Loving Maya (Entwined Book 3)

Entwined Series

Tommy smells Maya who followed him in her parents car.

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But Tommy blackout as the full moon rises. He wakes up in a cage at Marcos junkyard with Maya.

She says none of Marcos men survived. Eli, Evan, Steve Albert, rest six pack.

Maya had managed getting them in cages by leading Tommy in. Tommy was the alpha WOLF everyone followed.

Six pack went back to their original spot Tommy stayed with Maya. Maya got a book on werewolves from Marcos junkyard, which Tommy left open for free. Ends Tommy and Maya leaving. Mar 28, Lisa Curry rated it it was amazing. I just like different POVs. I feel like I can get a better understanding of each character based on their previous life events that truely develop a great character. You can view the Vampire Love Story books in Chronological order on the author's website. The Entwined Series novels are just coming out in Werewolf Love Story Available "Tommy" 2.

The rise of Kyro Coming in March "Tommy" 3.

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Vampire Love Story Available "Josiah" 6. Werewolf Whisperer Available "Josiah" 7. Tommy and Lena Coming in September "Tommy" 8. Werewolves Available "Josiah" 9. Loyalty Proven Coming in November "Tommy" Vampire Love Story 6: Divine Blood "Josiah" From there, a new saga begins Jun 16, Samantha rated it really liked it. The ending actually made me want to go on with the series. I have to make the corny comparison, I just have to. The vampire and werewolf series are like night and day, they are so different in writing style and detail. Instead of focusing on Tom The ending actually made me want to go on with the series.

Instead of focusing on Tommy and his love life, now the readers are getting into the nitty gritty life of a werewolf and the ending will get you interested enough to go straight to the next book. Thank you for reading my review, even though this one was kind of short. I just love this series Tommy is great, I love his sense of humor and I love how much he loves Maya. I like that he tries to keep his werewolf life apart form his human life for Maya and that Maya will do what she has to, to defend him although I did feel like she needed to be smacked for trying to take part of his being away by asking him not to fight anymore The good thing with a love like theirs though is that problems like that can all be worked through..

Another great read by H. Ni I just love this series Night and I definitely recommend it Aug 19, Bethany Glenn etheridge rated it liked it. I read this series before the "Vampire love story" series, and I like it that way, there is a huge plot twist in the "vampire live story" that I'm glad I didn't know when reading this series.

Jul 15, Truitti rated it really liked it. Jul 07, Lauren rated it liked it. Too easy and short.

Werewolf Without a Cause

Jul 09, Brandy Blackerby rated it it was amazing Shelves: May 06, Barbara rated it really liked it. Want to Read Currently Reading Read. Refresh and try again. Open Preview See a Problem? Thanks for telling us about the problem. Return to Book Page. Preview — Loving Maya by H. Loving Maya Entwined 3 by H. In the aftermath of the incident at the kennels, Tommy struggles with the challenges of his werewolf form and adjusting to his once-a-month turning. He vows to keep his immortal existence a secret in his growing friendship with Josiah, in order to protect him.

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Loving Maya (Immortal Warriors Book 3) - Kindle edition by H.T. Night. Paranormal Romance I have to get it, like, NOW!Loving Maya (Entwined Series #4). Werewolf Love Story (Entwined, #1), Werewolf Love Story: Part One, Werewolf Love Book 3. Loving Maya. by H.T. Night. · Ratings · 11 Reviews ·.

As Tommy's MMA career begins to In the aftermath of the incident at the kennels, Tommy struggles with the challenges of his werewolf form and adjusting to his once-a-month turning. Maya and Tommy's love reaches a new pinnacle as Tommy decides that he is going to propose to Maya. This act of love sets in motion a series of events that will change all of their lives forever. Kindle Edition , pages.

Entwined 3 , Immortal Warriors 3. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. To ask other readers questions about Loving Maya , please sign up. Lists with This Book. Jul 27, Samantha Woods rated it it was amazing. This book is Amazingly devastating This book is about Tommy and Maya's plans for the future, their hopes and dreams and then devastating loss It is a definite tear jerker and I shed many, many tears I know when I read the next book..

