The Secret of Moaning Cave

The Mystery of the Moaning Cave

Terimakasih iJak untuk peminjaman bukunya View all 8 comments. Feb 11, Robert Stewart rated it it was amazing. This is the very first 3I book I ever read. After 37 years, it's still a firm favourite. The boys go to the Crooked Y ranch, where the cave in Devil's Mountain has started to moan again after 50 years.

They come upon a diamond mine, eccentric old prospectors and a 19th century Mexican bandit. This was the first of several books for the series penned by William Arden, but he emulated the original author's style so well that few readers noticed the difference. A very good story. Ijak 4 Kurasa inilah pertama kalinya aku membaca cerita Trio Detektif, karena aku tidak ingat pernah membacanya waktu kecil. Ternyata petualangan mereka lumayan seru dan menegangkan juga. Jelas sekali pemimpinnya adalah Jupiter, dia yang paling pintar sehingga dia sangat mendominasi dibanding dua orang temannya yang harus unjuk gigi dengan porsi lebih sedikit.

Suka dengan mereka, tapi Jupiter agak songong ini bocah.

Editorial Reviews

Dan yeeeiiii pelaku tebakanku benar. Kisahnya cukup mendebarkan dan alur ceritanya enak untuk dibaca. Sep 16, Melissa rated it it was amazing. A moaning cave, a bandit and a ranch in problems.

Let's Play Kemo Coliseum Ep 4-THE MOANING CAVE'S SECRET

Udah ketebak sih siapa penjahatnya.. Jan 15, Jeff Stephenson rated it it was amazing. For the first time in the series, someone other than Robert Arthur, Jr wrote the story. He did well to match the style, personalities, and general tone of Robert Arthur's original characters and story line.

Perhaps moving this story away from Rocky Beach to a resort ranch some distance away so that the boys can experience a little mini-vacation helped make the writer transition a little easier. The story was exciting and it moved along at a very good pace. Almost all of the loose ends were tied up by the end. However, I would have liked to know why the US Navy was involved in the story at all. That aspect seemed unnecessary and totally unrelated. Still, there was enough mystery and misdirection for any adolescent mystery reader.

The boys had to do a mix of stuff ranging from action-adventure activities like exploring a cave and doing some scuba diving to just plain old "Sherlock Holmes style" deduction to figure out all of the twists and turns of the final solution to the case. Lynds proved to be almost as good, if not just as good, as Robert Arthur when describing a Three Investigators case. With only one more Robert Arthur title in the series yet for me to read, the smooth transition to Lynds is a comforting one for it signals that the series moves into the capable hands of another good writer.

Another three cheers for the Three Investigators! On to the next case! Sekarang saya sudah tahu kalau nama penulisnya ternyata Robert Arthur. Jadi sempat lola ketika membaca nama penulis di buku ini adalah William Arden. Nah siapa pula beliau ini?

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Editorial Reviews. About the Author. Spencer Anderson Lives with his wife Carole In Cedar The Secret of Moaning Cave - Kindle edition by Spencer Anderson. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. The Secret of the Moaning Cave [Spencer Anderson] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. The first three periods went as usual for the.

Setelah dilihat-lihat lagi, saya baru lihat tulisan "Based on Characters by Robert Arthur". Terus di bagian terakhir, biasanya kan Trio Detektif melaporkan hasil penyelidikan mereka ke Alfred Hitchcok, nah ini mereka melaporkannya ke Alfred Hitfield. Oke, saya anggap saja ini karena penulisnya adalah William Arden. Terus saya sama sekali lupa bagaimana ceritanya Misteri Gua Raungan.

  • The Secret of Moaning Cave eBook: Spencer Anderson: Kindle Store.
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Yang saya ingat waktu itu cuma El Diablo. Jadi lumayan seru waktu membaca petualangan Jupiter dan kawan-kawan saat memasuki gua. Sempat tertipu juga dengan pria seram dengan bekas luka di pipi. Kaget waktu tahu siapa sosok hitam yang dilihat oleh Pete di telaga. Walaupun saya sudah bisa menebak siapa sebenarnya El Diablo. So, asik sekali bernostalgia dengan cerita petualangan Trio Detektif. Semoga semua serinya dicetak ulang lagi ; Oct 14, Laura Verret rated it really liked it Shelves: Jupiter Jones, Pete Crenshaw, and Bob Andrews are staying with their friends, the Daltons, on their ranch the Crooked-Y when they become aware that an eerie moaning sound appears to be emanating from a cave on the property.

But Jupiter Jones, Pete Crenshaw, and Bob Andrews are staying with their friends, the Daltons, on their ranch the Crooked-Y when they become aware that an eerie moaning sound appears to be emanating from a cave on the property. But they agree that there is something very mysterious about the eerie wails. What is causing them? Several theories are thrown around concerning the possibility of ghostly presences, but by the end the moaning is proved to have been caused by natural circumstances.

