Crónicas desde el mundo de la política interior global (Spanish Edition)

For that purpose, he analyses a vast range of international scholarship focusing in the ways authors examine societies different from their own. Por conta do rumo que as coisas tomaram, gostaria de, acima de tudo, agradecer a Roger Chartier. O primeiro - que logo retomarei - pode parecer uma surpresa: Analisamos muitos de seus textos: Isso foi o resultado de dois processos complementares.

Por que tal dificuldade? Os homens do passado ou os historiadores do presente? Manejando tanto a espada quanto a pena, participou de campanhas que asseguraram a hegemonia romana sobre Cartago e outros rivais. Ver de Roma e ver como Roma. Na narrativa de Sima Qian, o eunuco desempenhou um papel estranho: A outra parte da obra de Rashid al-Din tratava da Europa, o mundo dos "Francos". Parte desse conhecimento foi incorporado no Ming Shilu "Os registros verdadeiros da dinastia Ming" Wade, Lopes se vangloriava, em sua obra, de seu "cuidado e diligencia [na leitura de] grandes volumes de livros e desvairadas linguagens e terras, e Relembrando as palavras de Marcel Bataillon No mundo dos cronistas castelhanos, contudo, foi provavelmente bastante lido e valorizado.

On world historians in the sixteenth century e Intertwined histories: Jamshid Kiyanfar, 10 vols. Pro Turcis and contra Turcos: Southeast Asia as seen from Mughal India: Tahir Muhammad's 'Immaculate garden' c. Livraria Sam Carlos, Histoire, Sciences Sociales , v. The EU has engaged with the Government of India and Indian civil society organisations since the early s, on improving maternal health, reducing child mortality and protecting women's rights.

The EU is supporting the Government of India in a holistic way, e. The National Development Agency acknowledged the irregularity which had been occasioned by its acceptance — contrary to the provisions of the call for applications — of the applications which were received by express mail on the first day. According to its justification, the rules applicable under the streamlined award procedure required it to regard applications received on one and the same day as having arrived simultaneously, so that it was only possible to accept them if sufficient funding was available to accept all the formally correct applications received on the same day.

The funding required by the applications received on the second day HUF 7. Is it true that it is an EU rule that, in the case of streamlined funding award procedures, applications received on the same day can only be accepted under the conditions stated above? If so, would it not be more justifiable to use some kind of objective selection procedure if the large number of formally correct applications received on the same day requires total funding which exceeds the budget?

If on the other hand the rules are not derived from Commission law, does the Commission monitor whether the technical consequences of calls for applications issued in individual Member States ensure equal opportunities for all potential applicants? How can the damage which has been suffered by the organisations affected in this case be remedied, and what should the National Development Agency — and the national authorities which are implicated in the case — do to prevent any recurrence of this?

EU legislation does not prescribe the modalities of funding award procedures within shared management. It is the responsibility of the Member States to set up the system for selection of the operations. The Commission performs audits on operations and management and control systems. The process of selection of operations can be part of such an audit. If, during an audit, a deficiency or irregularity is identified, corrective measures are applied interruption, suspension of payments, financial correction.

If the management and control system or its part is found non-compliant with EU or national legislation, the national authorities must take corrective measures, otherwise the Commission will. The European Commission has recently received complaints about the management of some calls for proposals concerning the ESF co-financed projects in Hungary and requested the Hungarian Authorities to provide their assessment. Following the receipt of the reply, the Commission Services will analyse the information provided and decide on the next steps, if any. According to economic theory, one of the adjustment mechanisms during asymmetric shocks in common currency areas is labour migration.

The financial crisis of , which led to the debt crisis in certain eurozone countries, caused just such a shock, the effects of which we are now fighting. Does the Commission have any information indicating that citizens of countries experiencing economic problems are migrating, either abroad or within their own country, to a greater extent than before the crisis? What long-term economic effects would the continuation of such migration trends have? The countries most likely to attract mobile EU citizens are those with low unemployment and substantial skill or labour shortages.

