The Santa Society

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Read reviews that mention santa society santa claus true meaning well written christmas story kristine mccord really enjoyed meaning of christmas highly recommend fun read loved this book reason for the season enjoyed this book enjoyed reading coffee shop absolutely loved christmas season believe in santa love story time of year. Showing of reviews. Top Reviews Most recent Top Reviews. There was a problem filtering reviews right now. Please try again later.

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Kindle Edition Verified Purchase. The first sentence of the book sounds like a killer. After that, the story warms up and is all about a young woman who misses her mother and no longer wants to celebrate Christmas.

Erin, the young woman, goes out for a half-price cup of coffee and meets a striking young man and what seems like a lost dog. She ends up letting the dog follow her home and then, the dog become hers as she buys dog food and all dog necessities. The young man, Reason, had given Erin a realtor's card, so she signs a contract so he can sell her home.

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Editorial Reviews. Review. Top Idaho Authors Fiction Award ; Winner of Bookstore Without The Santa Society - Kindle edition by Kristine McCord. Looking for a qualified, experienced, professional Santa Claus, Mrs. Claus or Christmas Elf? LOOK NO FURTHER! What Is the Society of Santa All About?.

The ups and downs, some very funny, some mystical, all happen as Erin finds herself falling in love with Reason and he, with her. Erin learns that Reason works for something called the Santa Society and that there are many related businesses Is there a Santa? Is the Santa Society actually connected to the story of Santa Claus? Will Erin and Reason continue to fall in love? Will the family next door be okay, after the father has lost his job and the family has to go to a soup kitchen to eat?

Is there evil or deception? All things will be revealed by the time you finish reading this book. This truly is a Christmas classic and I could see it made into a movie. If you love Christmas and Christmas stories touched with a gift of the magic of the reason for the season, you'll love this book. Now that Thanksgiving in the US is past it is officially Christmas time for me!

So I just have to say first that I love love love super cheesy Christmas stories. Think Hallmark original movies. I am so sad I don't get the Hallmark channel anymore. I always watched the countdown to Christmas as I love that stuff. Yes they are cheesy and not that good, but I love them. I don't know if I will read a Christmas story every day until Christmas, but I will be reading as many as I can.

I do tend to go easier on them if they are horrible than I would a non-Christmas story.

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That is just the way it is. Now onto the first Christmas story review! It was so good in a bad Christmas story kind of way. If this would have been a normal story with some other secret to keep I probably would not have liked it that much. Erin finds a dog. Klaus, tied up outside of a coffee shop who follows her home one day. She also meets Reason the same morning, and she eventually calls him up to help her sell her mom's house.

She is feeling trapped and needs to get out of her dead mom's house so she can try and move on. For some reason she hates Christmas, though I am not sure why. It is her birthday, and her mom died the day before, but it seems like she has hated Christmas for a long time.

So based on the synopsis I was expecting lots of zany fun, but really the quirky chaos that seems to follow Reason is not that quirky or chaotic. It was just eh.

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I expected more, expecting it to be more fun. The whole Erin and Reason in love thing wasn't really believable. But there is the Christmas slant so I loved it, even if I didn't buy it. Then the more you learn of the Santa Society the more ridiculous I found it, but in a fun Christmasy way. Erin was also a bit stupid, and quick to judge and run as soon as something seems like it might not be exactly as she thought it was, but then just as quick to go back to her happily ever after.

She was so wishy washy at times, and the big drama was ridiculous, especially for the Santa Society people. I would hold them to a higher standard than normal people, but it makes for a more compelling story I suppose. Oh well, everything works out in the end. Overall it is not a great story. Since I have a soft spot for not very good Christmas stories I enjoyed it. Otherwise Erin would have been quite frustrating, and the drama too much. This review was originally posted to [ The Santa Society takes place in a town called Christmasville where everyone has the Christmas spirit all year long.

Erin has lived there all her life but lost her mother a year ago leaving her depressed so that she basically hasn't lived since then. She is very unhappy and doesn't know what to do with herself. Her plans are to sell the house and leave town but events start happening that change her mind.

Erin finds a dog tied outside a shop and meets a man Reason she believes to be it's owner. These two turn out to be very important in Erin's life and help her make the changes she needs in order to start living again. He arranges for families in need to get what ever it is they require without them knowing he did anything. Father Christmas has faith in the magic of this special day and spreads hope and love while providing the other things needed.

I loved this story about Christmas and Santa Claus. It was a completely different twist to this special time of year. It's such an interesting approach to Santa Claus and who he is that I was captivated by the tale. The author took a fairly complex story full of magic, mystery and a bit of romance and made it quite believable. The characters were wonderful. Yes, Erin was not very happy at the beginning but she did come around and became a bright, courageous woman who I really liked.

Second place winner receives a signed paperback copy of the Santa Society, an awesome Christmas music CD by Mike Humrichouse So classy and perfect for a party , and an 8 oz. Using the form below it will walk you through it. More entries gives you more chances to win! Photo by David Lienhard. Studies have shown that when we help others it increases our happiness, improves our health, and even reduces depression and pain. So what are you waiting for? Make someone a scarf or a beanie if you have the skills, and say a prayer over each stitch.

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Maybe the elderly person next door would enjoy some bread, cookies, or having their walkways shoveled. Take some treats, homemade cards, or a box of warm socks to the nursing home that you drive past everyday. It changes you inside. My local newspaper recently ran a special feature. A section full of Christmas lists.

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These were lists of names of elderly people in residential facilities and children in the foster system. Beside each name they listed one or two items the person wanted for Christmas. They asked for things like pants, a word search book, soap, beads to makes jewelry, a scarf, a small gift card to Walmart. As I read over these names, it really made me tear up. Find your local Soroptimist organization, church or other community Christmas trees, toy drives, Christmas lists, etcetera.

Smile and be jolly. Genuine smiles, not those fake, grimacing ones. Real smiles create happiness. There is scientific proof for this. Smiling readjusts the facial bones and causes your neurotransmitters to release dopamine, which gives you a sense of wellbeing and joy. Best of all it is contagious. I know you might hear stuff like this and think: But I actually tried it.