None Dare Call It Treason Book 6 Presidential Words, Deeds & Blatant Lies!

Eisenhower then announced that Yugoslavian aid would continue because Tito had clearly demonstrated his friendship for the west. After public opposition developed to the visit in America, Tito refused to come. In , Tito and Khrushchev met in Rumania on August 1 and 2 and pledged mutual cooperation. He did, and military and economic aid has continued. In , they in- stituted their own foreign aid program to spread communism to under-developed nations of the world. Eisenhower and the U. In return, the communists are supposed to come to America and learn about our superior system.

Congressman Walter Judd R-Minn told how it worked in practice: Who goes over from our side? Anybody who wants to go. He may be the most ignorant and naive person. Who comes over from their side? Any Russian who wants to? And further, they are skilled in presenting Communist ideas, trained in the dialectic — that is agents.

Who goes from our side? Whom do they send? Journalists — to get information. Who is sent from their side? Agents — to sell their ideas.

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Who comes from their side? From our side, clergymen. From our side, students.

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From our side, businessmen. Congressman Judd tells us: We will lose, not win, in this exchange of persons if the Americans who go over and see that the ordinary Russian people are friendly and conclude that therefore we can relax and trust the communist rulers. Churches are refurbished to impress impor- tant visitors.

Visitors who return and report their experiences help to further break down the anti-communist attitudes of the American people. Three Eisenhower actions in his first term vetoed fulfill- ment of that promise. The appointment of Earl Warren as Chief Justice of the United States was to have an impact in destroying the security laws of the United States not fully felt for several years. In the meantime, two Eisenhower executive orders effectively closed the door on congressional investigation of communists in government. After that , Warren supported the communist position in 62 cases without devia- tion?

The decisions supported the communist position 41 times, the anti-communist position only 11 times. Of these, 23 were decided against the communists. Communists convicted under them were freed. Andrew Artukovic, who lived with his wife and children in California, was forced to submit to an extradition The Growth of World Communism 39 hearing based on political charges made by the communist government of Yugoslavia.

As was noted in the opening chap- ter, Service, a career diplomat, had been deeply involved in the loss of China but held his job. In August , the Conference of State Chief Justices, the highest judicial officials of the then 49 states, adopted a scorching appraisal of the Supreme Court and its actions by a 36 to 8 vote. Edgar Hoover testified before a Congressional com- mittee that 49 top communists convicted of advocating the overthrow of the U.

Elizabeth Bentley, a former communist, exposed the two Soviet spy rings in which Harry Dexter White, Lauchlin Currie, and about 80 others had participated. On May 29, , she testified that at least two other Soviet espionage rings were operating in government. She had learned of their existence from her Soviet superiors, but never knew who was in them, or in what branches of government they oper- ated. There are other proven threats which the Eisenhower Ad- ministration refused to correct.

On May 26, , Senator William Jenner, Chairman of the Senate Internal Security Subcommittee, notified key officials including President Eisenhower that the American Communications Association, a union so heavily dominated by communists that it was expelled from the CIO, was servicing communications lines to and from key defense installations in the United States and the cable facilities to overseas defense installations. Are you conversant with the fact that the North Atlantic Cable which carries important messages vital to the security of our nation is now serviced by the American Communications Association, a communist-controlled labor organization.

I am aware of that. It still exists today. It was in trying to uncover trails leading to the unexposed spy rings about which Elizabeth Bentley testified that Senators Jenner and McCarthy ran afoul of the Eisenhower Admin- istration. The first major scrape came in August , just seven months after Eisenhower took office. This was before Eisenhower placed security files off- limits to Congressional committees. Instead, they attacked McCarthy, saying that the security file contained nothing like 40 derogatory FBI reports.

McCarthy investigated the Voice of America and the U. McCarthy finally met his doom when he tried to find out how and why a man known to be a communist, Irving Peress, could be promoted to the rank of Major in the Army Dental Corps. Before his promotion, Peress had refused to answer questions about his Communist Party membership on Army Security Forms. He attempted to set up a communist cell on the Army base at Camp Kilmer, N. The Korean War was underway at the time. The Army knew these things and promoted Peress. It was that simple, in the beginning. Was it a simple case of bureaucratic bungling, or were subversive influences at work?

With foresight, McCarthy said in his letter to Stevens: I feel that you have served tremen- dously well in a most thankless job. Zwicker had issued the formal orders promoting, and then honorably dis- charging the communist, Peress. On the witness stand, Zwicker was evasive. Then he ad- mitted that he had known.

Under questioning, his answers became contradictory. He agreed that he could have stopped both actions but then said he couldn't. McCarthy tried to clarify the cloudy situation with a hypothetical question. McCarthy was more smeared over the result than over any other incident in his stormy career. Read the actual hearing transcript, reproduced here. Then check newspaper accounts of the incident: Let us assume that there is sworn testimony to the effect that he is part of the Communist con- spiracy, has attended Communist leadership schools.

