Moravian Daily Texts 2013 North American Edition


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    Copies may be obtained from the Moravian Church House office of any province for addresses see the provinces pages. Fellowship [in Zinzendorf's time] meant not only a bridging of theological differences but also of social differences; the artisan and aristocrat were brought together as brothers and sat as equal members on the same committee pp. They received episcopal ordination through the Waldensians in In many places it observes the convention of the lovefeast , originally started in Lissa in Poland , which had historically strong ties with the Czechs, and small, isolated groups in Moravia. Happiness is the natural and spontaneous response to God's free and gracious gift of salvation.

    On the other hand, i saw no reason why she could not pack a bag and go back to tsingtao if she really wanted to. The man in the booth smiled.

    There was graffiti on one of the walls in blue spray paint. I saw the fingers move, forming shapes amidst the darkness. He lies that kurtz died with her name on his lips.

    The Power of Habit: Charles Duhigg at TEDxTeachersCollege