The Power of Gems Stones : The Power of Gems Stones Meanings

Shifts subconscious thoughts to the conscious mind. Good for decision making. Calcite -The art of being, the knowledge of ourselves in all aspects and dimensions. Link us to parallel realities. Carnelian - Action and movement, personal power, concentration, courage, self-confidence and determination. Focus on the present moment. Celestite - Connection with angelic energy and inspiration. Helps in the fluent channeling of the messages and energy received. Good for recalling dreams. Chrysocolla - Symbol of beauty, love and harmony.

Supports letting go, surrendering pain and worry to universal love. Helps release grief, sadness and fear from the emotional body and aids the entrance of joy, certainty and peace. Chrysoprase - Self-acceptance and acceptance of others. Transformation of the negative ego, reducing superiority or inferiority complexes.

Stimulates sexuality and procreation. Citrine - Symbolizes the light of the rising sun and should be used at the start of a cycle, project or phase. Energy for prosperity and inner security. The most recommended stone regarding world subjects: Crystal Quartz - Symbol of balance and purity, helps meditation.

Has a very strong and shiny aura recommended for harmonization of places. Aids emotional stability, speeds healing and bring goodness on every level. Emerald - Represents abundance, balance, intelligence, rebirth and maturity. Helps revitalize the body. Fluorite - Helps prevent mental confusion and makes it easier to develop awareness. Goods for retrieving information. Increases intuition and interdimentional communication. Garnet - Energy and courage to abandon harmful or unwanted mental patterns. Creativity and rejuvenation energy.

Faith, constancy and truth. It was once believed to give it wearer guidance in the night, allowing seeing where others could not. Works as auxiliary for blood and hormone dysfunctions. Hematite - Brings self-confidence and promotes total anchoring of energies on Earth, eliminating mind limitations. Its energy is said to reinvigorate the blood. Iolite aka water sapphire - Opens, heightens and expands psychic abilities. Guides one through spiritual beginnings and growth. Helps achieve a high mysticism level and to discover obscure aspects of the personality. Intuition, calm, sensitivity, Promotes understanding.

Good for disturbed homes. Kyanite - Used in meditation to make it easier the contact with spiritual guides. The bridge that unites the illuminated body to the physical body through the mind. Lapis Lazuli - Calms the mind, developing intuition, meditation and wisdom. Help increase mental ability, concentration, memory and sight. Attracts the mind for the inner self to search for your own source of power. In the old Egypt it was ground and put in the eyes of pharaohs after death so that they could see the doors of entrance for the next life.

Malachite - Absorbs energy.

When placed on any painful area it helps extract the pain energy and bring to surface the psycho-emotional causes. Helps the recognition and use of individual power. Moonstone - Increases intuition. Connection with the energy from the moon and the feminine aspect of the emotional nature. Helps calm and balance emotion keeping it under control.

Energy helps against anxiety and stress. Helps men to attract the feminine element as well as provides seduction power. Clairvoyance and contact with spiritual world. Acceptance of our sexuality. The new age stone. Onyx - Control over emotions and passions. Aids psychic contact with those who have died and aids past-life and between-lives regression work. Opal - Works the energy of flow and movement. Promotes feelings of benevolence and friendship.

Blends feminine and masculine polarities of the conscious. Peridot - Personal freedom, calm, expression of past lives. Reduces depression, stress, rage and jealousy. Cures grudges, hurt egos and help repair deteriorated relationships. Powerful amulet against evil. Petrified wood - Security. Balances the energetic level. Helps eliminate worries about meaningless matters. Rose Quartz - The stone of unconditional love. Represents the capacity of giving and receiving love.

Irradiates energy that substitutes sorrow, fears and resentment. Increases self-esteem and is recommended to attract love. Green Quartz Prasiolite - Stimulates good health, security, discipline and stability. Rutilated Quartz - Strong conductor and generator of energy. Mental, emotional and physical stability. Very powerful against depression, good for inspiration and clairvoyance.

Smoky Quartz - Protects against negative energies. Teaches that there is light in the dark. Provides security when there is fear of failure. Provides courage and self-acceptance in the learning process. Good against depression and negative emotions. Rhodochrosite - Love towards life and towards others. Influences creative processes and intuition. Emotional balance to love relationships. Creates feelings of peace and human warmth. Rhodonite - Represents the relationship of oneself with its own body in order to listen to it and love it despite its limitations.

Calm security in any activity. Reduces anxiety and increases coherence. Ruby - Helps decision making and family matters. Provides self-confidence, negotiation ability and self-esteem.

Gemstone Meanings

Energy Muse is designed to balance the body using the healing properties of gemstones and crystals. For thousands of years, ancient civilizations have utilized. Learn about healing gemstones with this chart of stone meanings. Here is our guide to the most commonly used precious and semi-precious gemstones, crystals, and minerals and a list of their metaphysical symbolism, healing properties, powers, and spiritual meaning. Individual types.

Good energy for the blood flow and the heart. It does this by strengthening the root chakra, purifying the aura, and grounding one fully in the physical body. By bringing the subtle body into balance, it bolsters our inner vitality and gives us the heart to make necessary sacrifices, look at painful truths, or endure physical trials. There are many varieties of calcite, and each has specific properties. Pictured is orange calcite, which works with the 2nd and 3rd chakras, healing and giving energy toward creativity, sexuality, and the will.

Healing Stones And Their Meanings

You can match the color of calcite to the chakra it works with: Carnelian is about action. By activating the first three chakras, Carnelian provides a powerful boost to your willpower, with the physical energy and drive to back it up. If your heart wants something, carnelian can give you the confidence and power to go for it. Charoite helps the wearer have a wider perspective on life, seeing the day to day events within a larger pattern of the Universe unfolding. There are many forms of power. Chrysocolla empowers the Divine feminine, and the power of true wisdom to teach and transform.

By activating the throat and the heart chakras, it supports you to speak the wisdom that lives in the deepest part of you, which may even surprise yourself. Chrysoprase reminds and reassure you of your heart connection to others and to the Earth. It is one of the best stones for healing a broken heart and preparing your heart for a new relationship.

Do Healing Crystals Really Work?

It also helps when facing threatening situations, strengthening your ability to stay centered in your heart and act from compassion rather than fear or anger. To manifest your dreams, you first need to know what they are. By activating both your imagination and your will, citrine helps you clearly envision what you want, and then gives you the persistence to see it through.

Diamonds encourage stepping up and stepping into your true power to be a force for good in the world—that is, accepting and fulfilling your spiritual destiny. They encourage you to see, seek, and radiate the Light within yourself. They are intense stones!

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Emerald is a pure activator of the heart chakra. It opens your heart to receiving the flow of universal abundance available to us all, and in this way is an abundance stone. Like chrysoprase , it can help heal heartbreak and nourish your emotional self.

Fluorite clears and clarifies mental clutter. If you are confused and distracted by too many ideas, or worries about the future, fluorite will put your mental mess in order, enabling you to focus on what really matters. Garnets help you turn your visions into physical reality. The six types of garnets help with different types and levels of manifestation. The most represented in jewelry is pyrope garnet. This type of garnet helps the wearer release guilt and shame, open to receiving love, and walk forward with a sense of clarity and self-worth. Golden Obsidian also called Gold Sheen Obsidian activates the third chakra and aligns it with Divine will.

This supercharges your ability to manifest and create success in the world. It can help in all issues related to the will, such as clearing the negative effects of abuse of power, clarifying your true motivations, and helping you express your gifts in the world. Prasiolite also known as green amethyst acts as a bridge between the solar plexus chakra seat of the will , the heart chakra, and the third eye and crown chakras.

This makes it ideal for integrating the body, mind, and spirit into an integrated whole. Hematite is the most powerful gemstone to use for grounding. It can help you clear away confusion and orient you toward practical action in the real world. It brings the energy of higher consciousness down through the chakras to your root, and helps you transform that energy into physical reality.