Other pull factors may be language and the existence of a community from the origin country due to the network effects. Each year, Spanish producers of tinned mandarins must face aggressive competition from China, whose exports, sold at less than production costs, pose a serious threat to their future viability. The import price of Chinese mandarins represents about half the production costs borne by the Spanish producers, who have to comply with much more stringent food safety and labour standards. Does it intend to open a new investigation into the market situation with a view to restoring anti-dumping measures against Chinese exports in the coming years?

As to the issue of retroactivity, this matter will be carefully considered by the Commission when statistics of imports of canned mandarins from China are available. Once these statistics are available, conclusions will again be submitted to parties as well as to the Member States in the framework of the Anti-dumping and Anti-subsidy Committee.

A decision will again be taken by the Commission on the matter and a proposal will eventually be transmitted to the Council. The law also provides for the possibility to request a review of the measures, if there is sufficient prima facie evidence that the measures or their level are no longer appropriate in view a change in the market situation.

At last Monday's meeting, the Eurogroup demanded that a private company be engaged to evaluate the implementation of the legal framework in Cyprus concerning money laundering. This is both institutionally and politically unacceptable. Has it already adopted this practice in other Member States? If so, in which ones? Are any measures being taken to ensure compliance with banking secrecy rules should a private firm be hired to carry out such an evaluation? The Commission is in discussion with its Troika partners on the most effective way forward of evaluating the legal framework. The specific situation in Cyprus has not arisen in a comparable manner in other Member States.

Hence this practice has not been adopted in other Member States. Vice-President Rehn did not comment on upcoming cuts in the minimum wage when he answered these questions. What he actually said in response to these questions and was reported was this: The social partners will be participating in this review. There was no express or implied agreement that there would be any further reductions in wages. No decision has been taken which in any way pre-empts the outcome of this review. At the same time, the Greek ministers responsible replied, inter alia , that: It is an issue on which the government has a well-defined position.

There will be no reduction in the minimum wage, which has already been reduced to a very low level. According to the memoranda agreed between the Greek Government and the Commission — on behalf of the euro area member states — the European Central Bank ECB and the International Monetary Fund IMF , a review of the minimum wage framework shall take place by the first quarter of The review of the minimum wage system will be undertaken with the view to possibly improve it's simplicity and effectiveness to promote employment and fight unemployment and help the competitiveness of the economy.

The social partners will have a role to play in this review. Impfstoffe sind ein wichtiges Mittel, um langfristig die Kosten im Gesundheitswesen zu senken und den Menschen Krankheit und Leiden zu ersparen. Aus dem laufenden 7. Vaccines are an important means of making long-term healthcare savings and preventing illness and human suffering.

The Commission is promoting the development of vaccines for HIV, malaria and tuberculosis. Is the Commission financing the development of vaccines for other diseases or promoting them in some other way? If so, for which diseases is the development of vaccines being promoted and how much financial support is being provided? If so, in which Member States is the use of vaccines being promoted? Which vaccines are involved? The Commission, through the framework Programmes for Research FP , provides financial support to vaccine research and development activities.

Vaccination policy is primarily a responsibility of Member States. The Commission does not fund the use of vaccines in the Union. Furthermore, the Commission helps raise awareness on the importance of immunisation. This winter Austria has experienced very heavy snowfall, leading to traffic problems in many cities.

Heavy snowfall has also occurred in a number of other EU Member States, causing similar problem. Do any programmes or initiatives exist at EU level to despatch snow ploughs, salt reserves or other snow clearance equipment or material from less affected to more affected Member States, where the need arises? If not, does the Commission intend to draw up a programme of this kind or propose that Member States conclude agreements to this end? No, there are no such programmes or initiatives at EU level. However, when the capacities of an affected Member State are exhausted, it can request assistance via the European Civil Protection Mechanism.

