Flower Power: Essences That Heal

A little drop of flower power

Flower essences are safe enough for babies, during pregnancy and for people with serious illness. But they are in a base of alcohol, so those who cannot ingest any alcohol may apply them to the skin.

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They are not a substitute for any medical treatment, however. There are several high quality U. When you find the right fit, try them and pay close attention to how you feel, how quickly they work, and what the effects are.

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Daffodil Flower Remedy can clear and eliminate negative emotions that accompany illness, changing times and fear. Inner Child Cards offers an opportunity to call upon the enchanted inner muse as a means toward self-discovery and inspiration. Flower essences — or spring water infused with wildflowers by sun steeping or boiling — was developed in the s by Edward Bach, an English physician. Be sure to finish the bottle when taking a flower essence unless you just have a sense that you are done with the issue. Because they are so gentle, they are also appropriate for children. Flower essences are similarly powerful. They can diffuse issues of trauma or depression, propelling you toward goals, or improving your relationships.

You should feel a difference within two or three days if you are using them four to five times a day. Keep a journal to see what insights arise. Most local practitioners sell the essences they prescribe. Additionally, you can find Bach Remedies at most natural health stores. I did, however, enjoy the discipline of taking my flower blend twice a day, although I seem to have developed a rather worrying taste for brandy. Clare Harvey practises at the Hale Clinic in London tel: Having qualified in , he worked at the Royal London Homoeopathic Hospital as a microbiologist, before leaving London to spend several years in Wales, where he explored the countryside.

He developed his theory that negative moods caused illness and began to believe that the only true healing agents were to be found in plants. Over several years, he identified 38 plant-based healing remedies to correspond with 38 negative emotional states. This was his system, just one of several varieties now available today.

Power of Flowers

Flower remedies are made by placing freshly picked flowers in a bowl of spring water left in the sun for several hours. This process is believed to "energise" the water.

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Subsequently, the flower essence is preserved by adding brandy. The mechanism of action of these remedies remains unknown.

Flower Power : Healing Mind, Body & Spirit

Proponents claim that flower remedies adjust imbalances within the patient's emotional perceptions. Sceptics argue that the remedies contain nothing but water and brandy, and that any therapeutic response must be due to a placebo effect. Anecdotal reports suggest that Bach remedies may be effective in treating a huge range of conditions, including addiction, amnesia, bites and stings, bunions, infertility, insomnia, psoriasis, panic attacks and sexual dysfunction. Flower remedies are not marketed as medicines, so there is no obligation for manufacturers to back up claims with evidence.

At the University of Exeter, we tested the effects of the "five flower remedy" on stress, the condition it is marketed for.

This mixture, also sold as "rescue remedy", is the most widely used of all flower remedies. It is composed of clematis, impatiens, rock rose, cherry plum and star of Bethlehem.

Waking Universe: Vibrational Healing Flower Essences

We recruited students who took either the real thing or placebos to alleviate their "exam nerves". We made sure that the real treatment was indistinguishable from the placebo. In technical terms, our study was a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial, which simply means it was the most rigorous clinical test possible. Our results show no differences between the "five flower remedy" and the placebo.

Unfortunately, some students proved to be unreliable and we could only evaluate 45 of them. Yet the results are conclusive: Unknown to us, scientists from the University of Freiburg in Germany carried out a study that was similar. There are a host of flowers that pack healing properties. The list is long and extends from those common in a number of different climates.

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Here are some of my absolute favorite flower essences:. Photo by Flora Luna. Passion flower is for purpose and connects us with our higher self and divine path. Lemon flower is for clarity and helps sharpen focus and clear mental fog.

How flower essences heal emotions | MNN - Mother Nature Network

Nasturtium is for feeling grounded by bringing us out of our heads and back into our bodies. Grape hyacinth is for relief and eases stress related to physical or emotional trauma. Hibiscus is for passion and stimulates sexual and reproductive energy by supporting the root and sacral chakras. When working with flower essences, it is recommended that one does not work with more than a few essences at any one time. When ingesting an essence directly, drops taken 4 times a day is an average dosage.

Flower Power Essences That Heal

The changes and benefits supplied by flower essences are subtle and profound. I have seen tremendous healing first-hand thanks to these amazing remedies and am so thankful that I can be an emissary to extend their incredible work. Group 8 Created with Sketch.

2. Lemon flower

Editorial Reviews. About the Author. Seneca is a researcher and explorer of elements that Flower Power: Essences That Heal is a practical guide that reveals the power of flower essences to heal emotional imbalances in humans ( and their. Flower Power: Essences That Heal is a practical guide that reveals the power of flower essences to heal emotional imbalances in humans (and their pets!).

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