This in turn promotes true rest, which is why it is known for helping with insomnia. Iolite supports and facilitates inner vision, including shamanic journeying. Green jade carries the energy of the Earth and nature, providing a wholesome, nurturing energy that uplifts and soothes the heart.

It draws the abundance of nature into your life, helping you create physical prosperity and wellbeing.

Gemstone Meanings and Properties

There are several dozen types of jasper which each have unique properties, but in general jaspers all share the property of connecting the wearer with Earth energy and have a grounding and stabilizing effect. Different colors of kyanite have unique properties. Blue is the most common, and is a stone that enables communication and energy transfer mind-to-mind, between the conscious mind and the dreaming mind creating lucid dreams , and between the physical and astral body. It creates pathways that heal by bridging blocks and aiding communication between disparate parts of the self, or between people.

Labradorite awakens psychic abilities such as telepathy and prophecy. It facilitates self-mastery and awareness of multiple layers of reality at the same time; thus it is a good stone for shamanic work. Lapis lazuli is a stone with royal energy, in that it helps you uncover and access your inner noble and Divine nature. It activates psychic abilities and intuition, connecting you to spiritual guidance and visionary awareness. It helps you discern and speak the truth, as well as discover your truest inner Self.

Larimar empowers you to speak directly from the heart. It is one of the best stones for diffusing anger and transmuting it to relaxed, clear communication. It helps you tap into a deep sense of calm that transcends the current situation and your emotional responses to it—helping you to accept what is, and see the Divine in every moment. Lepidolite helps with stress and worry when life feels turbulent and overwhelming. It can help you stay focused on the present, relieving worry about the future and letting go of stuck patterns from the past. Malachite is a stalwart protector and bolsterer of your strength and willpower.

It helps you access your innate power and protects you from negativity as you take action in the world. Moldavite is quite popular in metaphysical circles and is well-known as a stone of spiritual awakening and an accelerant of personal evolution. As a green stone it is most active with the heart chakra, but the power of this stone can act on and open all chakras and enhance any spiritual pursuit.

Moonstone is a stone of feminine power and mystery. It enhances intuition and encourages the wisdom and patience to trust Divine timing. Morganite is a heart chakra stone and carries the energy of Divine love and compassion.

Gemstone Meanings, Symbolism & Powers - Crystal Healing GemSelect

It is an excellent stone to heal emotional trauma and grief and see the larger meaning and purpose of it in your life. If you are ready to transform pain, trauma, or loss into wisdom and compassion, this is your stone. Obsidian is an earth-stone, activating the root chakra and grounding you in your connection to the Earth. It clears the aura of negative energy, and can also be used for scrying.

Ocean Jasper encourages seeing the positive aspects of life, and letting go of the negative. It is helpful for people suffering from depression, as it gently lifts the spirits and helps one appreciate the present moment and the beauty of life. It can also dispel negativity and encourage a healthy atmosphere when in the workplace, or when you are out socializing. Onyx focuses and directs your energy toward your goals, helping you stay the course. It can help you rebuild your vitality after a prolonged illness or period of depletion, and is useful for work that requires disciplined focus and perseverance.

It can amplify your emotions, bringing semi-conscious patterns to the surface of your awareness to be dealt with. When these are cleared, it also amplifies joy. Natural pearls are unique gems in that they are created biologically by a sea mollusk adding successive layers of material consisting of shell, aragonite , and calcite. As such they do not have the natural crystalline structure of most crystals that are used for healing.

However, they do carry the energy of their component minerals, as well as the nurturing medicine of the sea. Peridot is a positive energy stone.

How to Use Gemstones & Crystals for Healing

It vibrates with the energy of sunshine, showering you with blessings and abundance. It helps bring the physical reality of your life into alignment with your true purpose and joy. It can help you release past hardships, and step into a new reality of fruitful goodness.

Picture jasper is a like a window into the Earth. It facilitates inner journeying to specific places or times in the past, and connecting to sacred sites. It is a good stone to use in ceremonies working with Earth energy, especially when you are working with dreams or visioning.