Services on Demand

There are currently no other initiatives, other than the revision of the abovementioned EU Civil Protection Mechanism, which will be reinforced. Wie viele Personen im Generalsekretariat des Rates sind unbezahlt beurlaubt? What are the rules and procedures in the Council Secretariat applicable to officials wishing to take another paid job — including on a fee basis — alongside their jobs in the Council Secretariat? How many persons have another paid job, alongside their work in the Council Secretariat?

What rules and procedures are applicable to officials on unpaid leave who take another paid job during this leave, on either a permanent or a fee basis? How many people in the Council Secretariat are on unpaid leave? How many of these have another paid job? Such permission can be refused only if the activity in question is such as to interfere with the performance of the official's duties or is incompatible with the interests of the institution.

The official must also inform the Appointing Authority of any change in a permitted outside activity which occurs after the official has sought such permission. According to the internal rules of the General Secretariat of the Council GSC on external activities, gainful activities on a professional basis or activities related to a commercial company are not permitted. Officials taking leave on personal grounds may engage in a professional activity, whether gainful or not, only after having received permission from the Appointing Authority to do so.

Crónicas desde el mundo de la política interior global (Spanish) Paperback Publisher: PAIDÓS 41 (November 24, ); Language: Spanish; ISBN Amor a distancia: Nuevas formas de vida en la era global (Spanish Edition). Jun 28 Crónicas desde el mundo de la política interior global (Spanish Edition).

The decision granting permission for leave on personal grounds, sent to the official concerned, is accompanied by the relevant form with which the official can request permission for an external activity. Completion of this form is compulsory if an external activity is envisaged. Currently officials of the GSC are on leave for personal grounds, of whom 63 have applied for, and been granted, permission to engage in gainful activities. As mentioned above, any external activity officials wish to engage in must be declared and may be refused by the Appointing Authority if it is incompatible with the interests of the institution or interferes with the performance of the official's duties.

Officials in breach of that obligation are liable to disciplinary action. I have been contacted by a constituent who is concerned about violations of human rights in Russia. Our position is clear: Initiatives already taken in the European and some national Parliaments underscore the importance the European public attaches to this and similar cases.

The EEAS will continue to make clear our expectation that the investigation of this case be resumed and taken forward appropriately. Sanctions are a part of an integrated and comprehensive EU policy approach and are considered a measure of last resort. Restrictive measures should only be considered in specific situations and in accordance with established EU guidelines. They are a preventive instrument, which would require the highest level of political support and could only be introduced by unanimous agreement of EU Member States.

I have been contacted by a constituent who is concerned about a new adoption law passed in Russia. This question, and the situation of children in Russian orphanages in particular, have been addressed with the Russian Federation at three consecutive meetings of EU-Russia human rights consultations. The last time this was discussed was on December 7, , not long before the adoption law was passed by the Russian Duma.

The EU also regularly meets and discusses children rights issues with the Russian children ombudsman Pavel Astakhov. Voorwaarden waaronder de Commissie raadpleging uitvoert in meerdere talen. Dit is een zeer bemoedigende ontwikkeling aangaande de raadplegingprocedures van de Commissie.

Committees examining international protection claims. Stassen to the Commission. EU-Brazil business sector cooperation. Met andere woorden, hoezeer dient, in de ogen van de Commissie, de situatie in Turkije verder te verslechteren voordat zij tot deze conclusie komt? Parte desse conhecimento foi incorporado no Ming Shilu "Os registros verdadeiros da dinastia Ming" Wade, Unequal treatment of foreign language lecturers from abroad in Italy.

Zelfs na deze procedure is de vragenlijst enkel voor burgers toegankelijk in het Engels. Op basis van welke criteria heeft de Commissie besloten om de raadpleging aangaande bedrijfsgeheimen in alle talen van de Europese Unie voor burgers beschikbaar te stellen? Op basis van welke criteria heeft de Commissie besloten om de raadpleging aangaande de civielrechtelijke handhaving van intellectuele eigendomsrechten niet in alle talen van de Europese Unie voor burgers beschikbaar te stellen?

