Toxic Faith - Liberal Cure

This book is an answer to those who claim that liberalism is immoral and is somehow destroying the values of this country. Using quiet, confident scholarship and reason, the authors seek to restore and energize a more informed Christian faith. It is designed to be read by everyone who is alarmed about the political encroachments of the religious right: Again, conservatives may not buy the arguments in the end, but at least theyre speaking in a language conservatives will understand.

Ramsey, National Review Online, February 15, "Having trouble coming up with responses to the religious right on critical issues of the day? This book is a scholarly, yet down-to-earth discussion of topics such as patriotism, war, poverty, abortion, homosexuality and the environment. Each chapter includes talking points that can raise your comfort level in responding to the uninformed or biased rhetoric of the right. I love that each chapter concludes with suggestions for positive action and discussion points.

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Powers "In our sound byte-addicted world of attack-journalism, I'm amazed that a book can find its way into publication that thoughtfully addresses the most difficult moral issues of our time without name-calling and political posturing. Don't let the title fool you - this is not an outlet for liberals to counter-attack the extreme-right. This book addresses the most contentious issues of our time from a background of faith that helps the reader look at their own beliefs and gain empathy for others' beliefs.

Andersen, Washington, DC "This book is the only one that directly and concisely addresses some of the most difficult religious issues that are discussed in the public arena these days. It includes obvious choices such as abortion and homosexuality, but it also gives thoughtful consideration to poverty, the environment and the war. In language that is understandable by almost everyone, the authors present significant research from the Judeo-Christian Scriptures and the historical record that set straight many of the misconceptions of the religious right.


It also provides very helpful talking points and suggestions for personal actions related to the topics. Read on your iOS and Android devices Get more info. Capabilities Text to speech. A New Evangelical Manifesto. One Nation Under God. The Church's Social Responsibility: Reflections on Evangelicalism and Social Justice. Religion in Social Conflict. The Baptizing of America. The New Shape of World Christianity.

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Elliot and Laura L. So, cults represent in highly concentrated form what can happen in the run-of-the-mill church or ministry that becomes extremely toxic. In language that is understandable by almost everyone, the authors present significant research from the Judeo-Christian Scriptures and the historical record that set straight many of the misconceptions of the religious right. It includes obvious choices such as abortion and homosexuality, but it also gives thoughtful consideration to poverty, the environment and the war. Covers all major world religions.

The Mark of Jesus. Just Peace Theory Book One. How the Nations Rage. Is the Good Book Good Enough? The New Evangelical Social Engagement. The Light in the City. The Future of Evangelicalism in America. When Faith Storms the Public Square. Participating in God's Mission. Lost in the Middle? Toward a Balanced Message.

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Bruch, Daniel C.

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Reviews "Liberal" is not a four-letter word. Ramsey , National Review Online, February 15, "Having trouble coming up with responses to the religious right on critical issues of the day? Powers "In our sound byte-addicted world of attack-journalism, I'm amazed that a book can find its way into publication that thoughtfully addresses the most difficult moral issues of our time without name-calling and political posturing.

Andersen , Washington, DC "This book is the only one that directly and concisely addresses some of the most difficult religious issues that are discussed in the public arena these days. Ratings and Reviews 0 0 star ratings 0 reviews. Overall rating No ratings yet 0. How to write a great review Do Say what you liked best and least Describe the author's style Explain the rating you gave Don't Use rude and profane language Include any personal information Mention spoilers or the book's price Recap the plot.

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