Let us assume that Maj. Do you think -that General Smith should be removed from the military, or do you think he should be kept on in it? He should by all means be kept if he were acting under competent orders to separate the man. Let us say General Smith is the man who originated the order. The Growth of World Communism 43 Zwicker: I do not think he should be removed from the military. Then, General, you should be removed from any command.

Those words were to haunt McCarthy to the end of his life. From the New York Times here are a series of four typical news stories showing the distortion and falsehoods in the reporting of the event: Called to testify in the case, General Zwicker declined to answer some security questions about Dr. Peress because he said he was prohibited by Presidential order. Thereupon, Sena- tor McCarthy denounced the General as unfit to wear the uniform.

Two months later, the New York Times repeated the lie: In succeeding years, several Senate committees restudied the issue. Subsequent testimony showed that General Zwicker had committed perjury during the several hearings. The Justice Department, however, refused to prosecute. His mistakes were magnified. McCarthy stood by them. The conflicting testimony and procedural violations McCarthy tried to question were ignored. Later study showed that Army Secretary Stevens was regularly guilty of conflicting statements which bordered on perjury, 78 but in the planned confusion they were ignored.

The magnitude of the furor the question provoked leaves a lingering suspicion that more than bureaucratic bungling had to be hidden.

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Of these, 23 were decided against the communists. This is the tragic story of China whose freedom we once fought to preserve. In a speech in Los Angeles, California, Kennedy said of anti-communists: Army Phychiatrist, who par- ticipated in the lengthy and detailed study of American collaborators in Korea has described the techniques used to produce the sorry record. The web of subversion which reached into dozens of executive agen- cies unraveled. In- stead of directly attacking the provisions of the Constitution, they are ignored, and the motives of the men who wrote it are impugned. Eight served in the Cabinet.

Even Defense Secretary Charles Wilson ad- mitted this possibility. By , he was dead. The communists breathed a sigh of relief. What he said and tried to prove was rarely The Growth of World Communism 45 denied. It was simply buried in the controversy his charges provoked. His targets were unsuitable for government service, if not by reason of treason, then because of gross negligence and complete naivete about the communist conspiracy.

That is all McCarthy tried to prove. His critics discredited him by disputing, not that guilt existed, but his presentations of the facts. In the resulting controversies, the facts were ignored or brushed aside and forgotten. It would do an injustice to Dwight Eisenhower, the communists, and the fellow travellers in our society, the liberals, and the press to say McCarthy was his own worst enemy. He only provided the weapons they used against him.

The case of Philip C. His conclusions were based on a damn- ing collection of provable and largely uncontested facts. If this 46 None Dare Call It Treason group did not originate the anti-Chiang smears, it at least implemented their dissemination. He knowingly worked closely with an open communist, Frederick Vanderbilt Field. After Hiss was convicted, Jessup said: I see no reason to alter the statements which I made under oath as a witness in that case.

He denied Communist Party membership. He also denied communist sympathies. The com- mittee accepted the statements as true. Senator Tydings refused to permit McCarthy to cross-examine Jessup. The subcommittee feels that the accusations made against Philip C. Jessup are completely unfounded and unjustified and have done irreparable harm to the prestige of the United States.

The public retains this impression even though the U. Ambassador to the United Nations. It is hard to conceive of a better selection than that of Philip C. The McCarthy story plays up the striking double standard and inconsistency in our society. A murder suspect can be convicted and executed on the strength of circumstantial evidence. It is extremely difficult or impossible, however, to remove an alleged communist, fellow traveller, or incompe- tent from a government post using the same rules of evidence.

Then, suddenly, Americans warmed again. The first possible break appeared in the Iron Curtain. It was never given. The Hungarian affair was referred to the United Nations. Americans sat up through the nights in early November listening to the stirring oratory of Ambassador Henry Cabot Lodge in the UN. When President Eisenhower sent the Hungarian affair to the United Nations, he was, in effect, telling the Soviet Union to do as it pleased.

The communists had the veto in the UN Security Council and could stop any action. People of the world, listen to our call. Help us not with words, but with action, with soldiers and arms. Please do not forget that this wild attack of Bolshevism will not stop. You may be the next victim. Our ship is sinking. The shadows grow darker from hour to hour.

Listen to our cry. Extend to us your brotherly hands. God be with you and us. They meant for the Hungarian revolt to fail. Dispatched on November 2, , the telegram to Tito read: The Government of the United States does not look with favor upon governments unfriendly to the Soviet Union on the borders of the Soviet Union.

The Kremlin butchered Budapest, secure in the knowledge that America would not oppose them. State Depart- ment had given its approval. Would aid to Hungary have provoked war? Khrushchev and the Kremlin have one overriding fear, the simultaneous revolt of the enslaved peoples. In November , the satellites were restless. Localizing rioting had erupted even in Russia. The Red troops in Budapest deserted their officers and joined the Freedom Fighters. He hesitated five days in Hungary. Finally, savage Mon- golian troops were imported from Asia to crush the uprising. Even these forces were not committed until Khrushchev had tacit U.

