A Dream, A Nightmare, A Reality

Sleep paralysis – when reality and your biggest nightmares collide

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February 9, at You have stated the truth of the situation passionately. February 7, at 2: Levitan , p. Try not to spend too much time each day reading all the terrible news articles, quotes, and memes. It is my view that an honest communist can now no longer say that the state can be done away with entirely—these true threats require a handful of true bureaucrats to manage them.

They are the projection of a civilization in utter crisis. In a terrifying circle we are being forced into deeper dream to cope with this. As witches we must dare to confront this rather than seek comfort.

We must look at our world as it is, and it is a desperate and painful ordeal to undergo. Yet the pain of the world is what we are masking by accepting the false dreams of our fallen empire whose jaws still devour even in its death throes. I have grown tired of sitting silently watching the world burn. I was quiet through the abuse of two narcissistic ex common law partners who were accepted members of my spiritual community. How I had left one abuser and, after a couple years of healing, ended up with another who was even worse.

I felt weak and stupid, like it was my fault. But they lie so well, it could happen to anyone. I am a strong woman and it crushed my soul to be fooled twice.

It is not fair to have to be so strong, to have to stand up to your abuser, to stand up for your own sanity on a daily basis. I still live in fear that it will happen to me again. And now I sit here in the middle of nowhere in the apocalyptic, snow-covered landscape of rural Canada and watch it happen to entire nations of people. I weep as I realize our governments and the big corporations who fund them are the sociopathic narcissistic spouse to we, the common people.

I watched our former Canadian prime minister remove environmental protections on national parks and conservation areas so they can be mined for resources and have pipelines built through them. Despite its status as a conservation area, trees were cut, helicopter landing pads were built, samples were taken, and a pipeline will be built right through the heart of the mountain out to the sea inlet on the other side so tankers can ship oil to China.

Protesters came in droves, local residents fought back, First Nations set up a camp, and even the city mayor and other local officials protested and took legal action against it despite the risk of their going to prison. The police showed up in riot gear and the protester camp was dismantled. People did go to prison. None of it mattered, the pipeline was just approved by our new Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. This pipeline will go right through densely populated residential areas, elementary and high schools, a major university, and an environmental conservation area with a natural aquifer that feeds salmon habitats.

We have all heard of the movement protesting the Dakota Access Pipeline, and while it is the biggest protest against pipeline construction, it is by far not the only one. This is happening throughout North America, as are spills and explosions from existing pipelines, some of which have been covered up so they would not affect other pipeline projects undergoing the approval process. What is the local consensus? We focus on the pipelines, but our environment is under attack from more than big oil and the horrors of fracking.

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Mountains are being leveled for coal, the earth is being mined to depletion, pollution is not being addressed or reduced — not nearly enough to save us. More animal and plant species are becoming extinct every day than we could ever save, than we have ever had record of happening in history. Entire habitats and ecosystems are being destroyed. Dead animals fall from the sky and dead animals wash up on shorelines en masse. Animals starve to death and people starve to death. The earth, sea, and sky are all contaminated with the refuse of our greed and industrialization. Our addictions to capitalism, progress, growth, and technology will destroy our world and inevitably ourselves.

I watched the UK vote in favour of Brexit based on an anti-immigration platform with a forthcoming repeal of the Human Rights Act. It foreshadowed the escalation of racist and anti-immigrant views in the USA which were a big factor in Donald Trump winning the presidency. I am appalled that the prejudice and violence is bleeding into my own beloved Canada , one of the most peaceful countries in the world. Who will be the next target? More scientists and academics?

The disabled and developmentally challenged? Anyone of a non-Christian religion? No one has the luxury of feeling safe. Things are not okay people. We are not going to be okay. We have gone too far, we are too many, and we have caused too much harm. It will be the fall of humanity and the destruction of the Earth. All of civilization and all of nature is at risk. It makes me ill to see people agree with the oppressors and their vile beliefs and actions promoting racism, xenophobia, social injustice, and harm to the environment.

It breaks my heart to see people protest injustice in great numbers only to go back to their normal lives of satellite tv, starbucks coffee, yoga, and mindless phone scrolling the day after as if one protest would solve the problem and their work was done; someone else will do the rest. Have we become so numb, so insensitive that we can ignore the pain of other people and the cruelty we enact on Nature?

