Broken (This Book 1)

Broken Sky

You will find yourself slapping a table like I did a few times because of the shit that goes down here!! Be ready to go on an insane emotional rollercoaster. Y Is it possible to die from holding your breath while reading a book? You may need to have an EMT on standby outside your door, especially after you finish this book. Your stomach will do somersaults like it's seeking a medal in the Olympics 4. Your brain just might explode out of your skull. Your heart may just sigh and make plans to give up.

Drake has left me admittingly speechless. Feb 07, Jellie rated it it was amazing. Five Fun-fucking-static Rating for this baby!!! When Jodi asked me if I want to read the trilogy she was writing, I was so happy. I couldnt believe She trusted me enough to send me a copy of Her pet project. All she said was, it wasnt finished yet and it would end with a cliffhanger. So i dropped what Im reading and jump on it right away. Im so happy that J.

L Drake has given the break that she deserved. Now the world will have the chance to know how great story teller she is. She will make you fall in Five Fun-fucking-static Rating for this baby!!! She will make you fall in love not just with the Characters but the Story itself. This story took me on a rollercoaster ride. From start to ending, It kept me guessing to what will happened next. I was so scared for Savannah. Got so excited for the love that had developed between Savi and Cole.

Fell in love with the boys, Ugh I wasnt ready for that Kind of ending. It blew my mind to the roof. It left me on book hangover for days. Do yourself a favor and get this one and the next 2 books. You will not regret it. It so worth every penny you will spend. Jodi, thank you for intruducing my book husband to me. Apr 07, Rebecca Woodward rated it really liked it Shelves: I am on an Author love high!!

This story is a freaking emotional rollercoaster. The main character is my mini me. She is strong and feisty. I am enjoying her personality. The alphas she meets in the Blackstone house are eye candy. And the man big Alpha is so lalallalalla! She keeps you bouncingboff your seat. The cliffhanger is omg!!! But in a good way. Haha so many twists I am enthralled with this story. Jan 12, Artemis rated it it was amazing. Als sie sich schon beinahe selbst aufgegeben hat, naht ihre Rettung. In einem abgelegenen Haus wird sie vorerst in Sicherheit gebrach Worum es geht: In einem abgelegenen Haus wird sie vorerst in Sicherheit gebracht.

Aber bei Savannah scheint alles anders zu sein. Am Anfang hatte ich ein wenig Probleme in die Geschichte reinzukommen. Savannah mochte ich von Anfang an total gerne. Cole mochte ich ebenfalls wirklich gerne. Ich mochte Cole und Savannah als Paar unglaublich gerne, die beiden passen in meinen Augen einfach perfekt zusammen. Was mir am besten gefallen hat: Die Charaktere, der Schreibstil, die Story.. Eigentlich so ziemlich alles. Was mir nicht gefallen hat: Am Anfang hatte ich etwas Schwierigkeiten in die Story reinzukommen, was sich aber schnell gelegt hat. Und wegen diesem absolut fiesem Cliffhanger am Ende, musste auch gleich Band 2 her.

This book was insanely intense and I am seriously at a loss for words! Drake is a genius! This book was so unique and refreshing and just so damn good!!!!! This is one author that you want to keep your eye on because she is definitely going places with her writing. I know it is hard for new authors to get people to take a chance and read their books, but please do yourself a favor and take a chance on her.

You will not be disappointed. Drake has an incredible way of making you fall in love with her characters…whether they are the good guys, or even the bad guys. Each and every one just makes you FEEL! And gosh did I feel while reading Broken. My emotions were all over the dang place. They are without a doubt two of my favorite book characters to date, and hey were surrounded by such an exceptional supporting cast of characters. There were quite a lot of different characters, and each one grabs you and stays with you long after the book has ended.

It's so hard to write a review on a book like this because honestly, no amount of words could do it justice. It's one of those things you just need to read for yourself. There are so many crazy twists and turns throughout the story that I never saw coming, and you just have to expect the unexpected. MAJOR cliffhanger… a super mean one at that lol.

Drake, I applaud you on a job well done. I may be a little mad at you after that ending but you can always make it up to me by releasing Book 2 early…. Mar 29, Pamela rated it really liked it Shelves: I absolutely loved Cole and all his men. They all exuded traits of an alpha-male without going over-the-top. A good story that was well-written with an array of characters. It was hard to remember she was a 28 year-old woman as for most of the novel I found her to be quite immature.

Broken World

The fact that she kept antagonizing York was just ridiculous. I really wish I could pinpoint what it is about her that rubbed me the wrong way. As for Cole, I had a hard time trying to figure out what he found so attractive about her. The ending I have to say was cheesy. Let me interrupt by mentioning that this is a trilogy, which means book one ended with a cliff-hanger, one I thought was a little overdramatic. Even the whole thing with Cole at the end was so obvious.

Mar 09, Alisa rated it it was amazing Shelves: This was amazingly good! In the beginning, it was a bit too fast paced for me. I thought it was going to go downhill pretty fast. It's in the synopsis, so it's not a spoiler, but from her "before" life to getting kidnapped and then "after" happens pretty quick.

