The Men of Pride County: The Rebel


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Twenty-nine social housing applicants are to be taken off the list from next week as they move into new accommodation which is being The Grand Hotel is no longer open to walk-in business Santa Claus made a surprise visit to Wicklow town on Saturday and he had to A judge has refused to grant insurers the costs of two trials in which they covered a former senior Anglo Irish Bank executive charged Wicklow's Christmas Market experienced an influx of The development of improved visitor facilities at Avondale Forest Park has been given County nicknames are weird, wonderful Some are borne proudly The Rebel County , some are insulting Jackeens and some are just plain absurd Scallion Aters Final Whistle fell out of a tree and and landed on his head aged 13 - or at least that is the excuse we give when we can't remember basic things we learned in national school.

Breaking News National World Sport Roscommon incident was 'serious crime and we're treating it as such' Wilson in, Morata out at Chelsea Cleared for take-off in Newcastle The driveway up to the airfield in Newcastle is Developers considering other options for pedestrian access The council is in negotiations with the developers of the Time to move on plan for the area says councillor Councillor Gerry O'Neill is calling for a special meeting of Baltinglass Municipal District so The Grand Hotel shuts its doors to walk-in business The Grand Hotel is no longer open to walk-in business Wicklow at the heart of Celtic routes tourism initiative People from tourism Insurers refused costs of O'Mahoney trials A judge has refused to grant insurers the costs of two trials in which they covered a former senior Anglo Irish Bank executive charged Go-ahead for Avondale plans The development of improved visitor facilities at Avondale Forest Park has been given Noble - unwilling to see any more of his men continue to die in the harsh conditions of the camp - reluctantly agrees when he finds out that his new commanding officer, Colonel John Crowley, knows who the traitor in Noble's men is.

He heads to New Mexico territory with nothing more than vengeance and eventually freedom on his mind. That quickly gets put aside when he meets Juliet Crowley, the Colonel's outspoken and practical daughter. Juliet is reluctantly attracted to Noble, but she doesn't trust him an inch.

The Men of Pride County: The Rebel

How can she, after all? He betrayed his own country by fighting with the Confederacy, and she sees him as just another spoiled, indolent Southerner. When she sees Noble's willingness to serve her father and his honor in the field, however, it doesn't take long for her to fall hard.

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As for Noble, Juliet is everything he believes would make a bad lawyer's wife, but he can't help falling for her either. I loved Noble - he was so torn about making the wrong choices, but he never tried to pass the responsibility or stand accountable for the consequences.

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Juliet's confusion over her attraction for Noble, and her willingness to stand with her father and take care of him no matter what the cost was touching. And her realization that she and her father were both hiding behind their respective duties to each other hit close to home for me. A shining star in a series that has been somewhat frustrating so far. View all 4 comments. Apr 03, Cassie Cakes rated it really liked it.

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The Men of Pride County: The Rebel. by Rosalyn West. On Sale: 13/11/ Format: eBook. To read e-books on the HC Reader App download it on: (Opens in. (Third in The Men of Pride County series) Noble Banning has a choice- he can spend the duration of the war in a Union prison or follow his enemy to New.

Not just a romance trust me! Set in civil war era, after the fall of confederacy, Noble Banning and his men were taken prisoners by the union army after a failed operation due to a traitor in their own army, he and his men were offered to fight for a common cause in the west.

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Noble decides to have his men wear the darned union blue rather than seeing them die everyday in the camp. Also, he wants to know the traitor who have divulged their mission to the union army that killed cou Wonderful book! Also, he wants to know the traitor who have divulged their mission to the union army that killed couple of his men and their downfall.

In the mean time, Noble falls in love with the union general's daughter! Other than that and the whiny climax, nothing in this book is usual.

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Bernadette rated it liked it Jun 11, Ann rated it really liked it Jun 02, Jake rated it really liked it May 04, Lauren rated it really liked it Oct 04, Patchworkpenguin rated it really liked it Apr 07, Cyndy rated it it was amazing Aug 11, Darla rated it it was ok Oct 16, Amy Alvis rated it it was amazing Jul 10, Cindy Bolen rated it it was amazing Apr 13, You can remove the unavailable item s now or we'll automatically remove it at Checkout.

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Chi ama i libri sceglie Kobo e inMondadori. The Rebel Back to Romance. The Men of Pride County: Buy the eBook Price: Available in Russia Shop from Russia to buy this item. In this series Book 4.

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BookLuva28 marked it as to-read Dec 10, Sararollings added it Dec 29, Juliet's confusion over her attraction for Noble, and her willingness to stand with her father and take care of him no matter what the cost was touching. The Grand Hotel is no longer open to walk-in business Priscilla rated it really liked it Nov 19, Tipperary is known as the Premier County, basically because they have a superiority complex and feel that they are the best at everything. Rosalyn West is other pen name of Nancy Gideon.

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