Ayn Rand Explained: From Tyranny to Tea Party (Ideas Explained)

Ayn Rand Explained: From Tyranny to Tea Party

A surprising, intriguing take on a controversial writer. Packed with fascinating information, much of it new, the book is a real page turner--and a reminder of why Rand's novels are continuously making their way onto best-seller lists. Merrill has a detailed understanding of Rand's philosophy and familiarity with her novels I don't agree with everything he says but his discussion is full of insights and penetrating points, and I learned a great deal from reading it. One need not agree with all of his conclusions to congratulate Mr. Merrill on the independence of his thinking. You may have already requested this item.

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China, the New Paper Tiger. In , Branden himself was expelled by Rand, the Institute was shut down, and all members who questioned this ruling were themselves excommunicated and shunned by Rand and her disciples. Kati rated it liked it Oct 27, Your email address will not be published. Is this really necessary? The opinion-less commentator is as rare as the proverbial black swan or an independent voter.

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Ayn Rand Explained: From Tyranny to Tea Party by Ronald E. Merrill

No Man an Island. The Balkans in Focus: Cultural Boundaries in Europe. When the Future Disappears. The Twilight of the Middle Class. Popular Culture in Taiwan. Building a New China in Cinema. The Age of Wonder. Bridging the Political and the Personal. American and Chinese-Language Cinemas. Essays on Ayn Rand's Anthem. Philosophy in the Modern World.

Ayn Rand Explained

Chinese American Literature without Borders. The Riddles of Philosophy. The Experience of Modernity. Principles of Human Knowledge and Three Dialogues. Documenting Taiwan on Film. George Berkeley, Voltaire and David Hume. Literature the People Love. Krista Van Fleit Hang. The Cambridge Companion to Spinoza's Ethics. Representing Atrocity in Taiwan. A Companion to Modern Chinese Literature. Global Spaces of Chinese Culture.

Sentimental Fabulations, Contemporary Chinese Films. The Latest Answers to the Oldest Questions. The World of the Imagination.

Literary Culture in Taiwan. Futures of Chinese Cinema. Descriptive Psychology and Historical Understanding.

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