I Lost Sight of the World

Has the World Lost Sight of Tibet?

What optics of urgency will render visible the silenced tongues of Tibet? The issue, then, is not that attention to Xinjiang has drawn attention from Tibet, but that the visible has drawn attention from the invisible. This is creating more political will in foreign capitals to hold Chinese leaders accountable for their human rights transgressions.

Have investors lost sight of the ‘real world’: Epoch

After some persistence, Dr Tristan Bekinschtein, a neuroscientist at Cambridge University who studies consciousness, agreed to a meeting. In the car yesterday I caught a few minutes of an interview on NPR with an author and historian who is also a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. If you remove eternity from the picture and focus only on this life, then what you have is not religion but a social welfare project. He told me that he'd been swimming in the sea, had got caught in a current and crashed into a rock. He had to leave me at the hospital so he could drop our children at their child care, and I remember touching the backs of chairs to guide me towards the reception desk.

The situation in Tibet remains dire. Tens of millions of Chinese tourists flood Tibet every year, while the people, culture, and environment they come to see is under wholesale assault. Tibetans are living in a surveillance state powered by cutting-edge technology to monitor and control their every move.

I Lost Sight of the World

They are imprisoned for advocating for the environment and language rights guaranteed under Chinese law. This approach has been a spectacular failure. Having paid no price for their rights abuses, Chinese leaders have been emboldened to escalate their repression, not just in Tibet, East Turkestan, and China proper, but even in Hong Kong.

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The breathtaking scale of the repression in East Turkestan will hopefully lead to more clear-eyed policies from world governments when dealing with China. If you remove eternity from the picture and focus only on this life, then what you have is not religion but a social welfare project.

lose sight of (someone or something)

Social welfare projects are good, and needed, but they are not religions. I think a major problem many churches have today is that they have lost sight of eternity. They have transformed themselves into social welfare organizations.


And some do a marvelous job of it. When the woman on the radio was asked what role faith played in her life, one vital thing was missing from her answer. Christ commands us to love our neighbor, and so the community values and brotherhood of man that she mentioned are important.

I Lost Sight Of The World

Because our neighbors cannot save us. Moreover, if we are to truly love our neighbor, we must love them as God loves them, for God is Love. O ne dubious perk of a job writing about politics is free books that no one else would choose to read. Often, ambitious MPs feel they ought to put their vision in print, regardless of whether or not they have one.

These unsolicited manifestos are then dispatched to newspaper offices where they are mostly forgotten. One, Dominic Raab, has risen to be secretary of state for Brexit , which is reason enough to revisit his back catalogue. The premise of Britannia Unchained is that Britain, made torpid by a coddling state, faces decline unless it exchanges timorous risk-aversion for a spirit of buccaneering enterprise. This was not a new theme for Conservatism in , but it has become a kind of mantra in the context of Brexit.

You might imagine that this view was anticipated by Raab and friends four years before the referendum. Nowhere, not once, do the authors so much as hint that EU membership is a problem or that ending it forms part of the solution. There is stuff about venture capital, maths training and welfare reform.

I Lost Sight of the World

On the cruelty of a customs union — not a word. People change their minds. They adapt to circumstance. Who cares that very recently the self-styled intellectual vanguard of Toryism thought EU membership was wholly compatible with national renewal?