
Through a chain of events, Jacob causes several small accidents that culminate in a truck running a red light and crashing into John's car, revisiting an opening scene of the film. Due to his injuries, John is taken to a hospital, which turns out to be the same hospital where Emma is checked in. After recalling his happiness before his wife died, John walks to Emma's room, guarded by Allel as an unseen battle ensues between the Storytellers and Incubi. In the dreamworld, Liev discovers that Ink arrived after his human counterpart committed suicide.

Ink, being ashamed of his hideous and scarred appearance, believes the Incubi will help him; the Incubi having been revealed to all wear apparati that project facades of bliss and happiness to hide their misery. After making their way to the stronghold of the Incubi, Ink offers Emma and Liev as his payment to the leader. As Liev attempts to stand up to the leader of the Incubi, she is mortally wounded.

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While dying, Liev pleads with Ink to "remember". Suddenly, Ink has a revelation: Ink understands that he is, in fact, John Sullivan's soul from a future in which Emma dies and he does not visit her at the hospital time flows differently in the dreamworld. In this realization, Ink rushes at the Incubi and kills them to rescue his daughter, mirroring the dream scene in the beginning of the film. After the fight is over, Emma's soul embraces Ink, realizing that it is her father. In the normal world, Pathfinder Jacob activates a device that calls the other Storytellers as reinforcement, with the onslaught of Storytellers defeating the Incubi.

John finally makes his way to Emma's room. The film closes as Emma awakes to find her father at her bedside. Both Jamin Winans and Kiowa Winans contributed multiple roles in making Ink, in addition to being credited as executive producers. Jamin wrote, directed and edited, as well as composed the original soundtrack for the film, while Kiowa is credited for the Art Direction, Costume Design and Sound Design.

As no big studio picked up the film for theatrical and home distribution, Double Edge Films pitched the film directly to independent cinemas and saw to the DVD, Blu-ray and online distribution themselves. DVD and Blu-ray copies are sold directly via the company's website starting from October 30, and are sold at retail stores starting November 10, , as well as downloads at Video on demand stores.

The film received generally positive reviews, both from audiences and critics. Film critics often noted the technical quality of the film even as an amateur , low-budget film. Due to good word of mouth among audiences, the film was frequently viewed many times upon its release. According to TorrentFreak , a file sharing news site, Ink was downloaded via BitTorrent , times in a single week, which exposed the film to a large audience and led to higher DVD and Blu-ray sales in return.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. This article's plot summary may be too long or excessively detailed. Please help improve it by removing unnecessary details and making it more concise.

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November Learn how and when to remove this template message. Our Release Strategy in 5 Steps". Double Edge Films blog. Retrieved November 5, Retrieved June 20, A more recent development in dye-based inks are dyes that react with cellulose to permanently color the paper.

Such inks are not affected by water, alcohol, and other solvents. This kind of ink is most commonly found in gel inks and in certain fountain pen inks. There is a misconception that ink is non-toxic even if swallowed. Once ingested, ink can be hazardous to one's health.

Certain inks, such as those used in digital printers, and even those found in a common pen can be harmful. Though ink does not easily cause death, repeated skin contact or ingestion can cause effects such as severe headaches, skin irritation, or nervous system damage. Some regulatory bodies have set standards for the amount of heavy metals in ink.

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Ink uses up non-renewable oils and metals, which have a negative impact on the environment. Carbon inks were commonly made from lampblack or soot and a binding agent such as gum arabic or animal glue. The binding agent keeps carbon particles in suspension and adhered to paper. Carbon particles do not fade over time even when bleached or when in sunlight. One benefit is that carbon ink does not harm paper.

Over time, the ink is chemically stable and therefore does not threaten the paper's strength. Despite these benefits, carbon ink is not ideal for permanence and ease of preservation. Carbon ink tends to smudge in humid environments and can be washed off surfaces.

The best method of preserving a document written in carbon ink is to store it in a dry environment Barrow Recently, carbon inks made from carbon nanotubes have been successfully created. They are similar in composition to traditional inks in that they use a polymer to suspend the carbon nanotubes. These inks can be used in inkjet printers and produce electrically conductive patterns. Iron gall inks became prominent in the early 12th century; they were used for centuries and were widely thought to be the best type of ink.

However, iron gall ink is corrosive and damages paper over time Waters Items containing this ink can become brittle and the writing fades to brown. The original scores of Johann Sebastian Bach are threatened by the destructive properties of iron gall ink. The rate at which the writing fades is based on several factors, such as proportions of ink ingredients, amount deposited on the paper, and paper composition Barrow Corrosion is caused by acid catalysed hydrolysis and iron II -catalysed oxidation of cellulose Rouchon-Quillet Treatment is a controversial subject.

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No treatment undoes damage already caused by acidic ink. Deterioration can only be stopped or slowed. Others believe that non-aqueous procedures are the best solution. Yet others think an aqueous procedure may preserve items written with iron gall ink. Aqueous treatments include distilled water at different temperatures, calcium hydroxide, calcium bicarbonate, magnesium carbonate, magnesium bicarbonate, and calcium phytate.

There are many possible side effects from these treatments. There can be mechanical damage, which further weakens the paper. Paper color or ink color may change, and ink may bleed. Iron gall inks require storage in a stable environment, because fluctuating relative humidity increases the rate that formic acid, acetic acid, and furan derivatives form in the material the ink was used on.

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Sulfuric acid acts as a catalyst to cellulose hydrolysis, and iron II sulfate acts as a catalyst to cellulose oxidation. These chemical reactions physically weaken the paper, causing brittleness. Some types of indelible ink have a very short shelf life because of the quickly evaporating solvents used. India , Mexico , Indonesia , Malaysia and other developing countries have used indelible ink in the form of electoral stain to prevent electoral fraud.

The Indian Scientist Dr. The Election Commission in India has used indelible ink for many elections. Indonesia used it in its last election in Aceh. In Mali , the ink is applied to the fingernail.

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There can be mechanical damage, which further weakens the paper. Materials and Techniques for Today's Artist. Pigment inks are used more frequently than dyes because they are more color-fast, but they are also more expensive, less consistent in color, and have less of a color range than dyes. It is revealed that Ron and his wife were given custody of Emma after the death of John's wife Shelly Shannan Steele in a car accident, due to John's grief-induced addiction to alcohol and drugs. In the dreamworld, Liev discovers that Ink arrived after his human counterpart committed suicide.

Indelible ink itself is not infallible as it can be used to commit electoral fraud by marking opponent party members before they have chances to cast their votes. There are also reports of "indelible" ink washing off voters' fingers in Afghanistan. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

For other uses, see Ink disambiguation. Environmental issues with paper. This section needs more medical references for verification or relies too heavily on primary sources. Please review the contents of the section and add the appropriate references if you can. Unsourced or poorly sourced material may be challenged and removed. Printing Inks — World". Retrieved 21 April Form Grunts to Graffiti. Runestone Press; an imprint of Lerner Publishing Group Page 30, New York: The Pen and Ink Book: Materials and Techniques for Today's Artist.