Have we become so dumb or so numb that we cannot see through obvious lies and propaganda? You are human and you should care what happens to everyone on this planet, not just what happens within your proximity or what you think will affect you. In doing so you are feeding and encouraging the cycle of abuse. You are telling the spirits of nature that you care not if they all perish. Force yourself to see the hate and evil swirling through the world like a deadly north wind. Look at the pain, feel the pain. Be thankful you have empathy. Be vigilant and when evil words become evil actions, speak out, act out.

Hypothesis and Theory ARTICLE

Do not remain silent, do not cast your eyes down. Humanity is all one, we are all brothers and sisters, we all share the same ancestors — all of us. You protect and fight for your family. Something is very wrong with our world today, with humanity today. Your heart knows for it is breaking, your body knows for your stomach churns with vomit, your spirit knows for it is screaming, and your mind knows even if you try to ignore it.

Do not let the words of others sway you from the truth. To be open, to care… it will hurt so much, you will just want it to be over, you will want to give up, you will want to die. If you give in, if too many of us give in, then the evil doers win. Fight your fear and fight the pain. Fear is the mindkiller, fear is the little death. Let it pass over and through you… Become the thing evil fears instead.

Dream-reality confusion in borderline personality disorder: a theoretical analysis

This is not about politics this is about LIFE. Find the voices who are speaking up, speaking out, and demanding action. Thorn Coyle , and fuck, read some Starhawk. Let yourself become incensed, your blood boiling with rage at injustice. When you are armed with knowledge, act. Do not fear, they should fear you, fear us, and what we might do. The evil doers depend on our goodness and kindness to result in inaction, in peace. When the enemy has no empathy, nothing can stir their hearts to guilt or compassion. You do not fight battles with kind words and hugs.

You cut the head off the snake and put it on a pike on public display so the other snakes slither away back into their dark holes. There must be consequences for evil or evil will prevail, spreading across the earth like a plague. Read science fiction, watch science fiction — those that focus on the worst outcomes and the best. Band together, stop infighting, stop the pettiness. Your actions speak worlds louder than empty arguments about who is more legitimate or powerful, who has a better origin story. We need poets, we need artists, we need musicians, we need writers, we need activists, we need warriors, and we most definitely need witches.

Use your talents to resist, to fight in any way you can. Religion has often been cited as a reference point, with some sufferers believing evil spirits may genuinely be causing the disturbance. Stacey De Silva, a fitness trainer from Queensland, told news.

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She attributed getting over it to her religious faith, saying after her last episode, she started reading the Bible and going to church. She has not had an episode since.

Scary dreams and reality - Sadhguru - LOL must watch

The good news, he says, is that sleep paralysis is completely harmless. While the experience may cause anxiety in sufferers, it has no lasting physical or mental effects.

Dream-reality confusion in borderline personality disorder: a theoretical analysis

Ultimately the key is just to consistently ensure you get enough sleep. So with that in mind, you might want to reconsider cutting your sleep time in half and substituting it with coffee. Not getting a good seven or eight hours per night could have scary consequences. Try to go to bed and wake up at the same time every day, and get seven to eight hours of sleep each night.

Try to finish dinner several hours before bedtime.

The reality of a dream becoming a nightmare

Exercise is an important tool in improving your sleep quality, but working out at night could disrupt your sleep schedule. Consider using blackout curtains, eye shades or ear plugs. Avoid using electronic devices at least half an hour before bed. Natural light can help you reset your body clock and ease into sleep earlier. A communist seeks conditions to end the state entirely and have all human society collectively managed.

And yet somehow, instead of ending the state, communism always seems to give rise to a soulless, all-controlling state under which human society is collectively ravaged, not managed. Things started well at the Winter Palace in St. It is my view that an honest communist can now no longer say that the state can be done away with entirely—these true threats require a handful of true bureaucrats to manage them. No mention of the untold millions of deaths — by some estimates over million — and the incalculable torment from murder and starvation caused by communist regimes.

And yet Razer blithely pronounces communism on the upswing and capitalism fatally ill.