted. I didn't know how to add categories when I uploaded them. I took that photo and the Little Gasparilla Sunset photo years ago on a Sony digital camera. They have been transferred over the years to our new computers, so probably lack any exif data. We actually had a painting made of the the Appalachian Mountain photo.

The arrowheads are all personal finds from Florida as in their descriptions. The photographs were taken with help from Jose Martinez on his camera at my house. Delete them if you like; I would like to replace them with photos with better backgrounds. The masturbation photo is mine, taken on my cell phone I was there, I should know , but delete it if you want to I would prefer if you didn't.

I thank you and all those who dedicate their time and efforts to make Wikimedia the wonderful and unique site that it is. I am sorry about any mistakes I have made. I am not computer savvy and I am slowly learning to work in Wikimedia commons. If yes please let me know I will clarify and rectify it.

Hello,Can you please comment on this Commons: Map of languages of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. Regarding the images you de-speedied as "PD logo", I've opened a discussion on this at Commons: Would be interested in your feedback. All the best, Ubcule talk Jetzt wurde auch die Datei Atlantic Companion Leider kann ich das Prozedere nicht besser nachvollziehen.

Thanks for your comment on the Wondermondo web site. When I checked it, I saw a NC restriction on the bottom of its page. Anyway, this is another image that the uploader uploaded. Perhaps you can find a source for it. Best Regards, -- Leoboudv talk Magst du das mal umsetzen? Hi, I uploaded some files taken circa And they are now public domain of South Korea. By the way, User: Hyolee2 has changed thie template. But, it is clear that they are now public domain of South Korea by the copyright law of South Korea Please see Template talk: Hallo Hedwig, Du hast die Datei: Das ist nicht korrekt.

Ich wollte nun die Datei nochmal hochladen, erhalte nun aber folgendes Bild. Ich schreibe auf deutsch, da Du angibst Deutsche zu sein. Zudem wurde keine eindeutige Adresse der Datei angegeben. Bitte seine Sie so nett, das nachzuholen. Sie ist alleinige Urheberin. Warum die Frage, denn sie hat in ihrer Lizenzfreigabe sich auf diese Lizenz bezogen: LG - Hedwig in Washington mail? Can you delete the duplicate File: Henry Opukahaia - Imiola Church portrait. Henry Opukahaia, Imiola Church portrait. Hi Hedwig in Washington, please take a look at Commons: You seem to be one of the admins who deleted some of these images.

I have send permission mail to Commons but no response, Can you please check the status. I ploughed ahead and listed this image over at Commons: Apologies - I don't participate at COM: So here is your belated heads up. I see that you have hidden an IP and summary here. However, I don't see any reason to hide them as they do not have any content related with the reason provided on hiding log. It is important to leave open the more information we can, so, for instance, one can have access to the IP and look for vandalism patterns from that IP range or see IP contributions for continued vandalism.

Only the content need to be hidden, if any. Unless you have a reason I couldn't identify, I can't see why keeping it hidden from public. Thanks for your attention. Hello Hedwig, unfortunately that's not only a matter of categorization, I know by experience that Catalans are very nationalists and don't see themselves as Spaniards. The only problem is, that their passport is of Spain, the jersey they wear when they play for their country is of Spain and the money they earn as professional sportsmen are from Spain: Of course I don't care about that, my goal is to keep the categories the more sorted and ordered as possible.

If you or anyone else wants to unprotect is fine for me, but that means that those categories must be kept under control. Anyway I replied in the page where the Catalan wikicommoner posted his complain, though his issue was posted in the wrong place. I know about the problematic relationship between Catalans and Spaniards.

I still think he has a valid point in comparing the situation with Texas. Well, at least somewhat valid. For me its a region I consider outside normal boundries, like Tuscany or Black Forest. It's kind of a state like Texas or Bavaria. If you don't mind I unprotect the category as a subcat of Spain and protect it again.

Would that work for you? These are my photo and I am the copy right holder of that. This was also been updated in the photo details. Du scheinst da etwas vergessen zu haben… -- Leyo Since you dealt with the actual deletions of the images, I'd think it'd be best to ask you. Recently, I had labeled 5 images which you've swifty deleted by User: I've simply cut and pasted the warnings from user to user talk now and thus blanking the user page , and noted the accident in the edit summaries. Is this okay, or is there something else that should be done? My contribs link so you can see everything that occured in one spot.

Tako bother me I am brand new to Wiki so any violations on my part are not intentional. I do understand the free content nature of Wiki. The only thing I need to put some restriction on for sure is our company logo. I am the content writer and another person is actually coding it in. We haven't submitted to Wiki yet because I wanted to ask someone in the Tea House why I was getting that "immediate deletion" notice. Can you tell me how to get this approved? Also, what do I need to do and where do I need to do it? Haute Face is the name of a corporation. Thank you so much for helping a newbie!