Wat is de reden dat de Commissie deze twee raadplegingen verschillend behandelt wat betreft toegankelijkheid voor de burgers? Aangezien het een technisch onderwerp betreft dat op het eerste gezicht weinig aantrekkelijk is voor het grote publiek, is besloten om een relatief korte vragenlijst op te stellen en die in alle talen te vertalen om zo toch voldoende antwoorden te verkrijgen. Aan de basis van de eerste openbare raadpleging over dit onderwerp lag overigens een verslag van de Commissie dat wel in alle talen is vertaald. Aangezien de Commissie slechts over een beperkt aantal vertalers beschikt, moet zij keuzes maken om binnen het budget te blijven dat is vrijgemaakt voor deze — door de belastingbetaler gefinancierde — activiteit.

Zij heeft het document echter wel in drie talen vertaald Frans, Duits en Engels en de raadplegingstermijn van drie naar vier maanden verlengd.

EUR-Lex Access to European Union law

Om de toegankelijkheid van de raadpleging te verbeteren, bood de Commissie eveneens de mogelijkheid om de vragenlijst in verschillende keren in te vullen. Dit verklaart meteen ook de voorafgaande registratieprocedure. Even after this procedure has been gone through, the questionnaire itself is available to citizens only in English. According to what criteria did the Commission decide that the questionnaire on trade secrets consultation should be made available to citizens in all the languages of the European Union?

According to which criteria did the Commission decide that the questionnaire on intellectual property rights civil enforcement consultation would not be made available to citizens in all the languages of the European Union? What made the Commission assess these two consultations differently in terms of accessibility for citizens? The questionnaire on the protection of business and research know-how is the first consultation on this subject. The questionnaire on the civil enforcement of intellectual property rights was, on the other hand, particularly long because of the complex nature of the subject-matter and given that it constituted a new phase in the consultation process begun at the end of The Commission endeavours in all cases to ensure that citizens have the greatest possible access to consultations within the limits of the resources at its disposal.

This means that the Commission has to make choices, as it has only a limited number of translators and a limited budget allocated to this activity financed by taxpayers. Although in the case of the second consultation on the civil enforcement of intellectual property rights the Commission has had to take into account the length of the document and the considerable costs its translation into all the official languages of the European Union would have entailed, it has nevertheless translated the document into three languages French, German and English and extended the consultation period from three to four months.

In order to improve accessibility to the consultation, the Commission has made it possible to fill in the questionnaire in several stages, hence the prior registration procedure. I procuratori accusano il sig. Il governo sostiene, inoltre, che il sig Abedini voleva influenzare le menti dei giovani iraniani volgendole verso il cristianesimo e contro l'Islam. A seguito del deterioramento della situazione dei diritti umani in Iran, compresa quella delle minoranze religiose, l'Unione europea ha imposto sanzioni a 87 funzionari iraniani ritenuti responsabili di violazioni dei diritti umani.

Saeed Abedini was born in Iran, but converted to Christianity in and worked to set up house churches. He was allowed to return to Iran to build a non-religious orphanage, but after several visits was arrested and put on trial. The EU remains committed to improving the rights of persons belonging to minorities in Iran, alongside with the protection of human rights more generally. Imprisoning individuals on the basis of their religious beliefs contravenes the International Convention of Civil and Political Rights, which Iran is signatory to.

In reaction to the deterioration of the human rights situaiton in Iran, including that of persons belonging to religious minorities, the European Union has adopted sanctions against 87 named Iranian officials responsible for human rights violations. In this context, judge Pir-Abbasi, who was in charge of Saeed Abedini's trial, is listed for his participation in the court cases against protesters following the Presidential elections in Iran.

Whilst I am aware that the Commission already has established guidelines on ethical practices in third countries and that donations such as these would be very difficult to ban, does it not agree that any donations made by European companies to lobbying organisations should be made public in a central register of overseas political donations?