The boys also find a skeleton in the cave, but the scene is not really creepy. Jupiter is, as always, brilliant. Visit The Blithering Bookster to read more reviews! Der Teufelsberg ist eine Folge, die ich nie so richtig "leiden" konnte, obwohl sie spannend, gut durchdacht und mit einem tollen Schluss versehen ist.

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Aber genauso wie "die Geisterinsel" oder "der lachende Schatten" habe ich mit dieser Folge nie so richtig die Drei Fragezeichen verbunden; keine Ahnung wieso. Zwar ist sie immer noch keine meiner Lieblings Der Teufelsberg ist eine Folge, die ich nie so richtig "leiden" konnte, obwohl sie spannend, gut durchdacht und mit einem tollen Schluss versehen ist.

The Secret of the Moaning Cave by Spencer Anderson (2018, Paperback)

Oct 30, Sarah Sammis rated it really liked it Shelves: In The Mystery of the Moaning Cave, the three investigators decide to solve the mystery behind a recently moaning cave rumored to be the resting place of El Diablo, a Zorro-like figure. The cave sits on the property of the Crooked-Y Ranch.

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The three investigators use a number of clever approaches to track down the source of the moaning. The story is fast paced and entertaining. The mystery is complex enough to keep older readers engrossed and straightforward enough to keep the younger readers turning the pages too. This book is the first of the three investigators books I've read. I enjoyed it enough to want to read more in the series if I find them. Dec 15, David rated it liked it. The first book of the series not written by Robert Arthur, it's a decent mystery and story with some downsides.

The boys are suddenly scuba diving and horse riding experts? This really bothered me, especially the scuba diving part.

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  • The Secret of the Moaning Cave by Spencer Anderson (, Paperback) | eBay.
  • The Mystery of the Moaning Cave by William Arden.
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  • Moaning Cavern.

In the books by Robert Arthur the boys were much more believable as average adolescents who were great at solving mysteries. The whole thing with the navy was another unnecessary, unbelievable part of the story. The mystery itself was pretty decent and while parts of i The first book of the series not written by Robert Arthur, it's a decent mystery and story with some downsides. The mystery itself was pretty decent and while parts of it were expected, there was a twist that I didn't expect that I thought was good.

If it weren't for the scuba thing, this book would get 4 stars, instead 3. Feb 25, Gardavson rated it it was amazing Shelves: I don't know why these books never "made it" bigger than they did. I sure enjoyed them as a child. Like they were something that if I had been part of the team, I could have contributed to solving them.

And yet they weren't boringly predictable at least at my then younger age. I'm considering collecting these now as an adult in hopes that my kids may become interested in them. Aug 12, Lance rated it really liked it. I think this one might have been the first of this series that I read.

It was soon after my "Western" phase, and the Mexican outlaw had enough western flavor to interest me at the time. After that I was hooked on the Three Investigators and quickly devoured all of the series that the local library had. I read mysteries for a while after that. Feb 26, Nicole rated it really liked it. Reviewing this series for my older boy, since it was one of my favorites when I was his age. It's striking how much freedom these boys took for granted at I've never been able to decide how old they really are; all I know for sure is that in none of them are they old enough to drive or care that much about girls.

Feb 12, Scott rated it liked it Shelves: This is the first of the series with a different author and you can tell. Just not as good as the previous books, not as exciting, plot not as well developed, characters just a little bit flat. I enjoyed it but wouldn't recommend it unless you either have excess time or already own the book. There are no discussion topics on this book yet. Under this same name, he also wrote five novels featuring private eye Kane Jackson, a former military policeman wh Real name: Under this same name, he also wrote five novels featuring private eye Kane Jackson, a former military policeman who has become an industrial security specialist after leaving the military.

Including the off-trail areas, the cave reaches a depth of feet m. Moaning Caverns is also an archaeological site, where some of the oldest human remains known in America were discovered. According to archaeologist Phil C. Orr, these human deposits were about 12, years old, for they were under mm. Orr also discovered the important Arlington Springs Man remains that are now considered authentic.

There was a lot of controversy about these and other remains in the caves. For example, the Calaveras Skull , found in the same area was deemed to be a hoax. The cave has long been the resting spot for the bodies of prehistoric people who fell into its opening. Moaning Caverns is home to the largest single cave chamber in California.

The massive room reaches over feet before funneling into smaller passageways. With a foot thick ceiling, the open area inside the chamber is, in fact, tall enough to hold the Statue of Liberty pedestal excluded. There is only one natural entrance into the chamber in the form of a foot vertical chimney dropping into the center of the room. This does make commercial entry a little difficult so dynamite was used in the mid s to expand a natural crack in the ground wide enough for stairs to be built down. The narrow wooden staircase ends at a flat platform 65 feet underground.

From there, a ten story spiral staircase leads down to a second platform at the base of the chamber. The large chamber of Moaning Caverns draws large numbers of guests every year to see the beauty of the cave. As of today, there are two ways to enter the main chamber. The most typical mean of entry is the Spiral Tour.

The Spiral Tour takes the stairs all the way to the floor of the chamber, feet below the visitors center, on a minute informative trip. There is also a more adventurous way into the cave.