
How Old Are You? Scholastic does not keep this information. Oops, Sorry, you can't buy the book directly from our site for kids. If you want to get the book online, ask your parent to help you purchase it. Find a local library Enter your zip code to find a library near you using Google Maps. Your First Name Only. Friend's First Name Only. I hope you like it. You can only put stickers where you see the dotted circles. You have to sign in, first! Suddenly Garth finds he has powers the ghosts don't have, and he's stuck in a world run by the evil ruler of Ghostopolis, who would use Garth's newfound abilities to rule the ghostly kingdom.

When Garth meets Cecil, his grandfather's ghost, the two search for a way to get Garth back home, and nearly lose hope until Frank Gallows shows up to fix his mistake. TenNapel is a terrific cartoonist and in fine form here.


Privacy Policy Terms of Use. As explained by Cecil, "There's no physics-based time here in the afterlife It gives us a chance to take care of unfinished business. As Garth's time in Ghostopolis extends, and the closer Cecil comes to reconciling for his transgressions against his daughter Garth's mother , the "older" Cecil becomes. It was all built by one man He made every mountain you see, laying one chunk of sand at a time. He stacked every brick in Ghostopolis so that ghosts would have a place to live. Some say that it took him six days to build everything. Others say that it took him a billion years It's hard to say how long it took since time is all jumbled up in Ghostopolis.

Now, however, a malevolent character named Vaugner currently rules over Ghostopolis and its inhabitants. Cecil insists that Garth's best bet for getting back home is to find Joe. It becomes clear, however, that Vaugner and his henchmen wish to capture Garth due to his anomalous status in Ghostopolis. Garth has also displayed numerous supernatural powers when in the realm of the afterlife, piquing Vaugner's interest. In the city center of Ghostopolis, Vaugner addresses the masses alongside the lords of Ghostopolis's various divisions.

When Garth and Cecil arrive at the city center, Cecil recounts the tale of how Vaugner came to be ruler of Ghostopolis. The provinces were manipulated into war with one another by Vaugner. He played one side against the other, weakening each kingdom along the way Then Vaugner came and presented himself as a great peacemaker. He promised them unity. Under Vaugner's one state of Ghostopolis, of course. Now Ghostopolis is a dump full of crime and bugs. All good ghosts dream of escaping to Earth. In the city, Frank and Claire meet up with Garth and Cecil.

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I do think that the surreal afterlife scenes are a lot more vivid and well drawn than those set on Earth due to the natural creativity of the afterlife, but even so the art style is just okay not amazing. On the whole for a quick, light and fun read I think this ticks a lot of boxes but it's not a favourite of mine. There's a fun but slightly predictable storyline and there are some cool elements within that, but at the end of the day it's not original enough to be awesome.

It's a children's graphic novel for sure, and it seems like a light and fun one for that age group but I have to say I much prefer Cardboard by Doug TenNaple as I felt that was far more imaginative and unique. Feb 17, Damon rated it liked it.


This was disappointing, because there were a lot of things about it that, if they'd been handled in a bit different of a way, could have been really great. The art for the most part is super, but where a little nudge in a certain direction would have pushed it into something kind of creepy and cool, it goes the other way into goofy and silly.

The writing is the same way - I understand that this book is directed at a young audience, but I bet a lot of kids today can appreciate jokes that aren't a This was disappointing, because there were a lot of things about it that, if they'd been handled in a bit different of a way, could have been really great.

The writing is the same way - I understand that this book is directed at a young audience, but I bet a lot of kids today can appreciate jokes that aren't about farting or diarrhea. There's also this weird herky-jerkiness to the pacing and the scene transitions that kept me checking to see if the pages had stuck together. Overall, there's enough here for me to still come out of this having enjoyed it, but I think I enjoyed it less because I felt like I could have enjoyed it more. Jan 14, Dov Zeller rated it it was ok. Having a hard time with this one knowing that Doug TenNapel has said some super icky queer-phobic stuff.

I think if it weren't for that, I might have given the book a 3? I found the storytelling to be uneven, the characters a bit thin and the action often jumps around too much. What did I like about it? My favorite part was the relationship between the boy and the skeleton horse, and the resistance of the skeleton king. Right about now, it's really nice to read stories ab Rut roh.

Right about now, it's really nice to read stories about resistance against evil dictators. There are a lot of similarities to Corpse Bride, but Corpse Bride is funnier, and a more nuanced and elegant and soulful work of art. View all 4 comments. Feb 05, Victor Daniel rated it liked it.

This was my 4th favorite book that I've read it's about a kid named Garth that has a uncureable disease that sums up his death but befor he dies he goes to the underworld by a guy named frank that teleported him there on accident I would like for many people to try this book out.: Oct 11, Hunter added it.

Jan 07, 16maxwelll rated it liked it. Ghostopolis is a fun, but a bit childish book about the afterlife. The genre of Ghostopolis is fantasy graphic novel. The book takes place in a world where when you die, you go to Ghostopolis where all the dead live. However, the dead can sneak through holes and come back to life on earth. The main character is a normal kid named Garth who lives with his mom and is diagnosed with an incurable disease. One day, Frank me Ghostopolis is a fun, but a bit childish book about the afterlife.

One day, Frank messes up and accidentally zaps Garth and the undead horse who fell on top of him into the afterlife and the SITF try to save him. Garth learns that he has powers, and the leader of ghostopolis, Vosch, wants to use his powers to become a feircer ruler of Ghostopolis. Will Garth go back home, will the disease kill him, or will he be in Ghostopolis forever?