The reason which you gave me: But I don't understand why I am accused in copyright infringement. Who has filed a complaint against my files? And can I differentiate amongst the text of the complaint? This is a misunderstanding. Aerial view of Moscow City at dusk. Could you confirm I uploaded this image? Can you point me to where the discussion of whether this was a copyright violation was discussed? Geo Swan talk Can you please notify "Daniel the duke" of the block and of the rationale behind the block.

I'm concerned that "Daniel the duke" doesn't know that he can discuss or contest the block with sysops. You deleted Penninghame Civil Parish in Wigtownshire with all it's photos. Two images that I uploaded to Commons were just deleted based on "possible copyright violation". Why were these files deleted? Why exactly did this file had to be changed? First of all I am from the Greek province of Macedonia. Well if you do look at their website they did not recognise the country as "Macedonia" but F. If you look at this article you will understand my point of view [13] and this cia website from [14].

I'll submit another request soon. You're quite right and that's one of the reason I withdrew. You know why i was upload non-free pics? I really don't know how to upload non-free pictures Actually i'm trying to upload non-free pictures with source, author, description, permissions and license So i req u plz.. Unblock me with last warning. I tell you why wiki deleted my pics, Actually when i was uploading non-free pics, then i was tagged wrong source and Author of the pic. Wiki also said that which license you are tagged on pics that is wrong. That time i was uploaded 6 or 7 pics, and all pics i was downloaded from tellyduniya.

And second time I was tagged various license on pics for trying to upload non-free pictures. And after deleted my pics, you block me for one year. Can you please explain why it's not eligible for speedy deletion? Chemical weapons Halabja Iraq March Gero wurde als Neu-User vom de: I left a note at the person's talk page, asking him or her to check with an admin if not sure about a vio or to nom for DR where others can discuss the file s.

We hope talk Hello, I did not upload this file, but I am puzzled as to why you deleted File: You claim copyright belongs to some polish blog which is certainly not the case how would a French singer's photograph end up belonging to a Polish fan blog???? Happy Evil Dude talk Why did you delete this file? Magog the Ogre talk contribs I am absolutely not familiar with what is or what is not a copy right violation in here.

I uploaded pictures of myself and you are calling it a copyright violation. Please what can I do. Why exactly this file had to be removed? I've forgotten a photo on my deletion request: Can you delete it, too? No FOP in France: Thanks, Trizek from FR Why did you do this: Boot Blues talk Es handelt sich um folgende Bilder: Pfarrgasse 1, Backhaus, Nordheim am Main. JPG und Pfarrgasse 1, Nordheim. Vielen Dank im Voraus. Might be a child pornography Perumalism Chat This file was recently deleted as a copyright violation.

Can you give more specific information as to what the circumstances were - I understand what the policy is, but I can't look at the original licence statement to give an informed opinion as how it might apply in this instance. I'm particularly interested as this file was reviewed on w: Ritchie talk cont Care to explain what's wrong with this file rather than up and deleting it? I spend the better part of half an hour uploading this to source something on a page and try to go through some opaque requests that I delete something as part of an argument that the photo is legitimate for upload.

Meanwhile you spend two seconds deleting it and go on about your day. If you take a look at what you've deleted you may see that this photo was a valuable addition to Wikipedia. To be quite frank your attitude has shown me how pointless it is to contribute to Wikipedia either through my time or monetarily and I hope you understand the brusque attitude you have shown would doubtless convince anyone of the same. Why did you move Category: It is under discussion and affects other categories too, like category: Please undo the changes.

Creative Commons CC0 Waiver release all rights, like public domain: Jaka licencja bedzie odpowiednia dla nich??? The Google link you gave is so long that it didn't fit in the comment. I got the photo from Brockman himself with his permission. But I want to see what you think is the copyvio from the link. I noticed you closed several DRs some keep, some delete per the slovene graffiti discussion, many of which not pertaining that matters — the talk pages of the kept items are now linking to an unrelated discussion example , and the actual DR diwscussions seem to be unreacheable.

Hi Hedwig in Washington, user Vahram Mekhitaryan consictently adding categories with HotCat where it is not necessary. I removed that categories, but he reverts my edits, please warm him about it. Please block this uploader. This image was uploaded after you warned him to stop uploading copyvios on his talkpage. I don't know about the flickr account. I don't know how to use the OTRS to send the permision of the photo. Hi, I understand you've removed File: Beware of Hawks Enoshima.

JPG due to copy right infringement. Could you advise me for future reference why it was deemed inappropriate without discussion? The display in the photo has been issued by the local city to warn pedestrians of a danger and it is a permanent fixture in an open public area. I'd appreciate your advice so I will understand the issue s clearly and don't repeat the same mistake.

I'm not disputing your action. I am simply confused and would like to learn a lesson from this experience. I have started a thread at ANI Commons: