Educational Equity: 4 (Gender and American Law: The Impact of the Law on the Lives of Women)

Timeline of women's legal rights (other than voting)
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However, Congress has not passed the Paycheck Fairness Act , which would make it easier for women to challenge wage disparities. The campaign against Planned Parenthood, and the way states like Texas are making it harder for women to access abortion clinics. These are direct threats to our ability to make informed choices freely about whether, when and how many children we want to have," Bachan said.

Twenty years ago, a global gathering organized by the United Nations yielded what many consider a defining moment in the ongoing fight for gender equality.

Hillary Clinton, who was then the first lady of the United States, took the stage in Beijing and, in a minute address, laid out a simple but soaring equation. Her speech — delivered September 5, , at the U.

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Fourth World Conference on Women — distilled the concerns brought forward by 5, official delegates and at least as many other participants. They challenged limits on women's and girls' education and health care, including reproductive health.

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Why are law & justice important for gender equality? The impact of laws on women‟s lives can be illustrated by the following examples. benefit children ( in terms of education, health, food security, etc). in Latin America, Asia and Africa, but also in Scandinavia, Australia, Canada, and the United. Title IX, a groundbreaking statute intended to end sex discrimination in education , became the law of the land on June 23, While most famous for its.

Disparities in economic security, wages and inheritance rights. Violence against women, from domestic abuse to female circumcision to human trafficking. This fourth women's conference made history, 20 years after the first, by securing the pledges of world leaders to help females attain equality. Leaders committed to an action plan setting benchmarks and ensuring that women have "a full and equal share in economic, social, cultural and political decision-making" in public and private life.

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  5. Women and girls | Right to Education Initiative!
  6. Face the facts: Gender Equality 2018.

There was excitement, too," recalled former U. Representative Connie Morella, who had led a small, bipartisan congressional delegation to the conference. IWD Pledge for Parity. Planet by Step It Up for Gender Equality. Follow IWD on Twitter.

US Women Make Strides Toward Equality, But Work Remains

President Barack Obama's proclamation. First lady Michelle Obama on Women Veterans. Library of Congress photo gallery commemorating IWD. The Republican said she "felt the eyes of the world needed to look at what was happening to women I knew that my sisters in other parts of the world needed to have the protections I needed to have. In most instances, they needed them even more.

Women and girls

As Clinton noted in her remarks: If women are free from violence, their families will flourish. If women have a chance to work and earn as full and equal partners in society, their families will flourish. And when families flourish, communities and nations do as well.

The stereotypes that discourage girls from studying engineering or mathematics are changing rapidly," she said, adding it is also up to tech companies to eliminate bias in their hiring practices. I'm optimistic, though, given the rise of girls and women in this industry, and looking to other sectors like law or female doctors, where we've seen huge increases in female representation in the past few decades means it can be done.

It's now celebrated in more than 25 countries around the world, from Afghanistan to Russia.

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In , the U. Your opinion Show comments. Home United States U.

US Women Make Strides Toward Equality, But Work Remains

VOA Africa Listen live. VOA Newscasts Latest program. March 08, 7: US ranking The United States has made huge strides since that first march in Benefits of Educating Girls Educating girls International Women's Day, while initially focused on women in the workplace, has evolved into a day to take stock of the progress made toward gender equality as well as issues that still need to be addressed. Poverty Institutional and cultural barriers Pressure for early marriage Lack of safety in getting to school Lack of separate latrines for boys and girls Sexual harassment and gender-based violence in schools Domestic work overload If girls receive an education, it leads to: A decrease in child marriages by 64 percent A decrease in maternal mortality by 70 percent More children surviving past the age of 5 Source: Despite this progress, women and girls continue to experience inequality and discrimination in many important parts of their lives, which can limit the choices and opportunities available to them.

In , Australia was ranked 35th on a global index measuring gender equality, slipping from a high point of 15th in While Australia scores very highly in the area of educational attainment, there is still a lot of progress to be made in the areas of economic participation and opportunity and political empowerment. The Commission helps people resolve complaints of unfair treatment under the Sex Discrimination Act , including discrimination on the basis of sex, marital or relationship status and pregnancy and potential pregnancy.

The Act also protects workers with family responsibilities and makes sexual harassment against the law. The Sex Discrimination Commissioner works in partnership with a broad range of groups to promote gender equality and counter discrimination, sexual harassment, violence against women and other barriers to gender equality. She also undertakes major research projects and provides policy advice to government and others to bring about positive change. Find out more about our work in this area.

Summary of Findings, October A toolkit of strategies , p 3.