The United Nations, if the U. Our staunchest allies, the en- slaved people behind the Iron Curtain now believe they can- not expect help from America. If Americans lose their free- dom, the beginning of the end came in Hungary. It amounts to a body blow to the morale of the resistance forces in the Communist world. The announcement of the invitation was a day of gloom and despair for nearly the whole population of every satellite country and for tens of millions inside Russia itself.

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None Dare Call It Treason Book 6 Presidential Words, Deeds & Blatant Lies! - Kindle edition by Robert Pelton. Download it once and read it on your Kindle. None Dare Call It Treason Book 6: Presiidential Words, Deeds & Blatant Lies! One President wining and dining with the greatest mass-murdering Communist.

What has been underway in the Red orbit, ever since , is a permanent civil war between the rulers and the ruled In seven volumes, it showed: He supervised the killing of thousands. This was the kind of heart-warming scene that any American would like to see taking place between his grandchildren and a stranger. The Kremlin bosses and the American president are allied against you. For the past 25 years the United States has by and large been pursuing a policy of appeasement before Soviet Russia His rise to power was largely the work of the U.

Castro was supported by but a few dozen bandits and a handful of communists in May , when a career diplomat with a questionable record was named to head the Caribbean Desk in the U. His name was William Arthur Wieland. William Wieland's actions are prominent in the story.

The Senate report disclosed: Castro was a leader of the communist-inspired riots at the time of The Growth of World Communism 51 the Foreign Ministers Conference in Bogota in During the riots, Castro captured a radio station and U. This is a com- munist revolution. Pawley contacted high State Department officials and President Eisenhower to tell his story, but no action was taken. From the time of his appointment to the key State Depart- ment post in May , Wieland regularly disregarded, side- tracked or denounced FBI, State Department, and Military Intelligence sources which branded Castro as a communist and showed that his associates were Moscow-trained pg.

Milton Eisenhower by the American Embassy staff in Mexico City when it became obvious they were going to prove that Castro was a communist pg. Milton Eisenhower chose to ignore the incident pg. Despite all the warnings from reliable sources, Wieland was continued in control of American policy toward Cuba.

The Senate study concluded: Wieland is considered author of the fatal arms embargo which cut off munitions shipments to the anti-communist Batista while Castro was being liberally supplied by sources in Florida and by Russian submarines surfacing off the Cuban coast pg. Wieland managed to remove all anti-Castro diplomats from influential positions. The American ambassador to Cuba, Arthur Gardner, who forwarded continual reports to the State Department which exposed Castro as a communist, was replaced.

He was prevented from briefing his replacement, Earl T. Three front page articles in the New York Times early in , written by the editorialist Herbert Matthews, served to inflate Castro to , world stature and world recognition. Until that time, Castro had been just another bandit in the Oriente mountains of Cuba, with a handful of followers who had ter- rorized the campesinos, that is the peasants, throughout the countryside.

Castro was to become the Robin Hood of the Sierra Maestra and was to pursue the same policy of taking from the rich to give to the poor. Ed Sullivan made a brief, but spectacular trip to Cuba and returned with a filmed interview. Thirty million TV viewers saw Sullivan ask Castro such leading questions as: You are not a communist are you, Fidel? The people of the United States have great admiration for you and your men because you are in the real American spirit of George Washington. Eighteen months later, Sullivan retracted his statement, but by then it was too late.

Religious magazines, the book The Growth of World Communism 53 publishers, all communications media pictured Castro as a romantic rebel, a Robin Hood leading a fight for social justice. Even with all the press buildup, however, if President Eisen- hower and his State Department officials had heeded the warnings of reliable intelligence sources, Castro could not have come to power. Castro did come to power. He proceeded, in classic com- munist fashion, to execute thousands of Cubans in bloody firing squad marathons.

Even so, he continued to receive the praise of liberals in press and government. Nixon, to his credit, tried without success after the interview to convince Eisenhower that Castro was a communist. The State Department was warned that Castro had a long communist background, that his supporters were Moscow- trained, that he was promoting a communist revolution. Action Look at the means which a man employs ; consider his motives; observe his pleasures. A man simply cannot conceal himself.

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Tragic handling of the Hungarian revolt was given passing mention by the Democrats, but only in areas with high con- centrations of immigrants from Eastern Europe. Richard Nixon was not likely to dredge up the record of failure and appeasement of the Administration of which he was part. The few knowledgable anti-communists in the Democratic Party were paralyzed by politics also. Instead, when Kennedy became President, William Wieland was promoted to the State Department committee charged with revising security procedures.