The Commission does not plan to establish a publicly available central register of overseas political donations. Establishment of such a register is not in the competence of the Commission. Diffusione di un'allerta meteo di rilevanza regionale a cittadini di altri Stati UE in transito in un'area interessata da fenomeni meteorologici straordinari.

I servizi di informazione sul traffico in parola saranno disponibili agli utilizzatori finali mediante differenti canali di diffusione, quali pannelli a messaggio variabile, dispositivi personali di navigazione e terminali installati a bordo dei veicoli. In spite of that, many heavy goods vehicles, mostly with foreign number plates, were still circulating, probably because drivers were unaware of the ban imposed by the Italian authorities to deal with the snow emergency.

In the light of this, can the Commission say:. Then specifications for the provision of EU-wide real time traffic information services, which are planned for early , will define common principles and functionalities in order to provide user oriented and location relevant traffic information on EU roads. This traffic information services will be available to end users via different dissemination channels such as variable message signs, personal navigation devices and in-vehicle terminals. Ook is er subsidie voor een Turkse migrantenorganisatie die voorheen onderdeel uitmaakte van een vereniging waar Turkse PvdA-politici bij betrokken zijn.

Kan de Commissie aangeven hoeveel EU-subsidie de gemeente Rotterdam het afgelopen jaar en voor dit jaar heeft ontvangen? Hoeveel van deze subsidies wordt verleend in het kader van het ESF en dan specifiek met de doelstelling. Kan de Commissie aangeven of er gedurende de looptijd van de subsidieperiode of in ieder geval achteraf een kosten-batenanalyse van deze subsidieverleningen plaatsvindt?

Er bestaat geen subsidie in het kader van het ESF die specifiek gericht is op de integratie van migranten. Het Nederlandse operationele programma OP bevat twee subsidieacties voor re-integratie: Actie J bestrijdt jeugdwerkeloosheid. Budget voor het ESF-programma in de periode Op basis van het Nederlandse OP moeten alle projecten die gesubsidieerd worden door het ESF voorzien zijn van indicatoren die de behaalde resultaten weergeven bv. De resultaten dienen gerapporteerd te worden in de eindverklaring van het project.

De resultaten voor het ESF-programma worden elk jaar door de Nederlandse beheersautoriteit. A Turkish migrant organisation, previously part of an association with which Turkish PvdA politicians are involved, is also receiving subsidies. Can the Commission indicate what EU subsidies were paid to the municipality of Rotterdam last year and this year to date?

Is a cost-benefit analysis in respect of these subsidies carried out while they are being paid or afterwards? If so, on what criteria is it based? If not, why not? If it emerges that the Rotterdam municipal authority has been negligent in its management of EU subsidies or has fallen short of the necessary standards of transparency and responsibility, what possibilities exist of imposing penalties or recovering the subsidies paid?

There is no specific ESF earmarking for integration of migrants. The Dutch operational programme OP contains two subsidy actions for re-integration: Action J, tackling youth unemployment. Budgets for the ESF programme:. The results must be reported in the final project declaration. The Dutch ESF regulation. De Commissie zal echter overeenkomstig overweging 50 van Verordening EU nr.

De voorwaarden voor halal producten zijn niet op EU-niveau vastgesteld en zijn met name afhankelijk van particuliere regelingen die per lidstaat verschillen. Daarom wordt slachting zonder bedwelming niet systematisch gebruikt voor het produceren van halal kip, afhankelijk van de behoeften van islamitische klanten. Chickens are slaughtered without stunning in order to count as halal.

For that purpose an imam has to be present. Under EU legislation, is an imam certified to carry out the slaughter of animals? The qualification for Halal products is not regulated at EU level and it mainly depends on private schemes which vary among the Member States. Therefore, slaughter without stunning is not systematically used to produce Halal chicken, depending on the requirements of the Muslim clients. Pozycja Gazpromu na rynku Europejskim. In the past two years Gazprom have made many acquisitions in the European energy market. In addition, the Russian group has made significant investments in the upstream sector, acquiring stakes in gas deposits in, among other places, Germany and the North Sea including the Middelie and Emerald deposits.

