Liderazgo. El poder de la inteligencia emocional (Spanish Edition)

According to Daniel Goleman, it is not IQ or technical aptitudes, but emotional intelligence, five abilities that allow the best leaders to maximize their performance and that of their followers: And we can all improve these aptitudes through persistence, practice, and evaluations by colleagues or trainers.

Many managers wrongly assume that leadership style is a question of personality and not a strategic choice. There are six basic leadership styles and each one derives from different competencies of emotional intelligence. The more styles a leader can master, the better.

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To be able to choose between authoritative, affiliative, coercive, pacesetting, democratic, and coaching when circumstances demand it is key to generating the best climate in an organization and optimizing business. Also by Daniel Goleman. See all books by Daniel Goleman. Inspired by Your Browsing History.

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Each title includes timeless advice that will be relevant regardless of an ever-changing business environment. See all books by Daniel Goleman. Algunos de nosotros nacen con un don excepcional de liderazgo. From the Trade Paperback edition. Close and don't show again Close. Educational Psychology Educational Psychology Management: Leaders looking for the inspiration that big ideas provide, both to accelerate their own growth and that of their companies, should look no further.

Robert Cea and Roman Caribe. Unleashing the Forces Within. Give Yourself the Gift of Done. For leaders, emotional intelligence is almost 90 percent of what sets stars apart from the mediocre. As Goleman documents, it's the essential ingredient for reaching and staying at the top in any field, even in high-tech careers. And organizations that learn to operate in emotionally intelligent ways are the companies that will remain vital and dynamic in the competitive marketplace of today—and the future.

Emotional Intelligence was an international phenomenon, appearing on the New York Times bestseller list for over a year and selling more than five million copies worldwide. Far more than we are consciously aware, our daily encounters with parents, spouses, bosses, and even strangers shape our brains and affect cells throughout our bodies—down to the level of our genes—for good or ill.

In Social Intelligence, Daniel Goleman explores an emerging new science with startling implications for our interpersonal world. Its most fundamental discovery: Our reactions to others, and theirs to us, have a far-reaching biological impact, sending out cascades of hormones that regulate everything from our hearts to our immune systems, making good relationships act like vitamins—and bad relationships like poisons.

Goleman explains the surprising accuracy of first impressions, the basis of charisma and emotional power, the complexity of sexual attraction, and how we detect lies. Is there a way to raise our children to be happy? What is the basis of a nourishing marriage? How can business leaders and teachers inspire the best in those they lead and teach?

How can groups divided by prejudice and hatred come to live together in peace? The answers to these questions may not be as elusive as we once thought. And Goleman delivers his most heartening news with powerful conviction: From the Trade Paperback edition. Self-awareness is the bedrock of emotional intelligence that enables you to see your talents, shortcomings, and potential.

But you won't be able to achieve true self-awareness with the usual quarterly feedback and self-reflection alone. The benefits of mindfulness include better performance, heightened creativity, deeper self-awareness, and increased charisma—not to mention greater peace of mind. Empathy is credited as a factor in improved relationships and even better product development.

How do some people bounce back with vigor from daily setbacks, professional crises, or even intense personal trauma? The importance of achieving focus goes well beyond your own productivity. Deep focus allows you to lead others successfully, find clarity amid uncertainty, and heighten your sense of professional fulfillment.


Go from being a good manager to an extraordinary leader. Motivate others to excelBuild your team's self-confidence in othersProvoke positive changeSet directionEncourage smart risk-takingManage with tough empathyCredit others for your successIncrease self-awarenessDraw strength from adversity This collection of best-selling articles includes: The path to your professional success starts with a critical look in the mirror.

Managing people is fraught with challenges—even if you're a seasoned manager. Here's how to handle them. Tailor your management styles to fit your peopleMotivate with more responsibility, not more moneySupport first-time managersBuild trust by soliciting inputTeach smart people how to learn from failureBuild high-performing teamsManage your boss This collection of best-selling articles includes: Fundamental frameworks for emotional intelligence and how to apply them every day.

Join forces with others inside and outside your organization to solve your toughest problems. Imagine sitting with the Dalai Lama in his private meeting room with a small group of world-class scientists and philosophers. The talk is lively and fascinating as these leading minds grapple with age-old questions of compelling contemporary urgency. Daniel Goleman, the internationally bestselling author of Emotional Intelligence, provides the illuminating commentary—and reports on the breakthrough research this historic gathering inspired. It also provides antidotes of astonishing psychological sophistication--which are now being confirmed by modern neuroscience.

With new high-tech devices, scientists can peer inside the brain centers that calm the inner storms of rage and fear. They also can demonstrate that awareness-training strategies such as meditation strengthen emotional stability—and greatly enhance our positive moods. The distinguished panel members report these recent findings and debate an exhilarating range of other topics: What role do destructive emotions play in human evolution?

Are they universal, or does culture determine how we feel? How can we nurture the compassion that is also our birthright? We learn how practices that reduce negativity have also been shown to bolster the immune system. Here, too, is an enlightened proposal for a school-based program of social and emotional learning that can help our children increase self-awareness, manage their anger, and become more empathetic. Although there are no easy answers, the dialogues, which are part of a series sponsored by the Mind and Life Institute, chart an ultimately hopeful course.

They are sure to spark discussion among educators, religious and political leaders, parents—and all people who seek peace for themselves and the world. The Mind and Life Institute sponsors cross-cultural dialogues that bring together the Dalai Lama and other Buddhist scholars with Western scientists and philosophers.