Action 55 The party in power in Washington changed on January 20, The basic direction of American foreign policy remained the same. Kennedy himself set the standard by which his administration must be judged. On November 8, , he wrote the foreword for To Turn the Tide , a published col- lection of the speeches and statements he made in his first ten months as President.

Strong words alone, of course, do not make meaningful policy; they must, in foreign affairs, in particular, be backed both by a will and by weapons that are equally strong. Thus a collection of Presidential statements cannot convey their true perspective unless it is realized or recalled precisely what they signified in committing the power and majesty of the American people. Prince Boun Oum, legal head of the anti-com- munist government of Laos, was ordered to give communists key positions in his cabinet.

Within four months he bowed to joint American-Soviet pressures and a coalition government was formed. Our policy in China has reaped the whirlwind. The contin- ued insistence that aid would not be forthcoming unless a coalition government with the Communists was formed, was a crippling blow to the Nationalist government. So concerned were our diplomats and their advisers, the Lattimores, and the Fairbanks, with the imperfections of the diplomatic system in China after 20 years of war, and the tales of corruption in high places, that they lost sight of our tremendous stake in a non-communist China.

There were those who claimed, and still claim, that Chinese communism was not really communism at all but an advanced agrarian reform movement which did not take directions from Moscow.

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This is the tragic story of China whose freedom we once fought to preserve. What our young men have saved, our diplomats and our President have frittered away. They used the same methods in destroying the anti-communist Laotian government as had been used against Chiang Kai-shek and China 15 years before. Rusk was a longtime affiliate of the Institute of Pacific Relations. A full 18 months after Ken- nedy made his speech in , and after Chinese communists Words vs. Action 57 had murdered millions, Dean Rusk, speaking at the University of Pennsylvania, compared Mao Tse-tung to George Wash- ington and indicated that the Chinese revolution did not aim at dictatorship.

It was Harri- man who conceived and executed the policy of cutting off aid to Laos when the Laotians refused to put communists into their government. In July , he was sent to Moscow to negotiate the nuclear test ban treaty on which the survival of America may depend. Harriman is a longtime Soviet apologist. As late as July , after the communists had completed their conquest of Eastern Europe and China, Harriman still defended the Yalta agreements.

On October 20, , for example, Kennedy said: We must attempt to strengthen the non-Batista democratic anti-Castro forces in exile, and in Cuba itself who offer even- tual hope of overthrowing Castro. The invasion was planned, financed, and controlled by the U. State Department and the Central Intelligence Agency. The carriers stood by, within easy striking distance during the invasion. Their decks were loaded with fighting planes. News and World Report in its September 17, issue summed up what happened.

It said in part: Secure in this assurance of air support, the invaders went ashore. Confidently, the little invading force waited for its air support to arrive. Its leaders had as- surance of that support. It was provided in the pre-invasion planning. Those were planes of the invasion force with Cuban pilots. President Ken- nedy forbade their use.

That was the fateful decision President Kennedy made on that Sunday evening. He decided that the anti-Castro Cubans could not have the support of their own air force during the invasion. Without that support, the invasion failed. Absence of air cover was not the sole factor in the failure of the invasion.

A near impossible supply problem was created when the CIA armed the 1, man invasion force with weapons re- quiring over 30 different types of ammunition. Some guerilla groups were supplied with In other areas the CIA supplied.

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To be successful, even with air cover, such a small invasion force had to be supported almost W or d c j. Action 59 immediately by uprisings all over Cuba. Some of the reasons why the uprisings did not occur were uncovered later. The underground was never advised of the landing date and did not know whether the Bay of Pigs operation was a real or diversionary invasion. Instead, the station broadcast one conflicting and false report after another of uprisings in Cuba. They were not advised that the invasion had started — until it had already failed. By then, it was too late to alert their contacts in Cuba.

The controversy over whether or not air cover was planned — and then withdrawn from the invasion — raged for 18 months. Then, the Senate Internal Security Subcommittee released testimony given by Whiting Willauer three months after the invasion attempt failed. He was ignored in the State Department. Was the Bay of Pigs invasion planned to fail? Were young Cubans deliberately sent onto the beaches to die, with no hope of success? The father of two of the boys who were missing in the invasion attempt wrote a letter to the Superintendent of Culver Military Academy in Indiana where they had gone to school.

Jorge is a captive and Mario is missing. I want you to know and the world to know that all of us who once believed in the greatness of the United States feel that they and all of us have been the victims of gross, high official treason. I allowed them to go because they had an ideal. We believed this because we know that this fight is not for Cuba or the Cubans.

It is a fight for the very life of all Americans. The grant was one of 10 the United States is helping to finance in Cuba. Within four weeks after the failure of the Cuban invasion, the Kennedy-Johnson Administration asked Congress for authority to give economic aid to the communist nations of Hungary and Czechoslovakia — and broaden aid given to Yugoslavia and Poland under programs started by President Eisenhower.