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I don't usually read graphic novels, so reading this kind of book was very new for me. I thought this book was kind of silly and childish but I enjoyed the pictures. I knew what was going to happen from page 50 and some of the jokes were a little cheesy. I think that Garth being zapped to the afterlife because a dead horse fell on top of him is silly, and I think that the government would take this issue a little more seriously.

My least favorite part about reading the book was the jokes. The potty jokes and booger jokes weren't for me.

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My favorite part of reading Ghostopolis was the pictures. The colors really set the mood for the book and there were some great black and white pictures that made certain boxes important and made the characters stand out. I really liked being able to read and see images of the story at the same time because there was much more than just reading the story. A major motif throughout this book is death. It keeps talking about death and afterlife and what it is like being death. A major theme in this book is that you always have to help out if you make a mistake, no matter how hard it is.

I rate this book 3 out of five ghosts, and most who are ten and under or anyone who wants a fun fantasy graphic novel should read this book! Oct 26, Karissa rated it it was amazing. I picked this book up at the library on a whim and I am so glad I did. This was a wonderful story with some great illustrations. The story is meaningful, fun, and quirky all at the same time. Garth is a kid with problems, he has a life-threatening condition that no doctor can solve. Imagine his surprise when he is accidentally zapped into the Ghost world by an accident prone ghost hunter.

While there Garth learns he has fantastic powers and ends up facing off against Ghostopolis's evil ruler. Gar I picked this book up at the library on a whim and I am so glad I did. Garth learns a lot about his family's past and about himself while he is there. Now Garth needs to figure out how to get back.

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I loved the idea behind this story. How cool that Garth gets zapped into a ghost world and finds out that he has super hero like abilities there? I also loved Garth's faithful skeleton horse, that horse was awesome and added a lot of fun to the story. The story is suprisingly complex and creative. I was drawn into it right away and had to read the whole thing in one sitting because I just could not put it down.

This is one of those graphic novels that will appeal to a broad range of ages. Depending on the age of the reader different messages can be taken from the book. At the most basic level it is a fun and engaging story about the adventure of a boy in a ghost world; on a more complex level is explores questions behind death and what happens after life. The drawings were very well done. I never had trouble following them or figuring out what was going on. The characters were drawn very expressively So, I just really enjoyed it. Overall this was an absolutely fantastic graphic novel.

The idea is creative, the characters very engaging, and the story complex and interesting. It is one of those books that will appeal to a large age group. Young kids will love the adventure aspects of the story, older kids and adults will be drawn in by the whole mystery of death subtheme. If you love fantasy graphic novels or paranormal graphic novels definitely give this one a read May 11, Joella www. So basically there are a lot of things going on all at once like with any good book. First of all you have a ghost hunter named Frank Gallows who goes around and zaps ghosts back to a ghost world where Ghostopolis is the main city.

Then you have a kid named Garth who has some incurable disease and his mother who drags him to five doctors to try and find some hope of a cure. Well things get a bit jumbled when Gallows sends a skeleton horse back and accidentally sends Garth with it. Now Gallows must ask his ghost friend Claire Voyant to help him save Garth and Ghostopolis before the evil Vaugner destroys them both.

Well, there is a lot more going on This was a good read. I enjoyed the creativity and the story line. I thought the whole idea of a Ghostopolis was great.

Ghostopolis book

I especially liked Skinny the skeleton horse. Although many of the other characters were great. I loved the expressions that they had.

There is one panel that has Gallows as a silhouette, yet you can totally see what his expression is. I did have to think while reading this one. Once again proving that graphic novels aren't for sissies. Sometimes there wasn't any indication between panels that we were jumping from one story line to another. For example I saw a bug-like monster disappear and then in the next few panels there was suddenly a puff of smoke that I thought was the bug until I saw Gallows and Voyant coming into Ghostopolis in a traveling machine. So I had to keep paying close attention to what was happening, especially the extra details in the background.

I can see the high appeal. This book had great characters, a good plot, loads of imagination, drama, a huge action scene, and ghosts--of all the ghostly varieties. I can totally see the appeal and why this is so popular. Oct 27, colleen the convivial curmudgeon rated it liked it Shelves: This is a cute story. Garth is a terminally ill boy who gets trapped in Afterlife while he's still alive because an RIPD type dude accidentally sends him back while sending a "nightmare" back at the same time. So we visit Afterlife where the rules are reversed - i.

And that's pretty much it. The story moves along very quickly, so while it is sweet and there are lessons to be learned and whatnot, nothing gets really developed or lingered on for long. Just wam, bam, thank-you-maam, and don't worry about view spoiler [that whole terminal illness thing because you're gonna be magically cured because happy ending. There's ghostopolis, but there's also Mummyville and the Bone Kingdom and some other stuff, so different types of dead and some mythological type things are portrayed in different ways, but there seems to be very few actual ghosts, which was kind of weird.

Oh, and there's also the one female character of note stops in the middle of the story to get from practical overalls to a dress, because, ya know, girl.

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Ghostopolis is a graphic novel, written and penciled by Doug TenNapel, colored by Ethan Nicolle and published by GRAPHIX, a Scholastic Inc. imprint. When Garth Hale is accidentally zapped into the ghost world by Frank Gallows, a washed-out ghost wrangler, he discovers he has special powers. Soon he.

At least she wore flats Don't get me wrong, I'm all about the skirts and shit, but this little divergence offered nothing to the story except the RIPD guy getting to be like "oh, wow, you're pretty" and she gets to be all blushy. Anyway - Cute, quick story. I liked it, but wish it would've been developed a bit more. Jul 27, Brittany Boza rated it did not like it. This review has been hidden because it contains spoilers. To view it, click here.

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