Art of Couples Travel: Your guide to long-term travel together

Have the fight and get it over with, but then move on. We walked forever with our packs in the heat, and we eventually ended up on a lonely road lost in the middle of nowhere. We were so mad at each other that we had to walk metres apart. So we kept our distance and wallowed in our anger silently. When traveling as a couple, you have to be aware of each other's fears.

Base jumping out of a hot air balloon is a little too much for me, and Dave will draw the line at a facial or a manicure. Compromise is one thing, but pushing someone beyond their comfort zone is another. Over time, you will probably be able to get each other to try almost everything, but take baby steps at first.

Now I have camped my way through Africa. I was afraid of heights and freaked out doing my first abseil, but now I am an avid rock climber and have even summited Mount Kilimanjaro. Check out our Travel Tips Page. He was fine with the odd vacation to the Caribbean where he could go parasailing or scuba diving to get his adrenaline fix. Culture, museums, and religion? It was sports, bars, and beer. But now he has been to over 30 countries and loves experiencing new festivals, checking out the hottest art galleries, and observing religious festivals or exploring pagodas, churches and stupas.

Now our last point for your Travel Couple's Survival Guide…. So often we will come across people in our travels that have gone off without their spouse to fulfill their lifelong dream. I find this hard to understand. You will come back from an experience that has profoundly changed you, so how will you be able to relate to your spouse in the same way anymore? I didn't want to surf in Bali — it was Dave's life long dream, not mine.

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I tend to be afraid of the water a little bit. But I did it with him, and I am so glad that I did.

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I had a great time and the feeling of standing up on that board was like no other. Now I will surf again when the opportunity arises without question. See more travel couple tales on our couple's travel tips page. Travel can profoundly change a person, and having the chance to change and grow with your spouse will only strengthen the relationship and create an unshakable bond that will last forever. If you follow these easy steps when traveling, your relationship will be able to survive any situation and you will come out of it as a happy and thriving couple and the envy of all of your friends.

Not only will you get Our 50 Favorite Travel Photos ebook, but you'll be subscribed to our monthly newsletter. We want to help you plan your next adventure and realize your potential. Although too late for this trip, I found the advice to be a valid […]. I totally agree with most of the advices here. Need to read this! Travel as a Couple,The Survival Guide http: I have yet to travel with my boyfriend, but this has definitely given me some good pointers to consider when we do take that first trip.

Thanks Jessica, I agree, there are a lot of Solo Travel advice blogs, but traveling as a couple takes work too. It can be difficult to travel as a couple, but the perks are worth it if people arm themselves with the proper tools mentally and are prepared for every situation that may arise. Point 3 is be willing to fight. Kathryn and I take it all to heart! Traveling together as a couple has taught us and clearly, you, too who we both really are, and where our individual skill sets truly lie.

Great post and I think we can use that to adapt to family travel as well. It means I have hope. We are the same way. We might explode and yell at each other at that moment but then 2 minutes later we made up and forget about it. Also we hardly do thing separately. We always do things together. Thank you for the post. I often have people ask me if I think Scott and I will be able to survive backpacking across the world with each other and I tell them I have no doubt about it. This post just reconfirmed all that as I fully agree on everything you said. I love the points about fighting. Good to hear another person that thinks it is healthy to have spats.

Your walking m apart from each other made me laugh. This is a wonderful site wit wonderful people and wonderful experiences to share.. Thank you so much for the great stuff. I have two friends who just took off on a long trip together. I was doing my best to give them a heads up about this kind of stuff, but I think they had to take everything I said with a grain of salt. Some might call me a Lonewolf, some might not, but I like to. But I did run into a few who were clearly on the break of a meltdown. Glad you guys are happy! My finacee says I tend to fight with him the th day on a trip but he also says that I cool down in 5 min.

I totally agree about communication and compromise if you kept it in and walk around pouting then you lose the enjoyment in the things that you are sharing together. But its great to see how you have done it and many things you said in this post is also applicable in our daily life. Excellent blog, nice post. I love the contents and photos. I am so proud to vote for this beautiful blog. I expect they will Vote for u soon. I think many people find us a little weird now as we do everything together. That is just the way its always been. We now have a marriage that is founded on really strong principles such as team work, problem solving, and communication.