Even though Czechoslovakian arms had been used to repel the attempted invasion of Cuba less than 30 days before, the U. Senate voted 43 to 36 to give the aid to the com- munist enemy. A few months later, the Senate killed by a vote another meas- ure which would have barred foreign aid to countries selling arms and strategic goods to communist countries. After nearly a year of official denials, evidence of the buildup in Cuba became so overwhelming it could not be ignored. He ordered a naval blockade.

Khrushchev quickly agreed to remove his troops and missiles. Democrat losses in the Congressional election were held to a handful of seats. To win the election, President Kennedy paid an appalling price. The communist dictator in his message to Kennedy, which the New York Times published, said: I regard with respect and trust the statement you made in your message on October 27, , that there would be no attack, no invasion of Cuba, and not only on the part of the 62 None Dare Call It Treason United States, but also on the part of other nations of the Western Hemisphere as you have said in the same message of yours.

This part of the agreement was later denied by the Ad- ministration — even as it moved to uphold its guarantee to protect Castro. Anti-Castro refugee groups in Florida were subjected to harassment and weapons were confiscated from groups train- ing for raids on Cuba. Exile groups were refused time on radio stations in Florida for anti-communist broadcasts to Cuba.

Under pressure from Washington, Great Britain stopped Cuban resistance groups from using bases in the Bahamas for raids against Cpstro. Action 63 and other Congressmen. The surrender was not limited to the Western Hemisphere. The Admin- istration vehemently denied the reports. Three months ago we were pledged to see that Castroism in this hemisphere was destroyed. We have now been euchred into the position of babysitting for Castro and guaranteeing the integrity of the communist regime in Cuba. I assume they have but all we have seen is a box they said contained a bomber and a long metal container that they said contained a missile.

We have not had on-the-spot inspection. And that is what they did to us in Cuba. No new aims were stated in private that had not been stated in public on either side. Neither of us were there to dictate a settlement. There was no discourtesy, no loss of tempers, no threats or ultimatums by either side. He demanded that Kennedy get Western forces out of Berlin by fall, recog- nize East Germany, and conclude a peace treaty with it. He confirmed that his original TV report to the people had been untrue.

He ad- mitted that Khrushchev had issued the Berlin ultimatums at Vienna. He made a firm promise that American rights in Berlin were not negotiable. He summed up the meaning of the crisis saying: If we do not meet our commitment to Berlin, where will we later stand? If we are not true to our word there, all that we have achieved in collective security, which relies on these words, will mean nothing.

And if there is one path to war, it is the path of weakness and disunity.

Shrewd observers had anticipated that the U. The first prime minister was the communist terrorist, Patrice Lumumba. Fiscal policies which were to lead to runaway inflation were adopted. Soviet-backed Antoine Gizenga was vice pre- mier. Gizenga is a Prague-trained communist and successor to Patrice Lumumba.

The Interior Minister, Christphe Gbenye, also trained in communist Czechoslovakia, controlled the police. Gizenga supporter, Reny Mwamba, was Minister of Justice. The newspaper Uhuru, in Stanleyville, the capital of the communist province in Congo, 66 None Dare Call It Treason boasted that Lumumbists won a majority of 23 of the 44 seats in the August elections.

Air Force, attacked Katanga on September 13, to start an on-again, off-again war which was to last 18 months. Nothing contained in the present Charter shall authorize the United Nations to intervene in matters which are essentially within the domestic jurisdiction of any state. Even so, the U. State Department defended the invasion as necessary to prevent communists from taking over the Congo. It is difficult to believe that this action was taken in simple innocence. Bruce R-Ind gave this evalu- ation: I charge that the U.

I fully realize the seriousness of that statement I make no charges of treason. I cannot prove any. I simply say that over a period of years the tragic growth of communism and its victories in one area after another of the world forms a consistent pattern. What is wrong with our State Department? At one point, uncivilized and untrained bands of Congo- lese soldiers, including communist supporters of Antoine Gizenga were transported to Katanga by the UN in US planes and unleashed. The two-week orgy of mass murder, rape, pillage, and cannibalism they carried out under the UN flag with the United States paying the bill is unequalled in modern times.

Action 67 Hospitals, schools, missions, and homes were made targets for UN bombs and mortar fire on December , UN troops fired on ambulances; bayoneted helpless infants; and slaughtered women and children, both black and white. The UN has brought the chaos and bloodshed of the North Congo into areas where there was complete public order so long as they were administered by the Tshombe government. The UN ran out of money to wage the costly war and a truce was negotiated.

In Elizabeth ville, Katanga, officials of the Red Cross reported: United Nations soldiers moved into the hospital after being fired on from the building and machine-gunned patients in their beds. Albert Schweitzer, year-old medi- cal missionary, philosopher and staunch supporter of the UN. Schweitzer, who has worked in Equatorial Africa for 50 years, called for Katangan independence, saying that the people of Katanga and North Congo have no common lan- guage, cultural background, or anything to make them a nation except having been under Belgian rule for hundreds of years.