But the crux of the book focuses on after when she's healing with the guys anyways. I really loved all the characters and of course the hero and heroine. He's total bad ass but not such a jerk or asshole. Still has that alpha vi Holy crap. Still has that alpha vibe. And you just can't help but like the heroine. She wasn't total bad ass when she was captive, but she's so real without seeming so weak. The whole entire plot while she's at her "recovery" place I was so riveted in the story. I just could NOT put it down.

I mean, I'm a reader in general so I always have my kindle in hand.. I breezed through so quick. Just captivated in the story. I'm just so mad. Book hangover like crazy and I can not wait until the next book s. I'm happy with the way things are going in the book though! Mar 05, Jennifer Finn rated it it was amazing. This is the first book of the Broken trilogy.

The friggin' ending just about killed me, I wanted to throw my Kindle at the wall. I am going to go apeshit waiting for the next book! Savannah's dad is the Mayor of NYC daughter and he's up for re election. Cole starts to uncover some very disturbing things while investigating Savi's kidnapping.

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In the beginning my heart broke from what Savannah has been going through. There were a few scenes where I needed to bust out the plastic knickers. This story took me on a rollercoaster ride. The chapters are quite short, and scenes seemed split up prematurely in order to jump back and forth between POVs. And the cheesy insta-love angle?

Apr 17, Carrie White rated it it was amazing. Wow, I literally have goosebumps! I'm praying to the gods above my hunches are correct ,because even though I was just slapped in the face by this grand finale, I won't lose hope! The title 'Broken' goes without saying, but it's so much more than what the description gives you.

I totally fell in love with Cole and Savannah! Between the intriguing story line, beefed army guys, a brewing romance into a powerful love st Wow, I literally have goosebumps! Between the intriguing story line, beefed army guys, a brewing romance into a powerful love story kept me speed reading.

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Finished it in one afternoon, I was that hooked! Thank God May 12 is right around the corner. I don't do well waiting for part two! There are no discussion topics on this book yet. Drake was born and raised in Nova Scotia, Canada and later moved to Southern California where she lives with her husband and two children. She released her first novel "What Lurks in the Dark" in June but after the series got picked up by a publisher it was pulled.

It's now released as the Darkness Series. Her next series "Broken Trilogy" won amazon best seller with in four months of it's J. Her next series "Broken Trilogy" won amazon best seller with in four months of it's release.

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Broken (Broken Trilogy Book 1) - Kindle edition by J.L. Drake. Romance Kindle eBooks @ Editorial Reviews. About the Author. Once upon a time, a little girl was born on a cold winter Book 1 of 4 in The Watcher Chronicles (4 Book Series).

Which for her Broken spinoff's coming late Other places to find her, www. Other books in the series. Broken Trilogy 3 books. Trivia About Broken Broken Tr No trivia or quizzes yet. The last thing my family needed was the press sniffing around; they were in enough danger already. Stay safe , I begged them silently. The photo was the official one from after my induction ceremony. It showed a girl with sleek dark hair falling to her jawbone; light brown eyes under stark eyebrows; a strong-boned, oval face.

Just a few months ago, Collie had studied that photo in my bedroom back on the base. There had to be something in here by Milt. When I found the small story on page nine, it knocked the breath from me. I read the words again, willing them to be a mistake.

I could still hear them standing outside, only a few feet away, murmuring together. I dropped to my knees and pressed my cheek against the tiles.

See a Problem?

I scrambled up just as an authoritative knock pounded. I took a step back and glanced at the window. My voice sounded reedy. That girl on the front page! In an excited babble outside I heard: It rattled on its hinges. I punched again and again, frantic now, and then jumped up onto the radiator to kick at the glass with my boot. It shattered, falling to the alleyway in discordant tinkles. The wooden window frame was still in place.

I beat at it wildly with my foot, my hands. Just as the door swung open, the frame gave way with a splintering crack and I propelled myself out the window, taking the rest of the glass with me. Pain — my hand was bleeding — I lunged to my feet and ran, pausing only to push over a trio of garbage cans and send them rolling in my wake.

Panting, I veered out onto the sidewalk, my boots thudding against the concrete.

The clatter of trash cans from behind me. It was coming down in solid sheets now, the sidewalk busy with early-morning commuters hunched into their trench coats, jostling past each other with streaming umbrellas. There was a grey knit cap in my coat pocket. As I wove through the river of people I pulled my coat back on and yanked the cap onto my head.

I slowed to a brisk walk, keeping my hands in my pockets, face down. My pulse beat against my skull; with each step I expected a hand on my shoulder. When I came to an intersection my instincts shrieked at me to turn.

Parents say

Instead I crossed the street and kept going straight. Finally I risked a glance back.

Broken World (Broken World, book 1) by Kate L Mary

The policemen were standing on the corner, staring up and down the cross street. One spoke urgently into a talky; I could see its long antenna. I let out a trembling breath and kept walking, fists clenched in my pockets. My right hand throbbed. It was slick with blood. By the time I heard distant sirens, I was over ten blocks away. The elevated train was up ahead. No one paid attention when I paused under its bridge. People passed by as the trains rumbled above, shaking the ground at our feet. A shard of glass glinted from the fleshy part of my thumb.