Si no lo utilizamos se debilita; si lo ejercitamos, se desarrolla y fortalece. Incluso el divagar mentalmente puede ser beneficioso. The bestselling author of Emotional Intelligence and Primal Leadership now brings us Ecological Intelligence—revealing the hidden environmental consequences of what we make and buy, and how with that knowledge we can drive the essential changes we all must make to save our planet and ourselves.

We dive down to see coral reefs, not realizing that an ingredient in our sunscreen feeds a virus that kills the reef. Drawing on cutting-edge research, Goleman explains why we as shoppers are in the dark over the hidden impacts of the goods and services we make and consume, victims of a blackout of information about the detrimental effects of producing, shipping, packaging, distributing, and discarding the goods we buy.

But the balance of power is about to shift from seller to buyer, as a new generation of technologies informs us of the ecological facts about products at the point of purchase. In Transparency, the authors—a powerhouse trio in thefield of leadership—look at what conspires against "a cultureof candor" in organizations to create disastrous results, andsuggest ways that leaders can achieve healthy and honest openness. They explore the lightning-rod concept of"transparency"—which has fast become the buzzword not only inbusiness and corporate settings but in government and the socialsector as well.

A leader's singular job is to get results. But even with all the leadership training programs and "expert" advice available, effective leadership still eludes many people and organizations. One reason, says Daniel Goleman, is that such experts offer advice based on inference, experience, and instinct, not on quantitative data. Now, drawing on research of more than 3, executives, Goleman explores which precise leadership behaviors yield positive results.

He outlines six distinct leadership styles, each one springing from different components of emotional intelligence. Each style has a distinct effect on the working atmosphere of a company, division, or team, and, in turn, on its financial performance. Coercive leaders demand immediate compliance. Authoritative leaders mobilize people toward a vision.

Affiliative leaders create emotional bonds and harmony. Democratic leaders build consensus through participation. Pacesetting leaders expect excellence and self-direction. And coaching leaders develop people for the future. The research indicates that leaders who get the best results don't rely on just one leadership style; they use most of the styles in any given week. Goleman details the types of business situations each style is best suited for, and he explains how leaders who lack one or more of these styles can expand their repertories. He maintains that with practice leaders can switch among leadership styles to produce powerful results, thus turning the art of leadership into a science.

How does emotional intelligence as a competency go beyond the individual to become something a group or entire organization can build and utilize collectively? Written primarily by members of the Consortium for Research on Emotional Intelligence in Organizations, founded by recognized EI experts Daniel Goleman and Cary Cherniss, this groundbreaking compendium examines the conceptual and strategic issues involved in defining, measuring and promoting emotional intelligence in organizations.

The book's contributing authors share fifteen models that have been field-tested and empirically validated in existing organizations. They also detail twenty-two guidelines for promoting emotional intelligence and outline a variety of measurement strategies for assessing emotional and social competence in organizations. Tres prestigiosos especialistas, entre ellos el afamado autor de Inteligencia emocional, analizan las claves alrededor de un buen liderazgo empresarial: Ideal para ejecutivos que anhelan una empresa pujante. What is the subtle relationship between mind and body?

What can today's scientists learn about this relationship from masters of Buddhist thought? Is it possible that by combining Western and Eastern approaches, we can reach a new understanding of the nature of the mind, the human potential for growth, the possibilities for mental and physical health? MindScience explores these and other questions as it documents the beginning of a historic dialogue between modern science and Buddhism.

Inteligencia emocional - Por Daniel Goleman - Resumen Animado

The Harvard Mind Science Symposium brought together the Dalai Lama and authorities from the fields of psychiatry, psychology, neuroscience, and education. Here, they examine myriad questions concerning the nature of the mind and its relationship to the body. What Makes a Leader? When asked to define the ideal leader, many would emphasize traits such as intelligence, toughness, determination, and vision—the qualities traditionally associated with leadership.

Often left off the list are softer, more personal qualities—but they are also essential. Although a certain degree of analytical and technical skill is a minimum requirement for success, studies indicate that emotional intelligence may be the key attribute that distinguishes outstanding performers from those who are merely adequate. Psychologist and author Daniel Goleman first brought the term "emotional intelligence" to a wide audience with his book of the same name, and Goleman first applied the concept to business with a classic Harvard Business Review article.

In his research at nearly large, global companies, Goleman found that truly effective leaders are distinguished by a high degree of emotional intelligence. Without it, a person can have first-class training, an incisive mind, and an endless supply of good ideas, but he or she still won't be a great leader. The chief components of emotional intelligence—self-awareness, self-regulation, motivation, empathy, and social skill—can sound unbusinesslike, but Goleman found direct ties between emotional intelligence and measurable business results. El presente libro se enfrenta con uno de los grandes problemas de la humanidad.

Go from being a good practitioner to being an extraordinary leader of healthcare professionals. Motivate others to excelBuild your team's self-confidenceInspire positive changeHave an impact not only on your organization but on the surrounding systemMaintain your identity and values as a clinician as you move into an organizational leadership roleEncourage smart risk takingWork in complex systems where authority is diffuseManage with tough empathyDraw strength from adversity HBR's 10 Must Reads paperback series is the definitive collection of books for new and experienced leaders alike.

Classic ideas, enduring advice, the best thinkers: HBR's 10 Must Reads. HBR's Emotional Intelligence Series features smart, essential reading on the human side of professional life from the pages of Harvard Business Review.

  1. Liderazgo - El Poder de la Inteligencia Emocional (Spanish, Paperback);
  2. Visual Fields: 3 (American Academy of Ophthalmology Monograph Series)!
  3. Die Spaziergänge in den Gärten der Frau NoLe´ (German Edition).

This specially priced four-volume set includes Happiness, Resilience, Mindfulness, and Empathy.