Femme touarègue (French Edition)

Areva, le Niger et les Touaregs: une histoire des conflits d'intérêts

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Results per book Results per chapter. Female here means the female animal. Take the picture well parallel to your wall, the photo should be as straight as possible Once your image is imported, you can move and resize it to fit your room As a reminder, this is just a preview of how to put the work into your piece and does not represent the final rendering See at home. All Formats Paperback Hardcover Sort by: In her book, A travers le monde:

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femme touareg

What concerns their multicolored make-up, of which they make immoderate use; they are only able to regulate its application by giving each other recommendations, and as the women living in the same house are also rivals, the one encourages the other to apply the most grotesque coloring. They put vermilion on their lips, rouge on their cheeks, on their noses and on their foreheads and chins, and distribute white powder adventurously. As a finale, they put blue powder around their eyes and under their noses.

To sum up, she declares making a Voyage to the Orient as a rather dangerous affair, of no value to a young woman. This is the reason why such travel is superfluous and the Orient should be forbidden as a place of residence for a decent woman:. I don't see how such travel, executed on camels in desert countries and among Arabs, could contribute to forming the heart and soul of these young women destined to live in another hemisphere, in the middle of a completely different society or civilization, nor help them to become obsequious girls, faithful wives or good mothers.

Female here means the female animal. Taken at the human level, this word devalues the persons to which it is assigned. In her book, A travers le monde: What a miserable and vulgar reality availed my eyes. What a blanket of icy water doused my white heated curiosity. Instead of gold and silk cloth [ I saw the slave, and not the slave garlanded with flowers.

Hommaire de Hell Pitying the women of the harem, she concludes: Hommaire de Hell , 63 Impressions de voyage d'une Parisienne: This list of quotations could be continued as you like. What has to be emphasized is that, instead of demonstrating solidarity with Oriental women, the woman traveler underlines the difference. Cultural differences are constructed as opposites, often to the detriment of the foreign women.

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The harem descriptions function to prove their cultural backwardness and anachronistic domestication. By despising Oriental women, women travelers have contributed to the propagation of prejudices and stereotypes. Not only their colonial background, but also their own departure makes demonstrating solidarity with the foreign woman very difficult. This extreme reduction in status of the Oriental woman also indicates a defensive reaction from the side of the woman traveler. In the Orient, European women encounter a form of life from which they have just managed to distance themselves with some effort: I conclude that women travelers of the 19 th Century are to be found in an extraordinary relationship of opposites: I would now like to pass on to women travelers of the 20 th Century, that is the traveler of the desert.

Whereas the desert as a symbol represents a place of liberty, of solitude, of marginality, and a place free of conventions, the harem represented a foreign but yet familiar place at the same time. This exile, chosen freely by women travelers, could be interpreted as a flight from the patriarchal norm. The desert is a place predestined for dreams of departure, and for new beginnings.

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Buy Femme touarègue (French Edition): Read Kindle Store Reviews - Amazon. com. Femme touarègue [maguy-vautier-jean-secchi] on www.farmersmarketmusic.com HARMATTAN edition (); Language: French; ISBN ; ISBN

The desert becomes a place of refuge, of asylum and exile all at the same time. It is also a place of experiential extremes, a loss of orientation, which is typical for the modern individual. In other words, the subject of a mythical return to the roots, to a pre-civilization, is discovered here: The idea of civilization creates the idea of the desert as its negative projection, as its necessary contrast".

At the end of the 20 th Century, the hunt for the last bastions of retreat of the pre-modern requires an ever larger degree of effort see Wolfzettel The vacuum of the desert particularly serves as a projection of the sufferings and desires of the soul.

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The experience of the "end of the world" Paul Virilio is transformed into the conclusive travel experience here. According to the opinion of most women travelers, the women of the desert dispose of an extraordinary authority and a liberty greater than the women of the harem. In their eyes, nomadic women are approaching a hypothetical society which is known as matriarchy.

Having destroyed the image of the exotic Oriental woman, the woman traveler creates a new and contrasting image of the nomadic woman as the self-determining woman. Is this a new ideal of female liberation?

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Do we transfer our dreams and utopias onto other societies? Madame Jean Pommerol, who spent two years with the women of the Sahara at the turn of the century, treats them all with condescension, except for the Tuareg women: The Tuareg woman enjoys great independence and influence. She goes out alone on a dromedary through the immensities of the desert. She is admitted to the councils, she benefits from the powers of her husband as the chief if she is widowed. Furthermore, the Tuareg system of heritage is passed down through the woman; one becomes heir through one's uncle and not through one's father[ The distribution of the gender role is apparently in opposition to the usual concept of the sexes.

The veil covering the face belongs to men's clothing. They can all read whereas their husbands remain in complete ignorance. They are free to go out without covering their faces; the men remain veiled and very rarely agree to show their faces. The men sew and wash. A formulation of their traditional laws states that 'It is the belly that colors the child'.

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The woman disposes of a liberty and prestige which cannot be found in any other country of Europe or Asia. The Targia bears a great social responsibility by watching over traditional values: In fact, I don't feel like a stranger at all in their society.

And, humbly dodging under their tent, I encounter a relationship of the heart which, wherever we go in the world, brings human beings closer to each other through the common experience of parts of joy and grief. Furthermore, she has the right to retain a servant who may console her in case of her husband's absence, and who discreetly retires on her husband's return. If he is lovesick, he goes out into the desert and sings of his pain. How can we explain the strong social position of the Targia? The Islamic influence was much more important in the cities; Islam was forced to integrate pre-Islamic traditions in the villages and among the people of the Sahara.


With regard to the Tuareg, it has to be mentioned that they do not form a nation or a homogenous ethnicity. The Tuareg are cattle owning nomads and belong to the linguistic community of the Berbers. Their social rank has always been transmitted through a matriarchy. Patriarchal tendencies, even with the Tuareg, have been reinforced through the adoption of Islam. But it has to be remembered that the colonial empire has strongly contributed to the nomads' decline.

In spite of the fact that Islamization, colonialism and capitalism have reduced the power of the Tuareg, and especially that of the women, some spheres of influence still practice pre-colonial and pre-Islamic traditions. Travel in the desert is reminiscent of a search for a "new starting point". The desert and its women inhabitants express their desire for a totally new beginning, for a utopia.

Far away from home, we hoped to find something that is missing in our culture: Beyond the self-confirming presumption concerning failing female self-consciousness or its opposite, the romanticization of earlier matriarchal cultures, it is important to record the fact that, both travelling as well as traveled women retain a plural identity. An identity which is determined by power structures, ethnic membership, class, history and gender.

Les femmes Touareg et la réintégration au Mali

Neither the Oriental woman, nor the Orient itself can be expressed in monolithic terms. It is time to stop instrumentalizing them as objects of external normative discourse. Wilde Frauen, fremde Welten. Kolonialisierungsgeschichten aus Amerika, Reinbek bei Hamburg: Reisen durch die eigene Fremde. La Princesse Belgiojoso Une femme chez les Sahariennes, Paris: Auclert , Hubertine Les femmes arabes en Algerie. Audouard , Olympe Belgiojoso , Cristina de Asie Mineure et Syrie. Flaubert , Gustave Voyage en Orient , in: Henry , Jean-Robert A travers le monde: Lazreg , Marnia Feminist Studies 14, 1: Seule avec les Touareg du Hoggar.