ICE BURIAL: The Oldest Human Murder Mystery (The Mother People Series Book 3)

Dutton's curiosity takes him from boardrooms and law courts to neurological labs. He tries in different ways to get inside the heads of those individuals for whom killing has been a way of life — from Bravo Two Zero 's Andy McNab to the video game-obsessed inmates of Broadmoor's secure wards.

In his effort to get to their truths he has a tendency to write with the one-tone-fits-all breeziness of the excited enthusiast; at certain points his insistent chattiness jars. Though he demonstrates few of the characteristics of psychopaths himself, none of the limited range of cold fury of Viking "berserkers" or the wilful icy detachment of brain surgeons, he is in thrall to their possibilities. Perhaps, he argues, we all are. It not only shows the value of the emotionally detached mind in bomb disposal but also the uses of the psychopath's ability to intuit anxiety as demonstrated by, for example, customs officials.

Along the way his analysis tends to reinforce the idea that the chemistry of megalomania which characterises the psychopathic criminal mind is a close cousin to the set of traits often best rewarded by capitalism. Dutton draws on a study that compared the profiles of business leaders with those of hospitalised criminals to reveal that a number of psychopathic attributes were arguably more common in the boardroom than the padded cell: The key difference was that the MBAs and CEOs were encouraged to exhibit these qualities in social rather than antisocial contexts.

As Dutton details this relationship, part of you is left wondering if the judge who recently praised a housebreaker for his courage and resourcefulness, and expressed the hope that in the future he might use his energies in more constructive directions, might have had Dutton's book by his bedside.

Certainly you are left wondering if corporations that really want to find driven leaders might be as well to conduct their recruitment round in the juvenile courts as the universities.

In this sense it is hard to know which is more chilling: It has been claimed that one quick way of telling is to read the following story and see what answer to its final question first pops into your head: Topics Science and nature books The Observer. Business and finance books Health, mind and body books Society books Mental health Health reviews.

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Write a customer review. Read reviews that mention ice burial mother people good read well written read all three books felt like iceman hard to put well worth explanation of the real really enjoyed book in the series whole series enjoyed reading last book recommend this book books in series enjoyed this book great read reading this book.

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Top Reviews Most recent Top Reviews. There was a problem filtering reviews right now. Please try again later. Kindle Edition Verified Purchase. I closely followed the research done on Oetzi after his partially frozen body was discovered.

I found Joan's story particularly interesting because she incorporated this historic find into her "Mother People" series. It was this particular mystery that caught my attention only recently - so now I will read the rest of Joan's series to see if they measure up to the intrigue she created in this story. I truly hope so because I enjoyed reading this one immensely One person found this helpful.

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  • Joan Dahr Lambert (Author of Circles of Stone).
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I like the easy storyline and focus on complex relationships and peaceful community. I do think humans are much more savage in response to violent acts. Without a real justice system, the only thing keeping the peace was swift and terrible revenge. We are still very much the the same today.

If someone hurt you or your sister or kidnapped your children, you would not sit idly by.

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I would have appreciated more about the perceived power of talented artists. Not many could capture the spirit of animals using minerals like ochre to paint caves. I liked the first book in this series--Circle of Stones. I was disapointed in the second. But Ice Burial was a great comeback for the author. I just wish she had delved more deeply into the patriarchic culture the bad guys started. While the bad guys themselves were well-developed, a small group of outsiders can only do so much.

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As with any cult, the really destructive behavior is unleashed by the followers. We didn't get that here, and I felt its lack. Still very well worth reading, and I hope there will be another book in the series! I enjoyed the book very much. It had some real twists to it but they only answered questions I was asking myself as I was reading. I like to know the back stories as well as the main plot.

I am hoping the author will write an other book in the series. This is the last book in the "Mother" series and is every bit as good as the first two. This is interesting because it gives a human touch to the Iceman body that was found and a plausible reason for how he died while continuing on with the progression of humans into the paleo-Indian era with their wise woman, Zena. Loved the whole series and would highly recommend them to anyone interested in our ancient ancestors.

Thoroughly enjoyed all The Mother People books, but I think this was my favorite. A plausible explanation to a real mystery. The characters are very interesting and you want to know more about them. It's too bad the series ended as it did. I wanted would have loved to read another book where Zena raises her children and really grows into her role as the "Wise Woman". Loved the spirituality of the Mother People and the millennia of garden of Eden peace and harmony before widespread violence developed. Could have been fewer sex scenes. Plausible research based ideas of how the iceman came to his end.

Having read all three books, Ms. Lambert did a wonderful job. I did feel a little let down with the ending of the last book. Would have liked a few more chapters on the main character! I also checked out the pictures of the Iceman, wow. See all 79 reviews.

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