We have so many amazing memories that we share and things we have been through together, how could we ever separate? Craig and I like to have fun and laugh a lot. This helps bring so much ease and casualness into, not just our relationship, but our life. We try not to sweat the small stuff and we often find stupid things to laugh at like who has the biggest nose and who can do the silliest laughs. When you are spending the majority of your moments in joy then everything else flows so well and couples travel becomes fun.

You each have annoying habits. Admit it and get over it. Instead of getting upset about it just make fun of them. Why are you always here? What are we going to talk about now? This always ended in a lively and stupid conversation that would set our day off on the right track. It really does annoy me how he has to have the piece of wood perfectly straight before he hammers it to build the house.

I mean just hammer the damn nail in so we can have the house finished! Make sure you do spend time doing the things that you love to do. When travelling, we were mostly enjoying the same activities. Although we would spend many days lost in our own books, lying on the beach or going off for walks or massage times. Craig and I love hiking and climbing mountains. We look for adventurous activities when we are travelling all the time. Not only are they giving you a fun memory to share, but it really helps you to join together as a couple more.

It is always so great for me having someone as physically able as Craig to help push me along the challenging parts and help me to have more faith in my own strength. This helps us to be able to apply the same principles for when other challenges un-travel related appear in our life. We are constantly giving each other the encouraging pep talks we need to push through our personal and business barriers. This is a great benefit to couples travel. We mostly find ourselves arguing over who is going to be listening to the ipod next, or swinging in the hammock first.

Be clear on what you both want and someone make the decision that will suit both of you. Craig and I are really lucky in that we pretty much like the same things. We both love outdoor activities, travel, music, sports and having a sunset beer.

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This means making decisions on what we do and see is not that difficult. There are times when one of us wants to do something more than the other. I really wanted to see the gorillas in Uganda, where Craig was give or take on that one as it was really expensive, but he knew it was what I wanted to do so he agreed. Craig and I usually only fight on the road when we are really tired and frustrated.

One journey in Africa saw us squashed into the back of a pickup truck with the whole village, bouncing around a dusty dirt road for hours. All of a sudden we grunted to a rocky halt and our wheel went rolling off into the ditch beside us. The car was so beat up,it was taking hours to fix so we decided to walk to the next village that ended up being an hour away.

Craig and I had a big fight and we walked that whole distance with our heavy backpacks and about 10 metres distance between us. It took another couple of hours before we reached our destination, but by that time we were over it and talking again. Be prepared for when it strikes and try to keep your anger in check and your mouth closed.

It could signal an end to your couples travel. When traveling as a couple, it is easy for you and your partner to just stick together the whole time. There are plenty of single people around you and other travel couples doing their thing. Make an effort to mix with other people, both couples and singles, and send off a we-are-approachable vibe.

Craig and I are always socializing with others when we travel, and we have made a great number of beautiful friendships because of it. This really adds another dimension to your couples travel experience. When you are travelling as a couple every day and night is really date night. It is really difficult to create a special date experience.

But travelling for long period of times becomes a normal daily thing. Going on adventures as mentioned above is one way. Organize a special dinner or movie night out, or even in.

Your thoughts on "Couples’ Travel"

Splurge for a more upmarket accommodation type. Get massages together, or spend the day lazing around the pool or on the beach. End the day with a romantic beach stroll and your favourite cocktail before having a delicious seafood dinner on the beach where you talk about your hopes and dreams for the future and plan for them. Caroline Makepeace is the co-founder of yTravel Blog. She loves helping people unplug from the chaos, follow their bliss, travel more and create better memories. She has a free travel planning toolkit to help you do just that!

Caz is the flighty Libran, bringing harmony to the family through crystals, meditation, and downward dogs and the odd glass of wine at 5pm.

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It's all about the balance, right? Follow her on Instagram. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Learn how your comment data is processed. I love the idea of a 5 year honeymoon! This is a great list, and Happy Anniversary! Congrats on your successful nine years of marriage, and thanks for this post that shares how you manage it.