The mission of the United Nations is not to make war. Reason and justice demand that this foreign state U. Tshombe was the one native leader in Africa with the personality, intelligence, and diplomatic skill plus the respect of both whites and blacks to bring peace, progress and civi- lization to much of Africa. The communists, the U. State Department, and the United Nations denied him the oppor- tunity to try. The final chapter of the operation which the U.

State Department said was necessary to prevent a communist takeover in the Congo appeared on page D of the St. Louis Post-Dispatch three months after Tshombe was finally subdued. Adoula brought a broad sampling of opposition members into the cabinet. Representatives from Katanga received four important posts. The National Congolese Move- ment, the party formerly led by the late Patrice Lumumba, picked up three new ministeries to become the strongest single party in the cabinet.

State Department had conducted a sys- tematic crusade of smears, harassment, lies and intimidation against Tshombe and his press representative in America, Michel Struelens. At the time when Tshombe was denied entry to the U. There is unjustifiable inconsistency in a policy which arbi- trarily excludes friends of the U. President Kennedy greeted him on the White House lawn, honored him with a 21 -gun salute, and promised him American aid.

Ben Bella flew to Cuba the following day and was pictured kissing Castro. Let every nation know. Less than 40 days after Johnson took office, the St. Louis Globe-Democrat re- ported on December 30, that U. The rapid deterioration of safeguards against infiltra- tion and subversion of the U. Close observers and careful students of communism watched apprehensively during the first year of the Kennedy-Johnson Administration as: President Kennedy appointed Dr. He was named to head the State Department's critical Bureau of Security despite a complete lack of any security experience — and a record of being indicted for criminal actions in disposing of surplus govern- ment property after World War II.

The State Department Bureau of Security budget was slashed, however, so that 25 security agents and investigators had to be fired. Otepka, chief of the Division of Evaluations in the Office of Security. Otepka was a veteran security employee and dedicated anti- communist.

He was fired by the State Department after he furnished the Senate Internal Security Subcommittee evidence to show that high State Department officials had lied under oath about security matters when they testified before the committee. Robert Oppenheimer, along with the story of Owen Lattimore, related earlier, typify the approach of Presidents Kennedy and Johnson to security matters. In , Currie left the United States and relinquished his citizenship to avoid testifying about his participation in a Soviet spy ring while on the White House staff.

This is the man who is planning how the dollars provided by a country which has stripped him of citizenship are to be employed in Columbia. The AEC determined that Oppenheimer had contributed large sums of money to the Communist Party during World War II, that his brother, his wife, and his mistress were Communist Party members, that Oppenheimer had recommended an identified communist for a job on the top secret A-bomb project, and that he had lied to security investigators about communist attempts to obtain nuclear data.

The State Department offered no objec- tion even though Oppenheimer had no security clearance. In fact, following the tour, Oppenheimer was a guest of honor at a formal White House Dinner. Action 73 as a lawyer for loyalty and security risks such as Owen Lattimore. The appointment of such a commission, headed by Warren, was suggested in the November 26, issue of the official communist newspaper, The Worker.

The Daily News editorial said: For example, the St. The newspaper implied that Dodd was continuing an unjust persecution of the one-time State Department adviser. A longtime ban on the importation of the products of slave labor was lifted by the Administration. American stores were thereby opened to Russian crab meat, Polish hams, Yugoslavian and Hungarian baskets, Czechoslovakian glass- ware and Christmas tree ornaments. Through sales of woven baskets, clothes pins, and other non-essentials in America, the communists earned the money to buy strategic goods here.

As an example, in officials in the Commerce Depart- ment overruled Defense Department protests and issued ex- port permits to allow the Soviet Union to buy machine tools in America for grinding the precision ball-bearings for missile guidance systems. The ban against free distribution of communist propaganda through the U. Placed in the U. Action 75 When Congress moved to take action to bar importation of communist propaganda, the U. State Department encour- aged U. Schools of anti-communism and cold-war forums, which sprung up in the last years of the Eisenhower Administration, were held in increasing numbers.

It was at one of these schools, held after eight months of Kennedy leadership, that Senator Thomas Dodd D-Conn made the speech quoted in the first chapter of this book. The unrest spread, until, suddenly, the Administration accel- erated what had been a quiet crackdown on anti-communist information programs. Use of hard-hitting anti-communist films in military education programs was discouraged. The film had been produced by a Congressional committee. Fundamentally, it is believed that the American people have little, if any need to be alerted to the menace of the cold war.

Congress tried to investigate. Arthur Trudeau from which anti-communist phrases were deleted or softened by censors. Action 77 State Department and military censors were ordered not to answer questions about the censorship of specific speeches. Names of censors actually responsible for deleting anti-com- munist remarks from individual talks were withheld from Congress by Presidential order.

