Maitreya Speaks Volume III

Books by Margaret McElroy

Each, singly, and solemnly alone, will know for that time the purpose and meaning of their lives, will experience anew the grace of childhood, the purity of aspiration cleansed of self. For these precious minutes, men will know afresh the joy of full participation in the realities of Life, will feel connected one to another, like the memory of a distant past. This prophetic book gives the reader hope and expectancy for the joyful, world-changing events which are on their way.

As Maitreya, the World Teacher, stands poised ready to emerge into full public work, Benjamin Creme's latest book, The World Teacher for All Humanity , is an overview of the background to this momentous event. The book details the planned return of our planetary Hierarchy and the descent of Maitreya from His Himalayan retreat in July and of His work in the world, albeit behind the scenes, since then.

It speaks too of the enormous changes that His presence has brought about; of His plans and projects, and His priorities and recommendations in the immediate future time. It shows Him as a great and powerful Avatar and, at the same time, as a friend and brother of humanity. Maitreya's advice will bring humanity to a simple choice between two lines of action: In The Art of Living , Benjamin Creme considers the experience of living as a form of art, like painting or music.

To reach a high level of expression requires both knowledge of and adherence to certain fundamental principles. In the art of life, it is through the understanding of the great Law of Cause and Effect, and the related Law of Rebirth, that we achieve the poised harmlessness that leads to personal happiness, right human relations and the correct path for all humanity on its evolutionary journey.

Parts Two and Three, "The Pairs of Opposites" and "Illusion", propose that it is man's unique position in the evolutionary scheme — "the meeting point of spirit and matter" — that produces his seemingly endless struggle both within himself and in outer living. The means by which he emerges from the fog of illusion, and blends these two aspects of himself into one perfect Whole, is living life itself with growing detachment and objective self-awareness.

Details on 'The Art of Living: Living within the Laws of Life'. A unique and diverse collection of insights from Maitreya, the World Teacher for the coming age, offering straightforward, non-dogmatic answers to some of our most profound questions about the meaning and purpose of life, including who we really are, how to find joy in everyday existence, and what we can all do to create lasting peace. Also addresses global problems — political, social, and environmental — and forecasts future events, demonstrating how the Laws of Cause and Effect work out on a world scale.

The most contemporary phase of teachings given by the head of the group of enlightened Teachers known as the Masters of Wisdom.

Benjamin Creme

Since the dawn of civilization, humanity has always had guides and teachers in times of need — such as Krishna, Moses, Buddha, Christ, and Mohammed. These great ones work to further a Plan for the evolution of humanity and the other kingdoms of Nature, which is held in the custody of the esoteric Hierarchy of Masters of Wisdom. Since , one of these fully enlightened Teachers has written a monthly article for Share International magazine. The articles contain a wealth of inspiration, wisdom, and practical information relevant to a world in turmoil.

A Master Speaks is a compilation of articles given between and April 3rd revised edition ISBN: In this prophetic book, esotericist and international lecturer Benjamin Creme addresses the problems of our chaotic world and its gradual change under the influence of a group of perfected men, the Masters of Wisdom, who are returning openly to the world for the first time in 98, years.

With their leader, Maitreya, the World Teacher , they will guide humanity out of the present morass, and inspire the building of an entirely new kind of civilization where justice and freedom are the norm. The energy that emanates from this book is electrifying. One can almost see the future stretching ahead for humanity. It appeals to the heart and inspires our highest aspiration.

In a most original and convincing way it moves from idealism and expressed goodwill to the practical means of bringing the new structures into being. An extraordinary synthesis of knowledge, it throws a searchlight on the future; with clear vision it predicts our highest achievements of thought to reveal the amazing scientific discoveries which lie ahead. It shows us a world in which war is a thing of the past, and the needs of all are met.

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It is indeed a message of hope for the world. Gives the background and pertinent information concerning the return of the Christ. A vast range of subjects is covered, including: June 2nd revised edition ISBN: Includes much information on the story of Maitreya's emergence and on such subjects as: Includes ray structures of over initiates in history. March 3rd revised edition ISBN: This book offers unique information on such subjects as meditation, growth of consciousness, psychology, health, the environment, world service, and science and technology in the New Age.

The process of Maitreya's public emergence is updated. Also explains such phenomena as crop circles, crosses of light, visions of the Madonna, healing wells and UFOs. May 2nd revised edition ISBN: This chronicle of the next millennium -- and beyond -- completes a trilogy about Maitreya's mission. Visualize, if you can, a world of peace with cities restored to great beauty, where the necessities of life are guaranteed to all people.

Imagine a civilization where the Science of Light will bring new modes of travel and architecture, new sources of energy, a restored healthy environment, and advanced medical marvels. The Dream of the Cosmos: A Quest for the Soul.

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Maitreya's Mission - Volume Three and millions of other books are available for Amazon .. Creme speaks clearly and knowledgeably about what he believes is . In this third volume of Maitreya's Mission, Creme covers topics both profound and practical, ranging from mankind's origin to the principle of sharing as the first.

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A Glimpse of Golden Future. Pandit Shriram Sharma Acharya. The Story of Our Time. A P J Abdul Kalam. The Death of the Mythic God.

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  2. Books by Margaret McElroy (Author of Maitreya Speaks Volume I).
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