Thanks Christy, We do have a lot of fun together. I think it has helped us survive those rocky roads. Love, love this post! Conrats to your ninth year and more to come! Congrats on 9 years of marriage! I love the wedding photos too, thanks for sharing! I love the idea of taking date nights while on the road too — great way to do something special as a couple.

Date nights or days can be pretty special on the road. It was so nice looking at the wedding photos today. They have been in boxes for many years. We loved taking small one day tours or courses…we would immediately separate and start chatting people up…it was a great chance to talk with someone other than the other person! It is great to meet other people as well when you travel. Time just seems to fly by!

We were just talking tonight about how fast it goes. These are great tips and you are the perfect couple to share these with all of your experiences. I have traveled many times with my spouse and it can be both rewarding and challenging. There are things you learn about each other when traveling that you might not learn at any other time.

Thanks for sharing these tips! I have fun traveling with my girlfriends but there is nothing better than a trip with my husband of 33 years. We enjoy all the same things and are always ready for a visit to a new location. In the next couple of weeks, we will be in Vegas, on a cruise and visiting Vancouver. We just celebrated our 1 yr wedding anniversary and are starting our travels in January… needless to say we will be referring to this post often! Happy anniversary and congratulations on nine years!

You make a lot of great points for not only couples traveling together, but for a successful relationship.

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Maybe I could be the next Dr Phil: Congratulations on 9 sweet years!!! Wonderful tips…we are bookmarking this page for our own travels! Beautiful post and agree on all of the points. Congrats — especially considering the lifestyle which keeps you together so much.

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May your marriage last forever. My husband and I celebrated our 30 year anniversary last October and the one of the things that keeps us together is that we are still best friends. I think adding an element of surprise to a relationship is healthy too — and something little goes a long way. That is really sweet. You need to do little things like that for each other.

Brian and I will keep these things in mind when we start our trip. Of course, I think these are good tips for home too! You have a lot of daily stresses and mundane tasks instead. Easier to let life get on top of you and forget the importance of each other. I am sure you and Brian will have a great time. You guys made really good points here. Make me smile too. It must be so good to be on the side of loved one on the road. This is very insightful. So glad we can give you hope!

Just put it out there that that is what you want in your ideal partner and it will come! Congratulations on 9 years! Thank you for sharing these past couple posts and allowing us to get to know you guys all the better. Sure there are challenging times and we get under each others skin, but the good times easily outweigh these. We especially agree for finding little pockets of time for yourself. Be it a massage or just going for a solo walk, you just need to recharge.

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On the other hand, the support that comes from couples travel is greatly rewarding. Deb, the Western Breach, Kilimanjaro. If you talk about it, you will understand where they are coming from and be more sympathetic, while you can still persuade them to enjoy the moment and accept that it is something different. I want to suggest one more — City of Djins. We try to keep everything as positive are possible with our journey whether it be communicating with each other or helping out local communities through our travels.

We both get it and are not afraid to tell one another that we need it. Glad you enjoy them Pete! I think travel would feel lonely for me now if I was on my own. Nine years definitely affords you a level of expertise. Kent and I have 12 years and I feel like we still learn something new about one another almost every day. You never stop learning.

The Joy of Traveling as a Couple

As long as you can laugh about those tough travel moments now. I think we pretty much can for all of them. And you can so clearly so how frustration and tiredness will do that to you. Love this piece you guys! All of these little things are exacerbated when travelling. I think every couple should travel together for at least a few months at some point in their lives to really get gritty and learn about each other. Definitely strenghthens your relationship….

You guys seriously ROCK! Anyway, thanks for a great post on traveling as a couple. You two really are too cute! Great tips and congratulations on your 9 year anniversary!

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Holidays for couples can be tough enough what about long-term travel for couples? Trips that last months or years with the person who you most love and. Art of Couples' Travel: Your guide to long-term travel together Jessica Ainlay, Linda Martin, Daniela Heinrich, Craig Martin pdf download Art of Couples' Travel: .

Cheers to many more! She prefers a slower, get a feel for the place mode.