How to Be an Adult: A Handbook on Psychological And Spritual Integration

How to Be an Adult: A Handbook on Psychological and Spiritual Integration

May 26, Aimee Barnes Pestano rated it really liked it. An accessible synopsis of the hero's journey and integration of the self. Richo combines wisdom from Buddhism and Catholicism as well as his decades of experience working as a psychotherapist and retreat leader to instruct on evolving from a neurotic ego to a healthy one. This book is a useful guide for people in recovery from substance use disorders, eating disorders or codependency, as well as mental health professionals and coaches working with clients who have chosen to embark on the hero's An accessible synopsis of the hero's journey and integration of the self.

This book is a useful guide for people in recovery from substance use disorders, eating disorders or codependency, as well as mental health professionals and coaches working with clients who have chosen to embark on the hero's quest. Aug 19, Claudia Loureiro rated it it was amazing Shelves: Even though I am well into my adult years, this book has been an absolute eye-opener to me in so many ways. It is written in a very concise manner, as the author states at the outset, and is extremely straightforward in approach.

This book is about growth and it is filled with love, kindness and gentleness! I've invited a couple of friends to read it with me.

How to Be an Adult: A Handbook for Psychological and Spiritual Integration

Being a Psychological Adult I really got a lot out of this book. The authors take a number of psychological issues that arise during childhood and shoe how those issues should be handled as a well-adjusted adult. Along with the Information are ways to work on what is holding you back so that you can heal your past. Oct 05, Jen rated it it was amazing.

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I recommend everyone read this. It contains more wisdom and truth than one could get out of many years of therapy. His integration of accountability, spirituality, and responsibility set this book apart from others. He is direct, concise, and clear. I stumbled onto this book during a recent silent retreat.

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I stumbled onto this book during a recent silent retreat. The authors take a number of psychological issues that arise during childhood and shoe how those issues should be handled as a well-adjusted adult. But I was not sure what it really means to be an adult and how I can be one. A little intense, since I could really identify some of my own emotional habits being elucidated kind of like having a bright light turned on in a previously dark room This book is a bit of a dry read but it was one of the most life changing books I've ever read in regards to understanding myself. I don't re-read books often, but this is one I've thoroughly benefitted from coming back to time and time again. Great lists and examples throughout, very clearly and clearly, thoughtfully written.

I liked it enough that I bought a second book of his. The first part of this book has made me know that I still keep using pacifier. It's a pretty short and compact book, but very dense. I'll need to read it again when the slaps I've got from it's first reading sediment in some way. I will definitely reference back to this book in the future. Very insightful and gives me a lot to think about. Jan 04, Colin rated it it was amazing. I read this carefully over a few years even though it's a thin book. I wanted to mull over his writing. It served me well. Mar 25, Terri Strange rated it really liked it.

Dec 04, Sharon rated it really liked it.

How to Be an Adult: A Handbook on Psychological and Spiritual Integration by David Richo

Deceptively short book; took a year to read, will probably refer to it throughout the rest of my life. Dec 12, Jul 12, Colleen Wainwright rated it it was amazing Shelves: One of the best books I've read on living mindfully in the real world, both from the "why" and the practical, how-to perspectives. Great lists and examples throughout, very clearly and clearly, thoughtfully written. However, for something geared toward a modern, non-academic audience, it's incredibly nutrient-dense. I had to move through it slowly, but still steadily: The great news is that while it was not an easy-breezy read, it was a richly satisfying one.

I can see why this is a book that therapists recommend I'm reading the copy of a friend whose therapist does just that , as it does such a great job of integrating modern theory with spiritual practices. Apr 21, Corrie Campbell rated it really liked it Shelves: It is a sound book which emphasizes ideas and techniques that helps oneself do the personal work needed to enrich our lives by breaking old patterns and seeing what's going on in our blind spots. It is a book to help with your shadow-work.

The book is broken down into a few parts besides the Intro, Summary and a Reflected Reading section: Personal Work, Relationship Issues, and Integration.

Each is self explanatory. This book will help one to "understand the origin of a reaction that disturbs you, Apr 06, Melissa Greene rated it it was amazing.

How to be an adult : a handbook on psychological and spiritual integration

I am not sure how I've missed this book over all these years, but I do believe that books find us. This book is definitely a treasure that I will refer to again and again, both for personal development and a reference in the treatment I provide through psychotherapy.