Through quieting the mind and ego, it can assist in the ability to hear through your psychic channels more clearly. Pyrite strengthens and activates the third chakra, the seat of the will. The result is increased confidence, assertiveness, creativity, and the ability to do what it takes to create what you want. Clear quartz is the most useful and versatile of gemstones for metaphysical work. It also acts to amplify the energies of any other stone you are working with. Rainbow Obsidian helps one take the journey to the root cause of emotional distress in order to resolve it.

It acts by being a bridge to bring Light into wounded and dark places, allowing them to heal. Like black obsidian, it also clears and purifies the aura. Rainforest Jasper connects you to Planet Earth, the joy of being alive, the energy of growth, and the desire to be in balance with nature. It can help you realign your busy life and find your own natural rhythm of balance and harmony.

It can help you let go of negative physical habits like overeating or smoking, and create a naturally healthy state of everyday existence. Rhodochrosite is a powerful stone for emotional healing. It helps you gently revisit painful childhood memories, heal the past, and reclaim the parts of yourself that you may have suppressed or disowned for emotional survival.

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It is also a stone of joy and nurturing, helping you access the freedom and magic of a child when they feel safe and loved. Rhodonite helps you understand your gifts, and supports you to use them in the world. It can also help you decipher inner visions related to your destiny and purpose. Rose quartz is the classic stone of love. It helps dissolve old hurts and open the heart to trust in love and have faith in the benevolence of the Universe. It has a melting effect on mistrust and suspicion, and reawakens the heart chakra to abundance of love available to it.

It is a great stone to place in your home or workplace to increase the vibration of harmony and love in the environment. Ruby is an activator of passion, confidence, determination, and adventure. It helps you develop courage and face your fears, moving through them and experiencing the renewed vitality on the other side. Stimulating enthusiasm, willingness to try new things, and the fortitude to see them through, ruby is a powerhouse of life-force energy.

Blue sapphire is a stone of mental focus and order, as well as inner vision and psychic awareness. It can help open the third eye to receive wisdom and insight, and the throat chakra to communicate that vision to others. It can be used to clear the aura from negativity or stuck energy, and to clear crystals by placing them on top of a flat piece of selenite.

Serpentine connects with the resonance and vibration of the natural world, helping you embody your true nature. Smoky quartz clears negative energies from the environment by grounding them in the Earth. It also serves as a general grounding stone, helping you integrate insights from higher vibrations by keeping your feet on the ground and helping you handle practical matters. When you are feeling hopeless, snowflake obsidian can help you regain your courage to persevere, and help you see opportunities you may have overlooked to improve your situation.

Sodalite stimulates the mind and consciousness to create enhanced intuition, creativity, and powers of analysis and observation. It can enhance the ability to be an objective witness of your internal processes, therefore assisting in meditation and inner journeying. Spinel is a stone of hope, revitalization, and feeling the joy of being alive. It brings new energy, perspectives, and appreciation for the wonderful world around you. If you feel called to re-align your life to one of joy and inspiration, fully backed by the supportive hands of the Universe, spinel is the stone for you!

Sunstone embodies the generosity and expansiveness of the sun, supporting and motivating creativity, leadership, and vibrant aliveness. By harmonizing and linking the heart and third-eye chakra, Tanzanite is a powerful stone for activating compassion and increasing the ability to speak the truth in your heart.

It is an integrating stone that helps awaken an enlightened consciousness based in wholeness. Tiger eye helps you stay centered and calmly practical despite the ups and downs of life. It helps you balance polarities and accept contradictions, taking life as it comes and responding to the needs of the moment without judgment.

It is a helpful stone for protracted difficult situations, as it lends endurance and keeps you in the best state of mind to deal with problems as they come without getting overwhelmed, hopeless, or reactionary. Topaz comes in many colors which have different but related properties. Golden topaz also helps in manifestation, but more slowly and with more emphasis on connecting and accepting your life path. Blue topaz is a magnifier for psychic abilities. Tourmaline carries the frequency of natural joy and beauty.

Tourmaline comes in a wide variety of types and colors.