At the same time it is attempting to block investments connected with potential alternative gas supplies e. What measures is the Commission taking to increase competitiveness in the transmission and trading of gas for Europe? How has the Commission reacted to Gazprom's attempts to restrict opportunities for developing real competition in the gas market?

Gazprom is subject to these provisions the same as any other company active in EU markets, regardless of its place of registration. Those rules provide for a level playing field offering equal opportunities, but also equal responsibilities. The Commission is committed to the completion of the internal market in gas including specifically the implementation of the Third Energy Package in Member States as well as the harmonisation of market rules.

These are significant steps towards the creation of competitive markets for the benefit of EU consumers. The Commission suspected three anti-competitive practices:. The opening of proceedings signals the start of an in-depth investigation, but does not prejudge its outcome.

In light of the application of the simplified procedure, and the absence of special circumstances, the transactions did not give rise to competition concerns and were accordingly cleared by the Commission. The goods were imported from Taiwan in order to avoid paying EU safeguard duties. This allowed the companies concerned to pay a rate of 5. What are the average yearly costs to the economies of EU Member States as a result of fraud and attempts to circumvent anti-dumping duties?

Please provide a breakdown by Member State. Once sufficient prima facie evidence was available with respect to imports of silicon metal, the Commission initiated an anti-circumvention investigation and made imports from Taiwan subject to registration.

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The Commission has been informed that all importing Member States initiated recovery proceedings. Despite the continuing sanctions, Iran remains a significant oil trader. Spain, Portugal and Greece were buying significant amounts of Iranian oil. What are the costs of converting oil processing facilities to a new raw material? Iran sells its oil to Russia and the countries of central Asia.

What assurances are there that these countries do not then sell the oil to Europe? Are the funds provided to Afghanistan as part of the Multiannual Indicative Programme for the reconstruction of the country used to pay for Iranian oil, bought in accordance with the fuel supply contract concluded between Tehran and Kabul in ? One of the objectives of the measures is to prevent Iran from using revenues derived from its energy sector to fund its proliferation-sensitive nuclear activities. The Commission does not dispose of precise information regarding possible losses incurred by Spain, Portugal or Greece as a result of the oil ban.

Crude oil refineries are calibrated to process crude oil with particular characteristics. Processing different crude oils would generally produce sub-optimal results, and could reduce profit margins. The precise losses would depend on the circumstances. The ban on import of Iranian oil is having a significant effect in further restricting the financial resources available to Iran to develop its proliferation-sensitive nuclear activites. EU operators are therefore under an obligation not to circumvent the Iranian oil ban, including by obtaining it via third countries.

The primary responsibility for enforcement of sanctions rests with the MS'. Funds provided to Afghanistan in the framework of the Multiannual Indicative Programme are used to support health, agriculture and governance projects through trust funds administered by the World Bank and the UN. The opposition in Ukraine has pointed out that political parties have been deprived of their influence when it comes to referenda, and that the law was adopted principally with the aim of making it possible for the president to the elected by the parliament, rather than via a general election.

They also need to be in full compliance of required procedures. The reform of the Constitution of Ukraine needs to take place according to the mechanism established by the Constitution in place. Rare earth materials are critical to hundreds of technological solutions. They are therefore essential to continued technological progress and greater innovation in the European Union. The fact that they are used so widely means that demand has increased, while opportunities for increasing the amounts extracted are diminishing. By how much does the Commission estimate that prices of the components used in, for example, photovoltaics have risen due to reduced imports of rare earth metals?

Currently the dispute proceedings are ongoing. Generally, the level of price increases for the industries using rare earths elements depends on where they stand in the value chain, their location, the technologies used and market conditions i. In some cases, in downstream parts of the value chain, the small amount of rare earths used in the final consumer product e.