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How to Be an Adult: A Handbook for Psychological and Spiritual Integration [ David Richo] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Using the. By David Richo - How to Be an Adult: A Handbook on Psychological and Spiritual Integration Paperback – May 28, How to Be an Adult in Relationships: The Five Keys to Mindful Loving by David Richo Paperback $ How to Be an Adult in Relationships: The Five Keys to Mindful.

Already many of my clients are tired of hearing about it! This book follows the theme of the hero's journey described by Joseph Campbell-- that in all our lives there is a call to higher consciousness, the struggle in working toward I am not sure how I've missed this book over all these years, but I do believe that books find us. This book follows the theme of the hero's journey described by Joseph Campbell-- that in all our lives there is a call to higher consciousness, the struggle in working toward this, and the return home.

I love that this book focuses on how our relationships with others are critical to moving through these phases. I also love Riccho's thoughtful and intelligent writing style; particularly toward the end as he describes for us the personal integration we can all hope to attain upon returning to our whole and authentic selves. This is definitely one of the best books I've ever read on living each day more consciously and as an "adult.

May 20, Steffan Bard rated it it was amazing. I don't re-read books often, but this is one I've thoroughly benefitted from coming back to time and time again. The wisdom here is quite rich, and I'd dare to say this is the most "nutrient dense" book I've read to date. The clarity with which Richo elaborates on so many key predicaments of the human experience is refreshing and challenging. A lot of it helps cut through the polarizing nature that's all too easy to approach issues of life.

For instance, on control, we might think we need to give I don't re-read books often, but this is one I've thoroughly benefitted from coming back to time and time again. For instance, on control, we might think we need to give up control or we might be tempted to control too much in our lives, whereas Richo affirms - I let go of control while not losing control. I agree with another reviewer who said that anyone who seriously seeks to digest the contents of this book will be much further ahead for having done so as far as maturity and personal integration go.

All in all, it's become one of my favorite books.. Jan 30, Paul Blaney rated it really liked it. I decided it was probably time to learn this trick! This is a very slim volume but a very dense one. Like a series of notes that could have been worked up into a page book. I'm glad they weren't, but this one requires plenty of pauses for thought. I like, too, how the author brings together psychology and spirituality. With a good dose of Jung. And lots of wonderful quotes and valuable affirmations.

The book is patterned on the hero's journey, although here the route is from neurotic ego via I decided it was probably time to learn this trick! The book is patterned on the hero's journey, although here the route is from neurotic ego via struggle to adult ego and finally spiritual integration.

Like in the T. Eliot poem, you have to take the long way around to get back to where you began or where you were all along, unwittingly and recognize it for the first time. Sep 21, Melinda rated it it was amazing. Richo uses the metaphor of the heroic journey to describe the process toward psychological and spiritual maturity.

First he discusses "personal work" and the three challenges to adulthood: Then he discusses relationships and the dual problem of maintaining personal boundaries and establishing appropriate intimacy. Finally, he discusses the techniques of integration: This guide contains useful quotations, summary reflections, and affirmations, as well as other techniques that give concrete advice on the process of growth. Recommended for seminary and public libraries. Aug 02, ambyr rated it really liked it Shelves: This is basically all of talk therapy condensed into a hundred pages.

I have a mixed relationship at best with talk therapy, but I do think it has its useful points, and this is a hell of a cheaper way to get at them than paying for a few hour-long sessions. The chapter on anger was particularly powerful, and did a good job explaining how to separate anger-the-feeling from its more dramatic manifestations. The chapter on dream analysis, on the other hand, should probably be skipped unless you hav This is basically all of talk therapy condensed into a hundred pages.

The chapter on dream analysis, on the other hand, should probably be skipped unless you have a far higher tolerance for woo than I do. View all 3 comments.

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May 29, Pam rated it it was amazing. A very short book, but very chewy. Richo breaks down some of the challenges that individuals face in relationship to themselves and those they are in relationship with. He also outlines how to identify certain belief and behavioral patterns that might keep individuals stuck in certain ways of being and some alternatives to those learned behaviors.

A little intense, since I could really identify some of my own emotional habits being elucidated kind of like having a bright light t A very short book, but very chewy. How to Be an Adult in Relationships: How to Be an Adult This is one of the most straightforward, down-to-earth, yet complex and deep books about healthy adult behavior that I have read.

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