I gritted my teeth and pulled it free, then found a handkerchief in my pocket and wrapped it tightly around the wound. The whole time, my thoughts were tumbling, screaming. I knew that I had not misread the story on page nine. But I pulled out the paper and read it again anyway:.

How deep, how broad, did this whole thing go? My sore hand clenched its bandage. Suddenly I felt short of breath. He had to still be alive; he had to be. And I had to get back to him, somehow — we both had to escape if we could— With the rain still drizzling down, I started to run. By using the ancient tool of astrology. The preflight routine was automatic. Undercarriage down, flaps up, throttle half-inch open.

I checked the temperature gauge and then primed the engine, working the handle quickly in and out. I switched on the ignition and the small plane roared into life, trembling with power: We understood each other, this plane and I. I gave the primer pump another stroke. Underneath my concentration was a rock-hard resolve. Today, of all days, I had to win. I signalled to the fitter and he ran to pull the chocks from my wheels.

With a distracted wave I eased open the throttle and started taxiing, facing into the wind. The plane was trembling, eager, picking up speed by the second. The undercarriage bumped against the ground as fields rushed past in a blur…and then I was airborne. Usually I loved the moment when I lifted into the sky, so light and free. This time my jaw felt tight. I headed south-west at four thousand feet. Some Peacefighters hate that, but I know how to use the sun. His MK9 had stripes instead of camo swirls; that was the only difference.

Our battle would be skill against skill. The ocean glinted silver. On its beach stood a commentator with a bulky field phone, describing the scene for millions clustered around their telios. Few Peacefights were broadcast live. That this one was, just cemented my resolve. My opponent and I faced off, circling each other as we waited. The vibrating drone of my engine filled my senses.

If You Stay

Far below, seagulls wheeled over the water. The instant the clock showed I used it mercilessly, hiding in it, darting out at him from its glare. My thumb worked the firing button. A muffled staccato sound shuddered from my wings. Tracer shot through the sky, raining damage down on him. He whipped away and came at me from above. I swore and rolled; sky and ocean spun. I got him back in my sights, shot again. The other pilot twisted away unscathed and went into a screaming turn that held his plane a knife-edge from stalling. Tricky, but two could play.

I fired, spraying his fuselage. Smoke started streaming from his tail. He broke the turn, tried to climb, but I was right there ahead of him. Bullet holes peppered his hood. The horizon tipped on its side as I peeled away. Suddenly the only engine I could hear was my own. The other Dove had gone silent, flames leaping up from its hood. I watched as his plane twirled down to the bay, black smoke spiralling, while the white circle of a parachute floated languidly, the pilot a dangling stick-figure clutching its cords.

Base already knew, just like the rest of the world — but I reached for my mic and completed my job: Opposing pilot bailed and needs assistance. The airfield looked tiny as I brought the Dove back in. On impulse I did a victory roll right past them, laughing out loud as the world spun. Grinning, I soared high and came in again from an angle. He gave me strength and a safe place to land. And then he broke me. Finding Emilia was a chance to do something good for once in my life.

I wanted to change. She believed I was her savior. I ached to be. She found her way into my heart and claimed it as her safe place. I should be telling her the truth about me…instead I break her with lies. This book is a New Adult Romance and contains mature subject matter. It is not intended for those under 17 years of age. Read more Read less. Audible book Switch back and forth between reading the Kindle book and listening to the Audible book with Whispersync for Voice.

Thousands of books are eligible, including current and former best sellers. Look for the Kindle MatchBook icon on print and Kindle book detail pages of qualifying books. Print edition must be purchased new and sold by Amazon. Gifting of the Kindle edition at the Kindle MatchBook price is not available.

Learn more about Kindle MatchBook. Books In This Series 3 Books. Page 1 of 1 Start Over Page 1 of 1. Kindle Cloud Reader Read instantly in your browser. Customers who bought this item also bought. Page 1 of 1 Start over Page 1 of 1. Bound by Lies Bound and Broken Book 2. Undone Unbreakable Book 2. Unforgiven Unbreakable Book 3.

I just finished Broken by lies by Rebecca Shea and I am completely unhinged. This is the type of book that propels an author into greatness. She steps out of her comfort zone, luring her readers into something dangerous and feverishly sexy. Broken by Lies and Bound by Lies. She lives in Phoenix, Arizona with her family. From the time Rebecca could read she has had a passion for books. Rebecca spends her days working and her nights writing, bringing stories to life.

Born and raised in Minnesota, Rebecca moved to Arizona in to escape the bitter winters. When not working or writing, she can be found on the sidelines of her sons football games, or watching her daughter at ballet class. Rebecca is fueled by insane amounts of coffee, margaritas, Laffy Taffy except the banana ones , and happily ever afters.

Product details File Size: February 17, Sold by: Share your thoughts with other customers. Write a customer review. Read reviews that mention rebecca shea broken by lies twists and turns next book romantic suspense cliffhanger even though edge of your seat bound by lies highly recommend alex and emilia emilia and alex see coming meets alex roller coaster many twists place to stay never met must read exchange for an honest.