Werewolf without a cause I will need tissues next to me cause I have a feeling tears will be shed there too This is a must read! May 28, Natalie rated it liked it. I was expecting some sort of wolf revenge after the previous book. Maya and the pack are safe but Dave is still missing. This one was sad but from the start it kinda sets the tragedy up.

Jun 29, Myra Wray rated it it was amazing. Once again I have found a good book in this story.

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I found it hard to put it down until the end. Apr 12, Melanie rated it really liked it. This was such a great read! I loved the flow of the story til the very end! Literally the very end. Nov 20, Arlene Adams rated it really liked it Shelves: I'm glad I didn't give into my assumptions when I started reading this one. This book is 5 in the Entwined Series. They can be read as stand alone's. I believe I would have been more emotional if I would had read 1- 4 because I would had an emotional tie to the characters.

Don't get me wrong, this book is a raw emotional ride. The book starts out outside of a bar and werewolf Tommy Jenkins is itching to fight. He has lost the love of his life Maya Reign, 4 has the traumatic event, and he can't get control of himself. He is drinking and wanting to fight anything that will give him cause to. He eventually ends up on a bender in Las Vegas. This is where this series is different than others I have read. He can actually get drunk and hung-over on regular booze, and he even blacks out. Annie is out with her girlfriend in a diner and Tommy decides to go in and mess with them after he sees them in the diner.

Werewolf Without a Cause (Entwined Series #5) by H.T. Night

Later on, he meets back up with Annie after being shot down. They go out and Tommy decides if it was a different time, he could have loved her. At the end of their night, Annie drops a bomb that completely changes everything, and he reveals to her that he is a werewolf The question is, does she believe him. Must read to find out! Tommy is in so much pain.

Tommy is also a MMA fighter and even training mode, he is drinking. In the few moments we read about him fighting in the octagon, you can tell that he is really battling his inner-self while fighting his opponent. He really needs to get himself together before he loses the only 'family' he has left, Josiah Reign, Maya's brother. Tommy is Josiah's everything: Mentor, brother and friend. Right now, the tables are actually turned, and Josiah is left being the 'adult' in the situation.

Tommy ends up back in Vegas and it's nothing like before When he arrives back at the house he now shares with Josiah, things are changing and I'm thinking that might be part of the next book. The ending was NOT what I thought was going to happen. Tommy does something that probably so many people think about when grieving the lost of their love ones, but what happened brought tears to my eyes.

I loved this book, it's darkly deep and it's not like your average werewolf book. Tommy doesn't know what is happening to him when he is in his werewolf form. The vampires in this book are interesting. They almost watch out for him, but not all of them. It's unique twist on paranormal writing and I want to read more. I am hoping that books 1- 4 have more about this world of the vampires and werewolves.

I'm writing the review so sure, why not.

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This book is raw, emotional and powerful. You can feel his pain when you are reading, but there are a few grammatical errors it's the editor in me that made me have to stop and re-read the sentence to make sure I read it correctly. I yelled, laughed and cried with Tommy. I'm hoping that this book is a the turn for the good for him.

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He deserves happiness, but only he can make it happen. Nov 22, Arlene Adams rated it really liked it Shelves: Tommy went to Las Vegas. I sat there at the table for eight hours and was up three grand. There was nothing in my pockets. Tommy gets wallet back. Tommy runs into Annie who he's attracted too. She was outside a c Tommy went to Las Vegas. She was outside a coffee shop. He bought a Harley Davidson. Annie call Tommy to turn her. Woke up exactly 30 miles from his bike. Then sasha shows up.

Her mani friends made sure no tandra humans harmed him. Sashes trays CON him into taking out vampires she claimed where friends but Tommy saw it coming I went to my bank and I pulled out twenty thousand. In Vegas lost it all. Then took out 80,