Betrayal of a Nation : The Antichrist I

In , the Lyndon Johnson amendment forbade pastors to speak politics in the pulpit, separation of church and state allowed Democrats to take prayer out of school. The high school pregnancy rate doubled in 10 years!

In , Democrats passed Roe v. Wade, allowing the murder of babies in the womb. Democrats then took Bibles out of hotels. Democrats removed the Ten Commandments from the courthouse in Montgomery, Ala. A Democrat Supreme Court spit in the eye of God as it legalized unconstitutional same-sex marriage and ugly sodomy in They ignored Sodom and Gomorrah!

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A Democrat president expelled God from our military. He also gave us same-sex bathrooms in ! Today, Democrat judges penalize Christians who refuse to cater same-sex marriages. The reign and the rain of secularism over three generations destroyed our weakest American families. Lack of the Judeo-Christian ethic has exacerbated divorce, school shootings, riots, rape, unwed mothers, gangs, etc.

We had no school shootings until secularism eroded our culture. Our secularist culture is the catalyst for school shootings. Democrats created our secularist society and are sustained by less informed voters. The Democrat Party has betrayed our Founding Fathers! The Democrat Party has betrayed God!

JAEGER - Betrayed

To vote Democrat makes you complicit. The party of slavery is now the party of abortion.

  1. Punished By The Boss!
  2. Follow the Author.
  3. Antiocheia in der ersten Hälfte des 6. Jahrhunderts - Das Ende einer spätantiken Stadt (German Edition).
  4. Democrats Led Our Nation Away From God.
  5. ?
  6. Farther On: A true story challenging those who doubt and encouraging those who believe.!

Jesus would not support their evil, anti-God agenda. Jesus loves you but he hates your sin! Jesus Christ would not vote Democrat! How can you vote Democrat and call yourself Christian?

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Share Jesus to save America for our children and grandchildren. Officials believe the potential economic benefits of the ethane cracker outweigh its Army Corps of Engineers began The Temple must to be rebuilt in order for the Antichrist to set up an abomination in it, so there has to be some sort of peace treaty signed where the Antichrist guarantees peace for Israel and allows them to rebuild their Temple without any Islamic reprisal.

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Daniel, along with Revelation 13, also reveals to the reader that in the middle of the Tribulation the Antichrist declares himself to be God. At this point, the Jewish people totally reject their would-be savior.

In response to their rejections, the Antichrist becomes obsessed with annihilating all the Jewish people during the second and last half of the Tribulation. Jesus referred to the last half of the Tribulation as the Great Tribulation, and He referred to it that way because he was speaking specifically to the Jewish people. The Gentile world may have been suffering under 3.

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Rather, the first half of the Tribulation will be defined by constant war and death, even escalating into nuclear war. Revelation 6 tells us that with all the war, famine and disease, nearly one-half of the Gentiles on planet Earth are going to die. This statement is based on Nahum 1: The Lord takes vengeance on His adversaries. He reserves wrath for His enemies.

The Lord is slow to anger, and great in power, but the Lord will by no means leave the guilty unpunished.

The Saudi prince is currently promoting peace and unification in the middle-east. There have apparently been secret meetings in Egypt with Israeli leaders. We shall see what will come of this. Believers must persevere, encourage each other, and continue the great commission. People been doing this since time immoral.

Mark, what do you do with scripture in Daniel that tells believers to instruct those about what is to come?

The Antichrist Makes Peace With Israel

Mark, you sound like 2 Peter 3: From before the times of our ancestors, everything has remained the same since the world was first created. The Antichrist — http: Jane, that is an excellent question. This scripture is speaking of the anti-Christ. Notice that that he shall confirm a covenant for one week 7years but in the middle 3. Why would we be taken up during that time. James, who opens the seven seals from the very first Seal Judgment? Where do the angels receive the seven Trumpet Judgments?

Before the throne of God. Where do the seven Bowl Judgments come forth from? The heavenly Temple where God dwells. And, the Bible also gives us a lot of clues that the Rapture will occur before the Tribulation Isa. If all versions had this correct like the KJV, then the identity of the 24 Elders would no longer be such a mystery to the Church as it still seems to be. The number 24 is representative of the 24 courses of priests since the time of David where they would cycle throughout the Jewish year performing their priestly duties and all would be on hand for the Feasts as WE will all be on hand for the Incredible events of Revelation 5, how wonderful!