In other cases, at more intermediary stages of the production chain, such cost for companies can be significant, as the share of rare earths used in their industrial applications, yet not end-products, can be important e. In Estonia was targeted by Russian hackers, prompting Tallinn to introduce a strategy for Internet defence, or war. A number of other countries, including Iran, Japan and India, are working to develop their own versions. These strategies include the use of viruses. In Europe the issue of Internet security is becoming a major economic factor.

Is the Commission planning to draw up guidelines for Member States with a view to improving coordination of Internet security policy? What does the Commission see as the essential priorities for increasing European Internet security? The Commission considers that cyber threats are increasing and that there are clear gaps in Member States' preparedness and cooperation. Recruitment to the European External Action Service EEAS was supposed to take place in line with a flexibly applied principle of nationality and gender balance.

Only 4 of the ambassadors are Poles. When will there be a review of the guidelines for recruitment, and when will new staff be taken on, particularly to fill ambassador posts? Parliament has, on a number of occasions, called on the EEAS to improve recruitment processes in order to cut operational costs. Subject to progress made on the one third target of national diplomats, the EEAS intends to adapt its recruitment procedures to reflect a more refined personnel policy combining career perspectives of officials and the contribution of temporary agents to the EEAS.

The costs associated with the holding of panels could be decreased once the EEAS population is stabilised. People from the Uzbek village of Hushar attacked a newly built Kyrgyz border watchtower and then entered Kyrgyz territory. As a consequence of this incident, 34 Kyrgyz residents from a nearby village were captured and imprisoned in Sokh.

However, the situation remains tense and both sides are accusing one another of having incited the incident. What action is the European External Action Service taking to bring about a sustainable peace agreement between the two countries? Does the Uzbek minority in Kyrgyzstan receive humanitarian aid from the European Union?

The EU is concerned about reports of incidents at the Kyrgyz-Uzbek border. The EU has provided humanitarian assistance to the victims of the inter-ethnic clashes to finance food and non-food items' distribution, shelter, protection and water sanitation activities. Besides, crisis-response measures were activated through the Instrument for Stability IfS.

Such measures aimed at reconstruction, reconciliation and the establishment of a democratic constitutional framework, notably with a view to assisting the Government to follow up on the recommendations from international and internal reports on the inter-ethnic clashes, increasing confidence-building opportunities and assisting the governments with the border demarcation process.

According to calculations made by US experts, the energy produced by wind turbines has to be subsidised and bought up by state agencies because it is uncompetitive. A unit of energy from this source is at least 12 times more expensive for the taxpayer taking into account the subsidies than energy derived from fossil fuels, such as oil, coal or gas, and 6.

What is the cost of wind energy production in Europe and what, according to the Commission, are the price differences between the production of energy from wind and from other sources? Will the subsidising of production by, for example, Germany, not affect electricity prices in neighbouring countries, resulting in network congestion and uneconomic production?

Does the Commission intend to establish common rules on subsidies for energy production for all EU countries? Available evidence suggests that the costs of electricity generation for onshore wind are roughly in the same range as for conventional power plants. A comparison of levelised costs of electricity for different technologies done by the IEA in puts onshore wind still somewhat higher than coal and gas. The availability in Germany of electricity produced at low marginal costs such as wind has the effect of lowering wholesale prices.

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To the extent that prices are correlated because of cross-border trade, this effect will also be reflected in lower wholesale prices in neighbouring markets. Regarding networks, the change in the generation structure in Germany. Both are currently under revision. The Commission has moreover announced that it will come forward with guidance for Member States on support schemes for renewable energy and on measures to ensure generation adequacy. Nos termos do artigo 4. The report underlines what we have been saying for some time: The Council has stated on a number of occasions that the fight against terrorism has to take place in full respect of international law, including human rights law, international humanitarian law and refugee law, and that the existence of secret detention facilities where detained persons are kept in a legal vacuum is not in conformity with international law.

