Wading In the Deep End: Difficulties In Scripture & Theology

The final step is a lifestyle of righteousness exemplified by spiritual disciplines or exercises where a lifestyle of sanctification occurs Liberty University, Nouthetic.

Bible Study: Facing the Deep Waters with a Deeper Faith | youthESource

Adams leans more toward theology than spirituality. After regeneration, the presence of the Holy Spirit then empowers sanctification, which occurs progressively Powlison, , p. Finally, Adams asserts that sin is ultimately destroyed upon the return of Christ Powlison, , p. In sum, mankind has no excuse for sinning. Accordingly, Adams strongly rejected personality theories such as Freudian psychoanalysis that make people irresponsible victims, Rogerian humanism that assumes the goodness of man, and Skinnerian behaviorism that reduces humanity to animals Powlison, , pp.

Adams asserts that counseling is primarily pastoral work performed in conjunction with the local church, although laypersons may counsel brothers and sisters in Christ Powlison, , p. Kevin identifies a perspective of counseling that aligns with Adams, the optometrist, which deals with sin directly by placing truth in front of the client Liberty University, Back. Thus, similar to other forms of counseling, the role of the counselor for Adams is to assist the client in becoming more like Christ Liberty University, Back. During a time when the influence of secular psychology and liberal theology was on the rise, Adams provides three important contributions to the counseling community.

First, Adams asserts that the Bible is the inerrant, infallible revelation of God. Second, Adams suggests that the more directive the counseling, the better the results Powlison, , p. However, an overly directive approach to counseling risks creating a co-dependent relationship with the counselor where the counselee depends on the counselor rather than the Spirit. Third, a confrontational and authoritarian approach to counseling risks putting the individual on the defensive Powlison, , p.

Alternatively, healthy inquiry may allow the client to reach the same conclusion on their own without the risk of defensive posturing. If aligned with Scripture, Adams does not reject all forms of psychology, but he does assert that the Bible is completely sufficient to address all counseling issues without the assistance of psychology Powlison, , p. Due to the sufficiency of the Bible, Adams does not fit the category of an integrationist. Although Adams limits the realm of counseling primarily to pastors, currently most Christian counselors are not full-time pastors.

Unfortunately, many Christian counselors are simply secularly trained therapists who pray at the end of the counseling session. Accordingly, Adams provides an important contribution by asserting that all therapists should disclose their theological presuppositions to clients. I have personally struggled with anxiety for decades, and it is easy to become sidetracked into various psychological theories to find relief. Although psychology may offer nuggets of support, I must remain cognizant of the risk of syncretism and mindful of the sufficiency of Scripture. The state of Indiana requires continuing education for licensed counselors, but those who identify themselves as Christian must also have continuing theological and biblical training.

A friend recommended that David talk with me. Withholding such experiences would doom us to perpetual immaturity in our faith. God allows storms, but He is not the author of sin. Maturing in the faith means discerning between blaming God for the sin that causes storms, and recognizing His almighty Hand in seeing us through the storms that come as part of a fallen world. He tests us to strengthen us, and even as He allows the test, He also provides the solutions. Anyone who has come through a period of difficulty and seen the growth that results knows that perseverance is worth the effort.

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In other words, the sea or the deep is a symbol of destruction. We see this symbol in the flood of Genesis 6. Noah builds an ark to save his family from the destructive waters of judgment. And we see it in many Psalms, where the writer cries out to God to not let him go down to destruction.

So against this backdrop, we recognize that Jesus is demonstrating His power over the forces of the deep, His supremacy over the doom we all dread. And in this sense this miracle is a parable of grace; all who place their faith in Jesus are saved from destruction. God has merciful purposes for us, despite the destructive forces around us.

Many people are tempted to think that the devil or evil people or karma is getting the best of them when life goes south. So even though God is not the creator of our problems that source is firmly found in our fallen nature , He still allows them for our long-term benefit. This is the classic fallacy concerning problems, the classic objection to the reality of evil: How could a good God allow this?

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Even the disciples fell into this one. Of course He cares. There is no inconsistency between the presence of problems and the love of God. We think difficulty will result in utter destruction.

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  6. Bible Study: Facing the Deep Waters with a Deeper Faith.
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How often have your problems killed you? The disciples ran around in a fit of panic. As prone to action as we are, we need to remember that usually God simply wants us to rest in Him, be still and know that He is God, and trust in His deliverance.

The Biblical Counseling Movement by David Powlison

Look at the beginning and ending of the story, especially the way Mark puts it. Sure there was a giant storm in the middle, but know this, if Jesus intends to take you to the other side, he will get you there! Have four volunteers come to the front of the group and ask each a question. If she gets it wrong which she will because the questions are ridiculous , she must perform a physical, mental, or culture challenge. She gets to choose which kind of challenge she wants to do.

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Examples of physical challenges are shooting a spit wad through a straw using only one nostril, eating a hot pepper, or doing 15 push-ups. Mental challenges are things like reciting the Pledge of Allegiance, reciting the multiplication table for the number eight, or naming the capitals of certain states. As long as a contestant either answers a Worst Case Scenario question right or completes a challenge, he stays in the game.

If he misses a question or a challenge, he is out.

What does John have to say?

First, although John's gospel sometimes does seem to speak directly to our needs and situation, it was written in a very different context from ours, and so the relevance is not always immediate or direct. I learned this verse as a child, as did my wife. It is possible that he has. The second step is reproof where the power of the Holy Spirit convicts the individual of their need to repent Liberty University, Nouthetic. Doubts about Jamnia and evidence that John's theology is much earlier than late first century The first thing to say is that the evidence which some scholars see as showing John to come from a late-first century situation, after church and synagogue have split, does not clearly prove anything of the sort. Something similar may be said about John's own account of the last supper in ch.

It makes it more interesting if each student contestant is the representative for her grade and the whole grade gets a prize if its rep wins. SAY- Sometimes when we go through storms in our lives we believe that they are a worst case scenario. What does our anger or doubt in difficult times reflect about our understanding of God?

What is it we believe about life or about God that makes us respond this way? Talk about the symbolic meaning of deep waters in Scripture. Almost every time we come across this image, it not only describes a physical condition, but a spiritual reality. The disciples jump to the conclusion that they are going to drown. How is this a reasonable conclusion in one sense, but irrational in another? What does the fact that Jesus was sleeping teach us about him? Why is this a significant detail to our understanding of the story?

How can the faith lessons of this story connect to our experience serving this week? As we travel home? Dear Jesus, thank You for being our wonderful suffering Servant, giving of Yourself even to the point of death for our forgiveness and salvation. During the storms in our lives help us to find strength in You.

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Strengthen us now for the storms ahead. Help us to remember that you a true to your promise that your purpose will prevail.

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Download a PDF of the Bible Study: Facing the Deep Waters with a Deeper Faith. Anyone who has come through a period of difficulty and seen the Throughout Scripture the sea —or “the deep”— is an important theological Look at the beginning and ending of the story, especially the way Mark puts it. For Adams, humanity's problem is sin (Powlison, , p. ). . and behavior” all end up “wading neck deep into theological waters” (Powlison, , p. ).

Change us to be more like You in what we do and say, as we serve in Your name.