A speech he planned compared the failures of the slave system of agri- culture in the Soviet Union with the successes of the relatively free farms in America. These references were censored. Let every public servant know. Those who dared to dissent to condemn communism or de- fend America were censored, muzzled, or driven from gov- ernment service. Edward Hunter was invited to testify. Hunter showed that the vicious attacks launched against anti-communists in the United States during were. After acknowledging the growth of the anti-communism movements, the Moscow manifesto ordered: To effectively defend the interests of the working people, maintain peace and realize the Socialist ideals of the working class, it is indispensable to wage a resolute struggle against anti-communism — that poisoned weapon which the bourgeoisie uses to fence off the masses from socialism.

The Communist Party chief disclosed the role that the Kennedy-Johnson Administration could play in killing the anti-communist movement. If the tactical problem is solved correctly, it will be possible to slam the door on the ultra-right, defeat it, and force a shift in policy upon the Administration itself in the direction of peace and democracy. Louis Post-Dispatch, and on the wire service of the Associated Press. As a result of his study. Hunter predicted that the com- munist effort to smear The John Birch Society would be followed by a campaign linking every other effective con- servative anti-communist organization to it.

In a speech in Los Angeles, California, Kennedy said of anti-communists: Now that we are face to face again with a period of height- ened peril Men who are unable to face up to the danger from without are convinced that the real danger comes from within. They look suspiciously at their neighbors and their leaders. We know that it comes from without, not within. It must be met with preparedness, not provocative speeches. Edgar Hoover set the record straight. The communist threat from without must not blind us to the communist threat from within. The latter is reaching into the very heart of America through its espionage agents and a cunning, defiant, and lawless Communist Party, which is fanatically dedicated to the Marxist cause of world enslave- ment and destruction of the foundations of our Republic.

It was fired by Lee Harvey Oswald, a self-admitted Communist. Action 81 proposed a plan for the general and complete disarmament of the United States. Under the official, published, three-stage disarmament plan, nuclear tests would be banned, production of nuclear weapons and their delivery systems manned bombers, missiles, etc. In a speech on the Senate floor on January 29, , he said: At a time when Western civilization is confronted by an extreme militaristic threat looking forward to world conquest, I think it is naive and unrealistic to be preoccupied with the question of disarmament.

We know that the communist con- spiracy has no intention of co-existing with us. We know that they are bent on domination of the whole world. As skeptical as I have always been of the measure of good sense and loyalty wittiin the State Department I never would have believed that these people we call our diplomats could so completely and unabashedly advocate the surrender of American rights and sovereignty until this bulletin appeared It was laid down by the Presi- dent of the U.

Agency officials did participate in over ICO meetings, panel discussions and study groups in In addition, such informational materials as articles for commercial journals, scripts for educational television programs, network and local TV and radio programs were prepared and briefings and interviews were arranged with agency officials for corre- spondents of public information media. Action 83 grants authority to the President to transfer to the Disarma- ment Administration any activities or facilities of any Govern- ment Agency.

Many believe that under this provision, and subject only to the cumbersome Congressional veto, American weapons could be placed under the control of the Director of the Disarmament Agency. However, two days later. The actions are taken surreptiously with each step given a logical justification. Only by carefully evalu- ating the erosion of the overall U. In the period, the Kennedy-Johnson Administration took these actions: This rather logical explanation was poked full of holes when the Administration stopped all production ot long range manned bombers and cancelled production of the Sky- bolt missile, over the objections of competent military author- ities.

There were three major discrep- ancies in these comforting words: Planned deployment of Minuteman missiles was reduced from 2, to ; negotiations for Polaris submarine bases in Spain and Italy bogged down; loss of the one known Polaris base in Northern Scotland is likely when the Labor Govern- ment takes power in England. The RS was abandoned for the manned bomber and the Skybolt missile — the bomber and the Sky- bolt are cancelled to be replaced by Minuteman missiles and the Polaris submarine, which are in turn cutback.

Conventional armed forces and purely defensive weapons systems have not been immune. The Nike-Zeus had its first successful tests in November Mean- while, American cities are defenseless against possible Soviet missile attacks. On April 17, , the Defense Department admitted that the Soviet anti-missile missiles deployed around Leningrad have the capability to intercept and destroy American Polaris missiles.

Khrushchev expects that America will surrender. Robert Frost, the American poet, interviewed Khrushchev in and reported: Khrushchev said American liberals were too soft to fight. On March 14, , he said: Not one new weapons system has been proposed under the present Administration. The RS has been abandoned. Sky- bolt has been dropped, manned bombers are being phased out, Nike-Zeus is being delayed, the Dyna-Soar is being re- examined for possible junking.

This is not only stagnation, this is Disarmament. Among his first acts as President were approvals of the complete abandonment of the B and the Dyna-Soar. By the end of , John- son ordered withdrawal of the last strategic bombers based in Japan — and a return to the U. While the United States talked for five years, the communists tested.