There is a regular dialogue between EU and US legal advisers on the international law aspects of the fight against terrorism, where questions such as the arrest, detention, interrogation and transfer of terrorist suspects are discussed. The EU has welcomed the determination of the United States of America to close the Guantanamo Bay detention facility together with other steps taken, including the intensive review of its detention, transfer, trial and interrogation policies in the fight against terrorism and increased transparency about past practices in regard to these policies, as well as the elimination of secret detention facilities.

This means that the work of Member States' intelligence agencies for national security matters remains the sole responsibility of Member States. All national acts, including those carried out by the intelligence services, are subject to the jurisdiction of the European Court of Human Rights, which is competent to declare whether such acts do or do not respect the fundamental rights and freedoms recognised in that Convention.

The creation of joint committees, along with labour inspections and cooperation between police authorities, has resolved similar issues in Spain and the Netherlands. Will it consider urging the Swiss authorities to find solutions, including the creation of joint committees, to help dismantle such networks of exploitation? The Commission is not aware of the facts referred to by the Honourable Member.

For the time being the Commission does not have any indication according to which the Swiss system for the protection of workers would be insufficient for dealing with this type of cases. The Commission will seek more information and clarification and intends to raise this case in the context of its regular contacts with the Swiss authorities in due course. Ao abrigo do artigo Suspicions that some beef ready meals may contain horsemeat have recently been confirmed in several EU Member States. The products were not labelled with accurate information regarding the origin and composition of the meat they contained.

What steps will it take to protect public health and to eliminate any suspicions that beef and horsemeat may be unfit for consumption? As regards criminal law, what initiatives are planned to coordinate the criminal investigations triggered in several EU countries to determine the origin of the fraud that led to the use of horsemeat instead of beef?

What criminal sanctions are planned should fraud be uncovered? To date, there is no indication on the subject which raises a safety concern. Appropriate enforcement of EU legislation can eliminate fraudulent practices, mainly by means of regular official controls based on appropriate risk analysis and the imposition of effective dissuasive sanctions. The Commission has been active both on political and technical levels in coordinating the pending investigations in the Member States concerned.

Schuman Lecture , Maastricht University.

H.O.P.E. What You Eat Matters (2018) - Full Documentary (Subs: FR/PT/ES/ZH/NL)

Lebensformen im globalen Zeitalter Distant Love with E. Die Neuvermessung der Ungleichheit unter den Menschen: Jahrhundert Suhrkamp, Frankfurt a. Weltrisikogesellschaft World at Risk Suhrkamp, Frankfurt a. Ulrich Beck y Elisabeth Beck-Gernsheim: Das kosmopolitische Europa Cosmopolitan Europe with E. Grande Suhrkamp, Frankfurt a. Globales Amerika Global America with N. Willms Suhrkamp, Frankfurt a. Die Zukunft von Arbeit und Demokratie Ed. Perspektiven der Weltgesellschaft Ed. Andreas Diekmann and Carlo C.

Kinder der Freiheit Ed. Riskante Freiheiten with E. Beck-Gernsheim Suhrkamp, Frankfurt a. Individualisierung in modernen Gesellschaften — Perspektiven und Kontroversen einer subjektorientierten Soziologie Kap. Eine Kontroverse Reflexive Modernization with A. Definitionsmacht und Grenzen angewandter Sozialwissenschaft. Risikogesellschaft Risk Society Suhrkamp, Frankfurt a.

Soziologie und Praxis Soziale Welt: Selected publications on Ulrich Beck to be added later. Gallen Symposium - Global Inequalities and the Human Rights Regime — The Global Chaos of Love — Initiative and Manifesto with Ulrich Beck The fight for a cosmopolitan future — Distant Love — The digital freedom risk: More justice through more Europe — Five minutes with Ulrich Beck: Books by Ulrich Beck in English.