Homeopathic Cell Salt Remedies: Healing with Natures Twelve Mineral Compounds

Homeopathic Cell Salt Remedies

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You can remove the unavailable item s now or we'll automatically remove it at Checkout. The skin may appear bumpy if a deficiency is present in the body. This cell salt is the most important of the three potassium cell salt remedies because of its safe and effective tranquilizing properties.

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Cancer research is currently exploring the benefit of potassium in the body and its link to cellular health. Deficiencies in this cell salt can be noted in ash-gray skin, sunken temples and cheeks, dull eyes and bad breath. In conjunction with ferrum phosphate, potassium sulphate helps to carry oxygen through the bloodstream and into the cells though potassium sulphate is believed to be able to carry oxygen to parts of the body that ferrum phosphate cannot.

The priority of this cell salt is to build new cells when others have been damaged or killed due to disease and it is also useful for skin complaints, asthma, and for those recovering from infections of the nose and throat as it assists in recovering sense of taste and smell.

Homeopathic Cell Salt Remedies by Rolfe, Lionel; Nigey Lennon

Deficiencies in this cell salt can be noted in a brownish-yellow complexion all over the face but particularly around the mouth, liver spots, age spots, vitilgo, and freckles. Silica is a major supportive element of connective tissues in both plants and animal cells and is a powerful cleanser of toxins. Sensitivity to light, problems with fingernails, dull hair and red eyes are other indicators of a deficiency in silica.

Learn more about silica.

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This cell salt is perhaps best known as a headache remedy though it is also one of the most powerful and quick acting where serious illness is concerned. Sodium chloride regulates the passage of fluids in the body and is crucial since, without it, cells would not be able to receive the nutrients they require and many of the biochemical processes of the body would be critically impacted. Because of its importance in regulating the flow of fluids and because headaches are believed to primarily be caused from changes in blood flow, sodium chloride is a natural choice to stabilize this blood flow to the brain and provide relief and sometimes eliminating headaches altogether.

Similarly, because it regulates the passage of fluids, sodium chloride is also useful in reducing high blood pressure. Deficiencies in this cell salt can be noted in redness around the hairline, lower lashes, nose, cheek, chin or forehead. Sodium phosphate is found in the blood, muscles, nerves and brain cells with a function of decomposing lactic acid and emulsifying fatty acids. Because acidity in the blood is a common cause of many ailments, sodium phosphate plays an important role in wellness as it reduces acidity in the blood.

Gout, back pain, muscle aches and indigestion are ailments most commonly soothed with this cell salt though it can also be useful in some cases of rheumatism. The four phosphate remedies are used together as a standard cell salt nerve tonic as phosphate occurs in a free state and is always found in combination with other phosphates. Deficiencies of this cell salt can be noted on the skin where the chin is red or where there is general yellow to red coloring on the nose, mouth, forehead, chin and cheeks.

Other indications of a deficiency include combination skin oily and dry , cholesterol deposits raised yellow pimple like growths around the eyes , blackheads, pimples, acne, upper lip wrinkles, fatty deposits, acid spots, dry skin or greasy sweat.

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This cell salt regulates water being carried away from the cells opposite of sodium chloride and is a remedy where conditions aggravated by moisture are concerned, including asthma. Other benefits of this cell salt include its ability to remove waste from the bloodstream, speed healing in mucous membranes, ease digestive issues and it has even been successful in treating diabetes.

Homeopathic Cell Salt Remedies

Deficiencies in this cell salt can be noted in a greenish-yellow, bluish-red, or yellowish color of the skin and is indicated on the nose or by the appearance of bags under the eyes. Further deficiency can be noted when there is a chronic issue with foul gas. The bottom line of cell salts is that your body needs them and wants them as they provide the basic components for structure and can speed healing, reduce inflammation, and help you maintain good health.

Even this bit of information provided above is a good starting point to help you identify and ease a host of everyday ailments.

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Homeopathic Cell Salt Remedies: Healing with Nature's Twelve Mineral Compounds [Nigey Lennon, Lionel Rolfe] on www.farmersmarketmusic.com *FREE* shipping on. Homeopathic Cell Salt Remedies is a. simple but comprehensive guide to healing with these mineral compounds. Part One describes each cell salt, explaining.

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To include a comma in your tag, surround the tag with double quotes. Skip to content Skip to search. Home This edition , English, Book edition: Homeopathic cell salt remedies: Published Garden City Park, N. Square One Publishers, c Check copyright status Cite this Title Homeopathic cell salt remedies: Physical Description p. Subjects Schussler, Wilhelm Heinrich, Salts -- Therapeutic use.