In the talks, under both Kennedy and Eisenhower, there were massive concessions to the communists, a continual erosion of the American position. In a series of concessions, the U. Over a five year period, demands for control stations were reduced from to 8. The most serious concession involved the administration of whatever inspection and control organ- ization might ultimately be established: A communist request for veto power over the budget and personnel of the international control and inspection organiza- tion was granted by the U.

We have made these concessions piecemeal, so that our position at any given moment has never been too different from our position 3 months" previously. It is only by going back to the beginning and laying our concessions end to end that the terrifying scope of our retreat becomes apparent. On September 1, in the midst of nego- tiations, the communists embarked on the most massive series of tests in history, climaxing on October 20, with the explosion of a megaton bomb. On November 8, , President Kennedy told the American people: Action 87 The Soviet Union prepared to test nuclear weapons while we were at the table negotiating with them.

If they fooled us once, it is their fault, if they fool us twice, it is our fault. We know enough about broken negotiations, secret prepara- tions, and the Soviet advantages gained from a long test series never to offer again an uninspected moratorium. They held out for a no- inspection system at all. They know we will be back again, with hat in hand, making further concessions toward their position. In July , the United States agreed to a no-inspection nuclear test ban treaty which prohibited tests in outer space, under water, and in the atmosphere. On November 27, , the Soviet Union offered the U.

No international detection system is required because enough countries have systems adequate to detect all nuclear explosions. Senate to ratify a nearly identical no-inspection test ban treaty, saying: If the promise of this treaty can be realized, if we can now take even this one frail step along a new course, the frail and fearful mankind may find another step and another until con- fidence replaces terror and hope takes over from despair.

In an essay published just before his appointment in , Nitze indicated that many believe that continuing negotiations with the communists are vital to survival. Having accepted this viewpoint, Nitze said, the only logical corollary is that. The test ban is only the first step. A few days before that agreement was made, William C. Foster, director of the Arms Control and Disarmament Agency, said: There is hope that it may lead to further measures to arrest and control the dangerous competition for increasingly de- structive weapons.

They recalled the prediction made by Dimtri L. A student, Zack Kornfeld, later broke with the Communist Party and told the story. War to the hilt between communism and capitalism is in- evitable. Today, of course, we are not strong enough to attack. Action 89 Our time will come in 20 to 30 years.

To win, we shall need the element of surprise. The bourgeoisie will have to be put to sleep. So we shall begin by launching the most spectacular peace movement on record. There will be electrifying overtures and unheard of concessions. The capitalist countries, stupid and decadent, will rejoice to cooperate in their own destruc- tion. They will leap at another chance to be friends. As soon as their guard is down, we will smash them with our clenched fist.

Most newspapers ignored the charges, or ridiculed those who spoke out. Finally on May 3, , a high administration official, Walt Whitman Rostow, in a speech in Minneapolis, said: It is sometimes asked if our policy is a no-win policy. Our answer is this — we do not expect this planet to be forever split between a communist bloc and a free world. We expect this planet to organize itself in time on principles of volun- tary cooperation among independent nation states dedicated to human freedom. It will not be a victory of United States over Russia. It will not be a victory of capitalism over socialism.

I think one cannot rule out, looking down the long course of history, that changes may take place in the individual nation states which make up the Communist bloc which will transform them from being dangerous, because they are ex- ponents of a militant, aggressive, international communism, to the adoption of postures which will make them easier to live with in the world. Anyone who thinks we have foresaken Marxism-Leninism deceives himself. If American leaders persist in refusing to pursue a victory goal while the communists base their actions on the premise that either capitalism or socialism must triumph, then surely America will lose.

I doubt if this nation ever before has found itself in a battle for her very existence where any public official or group of officials automatically foreclosed the possibility of victory For the first time in our history that glorious word victory seems to be slipping out of our national vocabulary. He revealed in a two-part article that a top level staff working under State Department Policy Planner, Walt Whitman Rostow, had formulated a page policy draft as a guide for cold war decisions.

The world situa- Words vs. The completely false and untrue stories government officials released to smear friends of the United States such as Moise Tshombe and his press representative in America, Michel Struelens, were ex- posed by a Senate committee. Statements by any government official mean nothing.

The American people can have no faith, no trust in anything told them by their government leaders. The implications it holds are frightening when coupled with other indications that the Administration had rejected all traditional concepts of morality as the basis for its rule. He said that liberalism.

Tolerance, free inquiry, and technology, operating in the framework of human per- fectibility, would in the end create a heaven on earth, a goal accounted much more sensible and wholesome than a heaven in heaven. The nation which refuses to be governed by God will surely be governed by tyrants. Yes , we did produce a near perfect Republic. But will they keep it, or will they, in the enjoy- ment of plenty, lose the memory of freedom. Material abundance without character is the surest way to destruction.

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